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' NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE. ? | YOU CAN- BUY SIMPSON SUITS. OIMPSON SUITS are for Sale in KJ -every district 'in tho Dominion. Start wearing Simpson Suits that are made in 3D sizes, and you'll find that you not only'save money on clothes, but also you can have a new suit the moment you want it, and without waiting two or three weeks for the slow-going tailor to complete your suits. The materials in Simpson Suits are the same as you'd get in ( made-to-order suits, the trimmingE are the same as you'd get in made-to-order-suits, the fit is perfect, but the only difference is the fact that the suits have been made to your size before you order, and that the price is cut in half: Simpson Suits are durable, and presentable,, and fit like a glove. Once you wear a Simpson Suit you are covered by my guarantee that if you're not satisfied, bring back the suit, and the agent has my authority to hand you back every penny you have paid. That's how confident I am of pleasing you, and how desirous I am that you should be satisfied. Simpson Suits are in every respect Tailored Suits—they aro not factory, maide articles that are turned out where they make men's Dungarees and Overalls as well as Children's garments. -JOHN G. SIMPSON. . V, le &>% Agent for Simpson Suits in the Nelhh District is GEORCH DAVIES, LIMITED, "THE MODERN TAILOR," 49 Hardy Street, Nelson. WEDDING PRESENTS. WEDDING PRESENTS. EOR the Largost Selection, Best Quality, and most EeasonabJe Prices m Wedding Presents, PAY FRANK HARFOKD A VISIT. Ho will gladiy show you his well-chosen Stock, and remember: you get fair dealing, aa all articles are marked in plain figures. A Word to the Bridegroom:—Franl Harford is r.oted for his large selection ol i Dainty Froionts for the Bride and i Bridesmaids, Bnd lie has a private selecing room. Wedijin-; Kings all prices. FRANSC TIARFORD, JEWELLER) and OPTICIAN, 76, TRAFALGAR STREET. 'Phone 367. ] tinware of Hawkera, the so-called Opticans. You will get better satisfaction at a less cost at the address above. P.O. Box 102. Telephones; 143: Private, 191, J, SAVAGE" & SONS, LIMITED. The Leading House in Nelson -fcr— Artistic Wai Papers— English and American artisjs^¥lourmen HIGH-CLfiSS PICTUREfFRAMERS A Large Stock of Artists' Materials and Art Engravings. Sheet and Plate Glass Merchants. Plain arid Bevelled Mirrors up to 7 feet. PATTERNS OF WALL PAPERS SENT ON APPLICATION. ESTIMATES CIVEN. Sttb-Agents: Yeirkshlrt Flr» In«ijranc4 Company. OIL, COLOUR, GLASS, AND WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE. HAJRDY-STREjGT ... ... NELSON, ROYAL MAIL CQAOH. POKORORO—UPPER, MODTERENGATIMO7I. JAS. HEATH, Proprietor. /"^ OACH now leaves Pokorpro for Upper Moutere, and arrives as per ! timetable appended: Leaves Pokororo, Mondays, Wodnesdays, and Fridays, at 7 a.m., meeting Nelson Coach at Price's Corner, 9.36 a.m. Leaves Price's Corner on arrival ol Nelson Coach, 12.35 p.m., arriving ai Pokororo at 4 p.m. All parcels and orders receive strict attention. Tourists and Miners wishing to visit Tableland and Mount Arthur district can book through, changing for Pack Horses at Pokororo. Stares provided if sufficient notice given. JAMES HEATH, Accommodation House, 26 Pokororo. g^ GOVERNMENT * DEPARTMENT FACT No, 8. Vhe Department has t^E LARGEST BUSINESS in tlie Dominion. : These are at the present time •ver 47,000 policies of all classes in orce for upwards of eleven millions •f originarassurances, together witE BONUSES AMOUNTING TO O^jriUJON iIiUR HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS STERLING. J.H.RICHARDSON, Government Insurance Commissioner.

; Trafalgar Hotel. it i. D, P. Barritt : : : : Proprlttor. 0 _» * FORMERLY of the Manchester '' •■■ Hotel, Feiiaing, and Albert Hotel, 1 Wellington. c The Trafalgar is well famished r throughout, and superior accommodan tion is provided. Tariff 6s 6d per a day; weekly by arrangement. ~ All Liquors Guaranteed. I Counter L'tnoh 11 to 12 Daily. c ——. '. HZ. • r- SARTORIAL, -^ : NEW GOODS FORTHE k SPRING AND SUMMER \, TO HAND.' v npHE newest Shades are in Greys. j JL Eerringboneß and Diagonal Twills " We cater for one class only—THIS I BEST , Our Suits average about £5, with all s extras. First-class Tailoring on highs tcrade imported materials, with the latest cut and style, cannot be done tor less. We Satisfaction, T. HAIIFORD. HIGH CLASS TAILOR, TRAFALGAR STREEI. It Stands to Reason t Common sunso tells you that the man who offers you a Suit tor loss than the price at nhich it can reasonably do made is making some one elso pay the difference. E. RICHARDS I gives the Best Value that can honestly be given in Cloth and Workmanship TRSFJLGSR-ST., ■ ■ Nelson BUY 1 GRIFFIN'S— THICK LEMON PEEL. GRIFFIN'S— SEVILLE ORANGE PEEL GRIFFIN'S— LAKGE CITKON PEEL. None Better in the Market. tiffin & mm ltd NELSON STOCK OWNERS!! READ THIS 70, Collingwood Street, Nelson, 26th. Aug., 1910. To Messrs. Karsten & Co. Dear Sirs.—lt gives me pleasure to testify to the wonderful properties of Karsten's Universal Embrocation. I have had occasion to use it on my horses, and can honestly say it has given me great satisfaction for outs, ivounds, bruises, sore backs, collar galls and other complaints. You are at liberty to use this, as I consider your Embrocation should be made known to all horse owners. Yours faithfully, Wm. McLennan, Carrier, Agent for Kier's Carrying Co. The original of the above, testimonial together with many others, oan be seen at our office, Bridge Street. KARSTEN & CO., Manufacturers of Karsten's Embrocation, Liniment, and Ointment. For Man and Beast. Our Guarantee: " Satisfaction, or your money returned." SOOTH BRITISH, i!tsurar§£B Comply, Limited, Capital £2,000,000 I Accumulated Funds ©sceed £608,000 j FIRE and MARINE and ACCIDENT INSURANCES, Including _ Employer*' Liability for ■Compensation under the Workers' Jompeneation Acts, Mortgage Indemnity, Public Risk, Personal Accident, AthiT singly or in conjunction with Sicknesß Benefits, Burglary, Plate 31ass, Fidelity Guarantee, etc., iCCEPTED AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. Sub-Agents fob Dibtbicx : City, Robertson Bros.; Motueka, H, ,A. Tarrant: Richmond, W. R. May; Fakaka, J. J. Langridge & Co.; Wakefield, E. J. Painton; Collingwood, W. C. Riley & Co.; Upper Moutere, Mr C. H. J. Bockmann; Westport, J. J. Molonyj Murchison, V. Spiers. F & D EDWAHDS, AGENTS, , TRAFALGAR STREET. (Next National Bank.) STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND, LIMITED. NELSON BRANCH.".. - -.. ..; Fire, Employers Liability, Accident and Disease, Marine, Common Law Mortgage Indemnity^-Workers'-Com-':: pensation, Personal Accident, Fidelity Guarantee, Administration Bonds,, Plate Glass. Policies, issued at Lowest Currant Hates. The Company is a N<nv Zealand Institution,- withrFunds-investedJocally,. and offers Absolute Security, Simplicity of Contract, Prompt and Liberal Settlement of Claims. P. A. BAMFORD. MANAGER, TRAFALGAR STREET, _

Union Steam Ship Co, , of New Zealand, LIMITED. Passengers MLST procure Tickets at the Office before they embark. Steamers will be despatched as tinder, weather ani other circumstances permitting. PICTON & WELLINGTON *Pateena, Tuesday, May 16,10 a.m. Arahura, Wednesday, May 17,10 a.m. Pateena, Thursday, May 18,10 a.m. Puteena, Saturday, May 20, 10 a m. •Takes New Plymouth and Onehunga cargo for transhipment to .Rosamond at Picton. WELLINGTON DIRECT. *Mapourikft, Saturday. May 20, 7 am. *No cargo. WESTPOKT, GUtEY/MOUTH, AM HOKITIKA. Mapourika, Wednesday, May 17, 6 a.m. •Arahnra, Sunday, May 21,7 a.m. ♦Cargo (perishable only) until noon Saturday. SYDNEY, VIA COOK STRAIT. (From Wellington.) Aorangi, Pridey, May 19, 5 p.m. MELBOURNE, VIA BLUFF.,-, : (From Wellington.) j • Moana, 'Thursday, May 18, 5 p.m. I CAM ADA, UNITED STATES, AND EUROPE. (Via Vancouver) Makura; From Sydney, June 5 j Suva, June 12. (Via San Fbancisco.) From From Due Wellington. Auckland. 'Frisco Aorangi: May 31. June 3. June 23 Maitai: June 28. July 1. July 21 i Passengers booked through to London by Orient Line of Royal Mail Stetmsrs For further particulara apply OFFICE. The Pork. ANCHOR SHIPPING & FOUNDRY COMPANY, LIMITED, Paasengers must procure Tickets at the Office before they embark. Steamers will be despatched as under, weather and other circum. stances permitting:— WESTPORT, GREYMOUTH AND HOKITIKA. __ ALEXANDER, Wednesday, May 17, 11 a.m. WELLINGTON. (Direct.) NIKAU, Monday, May 15, 5 p.m, NIKAD, Wednesday, May 17, G p.m. NIKAU, Friday, May 19, 7 y m NELSON TO MOTUEKA. KOI, Monday, May 15, 7 a.m. NIKAU, Monday, May 15, 7 a.m. KOI, Tuesday, May 16, Bam. NIKAU, Wednesday. May 17, 7 a.m. KOr, Wednesday, May 17, 8 a.m. KOI, Thursday, May 18, 8.30 a.m. NIKAU, Friday, May 19, 8 a m KOI, Fiiday, May 19, 9 a.m. MOTUEKA TO NELSON . KOT, Monday, May 15,10.30 a m. j NIKAU, Monday, May 15, noon, KOI, Tuesday, May 16,11.30 a.m. KOI, Wednesday, May 17, noon. NIKAU, Wednesday, May 17, noon. KOI, Thursday, May 18, noon. KOI, Friday, May 19,1 p.m. NIKAU Friday, May 39,1 p.m MOTUEKA TO WELLINGTON. (Via Nelson) NIKAU, Monday, May 15, noon. NIKAU, Wednesday, May 17, noon. NIKAU, Friday, May 19, 1 p.m. FOB 3 WELLINGTON DIRECT , (. THE S.S ''"■"^ife'is^^^fS* Captain Habt, Will leave the Motueka Wharf for Wellington direct, on TUESDAY, May 16, 9 p.m. THURSDAY, May 18, 1 p.m Taking oaroco for Havelook and Pelorui Sound every fortnight. Fares, Motueka to Wellington: single. «15s; return, 22s 6d ; meals included. {ES Return tickets available for 6 months, Igrhe steamer leaves Wellington for Motueka direct every week alternately on Saturday and Monday; also additional trips when required by shippers. WELLINGTON, HAVELOCK, AND MOTUEKA STEAMSHIP CO. JOHNSTON & CO., Ltd., Wellington Agents. nTy. k. IMPERIAL JAPANESE MAIL LINE To MANILA, CHINA, AND JAPAN, Calling at BRISBANE, TOWNSVILLE, AND THURSDAY ISLAND. SAILINGS FROM SYDNEY. Steamer. 'ions. Com. DateYawatuMaru 4000 T. Sukine Apr 19 Nikko Maru 5500 M. Vagi May 17 KumanoMaru 5000 Winckler June 14 Saloon amidships, two-berth cabins only; each cabin fitted with electric fans. Linen washed on board at moderate prices. Fares from Wellington to London, via Chins, Japan, Colombo, Port Said, and 'Marseilles-.—First Class, £110, single; returning via Suez per P. andO, or Orient, £186. BISLEY BROS. & CO., District Agenta. nnRY our Guaranteed IndtUble Marking Ink for Rubber Stamps or Pens and black colours.— "The Colonist" Jobbing D«p»»VinnS. RUBBER STAMPS—We manufacture every class of stamp. Call and inspect specimens.— "The Colonist" Jobbing Department. fSf~ Fresh Fish! in COOL CHAMBERS, at°£ <|Jjl temperature of 40 degrees, by 2 v iLatest Cold Ah Refligeratinß MaohiDe, CONST ANT SU PPLY. Obders Pbomptlt Delivered. SMOKED FISH always on hand. :. ■ - FRIED FISH from 4.3Q t0.6.30 p.m. daily (delivered). G. MERCER. Wrong Side Bridge Street. 8899

Something Newl «™J!iHi O I Have Just Landed | 1 A Novelty in 1 in CURTAINS! 1 »o« I Jl _^l_ I HANGINGS. I Art Gauze Curtains. § Plain Self-Coloured ground, woven.with two g tone colours, Oriental design, with a bold | woven border. These are to be had in the. | following shades -.—Greens, Blues, Browns, and | Red and Green. | Casement Cloths I in Creme and Ecru, 52 inches wide. Border- g ing in great variety suitable for same. | FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, § Trafalgar-Street, - NELSON. § AN OPPORTUNITY OF MAKING MONEY BY SAVING IT! *___ * • Annual SfoGfc-faking Sale Gommenoes on MONDAY, 15th MAY, FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY. A LL our Stock-admitted to be ONE OF THE BEST of its Class in the A Dominion,-* offered at a Reduction horn ordinary puces ot 2d. IN EACH Is. Excepting Odd and Job Lines, « hich will be I x n&B3 -H Practically Given Away, a 3 we watt the Room for New Goods, now on their *ay from the Manufacturers. n in useless for us to try to give anything like a list of the Bargains we are CAN YOU AFFORD TO MJBB THEM? And wehave^ly^ FOR OUR COUNTRY FRIENDS :—During the Sale 65/- will Buy aiOO-QAI, IRON TANK, fitted with Brass Tap, delivered at railway, steamer, cr anywhere in town, CAN YOU AFFORD TO MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY OF SAVING MONEY ? . ■ . R. SSQSuRASS AND SOUS, DIRECT IMPORTERS. .CARRIAGE BUILDING. , BEST MODERATE MATERIAL. mm*' SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP, R. JOHNSTON (Late c>f Harrison's Ltd., Londou. and over 5 yoars >vitli Ba^me & Oo.y COACHBUILD. R HAKDY-STKEET (Opposite Robertson Bros., Ltd.). Motueka Farmers' Go-operative Co., Limited. HIGH-STREET, ... MOTUEKA. —FOE— Orchard Requisites and Farm Implements. AGENCIES: State Fire Insurance. Commercial Union (Accident) Insurance. Yorkshire Live Stock Insurance. " Target Brand " "Fungicides. HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF— Syracuse, Hornsby, Eansome, and Colonial Plows, Drills, Cultivators, Disc Harrows, and Farm Implements 01 every description. E. McPHERSON & (ft, LTD,, WiK « IEID SHOPKEEPERS, HOTELKEEPERS, and ' "FYYR SATF RESTAURANT PROPRIETORS. J \Jl\> g3Ji.AJ.IIi. ■ mmr 1w a m?a n ,,A trftTT A NEW S-roomed HOUSE, Bussell T^^BOOK^TrtL^S , A Btra,t, Port. Gas, h. ft ndc.wat«r . classes of. Business in the form ] °°^ e4 l^ ll a?W dl^nage- .° Vnei approved by the Labour Depart- . leaving mißon.- w™~ :; :; ihr ""* "THe C°lonlSt" W • F'iSi£i Wharf.

Hearne's Bronchitis Ciire. S^TL'Tv^i. Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its "splendid healing power. Sufferers from Bronchitis, Cough, Croup, Asthma, difficulty .^ : \J %J UlSe* A*«& %Xs ~.*M I»J*l*^ ,oi Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and rapidV relief;• and to those who are subject to Colds on the ; , __ Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a complete cure. It is most comforting in. allaying Irritation in the Throat and giving Strength to the Voice, and Lit, neitha allows a. Cwgh nor Asthma chronic, nor Consumption to develop, (^nsurription is not Imown where "Coughs" have, on th^ mediane. No house should be witturat it, as» wep ■»t the beginning, a dose of two is generally sufficient, and a bomplete5 rrire k.certfcin. ;= ~ i. .:...- ..: ; . ... «moli Mb* a/«i L*rs% «& OhMiMib JMmU^lm V«iy|9r% «r tto* M»rM^ W.U HUUiI, ONmH Q^lon« VlotorU. rwwartf^ by p<>»t to «n|r wJ«»rw», wHfn »t« »»Ms*^ UliV aTfJOE. WDLWS STsp& WE^JNQTa' , ~, ,

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Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 13106, 15 May 1911, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 13106, 15 May 1911, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 13106, 15 May 1911, Page 1