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Patrons : Jolm Graham, M.P.. Hon. R. McKenzio, Mayor of >* clB0 »> I* • Pettit), Mayor of Motueka (I<. W. Thorpi), Mayor pi Kichmond /James Hunt), Chnirmaiiof W'winca Couuty.Coxmcu (Philip West), Major Frankly n (WakeJield) F. H. Richmond (Nelson) J. H. Cock (Jso.son),; President : Noblo Win ; \ lce-Presi- • icut: Godfrey Best; Hon Treasurer, W. R. May; Secretary, J. Glen, Richmond; General Committee: T. Bond, John Heat F. 0. Batchelor, G. W. Best, Chas. H. Ching, Thos. B. Chisnall,' Joseph E. Bartlett, James Ching, It H Coleman, W. Coleman, W. D. Harkness, W. R. May, G. E. ChisnaU Thos. H. . Holland, F. W. Fairey, Thos. Noale, G J. Silcock, P. Higgins, Hayes (Jronehcr, W. F. Schwass, Joseph WiuUworth, J. S. Wratt, J. Hagen, niul ex-Presidont Jas Hunt ; Finance Committee,: Hayes Croucher, John Hane.ii, W. 1). Harkness, W. It. May G. E. ChisnaU, J -E. Bartlett, and tho President and Treasurer (ex officio).

The eighteenth annual show of the Nelson A. mid P. Association commenced at Richmond Park yesterday. The weather was perfect, and the attendanco of spectators- was about as largo ns usual for the first day. Judges and officials had a very busy day, tho entries, which totalled 1053, constituting a record for tho Association. Since last year a number ot permanent improvements have been carried out, including a press room, the convenience of which was much appreciated. As usual the secretary (Mr J. Glen) had everything in thorough working order. Mr Noble Win. President of the Association received a wire from Mr Thomas Mackenzie, Minister of Agriculture, regretting •that owing to the pressure of Parliamentary duties, he would bo unable to be present, and expressing the hope that the Association would be favoured with such a day as had made the climate of Nelson known throughout tho Dominion. The Minister hoped thab Ihere M'OUW bft & TOCOTti attei^Qanco at the show, record entries, and that tho show, would in every way bo an unqualified success. Mr Alex Haldane, President of the Golden Bay A. and P. Association, ib a visitor to the Show, and was on the ground all day yesterday. _ An excellent luncheon was provided by Mrs Windleburn. As usual there wero a number of side shows on the grounds which wero well patronised during the afternoon. DRAUGHT HORSES. Draught horses were only a fair lot, nnd in the opinion of the judge there was room for a great deal of improyoment. With tho exception of a nice yearling filly and tho teama, which were roally good, there was nothing for special mention. CATTLE. Taken as a, whole tho cattlo section is- quite creditable to the district. Shorthorns were a- good class all round. >Mr J. A. Haycock scored in the aged bull with a very fine- animal and Mr Wm. Mytton had a double win in the other bull classes. Some typical animals were exhibited amongst the cows and heifers, Messrs Fairey, J. A. Haycock, and J. E. Salisbury dividing tho honours, whilo Mr G. E. Chisnall scored a win.

Ayrshircs as .usual were strong in numbers and good in quality. Mr H. Newport scored first prize with his aged bull, lut Mr W. Coleman took tho whole of the other prizes for bur's, while tho same- exhibitor practically swept the board in cows and heifers, Mr Cecil Greig coining secoaid with his aged cow. 'The Aldorney-Jersey class was the strongest in the section — as usual — and the quality throughout was firstclass, tho judge' remarking that the unplaced animals were sufficiently good to win at any ordinary .-show, the Jpirifsci winners being animals of exceptional - merit. Mr Jamos . Hunt's bulls scored two firsts, but in the third class this exhiibtor had to be content with second place by Mr N. Cederman, of ilockvillc, Colfingwood, ono of Mr A. E. Hounsell's breeding. There* was very keen competition in tho cow and heifer classes, Mr James Hunt gaining tho majority, of the awards, Mr VF. D. Harkness scoring one first and Mr C. W. Brown a second. . ( . | There was not a single entry for the | Herofords. The Polled Angus cattlo were of lair quality, Mr Geo. J. Silcockj though the sole exhibitor, well meriting the awards secured. The fat boast awards were all scoured by Mr Fairey's exhibits. The locaUj^bred beasts were of really good qualitypNUvin size and weight were dwarfed by Maxpjvrispn with the two giant bullocks imported by Mr Pairey. These attracted a great deal of attention, the roan bulock especially, being a beast of 'exceptional quality and splendidly . fatted. Visitors to-day should hot fail to see the Highland bred bulock exhibited by Mr Fairey. The spread of horn on the shaggy little beast is immense, and the children especially will be interested -in this animal, which will be found, in a pen next to the lawn on the seaward side. There were seventeen entries for the milch cow competition', Mr W. G. Wilson, of- Nelson, securing first prize. The tests were carried put under the most rigorous supervision and in tho fairest way to arrive at the true worth of the animals judged, the milking being done in their own yards. Fnll details aro published in another column. :» .-.'.., Mr ,W. Coleman camo out at the. head of .the list for most points in the cattle section. Messrs Jamos Hunt and G. J. Siicock tieing for second place with 21 points , each. PIGS. As a class the pigs were an improvement on. thoso shown last year. Berk-' shires were- very good, particularly the sows, and competition was keen. Yorkshires were a small class, but the quality of tho pigs penned was exceptional^ good. Tamwo.rths were a fair class, and there were some nice pbrkr ers shown. Some of the exhibits were infected with lice, which the judge (Mr A. J. Siicock) pointed out could have been : ©radicated by the timely application of a little oil. " SHEEP. Tlkv Bheep section filled well on the whole. Thero wore classes in which -competition was not keen, but on the wJiole,.tiie display was good, the weakness*, tents; pointed out in dealing with iho^ nrdjcWwa} classes. Tho nioriuos as a class were marked liy tho exhibit: of an extraordinarily Hood mm, bred by Mr Gonlter and shown by Mv J. G''.en. This was a densely woolled typical sheep of the '■ highest quality and an example, of the class of ram to breed from. This ram was the rnnnef-up for the special prize given by Messrs Levin and Co. for the best ram in the show, the judging being on. tho wool- test. Mr A. J. Siicock took all tho prizes for. CWOS. '. ..I'. X . -..:.■: Th 0 English Leicester were described oi> '.' a good lot,' \and Mr Thos. Hunt, tho largest exhibitor (his only opponent, being his brother) swept the hoard in prizes, his sheep wea de^ sorving the honours secured, though tl?o competition was not keen Thero was not a single entry in the Isurder-Leicester classes. As usual.Mr D. Bishel, of Blejiheim, wp.r the. largest exhibitor of Lincolnß, mul he did, most of the scoring, but « is beaten for the best a{r©<J : e wo -by Mr A. Hwlgkinaon, of Takaka, Mr Rishel being ono of the fir»t to admit the superiority of the winning sheep. The class as a whole was an excelkntono, tho ; majority of tbo sheep being really good, t .

Tho Romney Marsh breed were more numerous than any other, as is customary at tho Nelson show. The local exhibitors had opposition irom Marlborough, but were generally able to more than hold their own. Mr Thos. Hiuit, of Highficld, Wakefield, was the principal prizo taker, others being Messrs Wm. Bell, Blenhejnv; A. Hodgkinson, Takaka; and Walter Thorn, Dovedale. Mr Matthews, who judged the Romneys, considered the majonty of tho sheep very good, but a few were very indifferent. In some of the classes he found that there was not sufficient characters, and in some cases he was obliged to pass over sheep that were very good in wool on account or deficiency in character in the head, in his opinion what was required to remedy this deficiency was a stronger class of ram, and he stropgly recommended rams imported from England, at the same time he acknowledged that a very useful class of sheep was shown. It is 34 years since he was in Nelson, and he found the Romneys taken all round better than he had expected. The Downs breed did not as a class commend themselves to the judge (Mr Andrews), who considered them nght through as below the average standard. He deplored this fact in view of the great value of the breeds for producing suitable sheep for the freezing industry. He strongly recommends, now that freezing works have boon established in the district, more attention being paid to these sheep. In the Shropshire*! Mr TW '». Hunt, "with one exception, carried off all ihe awards", "Mr" Raymond Ohisnall being the other prize" taker. In the Southdowns Mr W. R. Hunt and Mr Philip Best divided honours. More attention is being paid to the Cor ricdalo breed, and there was keen competition in the ram class, Mr AJex Drummond, Stanley Brook, taking first prize with a ram he purchased while South at the Christchurch show, Mr C. H. Ensor being the breeder. Mr Alf. Silcock took second honours and both prizes for ewes. Mr Drummond's ram also took Messrs Levin and Company's special prize for the best wooKed ram in the show. Among a number of pens for ehibition only, and sale, Messrs Bisley Bros, ana Co. showed a fine pen of, Corriedale ram lambs imported from Canterbury. Tho fat sheep and lambs were uniformly good, and the judges had much difficulty in separating Gome of the pens, ©BpeciaUy in tn c fat kmbvclasses. The first and second lamb pens were described as being probably as good as could be produced anywhere. Some oild opponents met in .these classes and honours were pretty much divided. In the wethers and ewes. Mr Fairey was victorious with- very fine, pens. ' DOMESTIC PRODUCE. As usual the entries in this class wore very numerous and competition was keen in tho different sections. In; dairy butter the quality was particularly good; The separator butter, however, was not thought so highly of, some of the pats, being strong in flavour, and not up to the usual standard. The judge remarked on the neV cessity for a. rule in regard to tho, time butter should be potted before the show, was again emphasised. Factory buttery exhibited by Mr 1 May; was, as ueua), oi very high quality, as was the factory bacon shown by the same exhibitor. The first and secondprize exhibits of lard were also excellent, and tlie quality of the wines was also favourably commented on by the judge. In the various cookery sections there was 'keen competition, and many of the exhibits were' of high quality. In the opinion of the judges however, the standard was not quite up to last year. The best class was considered to be plates of fancy cakes, and the ornamental cakes were bettor than usual. FARM PRODUCE. This was a strong class, and the quality was excellent. Oats were referred to in terms of praise and wheat, pens, and beans were described as fairly good. Potatoes, both red and white, were a feature, of the class. In tho oaten chaff there was strong competition ,and'4>he judges were very thorough in examination of the different exhibits. DOGS. "With one or two exceptions a very poor lot indeed," was the comment of the judgo, Mr E. Harrison, of Karon, on tho dogs exhibited.- The ex-, ceptions were the prize winners in the bearded collies, fancy dogs,and smooth hatred bitch. POULTRY. Thero was a fair entry of poultry, but the quality was poor, with ifche exception of Mr James Hforcom'e American Whito Leghorns and Mr H. C. AVi'kes' Black Orpingtons. 'At this time of year birds are not ! in show condition, and the Association should take into consideration tho question of cutting out poultry from tho prize schedule. " Appended js the prize h'st:— DRAUGHT HORSES. Judge: Mr J. Baxter, Hamilton. Stewards: Messrs R. H. Coleman (senior steward), Thos. H. Holland, C. H. Cliing, and Joseph E. Bartlctt. - ' ■ Best draught yearling colt or gelding: Wm. Edenl. ' - Best draught gelding > any age: Newman Bros. 1 and 2, Hayes Croucher 3 J.. A. Orsman h.c. Best draught gelding, 3 years old : Edgar Chalhes 1, P. Boddington 2. Best draught mare, 3 years old: T. Jessop 1, Tom Bird 2, Jas. Eden 3. Best draught gelding, 2 years old: W. Reay 1. draught filly, 2 years old: llios. Jflssop 1, Wm. Reay 2. Best draught yearling filly: New«>an Bros. 1, Thos. Jessop 2, Jag. Men 3. . .•-...!'' . Best pair plough horses; medium draughts, mares or geldings, to be the baaa fide property of the exhibitor, to be coupled and driven : Leo. Berkeit 1, J. A. Orsman 2, R. Boddington 3. Best draught mare, dry, any age: Loo.. Berkett 1 and 3, . T.. Jessop 2, Henry Ching 4. , Best draught mare, with foal at foot n rinf o a m, Tbo S.- j€8 sopl, Newman Bros. 2, Thos. Jessop 3. • Best draught foal:, Thos. Jessop 1 and 3, Newman Bros; 2. Best brood mare: ,Thos. jessop 1 and 3, Newman Bros. 2, Wm. Eden c. L Best draught team of 3horses, to b> shown in harness and heavy dray,:> E e Av n ifkes 3 M " 1j J ' A ' Orsmatt2 ' r^v _ Best draught team of two horses, to Ije shown m harness and heavy dray, learn, (harness and dray to ba in regular use :Newman Bros. 1, Leo. Berkett 2, J. A. Orsman 2. „ ; Best shod draught, to be enteredih sljoer's name: Geo. Hodgson 1 and 2. CATTLE. * Judge: Mr Archibald GiUies, Hampton, North Otago. Stewards: Mesfii's Tlioa. B. OUsnall steward); Clias, Challies, ' and Thomas Smith. \ ; Best Shorthorn bull, calved prior to" 30th June, 1908: J. A. Haycook 1 aridchampion, J..E. Salisbury 2.-' \.~.., Best Shorthorn bull, calved since 30th Juuo, 1908, and prior to 30th June, 1909: W.Mytton,L> :',.- --. Best Shorthorn bull, calved 'since 30th June, .1909: Wm. Mytton 1, J. E. Salisbury 2, J. A. Haycock 3. Bust Ayrshire bull, calved.prior'tb 3Qth June, 1908: H. Newport 1 and .champion, Win. Coleman 2. ' ' .. . .Best , Ayrshire :bjill,' .-; calved since. 30*h June, 1908,' and prior to SOtfr June, 1909 : Wmr Coleman 1. . .Best Ayrshire bull, calved since 30th June, 1909.- Wm. Coleman. 1 and V ■■■ ■ i ' - - ■ ■ '. ■. .;■ Best Alderney, or Jersey bull, calv•ed prior to. 30th June, 1908:. James Hunt 1 and chariipion. Best Alderiiey or Jersey bull, calved since 30th June, 4908> . and prior to SOth.Junte, .1909.- James Hunt 2,- - - Best Aldemey or Jersey bull, calved since 30th June, 1909 : N. ,J\ Cederman l t James Hunt 2, W. Douglas 3, H. T; Cook v.h.c » - ■ Best Polled Angus boll, calved prior to 30th June, 1908; Geo, J. Sdlpockl.

Best Polled Angus bull, (salved since 30th June, 1909: Geo. J. Silcook 1. Best Shorthorn cow, calved pnor to 30th June, 1908: F. W. Fairey 1, 2, and champion, J. E. Salisbury 3, Ernest Robinson v.h.c. . - Best Shorthorn heifer, calved since 30th June, 1908, and prior to _30th June, 1909: J. A. Haycock 1 and 2. Best Shorthorn heifer, calved since 30th Juno, 1909: J. E. Salisbury 1, G. E. Chisnall 2, J. E. Salisbury 3. • Best Ayrshire cow, calved pnor to 30th June, 1908: Wm. Coleman, 1 and champion, Cecil Greig 2, Wm Coleman g Beat Ayrshire heifer, calved since 30th June, 1908, and pnor to 30th June 1909 : Wm. Coleman 1, 2, and d. Best Ayrshire heifer, calved since 30th June, 1909 : Wm. Coleman 1 and 2. Best Alderney or Jersey cow, calved prior to 30th June, 194)8 : James Hunt I and champion C. W. Brown 2, James Hunt 3, A. E. Hounsell v.h.c. Best Alderriey or Jersey heifer, calved since $Oth June, 1908, _and prior to 30th June, 1909 : James Hunt I, 2, and 3. ■ . .. Best Alderoey or Jersey heifer, calved since 30th June, 1909 : JV. D. Harkness 1 and v.h.c, Jas. Hunt 2 and 3. ' „ . .Best Polled Angus cow, calved pnor to 30th June, 1908 : Geo. J. Silcock 1 and 2. Best Polled Angus heifer, calved since 30th June, 1909 : Goo. J. Silcock Best Polled Angus heifer, calved since June 30th, .1908, and prior to June 30th, 1909 : G. J. Silcock 1 and 2. Best fat beast, locally bred: F. W. Fairey 1 and 2. .. ' Best fat beast: F. W. Fairey 1 and 2. Best milch cow : .W. G. Wilson 1, Godfrey Best 2, Percy Barham 3. Most points :' W. Coleman,26 points, 1 ; J. Hunt and G. Silcock, 21 points (tie) 2. PIGS. Judge: Mr. A. Silcock, Thorpe. Stew-" ard: Sir Godfrey Best. Berkshire. . Boar, over 12 months: W. R. May 1 and Champion. Boar, under 12 mos : W. R. May 1. Boar,, under 6 mos : W. D. Hao-kness 1, C. TV Dudley 2Sow, over 12 mos: W. R. May 1, C. T. Dudley 2. Sow, under 12 mos. and over 6 mos : W.-O. Hammond 1, F. E. Sutton 2. - ' Sow, under 6'mos : W. D. Harkness, land 2. . Yorkshire. Boar, over, 12 mos : J. A. Haycock 1. Boar, under 12 mos. and over 6 mos : J. A. Haycock 1 and Champion. ' Boar, under 6 mos : J. A. Haycock 1. Sow, over 12 mos : Mrs. A. Richardson 1. Sow, under 12 mos. and over 6 moB : J. A. Haycock 1. ..'• - ■ Tamworth. Boar, over 12 mos: W. R. May, 1 and champion. '■ ■ Boar, under 12 mos, and over 6 mos : W. D. Harkness'l. , Boar, under 6. mos : W. D. Harkness land 2. .-..: , Sow, over 12 mos : W. D. Harkness 1, W. R. May 2. Sow, under 6 mos: W. D. Harkness 1 and 2. Any Breed. .• Three porkers under 6 mos: Ham»o»a D. S., 1 P.' H. Best 2. ■. Lifter of pigs with sow: E. Robinson 1. Bacon pig, .suitable and in a-condi-tion for curing : W. C. Hammond 1 . ■ : ■ ■. SHEEP: V ;'" ;■./;-■• ■ Judges: Messrs Alf Matthews, Featherston (long wool and fats) ; W. B. Andrews, jurir./ Southbridge (short wool) ;. Stewards ; Messrs P. Higgiris and J. S. Wfatt (eenior stewards), O. C. Wilkinson, W. 1 Cowing Joseph Wells', . . Ivo Tunnicliffe, and ' Joseph Thorn. , ' Merino.. .- Best ram, any age: J. Glen 1 and 2. Best ram, under 18 months : A. Silcock 1. , -.; Best ewe, wet, any age: A. Silcock land 2. Best two ewes, under 18 months : A. Silcock 1. .English Leicester. '„ Best ram, any age: Thos. Hunt 1 and 2? W. R; Hunt 3. ; Best xam," under 18 months : Thos. Hunt 1 and 2. ' Best ewe, any age: Thos. Hunt 1 and 2. ; ' Best two ewes, under 18 months: Thos. Huntl. - ' : Lincoln. Best ram, any age : D. Bishel 1 and ■2. . ■ .-..■. Best ram, under 18 months: D. Bishel land 2. * Best ewe; wet, any age: A. Hodg T kinson, 1, D, Bishel 2. '•'.. Best two ewes, jirider 18 months : D. Bishel 1 and 2,', A. Hbdgkinson h.c. Romriey Marsh. Best ram, any age : Thos. Hunt 1. 2, 3, and h.c*, Wm. Bell (Blenheim) v.h.c. •'•'■'■..•. ■ Best ram, ■under 18 months : Thoß. Hunt 1, 2, 3; and h.c;': Beßt ewe, wet, any age: Thos;. Hunt 1, 2, and h.c., A. Hodgkinson c. Best two ewes, under 18 months : Wm. 801 11, Walter Thorn 2, A. Hodgkinson h.c, Thos. Hunt c. Shropshire Down. Best ram, any age : W. R. Hunt 1 and 2. '■>;•:• Best ram/ under 18 months: W. R. Hunt land 2. :, Best ewe, wet, any age : Raymond Chisnall 1, W, R. Hunt 2. . Best two ewes, under 18 months : W. R. Huntl. . Southdown. Best ram/ any age : W. R. Hunt 1, Philip Best 2. Best ranv under 18 months : Philip •Bestl, W. R, Hunt 2. Best ewe/ wet, any age: W. R. Hunt 1, Philip Beßt 2. Best two ewes, under 18 months: W. R. Hunt 1, Philip Best 2. Corrioqale. Best ram,.any age: A. Drummond 1, A. Silcock 2 anil 3, A. Druinmohd v.h.c., J., Glen h.c. . ■ Best ewe : A .. Silcock 1 and 2. : ': V'Crossbred."Best pen five crossbred ewes, suitable for fa'frtirigUp^rpbses and producingfreezing; latffbs-: A. Silcbck 1; VFat shfep. ~ •Best five jlong-woolled wethers, or madden ewe§, under' 30 J- months old,' bred by exhibitor ; to be shorn wijfchin six weeks of the show, arid date ; of shearing to^be stated 1 at the time of entry: John Wadswbfth 1, J.-S. Wratt2. ;•■ • .Best five .Down wethers or maiden ewes, So]ithdown,. - or. Hampshire -Down,' under 30 months old, bred by exhibitor, Suitable for the frozen meat trade, . and to be 'shorn within six 'weeks of the show, "and date of shearing to be stated at the time of entfy-i O. W. Fairey 1. : -'Best five : wethers, or maiden ewes, under 30 months old, suitable. for the frozen meat trade, and to be shorn within six weeks of the show, ■&nd'da.te of shearing; to be stated ' ai< the tinie of entry : F; W, Fairey 1 arid 2. ' " . Best five* .fat lambs, any breeds- to be bred by .exhibitor, and suitable for butchers : Edgar Challies if G. B. Haycock 2, ' Allah Palmer h.c .■? 'Beßt pen of ten fat lambs, suitable for freezing;: W. Still 1, H, Challies 2, Allan Palmer 3, Edgar Challies h.c. DOMESTIC PRODUCE. Judges: Messrs F. Smith and C. H. Young. ■'; Stewards : Messrs. W» B. Robinson and E. Croucher. . Best' three pounds fresh butter, in one pound rolls, without printj hot separated: Mrs G.Eldeh 1, MrtW. StUl 2, Mrs.'H. J. Shirtliffe 3, Mrs: A. E. Hounsell h.c. : * Best 31bs ..separator fresh butter, ln lib rolls, withc-ut print :, A. Hodgkinson'l and 2, Wm. Douglas 3, Mrs R. B'.ack h.c. Best 91bs box potted butter: A. Hodgkihaon 1, Miss I. H. Faulfcher 'O. 1 ' ■ '■ ' ' '"■'"■■.■ " '— ' •-' '■ "■. Best-box potted butter, 561b|, suitable for export: : Miss 1^ H; ' FauPctfer Best 5611)8 dox factory putter: W. K. May 1 tiiid 2. :'• Best display of fancy butter, hot less than 21bs : Misses Elsie and Evelyn Best:tana7^l^:M;rL^s: 3/ .

Best now cheese, not less than 161bs each : F. Dimmick 1 and 2. Best old cheese, not less than 151bs each : F. Dimmick 1 and 2. Host "oaf home-made bread, not less than 41bs : Mrs J. Mead 1 and 2, jUiss Maud York 3, Mrs E. McDonald h.c, Mrs J. W. Win c. Best plate home-made sconos (6) : Miss S. Tomlinson 1, Miss I. Lines 2, MissM. Haycock v.h.c. and c, Mrs P. H. Best h.c Best home-made fruit cake, not less than 41bs : Mrs H. Johnston 1, Mrs D. E. Boon 2, Mrs J. Wadsn'orth v.h.c, Mibs H. Chiiig h.c, Mrs J Biggar c, Percy Boyes c. Best home-made seed cake, not exweding 31bs: Mrs M. Levy 1, Mrs K. Black 2, Mrs A. G. Brock v.h.c, Mi3s M, Haycock c. Best plain cake (no fruit), iced: Mrs M. Levy 1 and 2, Miss M. Haycock v.h.c, Mrs W. D. Harkness h.c. Best home-made gingerbread, not more than one plate : Mrs J. Biggar 1, Miss M. Haycock 2 and c, Miss S. Tomlinson v.h.c. Best home-made shortbread, one plate: Mrs A. E. HounseM 1, Miss Florrie Jellyman 2,Mrs M. Levy v.hx, Miss C. L. Burton h.c, Miss M. Haycock c Best home-made oat cake,oue' plate : Mrs M. Levy 1, Miss M. Haycock 2. Best plate ginger jiuts:" Mrs B. Black 1 Mrs A. J. Palmer 2, Mrs M. Levy v.h.c, Miss H. Ching h.c Best plate cheese cakes: Miss C. LV Burton 1, Mrs J. Wadsworth 2, Mrs M. Levy v.h.c. . • Best home-made pastry, one plate : Miss M. Haycock 1, Mrs M. Levy, 2 -and h.c. Miss G. Holland y.h.c. Best home-made sponge cake, one plate: Miss M. Haycock 1 and 'h.c., Mrs A. E. Hounsell 2, Mrs M. Levy v.h.c. Best home-made sponge roll, qrie plate: Miss M. Haycock 1 and... Hue.,' Mrs J. Wadsworth 2, Miss H. Ching v.h.c. ./■'■■'. ' .... - Best sponge sandwiches, one plate :. Miss C. L. Burton 1, Percy. Boyes 2, Mrs M. Levy v.h.c, Mrs J. .Wadsworth h.c Miss* M. Haycock h.c , Best plate cream puffs: Miss S. Tomlinson l, Miss A. Jellyman 2, Miss G. Holland y.h.c. Best- collection fancy. - cakes, not more than six varieties: Mrs M.7 Levy 1 arid 2, Miss M. Haycock v.h.c. Best plate home-made cakes, plain: Miss M. Haycock,l. Mrs A. G. Palmer. 2, Miss M. Has'cock y.h.c. Best plate home-made cakes, .fancy, six varieties i_Miß M. Levy 1 and % Miss MrHaycpck v.h.c, (2). ... : Best plate home-made biscuits, plain: Mrs J. Hodgson 1, Mrs R. Black 2} Mrs A. E. Hounsell v.h.c..; Best plate home-made ■ biscuits, fancy, six varieties : Mrs J. Hodson 1, Mass M. Haycock 2 and v.h.c, Mrs M. Levy v.h.c. ... - . Best three jars, marmalade : Mrs M. Levy 1 and vJh.c, Mrs A. J. Palmer,, 2, Miss M. Haycock v.h.c , Best collection home-made jam, six varieties: Mrs I. Tunnicliffe 1, Mrs M. Levy 2 and v.h.c. „.- ■ . Best comb honey, not -less than 51bs : John Jellyman 1 and 2. Best collection bottled fruit : Mrs M. Levy 1, Miss Trixie Palmer 2. ' Best bottled tomato sauce :_Mrs M. Levy 1, Miss M. Haycock 2. " ■ Best bottle Worcester sauce: Mrs I. Tannicliffe 1 and v.h.c, Miss M; Haycock 2. Best jar of chutney: Mars M. Levy 1, Mrs I. Tunnicliffe 2. Best collection of pickleß, three varieties: Mrs M. Levy 1 and 2, Miss M. Haycock v.h.c Best three sausage rolls : Mrs M. Levy 1, Mrs J. Wadsworth 2, Mrs A. E. Hounsell v.h.e. ; Best three English meat pies: Mrs J. Wadsw'orth ,1, Mrs A. E. Hounsell 2, Mrs M. Levy: v.h.c. Best three. Scotch meat pies: Miss M. Haycock 1 and 2, Mrs M. Levy v.h.c Best twelve potatoes, boiled in their skins: Miss A; Jellyman 1, Mrs 1. Tunnicliffe 2. Best side farmer's cured bacon: John Jellyman 1^ Best side farmer's cured bacon, smoked: John Jellyman .l and 2. Best side factory-cured bacon, smoked: W. R. May 1. - Best side farmer's cured bacon, rolled: John Jellyman 1 and 2. Best side factory cured -bacon, rolled: W. R. May 1. Best farmer's cured ham, not less, than 141bs weight (smoked): 'John Jellyman 1 and 2. Best farmer's cured ham, not less than 141bs weight : John Jellyman 1 and 2. Best factory-cured ham, not less than 141bs weight, smoked : W. R. Mayl. Best two bladders of lard: Mrs L. Windlebora 1, Mrs. John Best 2. Best twelve hen eggs,- heaviest^ fresh (double yoked eggs disqualified) : Mrs L. Windleborn 1; Mrs Leslie Sut-i ton 2, Mrs L. Wiridleborn 3. Best sample colonial wine, in bot-' tie: J. Holland and Co. 1 and 2. Ale, in not less than 5-gaKon kegs: J. Holland and Co. 1 and 2. Ale, in- bottles, ; best one dozen' quarts: J: Holland and Co.'l. ■ T Porter, in bottles, best one dozen quarts (certificate of merit) : J. Holland and Go. 1. Hop beer, on not less than 5 gallonkegs (certificate of merit) : Trustees, estate of Thomas Gorman 1. farm Produce. Judges: Messrs F. W. Hamilton and, J. Rutherford. Stewards : Me^srs John Best and J. Jellyman; i Best malting barley, crop 1910, one bushel: L. A. Sigglekow 1, G. W. Best 2, John Best c. ' Best malting barley, crop 1910, one: bushel: Si Palmer 1, John Best 2. ■■ Best long-tailed Tartar bats, crop; 1910, one bushel: H. Ching 1. Best Algerian oats, crop; 1910, one bushel: H. Ching 1,. Godfrey Best 2. Best short oats, crop 1910, one bushel : John Beßt 1, L. Windleborn, 2. ' Best dun oats,crop 1910, one bushel : 0. E. OhisnaM l atuJ 9. Best : wheat (spring)/ crop 1910, one bushel: John "Best land 2. Best wheat (winter), crop 1910, one bushel: H. Chiftg 1. . Best round peas, crop 1910, one bushel : John Best 1 arid 2. , ,Best wririkled peas, crop 1910, (me bushel: Johrißestl ;arid2. > Best horse Bearis, crop 1910, one bushel: John JBest 1. •>■ Best 141bs early potatoes/any variety: Jas. Cliing 1, _W-. G. Wilson 2. Best lilbs early potatoes, any va-: riety, white: Jas. Ching \-l arid 2. Best rye, crop 1910,jDne" bushel :L. A. Sigglekow 1, W. Wiridleborn 2. Best coW grass, 14lbs, procured from bulk of not less than 2001bs : H. Ching Bell sack oaten chaff: machine: cut and pressed: H. Windleborn 1, H.R.Bensemanri 2, F. W. 0. Smith .3.. Best one truss hay, crop 1910, .to be not less than 561bs: Wm. Still 1. Hops (any other variety),, not less than 21bs : K. Kilminster 1, QPK« CLASS. '"." J Bost, malt, ono bushel: Hay«B Croucher 1. - ' ' - '; DOGS. Jugde: Mr E, Harrison, Karorl. Steward : Mr Robert Best. .-.-. SaKe or black and white colHe : E. Cowles 1, C. W. Bird 2. Sable or black and white collie, bitch : A, Richardson 2.' ' ' . : Shorthair collie dog; Q. C. Wilkinson 1, H. D. Paton 2, Tom Bird. 3., ' Short-hair collie bitch :J. W. Harvey, land 3, T. EUibt 2. Long-hair collie dog : G. Higgins 1, Martin arid Co. 2, G. H. Eirig 3. "■ Bearded collie dog : F. W. O. Smith" 1, H. J. Mytton 2, M. F. D. Mears 3. Bearded collie bitch : O. C. Wilkinson 1. r •■■.•: Special prize, by Mr. C. J. Bird for best sheep dog in Show : F. W. O. Smith. • ■■•; POULTRY. Judge : Mr J. A. Stringer: Steward: Mr E. W. Winn: Game, Old English, t black red: W. Coleman 1 and 2. Duckwing: W. Coteman 1. Spangled : W. Coleman 1.; Dorking, : Silver'6rey : : Repgie Best' 1 Larigshan, black Y Keith HouriseH, 1 and 2%.

Orpington, black : H. C. Wilkes 1. Wxandottes, Golden: Mrs. A. J. Palmer 2. Wyandottes, Silver: J. A. Frost, 1 and "2. Wyaudottes, white, Reggie' Best 1 and 2. Wyandottes, partridge: E. and G. Challies 2. Minorcas, black : G. W. Best 1 and 2 Leghorns, brown : T. D. Goodman, 1 md 2. Leghorns, white: Reggie Best, 1 and 2. Lieghoras, whito: James Morcom 1, Reggie Best 2. Leghorns, buff: Willie Chisnall 1. . Andalusians: Cecil Chapman 1, Reggie Best 2. Ham burgs, golden pencilled: G. W. Best, 1 and 2. Geese : John Best 1. Ducks, silver Rouen, pair: Gilbert Best 1 and 2. Pekin, pair Gilbert Best, 1, Mrs. L. Windleborn 2. Ducks, Indian runner, G. W. Best 1 and 2. • Ducks, buff orpingtbn: Gilbert Best 1 and 2. Pair of fowls for table purposes : G. W. Best 1.

Tlie bi-plane aeroplane constructed by Messrs Hunter Bros, of Takaka is on vie* at a small charge. So far in the trials made the motive power used has been horse traction, rio motor being fixed. It is claimed that quite successful flights have, been made by tho means adopted, which are analgous to a boy flying his -kttaj by running and tomngit. The machine covers a considerable area, and is worthy of 'in-' spectibri. We can express rio opinion upon what the effect will be when the machine is made selfrprbpelliiig and has the additional weight of the motor to carry. '. .'

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Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 12975, 14 December 1910, Page 2 (Supplement)

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OFFICIALS. Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 12975, 14 December 1910, Page 2 (Supplement)

OFFICIALS. Colonist, Volume LIII, Issue 12975, 14 December 1910, Page 2 (Supplement)