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(From "Tho Coloniat," N.<(v. 17.) Tho summer or rose show in connection with tho Ideal Horticulture Society was opened in the Dnll Haul yesterday, and quite excoeds expectations iti tho quality of tho roses exhibited, though there w ( ere trace®. of tho effects of tho ,uripropitipus weather of the pftst w*<*k in even the best of the stands, while some decidedly poof blooifls' were shown. ; The leading stands, however, are mainly composed of very fino blooms, attd the display as a wholo iff a •good one* which should *Ur»ct * good attendance to-day also. Honours, >r»r» fairly weM distributed among, tho leading, rosarians. The ketthCfit competition lay between Messrs Bert Tasker and F. W. Hamilton for the Richmond trophy, and the judge had yery great difficulty in separating tho two* Both were fine atands, and Mr Tasker got the award by a. 1 very narrow ma-rgin. Mr F. w. Hamilton showed ! tH6"ehampion rose of the ahow. By the present it ib proved to demonstration that the rose " ahow is top early for. a good display of gweet peas. la half the sweet pea classes there were no entries, and from B competitive point of view the inclusion of tho sweet pea oaesee in the echedulo proved - a fiasco. Pressure on our space precludes any more extended remarks, :but we recommend: the show to our reader*' patronage. Mr J. Arthur Day aotod as judge throughout and : on the whole gave as much satisfaction ns is possible in a rather thankless position. Among tho specimens sent fcr exhibition only were a strilitza, in bloom, by Mr M. Lightband; a beautiful stand of Bcarlet South African daisy (Gorbcra Jamesond) by Mrs A. K. Crawford. A /bouquet of winter i.iiir-fring- snc«t ! peas by Mr Frank A'Jampon. Mr D. Whiting also exliibiUd «omo vtjry fine asparagus. -Sir Thomas Hbrton, the well-kno^vn, nurseryman of Pahiatua and Hast-' ings, was a visitor to the show, and very much admired some of the rose* shown. On the whole ho considered the show a good one. It may be mentioned that in reply to a question pul Mr Horton said that ho would b< pleased if inyited to do so to act a; judge at the autumn ahow of the So ciety and make a display of fruit similar to those' which ho made at thi ChristcHurch Exhibition arid in al most every important centre, in New Zealand. Mr Horton makes a point of naming overy exhibit mado by him and -no doubt tho; local Society wil; ba pleased to avail iteeCf of the opportunity afforded: In many casOs prize cards were awarded\to Mr , p. ; Graham. Thest should been mado in the name oi Mr iUox Wilkio, iof tlie Pprt, who it absent) in' Australia," Mr Graham being in charge of his garden and greenhouse in. the meantime. Wo. ji\&vc. amended this in tho subjoined pria list- r The following is the prize list : — POT PLANTS. (Open competition only.) Furohia: A. E.Taßkerl. ; 3 Fuschias: S. F. Bolton 1/ Mrs R Tibbie 2, A. E. Ta«ker h.c. Geranium j A. E. Tasker I, A. Wilkio,2. , :■ 5 Geraniums: A.Wilkid 1, Mrs Memck $. ; : Ptsargonium (regal or^fancy) : A. E Tasker 1/S.F. Bolton 2. SJ'elargpniums: (regal or fancy) : S. F. Bolton 1, A. E. Tasker 2, A. Wilku h.c. : . Cineraria: A; Cotton 1. 3,GineTarias::A. Cotton 1. Calceolaria: A;:E. Tasker 1. 3 Greenhouse, plants in flower, not othenviso provided for: A.E. Taskei 1, Mrs Mornck:2.! 2 Begonias.- A.. Wilki© 1. 2 Petunias (double) : Mrs Merrick 1 Cactus: Mrß Levy 1. ..^^^SnAair^in;, Mrß- Merrick 1 ■MrsTvTTLompson 2. 3 Native ferns : A. WUkie 1. ■: 3 Eiotife ferns : A. Wilki© 2. Asparagus Sprengori : A. Wilkie 1. 3 Asparagus, distinct: A. Wilkie 1, MraMerricka. . : u-?f%°- r ra /® P la "t not previously ex iubitcd m Nelson : Mrs Levy 1 s. < l-"&ttiN». f ° relec ' : ROSES (cut blooms). 24 Roses (amateur, for Mr Lippiatt's priaes) : F. W. Hamilton 1, A Crawford 2, A. E, Tasker 3. 18 Rose* (Richmond trophy, ama tcur) : Bert Tasker 1, F. W. Hamiltoi. 2, A. Crawford c. 12 Roses (distinct, introduced sin<v , Ist Januarj-, 1904), Mr Lippiatt's tro pJiy: A. Crawford 1, G. A. Harknesi 12 Roses, distinct: S. P. Bolton l f Bort Tasker 2, J. Wigzell h.c, Mri Renwickc. : 6; Buses (Kerr trophy, amiteur) : F. W. Hamilton 1, Bert Taslcer 2, a Crawford 1i.0., Mrs Kitchilig c., Mn A. Natder <s. 6»>»esj A. E. Tasker 1, S. F. 80l ton 2, Bert Tasker h.c^ 3 roses, varieties: A. E. Tasker 1 Mra W. E. Wilkes 2, Bert Tasker c. 3 Roses, red: Bert Tasker 1. A Crawford 2. 3 Roses, pink or rose .• A. E. Tasker 1, A. Crawford 2. . 3 Roses, white or creant: Bert Taskcr 1,- Mrs Kitching 2. 3 Yellow rose»: F. W. Hamilton 1. J. Wigzell 2. 1 Rose, red: Bort Tasker I and 2. G. A. Harknees c. - 1 Rose, pink or rose: A. E. Tasko 1, Bert Tasker 2 and c. . 1 Rose, white or cream : Hamiltoi and Kerr 1, G. A. Harlchess 2, J. .Wigzoll c, a A. Hamilton c. 1 Rose, yellow : F. Coleman 1, T. Scott 2. •■- '■■<■■■ 6 Rosos, amateurs^ r ) open tp those who havo not 4>rcvTpUßly won ;a prizt for roses: FytWcman 1, C. H. CooU-! 3 RoIm; do; : Misg Cloustoir 1, Mrt R^JSiMOe 2, Mrs G. Simpson hJc. , ' 6 Sinftte TOBWi F. V. H&railtoivl. 6 Folyantha rosetf: V.\W. Hfl^iiltoh 6 Buttonhole roses i BcrtTaski'r 1, F. W. ; Hamilton 2, A. E. Tasker c. . ',;;., CiOT BLOOMS^ r ; . 6 Pelargoniums : A; Wilknor I,' 6 JPanwes : i■ ; Miss Ethel Taskor .1, Mra & Tibbie 2. -:■■ - " ■ ; 12 Pansies, distinct I : Mrs Ketiwick 1, Mro A. Nalder 2. < ' : ; ; 3 Peonie*: S. F. BoKon 1. / . 6 Verbenas: E. Blackburn 1: 6 Aquilcgias: A. E. Taskor ,2. 12 Antiithinnums: F. Gr^h^ni 1, Mrs Leyy c. ■■■■- '.<■ -:--^! ; "- -6 Iris : Mrsßamford 1, Mrs : Kerr 2!' Shirty Poppies : A. E. TaskOr 1. . 12 Out flowers, distinct kinds'; Misr Cooke.l, Miss Lodgfr 2, Mrs A. E. Tasker c, A. Cotton c. • 18 Cat blooms : Mjrs A. E. Taskor 1, Mrs W, G. Korr 2; A. Wilkie c. DJECOttiTIV^E CILASSES. Basket Roses: Mrs LevyJl, MissjC. KitcJlJng 2. ;...•.,!.;,..- ■ Hand bouquet: Mi's Levy!l. w: >. Shower' bouquet: Miss G. JBisley 1, Mrs Levy 2. ' ■-. ■ .-..•': - ■■/" >•■■ :■'■•;>•■'•■■ Bowl of Roses: Mrs G. Kerr 1, Mrs A,E. Tasker 2. .r Decorated basket of flowers, children under 14: Jean Simpson 1, K. Grace 2. ■ ' ' ; '' Decorated basket, children under 12: EtHeX Tasker 1, jean Simpson 2; Buttonhole, open, -on velvet: Mrs Levy I,' Miss Cook© 2 j Mis* 0. Kitohinc c. './. ".-.■ ■: .:■-.> ■'•'" ■• '"•>"■ Two ladies' sprays : Miss E. Kitchiug I, Mrs Levy 2. , Decorated table (by ballot of pub-s lie: Mrs B. Wright, (sweet pea* and gypsophila), 173 votes, li T* Scott (cornflower and daisies), 86 votes, 2. ; ; „/:"■ 'FBtJiT.;, ; ; ':.'",-;, v l '". ;/.-.'■ ,' . 18 Strawberries: W. BesCey I,' Mrs Merriokf^, Mis« Ledger o^ .^ >-. -«• - 36 CHeVrie»,(b]aoiO: : iW. Besley-L 36 ioosebermMsßirs-Benwicfc 1, J. W. Bnncoe 2 and com. • . 3 Orangess MJMlO.4Blurtchff 1, Mnr Levy.?, ..... ,-.',•< >v»r.,n .f^rr; 1 ■"•<■"-< .■'

: , , VEGETABLES. 12 Potatoes (white) : H. Shirtliff 1 ; do, (red). H. Shirtliff 1. ... ■ 3 Cauliflowers: Mrs Levy 1, L. J. Frank 2. . < 3, Cabbages: L..J. Frank 1, Mrß Levy 2. : 3 Lettuce (cabbage) : A. Cotton 1. 25 Pods broad beans : Mrs Merrack 1, Mrs -Levy 2. 3 Sticks rhubarb : Mrs Levy 2. 6 Onions, Nelson grown: L. J. Frank 1, G. L; Estcourt 2. 12 Radish : Mrs Lovy 1. -■•■■.• .•■;SfWEET;PEAiS. ./ ■..:'. Boltoii vCnallerige trophy, for best .collection^ of not more than 12 varieties nor -more,- than 12 sprays of ©acfit'T; S«Jtt ; l ftrffl 2: ;;' ..; \ 6 Varieties (Mrs A. It. Kitclnng'B trophy) : T. Whitfprd 1, H. Edwards 2. ' ""'■■■■."'. . ■ ' ■. . Pink or rose shades: T. Scott 1, T. Whitford 2. . White: T. Scott. 1, Crimson: T.Scott 2. : Cream: T. Scott 1. . ,: ■■ Basket : T. Scott 1, Miss ;Burton 2.> SPECIAL PRIZES. Richmond Trophy : Bert Tasker. W. D. Korr Trophy: F, W. Hamilton (won outright). . '■■:..'■.■■;■ -. -. ;: • Bolton Trophy: T, Scott.. , ; . Bert Tasker Trophy (best basket of flowers for effect) : Mrs Bflmford 1, Mrs A, .Si . Tasker 2, Miss, K. Kitohing ' E. Blackburn Trophy (pansies) :, Mrs Reriwick. : -/ „ .'..-,-,- .-..- . F W. Hamilton. Trophy (best pot plant in show): A: E, Tasker. „ T. Pringle Trophy (6 roses, open) : A. E. Tasker. . :..< SCHOOL CHILDREN'S BUTTON- , HOLES. Girls' Central School : Marjory Herd I, Doris Wcibley 2, Audrey,' 3, Hannah Fear ci, Florence Reid c . Tasman Street: Florence Ansell 1, and 2, Ivy Estcourt' 3; ' Frank Plum -3, Gwyn Martin c. ■■£.■■ _ r . Hampden Street: Hazellngxam 1, Ronald Simpson 2, Doris Lye 3, Kenneth" Simpson c, Arthur Bruce 0. Brook Street: Alfred Pickering 1, Harold Palmer 2, Dulcie Hamilton 3, Alison Sadd c, Carle Wimsett c; .. Haven Road: Graham Caines 1, Helen McCauley 2, Rose Riley 3, Percy tiurn 0, Minnie Fear c. , . ) ■ Boys' Central : Bert Tibbie* 1, Char- : ley Kingsley 2; Alex Robertson 3, Alex Harkness c, L. Robertson 9... ,«,,■• ; -' Miss Hooper' s School : Kathleen °Misß Lightfoot's School:' Allan Jbyci I

1.. ■ .-. ■-•<• ■>■-■■ .■■■ ■'■■■"- •■• i: - ■ ; -■ ■■/■ Convent: Peggy Redmond 1. Waimea West: Arohoi Colciman 1, Howell Coleman 2. '

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Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 12975, 14 December 1910, Page 3 (Supplement)

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HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 12975, 14 December 1910, Page 3 (Supplement)

HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 12975, 14 December 1910, Page 3 (Supplement)