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(By Our Special Reporter.)

(From "The Colonist," Feb. 4.) President: Mr. R. Hyland; vice-presi-dent. Mr. W. Baud: Committee: Messrs: W. H. Boyes, T. E. Baigont, Felix Baniett, E. Cann, W., J. Campion, Frank Faaichelle, F. W. Falconer, K. Feary, F. Fellow^ Thos,! Hyland^ A. Hodgkinson, W. H. - Johnistoji; G. Manson, C.MacShaney ' W:. J...Newporis, Frank Page-, *SF; F. Rose, Jas. Reilly, Tlios. • Syraes, H. Symies, J. W. Soper, J...8. Sadd, S. Sparrow, R. W. Kirk, A. Wheiham, John Winter, D. 0.; Winter, Robt. Scott, :W. J. Penney;' Auditors: Messrs. W. C. Baigent, and Chas. Pago; hou. treasurer, Mr. J. G. 1 Pq.go;. secretary j Mr. W. G. Humphreys. - ■

■ Perfect _ weather prevailed for- the twentieth-;annual show- of the Golden Bay A. and P. Association held at Takaka- yesterday, and there was a record attendance of the pubuc, including many visitors from Collingwood, Mocueka. and Nelson districts. The eteaniens from the- city were well patronised, and a considerable number. journeyed over the hills in motor oars, and traps •'The'aggregate" entries com pared, favourably with- the number received last year, sheep and cattle showing an increase, but there was a falling off in the number of exhibits in the produce tent, but in the Hatter what was lacking in; quantity- was made- up for in quality. Sheep were an exceptionally strong class, the entries being over forty in excess of last year, and establishing a lecord for the association. Competition wa« keen,• especially in the pen of fat lambs, and the judge (Mr F. W. FaireyV had considerable difficulty in making, an award owing to the evenness of the qtiaJity. ':Fpr this competition Mr. Fairey presented a very 'handsome silver cup, which has to be won twice in succession or three times at intervals ■ before becoming the property of. ihe owner. (The cup was supplied by Mr. Frank Harford, of Nelson.) Mr. John F; Rose secured. the first ' 'leg-in for "this trophy,' Which is valued at eight guineas, with a very fine gen.;..ln the cattle section the , entries showed an increase, and the quality was weil maintained. The grade dairy cows were a good class. A class for Angora goate appeared on the schedule f»f the first time, and the exhibits attracted considerable attention. Entries for pigs and dogs c"were•;small. In the former class were an excellent lot of. porkers, and the breeding sows received favourable oommendatirri from the judge (Mr

W. Coleman). The doge were divided into two classes, and Mr. Goleman, who •aJso. : adjudicated in this section) expressed the opinion that another class for Bearded'collie© sibquild" be .added td prevent overlapping. The produce.tent was a centre or attraction all day long, and *tho exhibits of root, and'other crops bore ample testimony to the: fertility of Jj^/soil ini^e Takafea^Valley. In the former-section ther sweet peas and; dahiias'..iwere^ a : . feaiu r©i Mr;■: W. H; Base& . exhibiting some very fill© blooms, which wou'li take- besting Tit any show. In the domestic section, the jwdge (Mr. H.-.1.

Harris) epoke very higlJy of the bread. The ring; events were watched with considerable interest, and although the entries were not so numerous ac usual, competition in some of the classes was keen. Taken as a whole the class, in the.opinion of the judges, showed a falling off in qualitj' compared with previous years. The jumping was very initeresting, gbod entries being received. In the gen \jef, hunting competition Mr. E. Bateholor's Sandridge, which won at the Nelson show, was compeLed to take third place, Miss Robertson's Black Bess winning from Mr. H. A. Bjshop:s nomination by tv.'o points. The latter, which, was well .ridden by Miss Grace Duncan, scored in the lady's hunting competition. - Some excitement was caused by a bull breaking through into hi 6 neighbour's pen, but,w'hat promised to develop ihio a bull fight was stopped by the prompt action of spectators. During the trotting horse competition, Mr. F.W. Falconer, of Waitapu, and his daughter, Miss M. Falconer, were capsized out of- a gig, through turning too sharply. Mr. Falconer hung on to the reins and was dragged (some distance until the horse was stepped. Mis« Falconer was thrown clear, and fortunately neither was hurt. The Tak'aka. Brass Band, under the direction of Bandmaster V. Bensemann, was in attendance, and played a number of enjoyable selections. Mr. J. L. Harris, of Ligar Bay, exhibited samples of wool which-won "the Quibbel Cup at the Marlborough exhibition in 1909. which .-attracted'considerable attention.

The. thanks■ of our representative arc" duo to Messrs. R. Hyland (president) W. J. Humphrey© (secretary), and A. Haldane (Press steward) for their unfailing courtesy and attention. In the evening a supper ivbb held in Mr. C. Allington's sample rooms. Among the visitors to the- Golden Bay A. and P. Association's show on Monday, was the Hon. R. McKenzie, M.P. for Motnoka. DRAUGHT HORSES. Judge: Mr. J. Wadsworth; Stewards: "Messrs.' F. Bag© and D. 0. Winter. Draught entire: Chas. Allington 1. Draught brood mare: A. Haldane 1, H. Nalder 2, Fred. Eeilly h-c. Pair of plough horse©: F. Fellowes 1. Draught mare or gelding: A. Haldane 1, H. Nalder 2, F. Soper 3. Gelding or filly, 2 years off: H. Nalder 1. Colt or filly yearling: James Evilly 1. . Foal at foot: A. Haldane 1, Jeff! Mason -2. ' . General purpose horse: S. Solly I, L. Brunning 2\ F. Bani'att h.c. LIGHT;^ HORSES. Judges: Messrs. T. Newman and J. Hagen. Stewards: Messrs. Thos. 'Symc®, H. Symcs, F. Fauchelle, and K. Fea;ry. Thoroughbred entire: W. F. Eeary L Er'tire qualified to got weight-car ryiug iiacks : W." F. Fonry 1, A. Oanii 2. Mare: Jas. Rcillv 1, M. Huntor 2 Foal at foot: D." J. Scott 1, W. McFarlnno 2. Colt or fiUv vearlinsr, 2 yoars off: j\l. Hunter 1, H. "Sjrr.«* 2, W. F. Fear} 14-stono hack: Noel Adams 1, The?, riyland 2. ]]-^stono hack: L. Hitchcock ], Noel P. Adams 2, D. Fry 3. Be-st girl rider: M. Falconor 1, V. Charles 2. . Best lwy rider: E. Eeilly 1, R. Reilly 2, A. Ciinn 3. Ladies' hack: L. Hitdicock ], D. .E. Fry 2, Chas. Rogers 3.

'Rest, sulky. horge: Ai Emms 1, M. ;Falcbner 2, H. Hblyodke 3,'"G.. Man' v ;tt '.-,<':' , ■ V.,;":''V' " .."';■ ■"■, '■':■;'■■'■'■ ■■'■''■■■''■■ '.. r Dog cart horse: Johii-Page 1, rl:dua. .^imd;2:'-;;- ■•■■>:■:^•■■■:yv---"- ■■■■":■'■■ >■ ;"- -Trotting horse: Ai' Emms 1, John Pagev2; F. A W. Falconer 3. y U Gents' hunting: Miss M." Robertson 24■.■ points (J. New), 1; H. A. Bishop, 22 points (A. Scott). 2; S. Berryman (R t Batchelor) 17 point©, 3. Ladies' hunting: H. A. Bishop, 21 points (Miss Duncan), 1; ,J««. McFarlano (M .Roughton) 2; S. Berryman (M. : Trask) 3. Pair of hacks, ladies' and gents' ■* Miss M. Robertson 1, Thos. Hyland 2, F. Eggers 3.

Tandem team: H. Holyoake 1. Ladies' driving: Mis>s Falconer 1, Mrs F. Eggers 2, Miss N. G. Delany v.h.c.

Buggy horses : H. Holyoake 1, Miss Louie son 2. ■


Judge: Mr. Albert Gibbe. Stewards: Messrs. Clias. Page, Jolm Winter,

Jas. Newport and Jas.R/eiJlyf

Shorthorn bull, over 2 years: H. Skilton 1, D. Cobb 2. ' Shorthoin cow or heifer, calved prior to June 30th: J. L. Harris 1, E. Wmdle

Shorthorn cow, calved since June 30, 1911: J. L. Harris 1, Keith Page 2. Ayrshino bull, over 2 years:, Ales. Haldane 1.

Ayiishire oow.- ; or -heifer, ealyed prioi to June 30th, 1911: ■ Jas.\ Reilly 1, Alex Haldane 2. .'.'.; ...

Ayrshire heifer, calved since June 30. 1911: Alex. Haldane 1. ;'

Jersey bull, over 2 j^ears: A. Berry 1, D. Mason 2. Jei*sey bull, under 2 years: H. J. King 1, Thos. Hyland 2.

Jei-sey cow or heifer, calved prior to June 30th, 1911: A. Hodgkinson 1. Jersey heifer, calved since Jiud© 30th 1911: R. Bartlett 1.

> Holstein bul-1, any1 age1.: J. F. Rose 1 and 2.

Holstein cow, any age: J. F. Rose 1 and 2.

Bull, any other pure bred: Alex,Haldane 1.

,7 Championships.—Bull: H. J. Skilton ; ditto, cow, J. A. Reilly. Grade dairy cow, judged on points: Leslie New'love 1, E. Windle 2, Alex Haklane 3.

Grade dairy heifer, oalved sinee 1 June 30th, 1911: Franklyn Brcns 1 and 2, E. Windle 3.

Milking competition: L. Newlove 1, 2 and 3.

Fat beast, locally grown: H. Byrne 1


Judges: Messrs. K. G. Hunt and F. Fairey.*. Stewards: Messrs. A. Hodgkinson, S. Sparrow, Gee Manson and T. E. Baigent,

Kam, Border teiceister, over 20 mos.: R.vHyland 1 and 3, C. Baigent 2. Ram, English Leicester, over 20 months: Robt. Scott 1, W. C. Baigent a. ■ ■ ■ . ■. ■ ■;■"■■■■■

Ram,1 Romn,ey, over 20 nonths: A. Hcdgkinson 1 and 3, Franklyn Bros 2, Robt. Scott v.h.c, end h.c. Earn, Romney,: tind!&r'2O; monthß: S. iSparrtow 1, A.- Hodgkm«<on f 2, J. L. Harris 3:

Two ewe©;-Romney, over 20 months Robt. Scott 1 and 2, A. Hodgkinson 3. Two ewes, Romney, under 20 months A. Hodgkinson ~1, 2 and 3. Ram, Linco-ln, over 20 months: A Hodgkinson 1 and 2.

Ram, Lincoln, under .20 months: A. "Hodgkinson 1. Two ewes, Lincoln: A. Hodgkinson land 2. ■.:".■'■

Ram Shropshire, over 20 months: R. Hyland 1 and 2. , Ram. Shropshire, under 20ind8.: R. Hyland 1. " .; Two ewes, Shropshire:'R; "Hylaiid'l. Ihree half-bred ewes: J. L. Harais 1 and 2, . ;

Pen of three half-bred lambs: John Winter 1 and. 2.

: Pen oft. five fat-rehesp: R- Hyland 1, Robt: Soott-2.

.• Pen of five fat .sheep, suitable for freezing: R. Hyland 1. Robt. Scott .2, Leslie Newlov© 3. -'

Pen of. ten fat lamt*s. suitable for freezing: Robt. Scott 1, R. Hyland 2, Leslie Newlove 3.

Pen of ten fat la-nabs;' J. F. Rose 1, W. C. Baigient 2 3 Leslie Nowlove 3.


Angora goat, buck, over 20 months buck under 20 months, ewe over 20 months, and ewe under 20 months: W. J. Newport 1 in each case.


Judgo: Mr. W. Coleman Mr. J. F. Rose.


Berkshire boar, under 1 yeai Baigcnt 1. Sow, any other breed: Chae. Allingtou 1, Cyril Windle 2. Sow, Tamworth: Jeff Hanson 1. Breeding sow: Cyril Windle 1, Jelf. Manson 2. Two porkers, under six months: Cyril Windlo 1 and 2.

F. C.


Judge: Mr. W. Coleman Mr. W. Campion.


iSmooth-coated collie: Clias. Newport 1, Cyril Windlo.2. Rough-coated collie: Thos. Hyland 1, D. Naider 2.

BREAD AM) PASTBY. Judge: Mr. H. J. Har'is..:tent Stewards:. Messrs tVm. 'iip.h i, A. \S )i" I - ham, W. H. ;-o.y-«, W. J. Pt-Miiv-y,

] :).a ■:>: b'JUK Wii^-110 1. anil V.

!.»re«d: Mrs. E.

ixkit of hoiue-mudo !)ii':ul, made by Maori woman: Mrs. \ . Ward 2. Seed cake, made by ...aori girl tinder 16 years: L. Ward 2. Best loaf home-rnado bread, roll: Mrs B. Windle 1 and 2. Scones: Mrs. Chas. P.:ge 1 and 2. Best sponge roll: M iss Ella Baigent 1, Mrs. E. Windle 2. SmnsrQ cake: Mise D. Rose 1, Mrs J. G. Page 2. "" Plate of shortbread: Mrs. Tlios. Symes 2. , Piato oatcake: Mrs. J. Beattie 1, Mrs. E. Hitchcock 2. Fruit cako: Miss Ella Baigent 1, Mies Flowers 2. Currant-cake:. Miss Ella Baigent 1 Mi-s.F. C. Baigent 2. Plain cake: Miss D. Rose 1, Mrs. 3L Hitclicock 2.

: fis-s Gubboif 1,

Cake- any other, variety Baigent 1, Mrs. T. Manson. 2 Collection home-made.biscuits: Miss F. Lindsay 1, Mis© Ella Baigent 2. Cream puffs:. Miss D. Rose 1 and 2. Pastry, open tarts: Miss D. Hose 1, Mrs. B. Hitchcock 2.

Miss Ella.

.DOMESTIC PRODUCE. Judges: Messrs. •H. Jameson and J Glen.

Three ib fresh butter: A. Hodskinson 1, Geo. Handcocfe 2; Ham, pale, farmer's euro: R. Bartlett.l. Miss I). Kose 2. Ham, smoked, farmer's cure: Miss D. Rose 1. . Dozen lion eg.^s, fredi, to bo judged by weisht.:.-Mies'- Ella.lJaigonf 1, Mrs. N. G. Franklyn 2. Collect-iou pj-esfrrrrl fruits, homo made, not to exceed six bottles : Airs. E. Hitchcock 1..- ..'•■■■;■; Collection homo made jams, not to ■exceed 6 bottles: Mt^.-.Thos. Synics 1, 'Mies'Elsie' HuriteiV2, Mrs. Thos. Symes li.o. ;' ■'"■' "' ' ' '■■ • r

Pet ofitttn, made by girl under 16: Miss -Elsie Hunter 1 .'and 2,Miss V. Reiser Ji.c;:.;.;;■,:.'■■■,;:;■■;■., :.. _■ ' Bottle q£ tpmat<> sauce: Miss F. Lind-; ;say;.l-a^:<l,^\M^®.'''Mla^Baiitient:hic. r . , - \G^llection i; pißihom€;;madei^piqklcs:. Mis-s

F^Lindsay 1, Mrs. E, Hitchcock 2; J^jsa D. Rosa h.c. \ -Dish of ihbney in comb: Geo. Hand-^ cock liand 2,;: ■~ ,'.;. ..'/.':.' ~, ■ /'■ , . -"".

- Bottlev of home-made wine: F. E. Moore 1, Miss . Ella ■ Baigent 2, R. Roughton v.h.c;, and h.c.. JBottl© home made cider: R. Roughton 1;; and 2. Bottle homo made beer: Mrs. Thos. Symes l^W. J.Newport, 2. Bottle home made mead: Mrs. J. G. Page 2. ■■ ■ FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. Judges: Messrs. Chas. andD. E. Fry. Ten potatoes, Sutton's red skin: Miss D. Rose 1, R. A. Packard v.h.c. ■ Breejj&'s Prolific: H. Hitclicock 1. Eariy Rose: H. Hitchcock 1. Kidney^: H. HitchcOck v.h.c. Vermont: H Hitchcock 1, R. A. Packard 2. Victory: H.Hitchcock 1. • .Up-to-date: Jeff Manson 1, H. Hitchcock 2. , Northern Star: W. Dotlsonl. Any other variety: W.Dodson 1, R. Soper 2. i Bix seed onions: H. Hitchcock 1 and -2. , ■ , . ■■ ■-■-. Six tree onions: Mrs W. Spittal v.h.c. Six carrots, tabia: Miss D. Roso 1, Robt.Scott2. Six carrots, any variety: R. Soper 1, B. Hunter 2. Six carrots. Early Shorthorn: A. Hodgkineon 1. ; ; " Six parsnips: G. Stobfe 1, Robt. 'Scott,2; . ;■.... '■;...■•: '■■: .:■ ■■■ " ' »Six ©wede turnips: H. Hitclicock 1. Six table turnips: H. Hitchcock 1. Three mangolds: B. Hunter 1. Head of silver beet: Mies D. Rose 1 and 2. Two ned beet: H. Hitchcock 1 R. Soyer 2.

Dish of pea*: D. B. Scott 1, H Hitchcock 2, R. Soper v.h.c. "Dish of beans: R. Soper 1, Miss D Rose 2. . •

Dish of beans, staked: R. Soper 1, Mies,-M. Walker 2, B. Hunter v.h.c. Dißh of beans, dwarf: Mrs.',E. Hitchcock 1, R. Sdper 2, Miss D. Rose v.h.c. Bunch of rhubarb: A. Winter 1 and 2. Two cabbages, white: J. L. Harris 1. Two pickling cabbages: H. Hitchcock 1. ' Two lettuces: Mi6s D. Rose v.h.c. Two cucumbers, long: Ghae. Newport 1, Miss D. Rose 2.

Two cucumbers, short: Robt. Bartloti) 1, R. Soper 2. Two marrows: J. L. Harriß 1 and 2. Best pumpkin: H. Hitchcock 1. Largest< pumpkin: J. Li Harris 1. Six toiaataes: Mies F. Lindsay 1, Robt. Bartlett 2. . Five peas: S. Sparrow 1. Five appleSjidessert: B. Hunter 1. Five apples,, cooking: Mrs, E. Windje l r Leslie Newlove 2 and v.h!«. Largest apple • Miss J). Rose 1. Three lemons: A. Sparrow 1, R. A. Packard v.h.c. Dish of s.peaches: R. A. Packard 1. j Five nectarinee: W. Jl Newport 1,,RSpittal v.h.c. ...':' Dish of ten plums: J^rs. E. C. Baigent 1, Robt.-Bartlett 2, Mrs., E.; 'die v.h.c. : . Te^ plum*B> Japanese: R. A.Packard 1, Mrs.E. Hitchcock 2, Mrs. E. Windle v.h.c. ; Ten plums, green gage: Chafi. Newport 1, Mrs, E. C. Baigent 2. Dish of five figs: Miss D. Rose 1, Glias. Newport 2. FLOWERS. Judge: Mr. A. E. Tasker. Nosegay of flowers: Mrs. Thos. Manson .1. '■•... ! Nosegay, of flowers-, native: Miss Flowers 1. " Bouquet of flowers, native, by Maori girl under 16 years: Miss L.-Ward 1. ' BrkJaL bouquet: Mrs. Bruce I, Mrs.". Thos. Manson 2. Bridal child under 14: Miss Elsie Hunter 1. " ■ ■. of flowers: Miss Ella Baigent 1, Mrs; D. Mason 2, Miss <F. Lindsay v.h.c Stand, of .icut flowem: Miss Zoe;.Boy.ea 1, Mrs-: Thos1. Manson 2 and 3;: ' - ~-C Twelve dahlias :W. H. Boyes 1. .■ Twelve roses: Miss Ella Baigent 1. :" Collection ew«et.pea«: Robt. Bartlett 1, W. H. Boyes 2. Twelve varieties sweet peas, 3 sprays of each: W. H. Boyes I,' Mrs. Thos. Manson 2. Bix ferns in pots: W. H. Boyes 1. Fcm in pot: Mm D. Mason 1. SUNDRIES. Flax basket: Miss Ella Baigent 1. Card of Wool: A. Hodgkinson ], Robt Scott 2. ■ ■ . " Twelve stalks maizo: L. Stobie 1, B. Hunter 2. Collection of »;i-at:ivorouis birds' eggs: Clive Smith I.



Messrs. J. F. Hose, T. Hy-

laivd and J. W. Soxx-r

Chopping comi>etition: P. Eyios, lmin 19sec, lj L. Snook, ljniri 59sec, 2; L. Hunter. 2min 24sac, 3. Sawing competition: L. •Hunter ant] mate, 25' .l-f>socs 1; Ward and Conpt'll, 25 3-s«eos, 2. Sheaf pitcliing competition: A. Birkett, 25 feet. 1; W. Ward, 24 feet 6 inches,. 2. j


(From -"The.. -Colonist,'' 'Teh: 5.)

The fcriniial supper held--in connection with. the. Golden Bay A. and P. Association was he;d in • Arlington's sample rooms on Monday owning. The president (Mr. R. Hyland) was in tho chair, and Mr. G. H. Allan, in the unavoidable, absence of Mr. W. Baird (the vicepresident) occupied tihe vice-chair. There was a representative attendance of sVttlers and'business men, the judges- and the' Hon. R. McKenzie, M.P. for Motueka, and Mr. H. Atmoro, M.P. for Nelson. A very pleasant evening was spent, a lengthy toast lisb 2 which was interspersed with songs, recitations and stories, being disposed of. Those who contributed to tho harmony of tno evening were Messrs. G. Glover, 11. J. Harris, W. C. .foment, C. McFarlane, and J. P. Hay©,?. Air. J. Soper ably presided at tho pii;;io. The proceedings oponcd with tho toast of "Tho Kin;--." after which Mr. G. H. Allan proposed "Parliament." In doing so the "speaker referred to the recent political upheavr-l, and to the valuable and far-reaching legislation that had been^ placed on the Statute Book by the Liberal Government during the past 20 years. Fro in the- present administration they expected a great deal but so far had not got very much. Next session they would look for practice not promise. The next election would bo looked forward to with a great deal of interest, for it would either seal the door on-tho present party or send it back stronger than ever.' For the past 20 years the Hon. R. McKenzie had been their member, and ho was oae of the strongest men .who had ever sat in Parliament. He had riisen to Cabinet rank, and !bad filled two of the most important portfolios not only with credit to himself but to the benefit of the'community at large. . The toast was coupled with the names of Messrs. Atmore and McKenzie.

In responding,' Mr. Atniorc said .that eince he had been .in -Parliament he had corrected many impressions formed before ho was .-elected. Although members differed in there was no feeJing after they left the Chamber. "When strong men met together, it was only -to be expected that sparks would fly. He believedthe members of the present Legislature do their best for the country, but the biggest question thiey would have,to' tackle would bo the breaking up of the largo -estates-, held by white people. ; In Marlboroaigh there

' were 3,040,000 acreV of land, and twenty-two per cent of it was owned by live .men, and as a corollary/ to that tho population - had only increased by two-thirds of one person to the square'mile during the past twenty years. In Hawke'e Bay twenty-four families owned two Million pounds worth of land. He did not believe in bringing immigrants to the Dominion who did not have money, to go on the land. He instanced tho success of small freeholds in Denmark and said that if the system was followed in New Zealand there would be an enormous increase in our exports. Mr. Airmore resumed his seat amidst applause. Mr. It. McKenkie, who was most; cordially received, said that at social functions he. always endeavoured to avoid politics. The present Administration was not on its trial yet, but it would be* m about 18 months' time when it would be its business to justify its position. -As their'member he had always tried to represent them up- ' rightly and honourably, and had dono his. best in then- interests. (Hear, hear.) Ho i did not intend to desert, them .until he was beaten at the ballot, box. In conclusion ho referred to Mr Atmore's capabilities and thought that his constituents should givo him an- I other term in.Parliament. Regardingthe show it was the seventeenth occasion on which he had been present: and \ he thought that it compared favourably, with those,or" previous years. ' • lii : proposing,' the toast of "Tho. ; [Judges," Mr. T...,Syme& said that thY ■success of the show was mainly duo to their efforts, and they owed them a debt <i r J .£ ommg -*0 the snow y ea<r after year at their own.expense. Mr. Symes made l^ingjreference to the death of the lato Mr. .fetua-rt >Vratt, who had acted as a, judge ou many occasions. in responding, feaid that the Golden Bay Show wag now a rival; of the ..Nelson show in many classes. Some of the exhibits were fit to take prizes at. any. show in the Dominion.

£ Mr. F. W. Fairey said that the pen or tat. lambs was equal to anything h© had seen m the Dominion. With tho possibilities they possessed in the Valley they should grow mutton equal to ' Canterbury, and instead of sending away, 600, the settlers should be sending away 5-000. Mr. Fairey mentioned incidentally that he [had that day purchae- «* .™c lambs exhibited at prices equal to the best Canterbury. Mr. J. Hagen 6 aid that the light honses as a claee wore not as good as they_ were thirty years ago, and this ho considered was due to bad breeding. Ho advocated the passing of an Act to compel, a)ll stallions to be passed by a Ojoveniment veterinarian before being placed at the, disposal of breeders- ■*£ T; Newman endorsed the remarks of Mr Hagen, but added that some of the,light houses were fit to show in any ring. "• *■ . Mr. C. McFarlane also spoke In proposing-the toast of "The Visitors, the president said they were always j?leased:to see them and give them a welcome.. The Association was ,rauch.;iajdebted to the donors of special prized ; *

VlMessrs. L. J. Frank and N. P. Adam* responded. Fairey then presented the Fairey ti? f°£ %> best Pen or f»t lambs to Mr John F. Rose, and complimented him on the excellent quality of hie exhibit In thanking Mr. Fairey, Mr. Rose said that the lambs had b?en fattened on grass, without tlie aid of artificial food, on land that had hitherto been considered of comparatively poor quality. •

"Kindred Associations" w:is proposed by Mr W. C. Baigent, and responded to by Mr. P. B. Adams, an ex-presi-dent of the> Nelson- A. and P. Association. .H0,., remarked on tho progress made iby the district, during the past thirty years, and urged that if furtherprogress was desired thoy must have improved communication by sea. ~.. "TheOollingwopd A. anjl P. Association' 1 was proposed by Mr. J. G. Page, and responded" to by Mr, U. H. Allan; itfefirst president. He said that for a long time Collingvvood Jiad lived '©n mining, but now dairying was causing th« district to advance' rapid'iy. a' Miv H. Baieeixt proposed tho" <'Golden Bay Cement Works," and expressed the hope that it would prove a prosperous, concern, for not only would the district benefit, but the Dominion as a whole. Mr.. J. S.: McLaren, the manager, in. responding, said the venture was now on its feet and their cement was being distributed all over Ntny Zealand, and .giving general satisfaction. In a test recently for some works in a certain district Tarakohe cement was 25 per cent better in strength than the next sample. In his opinion the plant wouldbe doubled in a few years. In proposing the "Golden Bay A. and P. Association," Mr. F. W. Fairey said tho exhibits demerit rated the fertility of the soil in"fche Valley, and with live men at tho head of affairs tho show must progress.

In responding, the president stated that the attendant at the show that day was a record.

Other toasts honoured were*: "The Jfelson Freezing Works,1' by Mr. A. Whelham, and responded to by Mr J A, Mitchell: "The Takaka County CouiK-il," by Mr. P. B. Adams and Mr. J. G. P;ige: "Tho Ohairman and vioeChairmim," by Mr. R. McKenzie; "Tho Territork I*»,"' by Mr. W. Golem an ; "Tho Press," by Mr. T. Symes. In do^ ing -so the speaker referred to tho fact that .Mr. Oann was severing his connection with the local paper and spdko .in complimentary ternv; of the way he had conducted the pr-T, Messrs G. H. Allan ("Arprs"). E. Cairn ("Times"), and J. H. -Finney (Nelson "Colonist") rosrvuid^d. "The Host and. Hosier" was -M:- ] • :t toast, and the gathering ternvinr r.< ( j ..vith the singing of Ai-l'J Lang Xy.x, .-id the National Aii them.

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Colonist, Volume LV, Issue 13653, 19 February 1913, Page 3 (Supplement)

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GOLDEN BAY SHOW. Colonist, Volume LV, Issue 13653, 19 February 1913, Page 3 (Supplement)

GOLDEN BAY SHOW. Colonist, Volume LV, Issue 13653, 19 February 1913, Page 3 (Supplement)