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Tho monthly mooting of the Waimea County Council was hold yesterday. Present: Crs. P. Best (chairman), H. Everett, A. Drummond, T. Hewetson, .G. Macmahon, J. Corder, and E. S. Hoult. FINANCE. •■■ Tho bank pass book showed tho following balances:—

Accounts were passed for payment as follows:—Grants, £628 In 3d; hospital and charitable aid, £855 15s: general, ; £868 8s lid. ! i THE ENGINEER'S REPORT. The County Engineor (Mr. G. S. ' "White-side) reported, inter alia, as fol~ ; lows:—Maitai riding: In regard to drain at Tahuna, the ditch in question was made' many years ago by the former owner of tho land on the country road without tho approval of the Council. The ditch was not necessary for the road, and did not follow the natural drainage of tho land. It was competent for the Council to fill the ditch up altogether, and ask tho owner of the land adjoining to remove tho fence which encroached on tho road, to allow more room for traffic. Saxon's bridge was now opened for traffic. The Council should consider the question of obtaining gravel by water from tho gravel ! banks to put on tho Stoke road. —WaiI iti riding: Wakofield streets, etc. —tho | site of the AVaketield village was unfortunately situated with regard to drainage, and street improvement became a problem. The main street had never be-on formed to a-grado or with reference to levels or a drainage system. There- was only two or three feet of fall to the* river in a distance of 14 chains, and there were oonsiclonible difficulties to contend with. Tho business premises and public places, with the exception of the i Government buildings, had been erected much too near "Uio ground to deal with the matter without embarrassing the adjacent householders. The main street had been ! gradually raised, and was now in many 'places higher than tho floors of the ouildingii, with the result that tho drainago Mater waa now inclined to flow into the houses. The pipe drain put down the main road about ton or twelve years a-go was too small and of little use. Wliat was now required to improve mattors is to properly form tho main street with permanent grades, with reference to surface drainage in connection with concrete korbing and channelling along tho footway. Tho drainago east of tho railway lino should bo taken to tho old watercourse, running north-east from the hall, and the culvert passing underneath tho road should be taken temporarily through the old pipe lino, which was _ useless. Estimate of probable cost, 12 chains street formation £60, 24 chains kerbing and channelling £120, ' total £180. In similar cases in tho north it was usual to ask adjacent property owners to contribute one-third of ; ,the cost. Tho matter should have the . favourable consideration of tho Council. Trass Valley: Ho recommended that . the gang bo put on to do tho work by : day labour to prevent further delay.— ; Motupiko riding: Notwithstanding the. unfavourable woathor fair progress was ." being made with the Korere bridge. . The timber for bridge in Brewerton's' \ gully was on thejrito, . It was .the .in- ! tention to send tho road machine over , the roads Motupiko and Korero way, j but it would bo economy to defer this work until the spring. The Engineer . also reported ro 'road deviation at Ko- \ hatu. —Wangapoka ridijig: The gra- \ veiling contract on the Wangapoka set- : tlement road (Hewitt's) was completed. R-enairs, had been done at the Dart bridge, and river protection works car- \ ried out. Various works in different parts of the riding, which were detail- . ctl, were in progress. —Motueka riding: Work was again going on. The trouble, delay, and expense in getting timber for this'bridge work, especially piles, had caused him to put in hand the manufacture of concrete piles for this work, which can bo ~" the spot almost as cheap c." i:on^~k timber can be delivered, vit^r^t tho 'ong delay which usually occurred. The renewal of footbridge, Lower Moutsre, would cost £25.—Moutero riding: The timber for one of the email bridges on the- Tasman road was on the'spot, and the work was in hand. Owing to timber supplies in Wellington having run out, no more timber could be supplied until the end of August, when a shipment from Australia was duo. The location of this road was proving, unsuitable, being made up the lowest part of the valley, which drains about 3000 acres. When rain comes the road in places is under, water. Tho drain and watercourse was i blocked with vegetation, which . impedes tho free flow of water in .times of flood. Ho would suggest that the Council considers tho desirability of compelling the owners so offending to clear out tho obstructions under the Land Drainage Act, 1908. ! The Engineer's report was read and considered. It was roF-olvtv!, on the motion of Cr | Everett, reeond by Cr Hoult, that a i legal opinion be obtained, and a report be given at th« noxt meeting regarding a drain ct namiL It vfM resolved to accept A. E. Brown's to;ui<~ at 3e J?-d for gravelling in the M:utai riding, on the motion oi Cr Corder, seconded by the Chairman. It was resolved to inform Mr Berryman, at Kohatu, that'tha Council would not undertake the work. It was resolved to remove ono of tho grading machines into .the-■ Maitai ridtt was resolved, on tho motion of Or Everett, seconded by Or Hewetson, that the Engineer h:iv-o a footbridge erected in the'neighbourhood of tho Jubilee bridge. Lower Moutero. - It was resolved'that the Engineer ■ sco about the road at Tasman. Tho'.remainder of tho Engineer's report was adopted, excepting^ that portion referring to Wakefield. The Ranger reported that the roads wore.fairly free of stock, but ho com-, plained of cycles and vehicles often not, carrying lights when travelling on tho roads at night. It was resolved on the motion of Cr Hewetscn, seconded by Cr Corder, that an example bo mado <A tlicoo neglecting to carry lights. Cr Hoult introduoed. a deputation, consisting of Messrs Hodgson and Harris who spoke on the''needs, of Wakefield.

In reply to Cr Svorott, Mr Harris placed thv> rixnirromonts in tho following order: Tho improvement of Whitby road, placing wires along, tho bridge, placing a-lamp at tho corner of "Whitby road, Srainago and making channels, preparing a nlan of Wakefield township, providing a tip for rubbish, and tho disposal of manure.

The deputation agreed that the Engineer in his report had shown that ho had a grip of the needs of Wakefield. .They felt sure-that the residents of Wakehold would bo willing to assist the Council to a reasonable extent Before retiring-the deputation thanked' the Council for tho kind manner in which they had been received.

1 Or Everett said to supply the needs spoken about would involve an expenditure of fully £300. It was resolved on tho motion of Cr Im 1-I^' scco»dc<l »y Cr Corder, that Wmtby road bo formed and gravelled. IV was resolved on the motion of Cr Hoult, seconded by Cr Macmahon that the bridge be wired, as suggested by the -kngineer. "* ,

It was resolved on tho motion of Cr li-verett, seconded by Cr Macmahon. that the other Wakefield matters l>e deferred owing to a lack of funds. ci ? £ ei>ly to a letter from-tho Waketieid progressive Association it was resolved to inform that body what action tho Council had taken.

Cr Hewetson reported as to what information he had gathered as to <>radliig machines during his southern "trip. Imm. Ustn\ Srader was a heavy one, J'lUOlbs, and would cost £85. Thc'Westrn grader was a light ono, 14001bs and vould cost £70. He favoured getting :ho li^'ht grader. Cr jdoult moved and Cr Everett scc.indod, that an Austin grader at £85 bo purchased.

Cr howetson moved as an amendment and Cr Drummond seconded, that a Western grader at £70 bo procured. _ Tho amendment was lost and tho motion carried.

It was resolved on the motion of Cr Hewetson, seconded by Cr Dnimmond, to purchase a wheel scoop, at a wic> of about £23.

Correspondence was read and with as follows :—

The Department of Lands and Surveys wrote suggesting that tho .Council should not sell fallen trees on the rr>nd fronting tho Wangapeka river, as tho trees may some day become useful lor bridgo building.—Agreed to. Messrs Adams and Harley wrote regarding tho expenses allowed witnesses in the caso of Fellowes versus tki Council. On the motion of Cr Hoult, seconded by Gr Corder, it was agreeci co pa v the extra amounts.

In reply to Mr Cann, Taknka, it was agreed to pay a back account for advertising iii connection with tho Motueka Licensing Committee election.

It was agreed to renew tho accident insurance, in reply to a letter from Messrs Rout and Sons.

Mr Willityn Hunt, Wakefield, wrote regarding the state of a ditch running through his property.—Referred to Cr Hoult for a report.

Mr George Hunt, Wakefield. wrote refusing xo contribute- half the amount as requested, for repairs to road.' He asked for an expenditure of £5 to :r.ake tho road passable.

Or Hoult intimated that he would give notice of motion regarding the matter.

Messrs Fell and Atkinson wrote forwarding a notice under the Land Drainage Act, together with a rough plan, in connection with the stream running through Messrs Cropp and Fellowes' properties at Wai-iti.

It was resolved on the motion of Cr Hoult, seconded by Gr Hewetson, that tho members of the Council visit the locality on the day prior to tho next meeting of the Council, at 11.30 a.m. Mr Higgins forwarded quotations for supplying timber to the Council.—Filed for future reference.

Mr Robert Irwin, Riwaka, wrote in reference to a flood gate to be erected foe-low tlfe bridgo on Stony road.—lt was resolved, on the motion of Cr Everett, seconded by Cr Macmahon, to ro ply that while the Council had no objection, a portion of the property was under the direction of .tho Iliwaka Ro;ul Board.

■ Mr R. Ellis, • Brightwater, wrote in reference to the Council's terms oi agreement'in connection'with his electric light scheme. Some oi' the clauses he considered very harsh, and stating his reasons. .

A discussion ensued, and it was evontually agreed to insist on the. duplica-tion.-of th© dynanva; to give exemption for accidents and labour troubles: to pay Mr Ellis £1 per year for each lamp and £1 for each lamp installation : to adhere to the clause giving power to the Council to purchase the scheme, exempting the flourmill; not to insist on the duplication of turbines.

It was resolved on the motion of Cr Everett, seconded by Cr Hoult, that tho Chairman and Engineer draw up the amended agreement. .Mr J. A. Thomson, superintendent of the Eastern Extension Cable Company, requested the Council to make repairs to tho Wakapuaka road. —It was resolved, on the motion of Or Corder, seconded by Cr Hoult, to reply that the matter is receiving attention. Mr A. Anderson, Korere, wrote asking the Council to recommend a Government grant of £100 to be placed on the Estimates for the Horopito road. — Left to the Engineer.

Mr Berryman, Kohatu, wrote respecting a road through section 95, which it was stated was not legalised;—lt was resolved to forward Mr Berryman a resolution the Council passed on the matter.

Mr Worley, of the Baton, wrote requesting that the Council repair sojho of the bridges crossing tho creeks.—The letter was received.

Mr Andrew Kerr wrote requesting that the lease of a gravel reserve at Tadmor be transferred from him to MiHerbert Biggs.—The request was granted.

Mr J. Price, Waimea West, wrote intimating that he would oppose the taking of (-ravel from Eves' stream.-—■!.-ot-ter received. The Engineor was instructed to patch the road.

Mr A. Edwards, Lower Moutere, wrote asking the Council to widen a ditch on Edwards' road.—Referred to tho Engineer to attend to. Mir John Foster, Motueka, wrote desiring to hiro from the Council for two months a small pile driving monkey and derrick. —It was* grant tho request when tho pile driver and derrick are available.

The Stoke Progressive Association wrote stating that Mr. Taylor declined to soil land in Poor Man's Valley for a waterworks reserve,, but Mr Engelbrecht was willing to sell sufficient land for a, reserve. The names of 53 ratepayers in favour of special rating for :: loan were forwarded. It was resolved to reply that the- ox- ; tent of. the rating area must bo ascertained. . Cr Everett moved, and the Chairman seconded, that the levying of a lfd rate be confirmed. Cr Macmahon moved as an :>mpmlnient, and Cr Drummond seconded, that the rate levied be l£d. The amendment was lost, and the motion carried. , The Motueka Retailers' and Tradesmen's Society wrote urging the Courit'ilito push on the roads through the .1 •"«- man estate. —It was resolved to reply that the Council's work was being do'io as expeditkmsly as opportunity will

permit. _, . Messrs Edwards Brothers, Pokm-oro wrote statine tlioy would he- yrcnr.rrt to accept £100 to put a road through tlw property, nut of winch sum tli«\v offorfl til rut a legal fenco alon" t«' rosid line—lt was resolved to accept Iho offer. .. .lf v . It was I'Ofinlvoil to wnto to ?.]••_ wKo© stating that lie must nrorocd tnv<>\with to construct tho road"'od make. A petition from 32 rnterx:yers fr" .». Government grant of £300 i'or l^y:-:i-:)^ a bank leading from Church Vallov '■*■>

Wakefield, was endorsed bytho Oouuoil. • The Engineer was instructed, to attend to Loveridge' s road. 'Cr Hewetson was requested' 'to report as to obtaining an engine and driver. He. was heartily thanked for his report on the graders. , A payment duo to Mr Stade, Moutero, was referred to the Engineer. Tho Council then adjourned.

Dr. ■ £ s. d. General account 5721 19 10 Cr. Contractors' deposits 36 7 0 Land fund thirds 618 1 10 Interest ac. Rocks road 129 16 0 Intei'ost tic. Ngatimoti bridge 30 10 11 Interest ac. Baton bridge 26 1 3 Interest ac. Sherry bridge 4 16 11 Int-i. »est ac. Poninsula ~ bridgo 41 5 0

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Colonist, Volume LIV, Issue 13461, 5 July 1912, Page 3

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WAIMEA COUNTY COUNCIL. Colonist, Volume LIV, Issue 13461, 5 July 1912, Page 3

WAIMEA COUNTY COUNCIL. Colonist, Volume LIV, Issue 13461, 5 July 1912, Page 3