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! GIVES l*t*' When ydli feel gloomy and out of softs | /^fe*,, tvhen you tan't eat, can't work, ot can't llllniP^'lk sleep, take a few doses of Mother Seigel's Ifflf^&gjsh Syrup and you will be delighted with tM S \ XlJ< sl^Sl great change in your spirits, as well as ydtit ! .*AilL^^illl!L strength. Mother Seigel's Syrup, the weliI i^^^^^^S^^^^ proved herbal tonic, exerts a remarkably : 1 '^^^^^^^J^W^ sure anc^ sPee< ty tonic and curative effect 1 W on ie w hole digestive system—stomach, | STRENGTH n veran( j bowels. Thus it cures indiges- # TO THE WEAK I IU m' . tion, biliousness, headaches, constipation, ■ languor, and all other complaints arising On October jrd, f roln a disordered state of the stomach arid fcjio, Mr. E. J. ii ver> Better still, it makes food nourish I Gearson, 78, Rose* yOUj c i ear s your \ Hill Street, Red- /-"«*§%»&,. system of the poiI fern, N.S.W., said: j^^W^^^, sonous products I —"Four years §jSL £p|P undigested I ago, t was in a >Kp* ]L food, and gives I very poor state of ji^ you the vigour % health, suffering tf^m&js/ /|k and tone of roI from digestive bust health. I troubles and ENERGY 10* Mother Seigei's I general debility; THE LANGUiD. Syrup has done I I tried numerous this for thousands I slipposed remedies for Indigestion, upon ti loll£an( ] s o f I but they only afforded a little fleeting other peoplej and j t I relief. Through reading accounts W o n - t fail ymL j^ I of similar cases to my own, which it yourself—to-day! I were cured by Mother Seigel's Syrup, I I was induced to make a trial of it myself. if*sF~*\ t- Relief came in a few days, and in less I than a month I could digest anything, ri7^^% I without distress or trouble, and was so {t00l:$l\ t \/MsS^??, \ well and strong that I felt like a different I being. Thanks to Mother Seigel's Syrup, [^S-^^jV,^^^^ I I can now enjoy a hearty meal with 1 anyone." Prove the value of Mother COMFORT I Seigel's Syrup for yourself, as Mr. T0 the DYSPEPTIC. jj Gearson did I It will cure you, too I _ I AND jft j TAKE THE SYRUP DAILY—AFTER MEALS. This is the price, postage paid, /^v fk /TX. for a single or double breasted IwAj ready-! o-wear Norfolk Costume, made in Imitation Harris' Tweeds or Donegal Tweeds. |||JP M wjjsM I The coat is lined and the skirt | ||||! ! plain, but both are cut in good WBmk. xaftv ' style as illustrated. B^Sm. A self-measurement chart may Wm^^^MiW be used to order, or the following k\ W^mO^B^WjV skirt. All alterations to fit the m^Mx^*^'/ figure are made free of charge. »^\\^S^.^^^ ' J. BALLANTYNE & CO., CHRISTCHURCH. jfM® ia Prizes CM®. ' In order to make still more widely known the remarkable curative properties of Ton- -, king's Unseed Kmulsiou, the proprietor of that \-±\\\<>wi *-.:i\s\>j fcrcoiiulis, col<ls, and chest •; complaints offers the above generous prizes ami invites you to compete in one, two, or all . of the following competitions. I TONKIHG'S LINSEED EMULSION ami is a lest of your floral taste and \ TRIPLES COMPETITION. skin . The flow^. o f tenest named ill j Add, if you can, three words to the lists received will be deemed the ■ each of the three following phrases, mos t beautiful; the one mentioned I the words added to eacli phrase to have llex t most frequently will be considered .j the same three initials as that phrase, second in beauty, etc. a but not necessarily in same order:— 'phe first prize of / 10 will be award|l. Tonking'o Cures Speedily — — — ed for the list which is correct, or iklZfi^oi^cmlZoui^ -~ rarest so will As an illustration, take the phrase be J vc of 10/" cadl liud ten °f 5/" J^" CoS'lS' b^Tdes 'HenSs TOHKING'S LINSEED EMULSION Stience 1" the Sree inhW- H&! ~ , filo,° p»^ 10 "". M - 1 bein<r the same). With each solution of above prizes, /10 will be awarded to the person y°u a, r? entitled to vote for some wor--1 who completes the three triples in the «>y °. b). cct ,'" y°ur vlcn! ll-v "r 1U Ul<; I most appropriate manner ;orif no one Domunou, the one receiving the most I succeeds with the three, then prize v°te« lo')e awarded a cash prize of | will be given for the best completion cad; coinpelition use a 9of one or two (as the casi may be), separate sheet of paper; then after I The five solutions next in merit will y°«r solulion a<ld Eon,etlini X hke thin: 8 win 10/-each; the next ten will receive } vo|, e.tll!^ ll c £lW V"^ Ijcaward\V- c-ich er^ to. Mlss x- I'rown, of Lynnville, for I TONKING'S LINSEED EMULSION vacation tour, etc." 1 ACROSTIC COMPETITION. Should you wish to vote only for the \ Required to forma sentence, the in- P"l^. 0 Priz?' ?' ou "la>', m\ Ul. e C 01,"" I itial letter of each word to be the eight petition solutions, and will then be 1 letters in " Touking's," and in the credited with two votes. \ou may 1 same order. To illustrate: Suppose vote , for ally Pc« 011 or E°; J<l KUl, se U1 the acrostic was to be built upon which you are interested, such us " Yuletide "; a sentence meeting the glvln? a P°P«lar school-teacher a requirement would be " Youthful. Un- vacation trip (as suggested in above sophisticated Lovers Enjoy Them- example); donating £ 100 to a family selves Immensely During Evenings." left destitute ; helping to erect a town A prize of £\b will be awarded for c!°9 k» °[ beautifying your own town ; the best sentence formed, or if no aldl»g the ocal \iospital funds, or any complete sentence of eight words is commendable public or private chanty, made, then prize will go to the person There are hundreds of worthy uses to extending the best sentence or phrase which £\ OO can be devoted. furthest along the word "Toaking's." In order that contestants in the The secondary prizes consist of five of smaller communities may be under no 10/- each and ten of 5/- each. it is provided that that TonKTvr'nLiHSPPDEMursios " worthy object" shall receivs the FIOWBR COMPETITION which obtains the most votes in The requirement is to name six proportion to the population of the elflowers in the order of their beauty, ectorate in which the object is located. CONTEST CONDITIONS.— The nature of the Competitions nil! almost certainly prevent exact ties, but if two or more chosen solutions are absolutely identical, the prize will be divided. It is not expected, however, that cases of this kind «ill occur unless one contestant copies from another. No correspondence can be entered into, as all competitors must be guided alike by these printed conditions. Kach solution or vote must l.c accompanied by a panel of the box around a bottle of Tonking's I.inseert Emulsion. I! from small bottle, the panel must contain the words "Gives Immediate Relief." Kitlier front or back panel from 2/6 bottles will serve, or both will entitle to two separate replies or votes. A complete box from 4/6 size will give three entries. You may send in as many solutions for any of the competitions, with your votes, as you wish, provided panel is enclosed with each, or having Voted for any object, ,you may afterwards rote for any ollur, bi:t muy not change any solution or vote after it is once sent in. A wellknovvji jou:u.ilii>t will act as judge of competitions, whose decisions will be final. Within 15 days after the dosing of competition, all prizes will be paid in'cash and tlienamcs of the successful contest..nls published in this paper. The competition will rajnain open long enough to permit a reasonable number of answers being received, but to ensure an abundance of t inn: for fully considering your solutions you are urged to forward them as soon as possible. A banns of /'i each will, in addition to their prizes, be paid the three prize winners whose answers reach i:s e-irliest. The date for closing will be duly announced in this paper. Address all rcyliesto "ionking';, Competition," P.O. Box 377, Auckland. ~ TONKINQ'S LINSEED £Min,SIOfI From all Chemists and Storekeepers. 1/5, 2/3, 4/6 per r>oli'.2. vVh-jI'J3..U:: all inercruut:.

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Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 13108, 17 May 1911, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 13108, 17 May 1911, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 13108, 17 May 1911, Page 4