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pforlale es F. louisson & co. j HAVE RECEIVED THEIR Alton Streßt.—A 5 roomed cottage, AS.ahd Utbench!n^knd C 8O Df^l>byJ f'lYSt ShIDRIOntS Of 120 feet. Price £300. • ■ iribvsiuu AA^mA Collingwood Street.—A 7 roomed HIITIIBfIIi 000 OIL house in good order, with large . ,7 !^. ~.,!' piece oi: ground fronting Calling- (Ex ToilgarirO and CorilltlllC. ) wood street and Alma Lane. Room to build another liouso on secconSwood rice SSSk - Brunswick These have been most carefully selected from the House, ll rooms, bath room, gas best world s markets, and will be opened m a tew l^s^eor^uif ™in ron days, when a visit of inspection is cordially invited. mortgage. A great bargain, as . - ' owner is leaving Nelson. ' _______ Tasman Street.—New cottage and -n.em hau ctdtbi 'land 60ft by 152 ft. Very cheap TRAFALGAR STHtfcT ■ at £450. £350 could remain on mortgage. " " ~~~~ "— Haven Road.—Cottage and land. Price £150. A great bargain. _____!- . . ■■■ ■: Tasman Street. —New 6-roomed cot- —— ; ~ "J tago, bath-room, tubs and copper coiuK'cted with sewer. Price. £450. tiifll Very easy terms will be given. A K*t\*J\^l-,f bargain. __________ Gloucester Street. The boarding house ' containing 17 rooms and J acre of /~*/T\ X H T~*f~\Y** T \ "Of TC land, near railway station, occu- I | J j\/| H( ]X i AOl . !"\ pied by Mr J. Thomason. Doing , VjWIVJII. V^&X A L l.«si~.—a a splendid business. Bona fide I ~■" '"' ' " l""" reasons for selling. ! Pakawau. A iino property of 420 acres, 300 acres- being in grass, 50 if"*^ T f *F IT"! fT*^ P acres standing bush, and 70 acres r"™! H h^T $ I felled and ready to burn. 50 acres _/j I I a B Xv_ 3 V $ ,-» a i flat, 11 paddocks and a new five **«^ «&• ■&■ *&. «*i» m» «** \-w o » roomed dwelling, also new shear- i . ' '' ' - ->. ■■■■■ ■■■■■— , ing shed and concrete sheep dip. " | Vt'&ter laid on. About 900 sheep : ti:^z&zz\-£?&°& for summer wtAR property, and any sized steamer ■■■. ™ "~ "~~~——~ can go in. Land winters 2J sueep to acre. Price £9 per acre, ejk ep thrown in. A great bargain. Young men, and men of all a*es who prefer smart Rockvilie. 54 acres, 40 acres cleared _ ° ° I and grassed. First class land, all looking shirts, wil be impressed with the rivea' flat. Price £6 5s an acre. A ° ' ~ . , . great bargain. DISTINCTIVE patterns and EXCELLENT limsn Ot Nile Street. Corner property lately __-___—-—-—-— —- • occupied by W. W. Squires, Esq. " KaiapOl Shirts. Price £900. Haven Road. Sea View Boarding House, 14 rooms, h. and c. water - LEADING STYLES ARE . . up and down stairs, tubs, copper, bathroom, and every convenience. ~ TvTTrfT T^TT " Price £850. A great bargain as ±MLVJJ-/lvJllr, owner is retiring from business. Russell Street.—A new 5 roomed cot- v TpT>TT T^V " tage property; hot and cold water, A X\lJ-/JJ X , gas, connected with sewer, and every convenience Very cheap at AND v XENNIS STYLES. Wangamoa.—so acres all in grass witb new 3 roomed cottage. Cheap at r«,£ e ,-A c«t w propß t s THEY LOOK WELL with land 50ft x 150 ft, now let at TiTrrv CTTT 1 DTTTV'TI7FP 12s a week. A bargain at £250. lHtl Til .tm i I Ji.TC arova Street.—A new seven roomed .„_._ _„__ house with every convenience. TH..EY!. JDJiO I Cheap at £1000. Trafalgar Street North.—A new five SO j jD EVERYWHERE, roomed cottage with every convenience ; land 85ft by 135 ft. A bargain at £600. L£X YOUR NEXT SHIRT BEAR THE Street. —Armost new 5 roomed «-■_*.- house with 50ft frontage by 304 ft : LABEL OF ♦ . . , ai^ deep. Wash house and every con- : /gj, * w&ffi&t venience; connected with sewer, j HPTJIIi ' wj &iyfcJ>««S2^ Price £G75. ! 1 KID X^amPfm Srove Street.—-A new 5-roomed house ; ey \A.i»i^ws^sS 1 with every convenience, workshop, '__ __ - »a « "H1-^ /% "B" ?K^^^^J>\ and large new glass house. Land %Jr A 8 i\ ILJ i \ 1 .#^^^!^ Wi 50 x 200 feet. £675. |*L L3k | &*&. B^ I || Wolfe Street. 81 Acres land- A bar- ' JL 3^JL k_« <Sb %b^ «*» "-^T«»fw%. "{SiXS." XXTOOLLEN M'F'G. COMPANY, LTD. £950. , „ ~,. Walmea Street Splendid budding I — erto 45ft -R 155 ft. Pric* £4 per :.„ . - - ■■- ■ ■ foot. , ; — Gotland Street.—A new 5 roomed TVr^TTf T7 ' «-»t -^^ liouso with every convenience. 1\ IJ JULI>Jb. Yy7. TYIiEE. stO fc O Acres spiendid land, ten T"T has °ome <» our knowledge that ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHEH, minutea walk from Railway Sta- X other B'iits are being sold in "Now TTAS just engaged a First Clas tion: 2 acres in orchard, 4 year lira boxes, and being palmed off on ■"■■*• Operator, who has had year? c old trees. unsuspecting persons as "NEW EEA" Experience in the Leading Studios c — \ Aero in Queen Street, SUITS. Australia. Patrons are assured of in with new 6-roomed dwelling. We would respectfully urge all intend- to-dato Photographs both in style an Price £530. ing purchasers of "New Eras" to sco finish. Russell Street 9-roomed dwelling that the brand •• NEW ERA "is on the All Orders Finished Promptly. and 2 acres of land. A very cheap Saifc as well as the box. Developing, Retouching, Printing property. Price, £800. UfEARINP RDH6 Enlarging, Etc., done for amateurs. hgatitama Street—s Acres in orchard. ncflmnUDKUa., Price, £1150. Sole Richmond Agenth foh n . tf Halifax Street, near P.O—New 7- "NEW ERA" SUITS. 802 uotneraphcr, . Trafalgar S roomed Dwelling with wash-house and outbuildings. Land, 46ft. by „... ~.,, . 125 ft. Price, £770. ____™_.. w _, ;<^^__r __ T _ T^ "~~" Brldf.O Street,—2 Shops with plate- aWß^^»^&g^~-i^ifeaacaL^SM.uj ! -a.h j.a^sSSjrs-:a Si.Z^\ jrlass windows, with right-of-way '? d (it side, fittings included. Price, | B^/sakva/r Q «fc ?>f? rt nJ r- ■$ £1400. ■ I B^vGs\fi#' *£» S? €x >■£? **,J S i I'^ - mcMlsk Street.—A Sne building site i g»«a s #^& a p n n*,. n 4>**. v ii-^j^^n^-.{\ pkuted with fruit trees. Price, 1 | Ij | J ;•*«s, Hf. [i K S :> ;.i filftl. Very cheap. ' | -a-** Bbo U«Wli kNi «te^ LJ g Bridge Street.—A Dwelling of eight f Are Hprp i rooms. Now let at £104 per year. 1 "IO nctc % U Price, £1150. | WRITE F" OF? SAMPLES fe 1 y»'ashington Hoad.—Now 6-roomed i Fj | House ai<d all conveniences. Land B9aHßeffiSiasl_CS^g_^^SSSiSS^s^S£l^sSllS^a s" 50ft by 150 ft. Price £390. & I Ruasei! Street.—New 5-roomed Dwell- g JjJS Jc Opened B ing, with bath-room, waßh-house ri »-^=t»™»™» wi^^c j and all conveniences. (Connected , ® a new sl.ipmoiit of bestqiwiitv YIYKI.I.\S suitnl.le I DG^- BeWn rJAn Lalld 6Gft- y! I for Urea's, JilniPi-P, Khirtrt, und I'vjainaß, | 500 it. Price £600. . | puarantocl Ihorou:'!.!,■ slu-iink, Hi inr.hrs wide, h Mount Street.—^RoomcdDwening, | i»aBplomlirlly:i ! -so'ri.-.'ir..ii.:o(.f iwSU-it:. indark [i with bath-room, wash-house and I and light LTouuds, porfcctlv f ; ;?t. in oolfuu- fe all conveniences. Cheap at £050. 2 " p,•;,.,. cap, ~ ~,r , i I Halifax Street.—Now 6-roomed Dwell- k "' ! ing with all conveniences. Land 1 IJie " OOL.-vl.O.vh Blousing, \n dark and light ji £Oft by 150 ft. Price £650. A S colours, til Eolutcly i nro wool nml thorouirlilv ? «;reat bargain. I shrunk, 3-.) inches vvuU-, in a full raiip'of p::t.- t; 3 terns I'ihr 2'S :i y:u-.l [?; W. ROUT & SC^S, I Tlie : iow "KRIOir.AIN-K» TiU.u^^, thor^My I ■ «».in <T.F-ft--r« bh shrunk, bfautifullv warm vol li^lii in v.-ciulit, b LAND AGEfcTS. & qnite fast in clour. A Mii.Mt- 1.1. ;i-in S foi- I || winter wear, 30 inciii'H wide I'ricc i/ii a yard f; WI^T? A T "Ff r Wri"*© now dircci: to the D.i.C, p _ I Wellington, for a range of samples [i| THHE well-known yacht "Maritana" | , ~ ..„».,.,,■-„. '■' •*• (hull only), as she lies in Nelson | l^iiirai^^i^^t^fiScs^^L^^ii^SE^ iarbour, diagonal built, coppered, ; f4, kxss^. n /&a&^ M >ound, and of great strength; would j I] a 8 I 1?^ L< nake an excellent launch fit to go any- SggE^^^^^£^SSH3i3 fw? ™ I ffi7 P vhere on a moderate draught. ,d — "^"^ f.-l Apply to W»F" ! ! I WrtTO ft! 13 JOHN PJCKETTS, | "__!___&! J5lO Russell Street. K:S3SSsSfc3iSSa£^SKl2^i^iiati^£S;ii In preparing for the busy Autumn Season, you will find it pro- j fitable to procure all your requirements here. .Farmers are assured of GOOD QUALITY in everything they purchase at and also of a speedy dispatch to all orders entrusted with us. W© Hf@ HIS® Ag@HfS for the following renowned SHEEP DIPS :— COOPER'S POWDER and LIQUID DIPS. #ss ajn CANNON'S LIQUID DIP, in 1, 2 and 5-Gallon tins.! **-. -a^i^JyE?sSsws •) LITTLE'S well-known DIP and other Brands supplied as our , Jsij^ L- f''*f''——^.".l^i^^J' "y customers desire, all at market quotations. (s§KH_*"?S"3i!r^^'^'^r^' J'*JM >''^ COEN SACKS, STRONG SACK TRUCKS, TEIGHING |4gS£Ssßr-»--."'i^^^j MACHINES (complete with weights). S3^^ ss^:s^*^r™ =>**%F =*-:4^/ vjyCLOtfE FENCING is stocked in three widths. This is =^^"is~-^i.-^-^«_»---^ii, very strong, serviceable Fencing. M^(V v&T^ "^jM? Basis Slag for *| \, ¥ / Jutyiiii T@p-Sr©ssiiig. § X %S We have a shipment of '• Star " Brand Bi SIC SLAG to land JL ._ . m early in February. If you will be using this excellent Fer- M '' m I WT —r' rr^ tilizer this Eeason, lot ua suggest taking delivery from ship's tl : ffl l"**^ ! sling?, thns saving the extra expense of handling in and out j| <p of tboStoro. OrdGrs should be sent to us before 7th February, IS &^ |\ F©r the Deer Stalking Season: \X 1 \ We have Marlin, "Winchester, and MaTtini-Henn Carbines! I full suppliea of Ammunition and Sportiug JBequisitfs. M&s DEKE STALKEES' LICENSES AEE OBTAINABLE AT Trafalgar-street 9 Nelson. ■ -^^^^^^W

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Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 13052, 11 March 1911, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 6 Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 13052, 11 March 1911, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 6 Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 13052, 11 March 1911, Page 5