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': Its. ;-£K;^.-lIMiII. It Stands to. Reason ■.-...■ .- . ~ . ■~_■.■ :,; ;■ ; Iv r^":'■'--■'' "'V"''""'■■.■ ■'•/^i^'l'T'^.H ' ' Common eene© tells you that . ••. •..'.. . • '. _ ~;■ ■ • ■ :' : % "■':, .~; ' * : .: - ;'-: '' - , -,i j?|y I m .%' ?B • ' ' KgiJPI Ixhkhl - mA If IP" ffn Ti^S^ Btm if &■':■. ■ ■ ..•.."'"■. *; 10 H ' the man who offers yon a Suit . hWk a ff&tfii*- :. mIM Bffi J^^m. S&• Bk ' / '•;• ...••■-•; m threat- g for less than the price at which l\ *:"" »»«« , ww^^w w lansHHip fcfi;h: 9 it can reasonably be made js , r \ ■ £=-^^:-^>^parfc:o£i ■■■ . . 75 TRAFALGAR STREET. "'aev; -i\:.\. • ■/•■■•■■■•-..^.i,.■■.■:':;i;s. ptth'e . 1 making some one else pay the • • >. %Z ■.■"::: i^J-' diferen* ' Family Grocer & Provision Dealer. : :*%'^l£*t**Si'E- Richards ■.__ v ■ ,-M. ' $£'■'.:■:. ■-■.': .•■?;■•■■ ■-.;, ■'..>•''^ ' B gives the Best Value that can- v, i * ■■;•'.:■' B honestly be given in Cloth and ; ||T ¥ ;, 1 workmanship. , ;■ WM^ & SPIRIT MERCHANT* ■ llrfli? ?lir ;' I TRAFALGAR ST., NELSON. -\~" ■ COFFEE ROASTER. .-• - ■ FS^-l*^ — — —" ' ~~ "' SPICE MANUFACTURER- . " . .' |£ made fsoji .••-;'■;>■ ?.i;d all -« ■ ■ V . ,jl; ■ i .is X witliout'ihaiv .'■!-; l." ■ijr.oSar. Con-; PI|R|P WOOL ' ■ ' ' ' .■ & suit vcurdoc:.*'-.-,.'.■•.•,:«: ihcae hair , runs> ■■•***■- I problems__;__ j lIIaiMLr^ ll Be CONTRACTOR FOR SUPPLIES TO PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS, f Jd^uPm^ :'^n^tiH ©SmPII©XS« SPECIAL IMPORTER OF TURKISH BATH CABINETS. ■ | order, of course _;. ou rnust-not Our Bl&nkets^whieh are made 1 :^| ei:t fe^: "-^ ." ie.^ specially for us, are noted for — suftcrsdvvrtht»tiv.-:: ! .p^hebody. warmth-forweai-for gocd value. | ■ Corbet «my coiiiiSuVh-soaal weak- - " . . . ■ . • 1 .iierf ivlSh a coj- i^iocoa! mcdi- As we bought before the recent _. ■' , c 'TBiniAin nrnrrr •H cine—Ayer'Sv^rrjarlila. rise in wool, our Blanket prices /0 (UArALuAn OiKctl. [| ."prepared bj CR. j.«. /,Ysa&' 00., will not be advanced. ij,- •■ : Lowoii, mb«b.. ua. a. I , single Bed Size : : ; ..^^mm^W^^^m^^m ; . T"s Si 17s 6cl, 19s 6d, 23s pair "°~~°°m°° ~ ■ , ... __ —— i Double Bed Size . : 21s, 235, 265, 32s pair ._ -mf. na E¥a gMCT He A JBQ ffij H': 7«-6d, 9s, 125.6 d, to 21s pair '. . c . , ■^^ I^^P_:l s - JI Discount of i/.nff .each je i* allowed ml?s the. opportuuity of saving money tnafc our StockB^^™^^^Mg|lfifß^[ffla-:. . for cash. :,• taking Sale ailords. W^§^^^^ With HURST, 16s Sd wii! buy 2Cs worth of Ooods 'W^mMlmMmi^fmm "The Blanket Store." Hardy-st. . .■' . , ' tor a tew days longer, to say notlnng ot special bargains EIaGQRSBTS ?*'*"■"*■ ■■. •- •' at any price to clear. W^^mmmmiim^mßm^m | ' If you are thinking of furnishing shortly, it would pay ■ :ve. guaranteed to reduce HI you to buy now and make this tremendous savin g. H hips and abdomen one to ra i * -^ B five iaches without straps, ff 1 ftfll 1?! &§ H P^^rtia Jllf%6iey sißtri 6«%a P bands or harness-like de~ II i ; ®P XI ifg | ||liin yH.iliEl? ItlUffil^ wLIBU w^«#« ■ lieve all strain, making the B 1 , ' -—-—— — H corset" exceptionally com- ra 1 ~ . ~ a tf% Hi»"«Sf*I#i W fortable (see illustration). Hi R Cli'^llflPCl^^ ''9-llfl Pir^Gt m **qj£f IS a H it Established li^^l^OT 00 WJ^lS'Fj: '0 ' M• \ iSUm S | , - On ev-ry tin of "Club" Ooff-ao wd make w« puici thesa labels. '-Ye do this |! ' I f^^B m 1 ' to enable you to distinguish "Olnb" C.offs'e icohl the ordinary coffin, anJ to ' , \M riLJjl^^B ; ' mi 1 • ■prevent unsorupulous firxua from selling you an inferior coffee' got up in /; fl •'1 1 iiii XTffii' '■■ m I NEWEST TYPE- -..'', j «(Uub" Coffee is the purest coffee made. Drink it regularly, and i* will W ; "'» M 1* '' ' ' berefit you meataUy ftU'l physi.cary, arid will e;iv-'vou infiuito pleasuro t«icli I -^Si^KP1 1 I LATEST STYLES. ■ tinle >on drink a. The flavour,.£ • Club -ft fall rich. <• Club" is M MWM&^^^m m ' I ' lundr, fiom specially He)«ct,o,l coffees, scieatificaily blended, ani ooutammg C<?^ „, „. " '■ H. oil fi-.u hoalfchf nt nuaiiHdg of tha best berries. Do the wise Uiing, and always || .W. B. Elastine-RedusoCorsets m I fyiODERN EQUiPMENT. ?n. t'°c ™Jr, u h ,l lx ' 1 firmly support bust and ab- 11 : :. KaS vouAroor f,r fltooW Cocoa, White Bear Sardines, Eagle .Starch, k| domen, molding the flesh into H | RUBBER-STAMPS ~ Cu^m^S^Po^f. 1 hose are tbe best artiolea you. can buy m their roi long,slender,fashionablehnes. M i - spEC|ALITY . Sf T el£e7 IMt«r q«H.Utvr, better value, more satisfaction by ordering ,^» Specially woven materials, I|| f. " artuifiLm.. i-preuve lines. t jo * o sk!ji guaranteed not to terror break; if ;. ' thtse. ,f| ,tf nPa 2t^^^s 4 B jJ I : ..- COFFEE, SHOE, STASCH, A UllinPfliil 1 |{| .giveslender,f«ishionablefigure- m <■ f .• ■~. faasaaaoßESjaMaffla^^ ra lines, ffraceiully modeled bust Jffl '■ | ' . l_ |p and subduod hips. Coutil and ffl I ™ ...' . _, ~ [|| batiste, Guar» g« ' ' ' ||| anteed not to rust. ia y!"Sf^% ! "~lfldigeSti©a ■' ' ' ! '■ Q T!,,^^^ or Satisfied -Then. prauS the CAUSED SEVERE PAIMS A^5D l^J _ '. „ -». m& m |V| |/-|, NH DR. .MORSE-'S INDIAN BOOT M^^^^^^^A £«2S i i ffC 1 1 i ff% ill i >"? E The fii'st essential to good'health I {/LID- /-^^C5-| C_fL^> : ** . ' ' in dieestisn. If however, your y~an=^mj.l —^=rfa=m»-i—rrray^iwi Ji - .1,1 i cli i ! food does not digest and assimilate, r^HFPT"? It can be fitted with either a right-hand or ;;-! t-liand oven. ; * CiUl3^^ '^"^«"« u^ -fl 'Wim ff^^^fe It will bum any kind of coal, lignite, or wood - ■'^^^H^6 palpitation, Tfc is entirely portable, and could bn used w.tnout bnckMBS^^^'oJ^: I m B|^Q I ' work setting, where chimneys are nk ...-.liable. ' WlsrW WM ovi tahlJ ' • i I sß^ I 1 <S~i9 Tne cast-iron ovens are noted for regularity of heat. @ft??f&fi ' causes. con- ■■ ,- la t , | "-.. ... .j^ . • i-i I'l'f^ ' " ' ■^?"i^^ "^^ wft stip'ation ' ' '-^ F\Z®Za W^^^^m) The side copper boilers are tinea wiia puit. uel fvi ¥ J u °d a nSr°^ .^^^^^ The high pressure boiler gives abundance of hot water. V x\.; 7 That _ «=—^== —«-*a s e f ore jpstalling a Range it will pay to inspect the ad- \ ST*/" Ma^Sot :.;' "The Eange with the CHrt-iron vantages of'tlie OBBIN-A^-^^yW Pill.S <irO a ium.tu. in. ■ mi—■■■r.iiiUßiiiwrni ■- ■■m" *"" __mm..^ J .-Ji -r~~—^ijacaCT~ "w~ valuable re- / '•••■• , W«i^«f ™«y « Y ell ' ' A SPLEMDID IHCAMDESCEMT LAMP- CLOTHES VhS^1 V^jv*^fl&j^lw iiAlistrut'ocl ihl O^W-VAW ■ "the foll t °,^ e Lamp users should inspect our'ihcaudßScent iaiupa. WELLWBIS^@ Alrs"Durch n^fv t^ '" Wo haAe a 90-caudle power kerosene lamp, complete d&KfJC UAI W mDV tell you thatll think Dr. Morso's In- . I , cording to style of lamp. Give, a bnlluwt, «,ft, am dian Root Pills are a wonderful re- steady illumination. ' d, uoon .S- analitv of the medy for-Indigestion," writes Mrs. .- ■. We sfcock L A.MPS-and HEWERS of every variety, \ ds llP°* ""' q illty JJ c Annie Birch,; 10 Aliens Street, Pyr- ' "'-.-,> „ „„., . v ' v RT ,^-^o rubber. 11.* rovers on- the mont, Sydney. "For years I was sub- : -COPPER Kfcßbb & I.iRJi. B^AbeES. wringers .v. stock are made ject to severe attacks, but. recently / : »RASS, ANTIQUE, BLACK-& COPPER SDITFS. of Uie b-«t -d most lastih" tiSL^LdfeS^n/pSnsd- ' HOUSEHOLD & KITCHEN UTENSILS. _ ouality of Rubber. ' hind the shcjuldor blades, deep feel- 'We .huv« a good selection of Alumininta and .'Cuamelied ■ ings of depression, and felt entirely j hteol. •"!•■• nc'spans, Stewpans, Prypina, Ktttlcp, Tea ■fSS^. unable to do my work. I felt irn- I , Pots, Ccft'ee Pots, etc. A. trial will prove their worth. &S0 table and out of sorts generally. I ,' I ' ' B t-ook many lands of medicines, but ". ' . i^WiW^^WP^T-"W^^S^^h until I commenced taking Dr. ' . /3S=a •■•■'• ' | M g I . Morse's Indikn H.oot Pills the..attacks _ : •' ~"~?~-^@^ ' ' ll^^^S^Si^^^^^l H had a slighi attack, having eaten . liSiiTliluW^li^^ m ■ ' ' ' |S something that did not agree with " 1 ifl IDifllli^mi 1■ ' " ma v|. Tfj^m^m^^m^p^ did-^wrthout a vestige'of pain, or di'a^ ' lliiiiii^m^^r • '^™E^^^^^^^^^ ''^Yv ' 'comfort, buf, with ronevi'ed .appetite, . ||| j | llllipwW'! tinnnii inn unniri/Ji ' /^COW^^isi^^i-^^Plf^^ a n 4 lighter disposition.:. ;;Thi S ;. is,. • Wiillnnv^'''' MELB9N' AND-MOTUEKA. ■ . |jj |wp^ss^&:^§i«f-, . ■ and lucanI ucan tljeref or© recommend them.' ' „„«,««! /lm§\' MlMw / Agents for Berber's Paict, 1 gallon o£ which cover 3 850 square £act. .. : -■ .^■■■-^CT s!' iene and Blrfck eblourj. * . ■ v '■ ; "The Cblonib"; Johb\n« Departinwn* J,.■■ ;. . ■.;; ... "■ : •,'....•■ ~ ■.''"••. "■ ■ ■< ■ '\' .'-:'': ■■■;■■' "\.

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Colonist, Volume LV, Issue 13735, 29 May 1913, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Colonist, Volume LV, Issue 13735, 29 May 1913, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Colonist, Volume LV, Issue 13735, 29 May 1913, Page 3