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Article image

TSESS 8 f F« LOUIBSON & CO. — Are now showing all the Alto^^fs, ml.™» Latest Fashions for Autumn and Winter! shed and bench. Land 30 feet bj Collingwood Streets—A 7 roomed Special Valua in Navy Serges, Chevions, Hopsaoks, Pastel Cloths, house in good ordfr, with large Tweeds and Velveteens. piece of ground fronting Colling- New Eange of Blousings in]Vyellas, Kremlaines, Az* Flannel and wood street and Alma Lane. Room lfelaines. * to build another house on sec- . " tion. Price £800. Smart and effective Novelties in Neckwear. Milton Street.—New cottage and Ladies' Knitted CUts, Rink Caps, and Motor Bonnets, "~"~ land 60it by 152 ft. Very cheap g at £450. £350 could remain on ; mortgage. Haven Road.—Cottage and land. TRAFALGAR STREET Price £150. A great bargain. Tasman Street. —New 6-roomed cot- . ■ ■■ . ; tagc, bath-room, tubs and copper a JMMMMHaßaMaaaaMiWflaH*^^ connected with, sower. Price £450. Very easy terms will be given. A j "■■TtT^kTllT'W^Trf"l A WfciWfc.'Erft js w Gloucester Street. The boarding house , WW J.l^l^ Hi^lF z^sT Ji llalLP WralLl* containing 17 rooms and i acre oi , land, near railway station, occu- ' —————— r^iid rbu 6 S s ma8OBona)1dl ' Honest Tweeds, Honest Mako and Honest Wear, Pakarw aau. nSf A SS g property of 420 ,«* whflfc Parents lo°k foi> in B°^ Clothing. These acres, 300 acres being in grass, 50 [ qualities are combined in acres standing bush, and 70 acres felled and ready to burn. 50 acres __ ™ __ __, __ era-raj* ,^^. hew go with the property. Sea front- Jafcda&«Sa &&i£!aiai&t iSis*iißc2. eK^ ago and facing sun, wharf to th« i property, and any sized steamei : W^ f& "m g& f3 g*% • . can go in. Land winters 2* f-Lieep HJF £% Qh am fs V WJm fiTk /£% /T& to acre. Price £9 per acre, BJiftp i|| B JB4fll 1 W."" IWffi (fMm Mli Rllll ii! »^ thrown in. A great bargain. J&Bb^^'SWß.'&Si W i V^L >ia>4a.**Ma^<» &b0? tS/BLi& *<b>9**& Rockville. 54 acres, 40 acres cleared v/ and grassed. First class land, all -g-> •»» ,« , m rivarflat. Price £6 5s an acre. A | fl» f) f lOlltllS 3MU BOYS. great bargain. . «* Nile Street. Corner property lately occupied by W. W. Squires, Esq Thp rpjmrin why <sn mmv Price £900. |^^ nß^^a Xiw ica&on wny so many Haven Road. Sea View Boarding H^^^™jHS^§P|^r parents always ask for Kaiapoi House, 14 rooms, h. and o. water B .^^^^u? Jl o-± • i /? ,i j. , up and down stairs, tubs, copper, g| Jj^^ \ ollltS IS DCCailse 01 tllC tact bathroom, and every convenience. ■ AT JSyL that thpv wear lono-pr nrp Price £850. A great bargain aB BJF "' lODgol, aie owner is retiring from business. Off JffiMimSl&ffii^ better Cllt. and Smarter lookRussell Street.—A new 5 roomed cot- gf i«§iffiftlHttllsmraSKv ' • -i ' ~ , , tage property; hot and cold water, B7 JjMw 11111* \Wm in» n °^ncr brand, gas, connected with sewer, and Eg .^i§il| 1 111 11 [ lill every convenience Very cheap at H JiztlyT Iffi set !• llf «?> mi i ~ £550. m /^^liHii|3Z'f I-0 w'css boys economically Wangamoa.—so acres all in grass with g (s|& I||| fi PUf nnd snnrHv is in Pvnr nrpqpnt new 3 roomed cottage. Cheap ai || W|k wliSillll^ Mlldltiy IS ail ever present £42S- . ~+ . m \\ problem, the solution of which rasman Stren.—A cottage property &2l \ with land 50ft x 150 ft, now let a1- §|| 5 JU^^^^l 1 1S ••• 12s a week. A bargain at £250. j|laL jSMftfifl <iM^ \ Crove Street. —Anew seven rqomet p& \ HFI^ bouse with every convenience ||i\&k j '» il \ MfivJ S. rrafalgar Street North.—A new fiv m | j !^§^ \ 44 ST llf/I I^J"|¥ venienoe; land 85ft by 135 ft. / vgi j ''mffi Wffis ' bargain at £490. S m$M <PI C&'FIIIMr 1 Milton Street—Almost new 5 rpome. M T&W 1 Iflii^l %3. house with 50ft frontage by 3041 ffl Hw9 deep. Wftsb house and every con m II k. f§W « venience; connected with «ewer ffl WwMW *^c represents one of Price £675. !,„„„ H \iln "^Ss^ the many popular v stvles in these Qrove Street.—A new 5-roomed housi M Kg, IffiMfez. '■ J -. ", • , , with every convenience, workshop M WkWifc^Wi W6ar reslstinS suits, which, when and large new glass house. Land fi _^___J^,^^*^.^ compared with imported clothingvJiSS&^jS!!)*** Aba, igßiiffS^SSSaigive 1 just double the wear. Mto^Street.—Mrs Akers' large new ] KAIAPOI BCYS' SUITS are stocked by all Warding house. Very cheap at O OTHiERS AKD TRaDERS EVERYWHERE. £950 *aimßa 'street—Splendid building TF&B** ICjlifSlS^^ l¥ofllll^^ls Mfcf Vil I tf! site 45ft x 155 ft. Price £4 per 1 IIC Ikfflflfilpvll 68 l?Iil g. %,%$• Jjfi.ll. ..l^d Street—A new 6 roomed iwWHßeßßWtaaa^ ( oiißt, with every convenience Price £475. WANTED, W. TYREE, •M«hmond.—J Acre in Queen Street Tt X JLii/. "• axxvj^J^* with new 6-roomed dwelling ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHER, Price, £530. , m^r, , T ,, . , WAS just engaged a First Clasi Russell Street 9-roomed dwelling A PPLICATIOIvS for frco Illustrated ■ fl-JL Operator, who has had years o: and 2 acres of land. A very cheaj c*- Booklet on Rubber Growing in Experience in the Leading Studios o: property. Price, £803. Papua. Australia. Patrons are assured of up bgatitama Street.—s Acres in orchard to-date Photographs both in style am Price, £1150. Apply Secretary, finish. Halifax Street, near P.O.—New 7 ■ nnn - nT jf^mc nr, t™ All Orders Finished Promptly, roomed Dwelling with wash-hous. PAPUAN PROUULIb CO., hiD., Developing, Retouching, Printing and outbuildings. Land, 45ft. b\ . Enlarging, Etc., done for amateurs. 125 ft. Price, £770. Box 56, Chnstchurch, or arlli eas? rw^ws, B&rthtiS Q , THOS. COMPTON Photographer," . St at side, fittings included. Price. Sharebroker, - Chnstchurch. £1400. ' -•"'lfax Street.—A Sne building e\U phjuted with fruit trees. Price, i — .^noi^^^HH^n^^MHMUMaa^^HHHMHMMaaMaaHßMHi^E* £150. Very cheap. , yT "''TJ; rß|giat D.T«oC?S A fflanufactnrer's Range of Samples of * »a.JZTd-N e w c— LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING House aiid aU conveniences. Lanr mmmmmmmmmm^ _ aaa __i^_^a_a«a»aa 50ft by 150 ft. Price £390. Bmm OFFERED AT Russell Street.—New 5-roomed Dwell- m . ing, with bath-room, wash-hous( ¥**% £2t VOf ffl iFt jh*fTlG&& «id all conveniences. Connected OQrgCSin rriUCOi trith new sewer. Land 66ft. by _i__^__ 500 ft. Price, £600. „.-,.„„ , „ ... AM LADIES' NIGHTDRESSES—In Longcloth or Mount Street.—6-Roomed Dwelling, AW Cali trimmed embroidery and insertion or with bath-room, wash-house and OPPORTUNITY lace, machine made. Usually 4/11, 5/6, to 10/6 all conveniences. Cheap at £050. cciQOM SAMPLE PRICES—3/6, 4/6, to 7/11 w+hxrT=nf+ p P ; M x>RKn a WITH ■ and tucks. Usual prices—2/11, J/0, to b/n AND SAMPLE PRICES-2/3, 2/6, to 6/M .eat bargain. AND LADIES' KNICKERS-In Calico, trimmed THAT useful tucked frills or strong Longcloth emSHOULD broidery and feather stitching. Usual prices— W. ROUT & §ms, AT 2/11>3/G)t°sTMPLE PRICES-./.., 2/6, to 5/11 LAND AGENTS. ONCE LADIES' CAMISOLES—In fine Longcloth and APPEAL Nainsook, daintily trimmed Torchon and Valen- __ ciunnes lace, insertion, and tucks; also fine .— TO Longcloth or muslin embroidery, made with ULL high or low necks and with or without puff Xn/"\T> CATT? i nnirc sleeves. Usual prices—2/11, 3/6, to. 29/6 Jb Oil feAJLii. LADIES SAMPLE PRICES-2/3, 2/6, to 22/6 HPHE well-known yacht "Maritana" mm^ A (hull only), as she lies in Nelson | H™*lfc. B a^ ■H^HMHinHHHBHHB harbour, diagonal built, coppered, Iks ■" '■"■«. n i§* sound, and of groat strength; would I I J | R j* \A/#=»>111 Tft O"f*r\ V"& make an excellent launch fit to go any- S iMVr ■i ■ B W Chilli lj^ LUI !■ where on a moderate draught. ]W ~ *A App>y to "\ JOHN RICKETTS, 2510 Russell Street. Household Ironmongery *Sp At Moderate Prices. |P WE have a full Stock of New and TJP-TO-D ATE iSI-1 JL Labour- aving Devices for the housewife, )1 all marked at very reasonable prices. <g\\ riLLER |A Visit to BUXTON'S will prove interesting and instructive. THE MAGIC " FOOD CHOPPER does its work efficiently, is easy to clean, and sharpens itself automatically. A Book of valuable ieceipes given with each Machine. New England Sewing Machines. JL i^ mmimmm^m ' ' i^Sfcs^ "" **— ~^ ' fo clear tt)e balance—4 Ma- » *** A^^^^^^ lCl!M^^s' iLjjL-LjuuiJi i. —we are offering M£k 7 1N d i^—--F" tH "NEW HOME" ff^%*™ •»*"><^^* jl L& , TREADLE MACHINES \\ /\ACHlNEf^ri__ r T ; Ji*'' l''deila°"^ t'' * AT km BUILDERS' MATERIALS. jA^M A flltK^^^oJ SsS«ni Builders can be supplied with Jk Aiß It 19 l^f/ > IMU\ N^ isMlvl .the best Iron. Kidging, Nails, _f"' jLli JtE / \i£ li PI lj • &«Y\\ lumnM Spouting, Koofing,Felt, Paints, M I \ .^rtrtM^tßT* Iflßl iMW/H Oil« Varnishes, Locks, Register I " * BSIDIm99«hWI GlatM' Cooking Stoves and I \^j j-^ ■. » , ImJISiSPPyBM BaDSes, Malthoid Eoofing, etc -^ *^h" r|fl* rll * €>TjiCS^' N' V. Complete stocks of Cooper's, O«f —■■—^■■■■■■■■■j *• ■ Little's, and Cannon's Sheep Inspection invited. Dips are always on hand. COMMON SENSE RAT EXTERMINATOR is a reliablo and speedy Poison for destroying Rats. It practically eats up the vermin, leaving no smell whatever. The Rata will disappear from your house it you use this Exterminator. , " ' L.IXALL. —A splendid Weed eradicatoi. It quickly dastroys Califorman Thistle, Gorse, etc. We can supply you with any of P. £ D. DUNCAN'S Famous FARM IMPLEMENTS, Also other Reliable Makes. f.,- E. BUXTON ft. CO., Limited, S"~ _

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Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 13106, 15 May 1911, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 13106, 15 May 1911, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 13106, 15 May 1911, Page 3