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Extraordinary Announcement. Lock's Furniture Emporium. GIVING UP T¥ FURNITURE DEPARTMENT. I NowQa. GIGANTIC CLEARING SALE of one of ' LABGEST AND MOBTTOP-TO-DATE fITOOKB IN THE DOMINION. AS we contemplate giving up the '" Fnrniture Department at an early date, we have deoided to dispose of our ENOEMODS Stock of Furniture and Furnishings. We will hold a GENUINE CLEARING BALE. Co enoing on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18th. Every lino marked down in plain figureß, at Prices to effect Qoick Saleß. Our Eeputation for- Square Dealing is established; and when we say we are going to give BABGAINS, we mean it. READ I COME I jprT TELL EVERYBODY. Thousands of pounds nyorth ef reliable, |up-to-date PURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS to fee oleared at unheard-pf prices. To thiee abont to furnish thfiTQreat ' Sale affords The Chance of a Lifetime! This iB no fake sale, to work off old stock, or to raise cash to meet preaa-* ing creditors, or to gull the publio ; but a REAL GENUINE CLEARING SALE. FOR CASH ONLY. If bookeh, {regular prices oharged, |AT Lock's Emporium. The Universal Provider's and Complete House Furnisher's.

; Extraordinary SAIjE, . Announcement. F a„„^o^rt,eß. X_.- m. .7~* r- mm'.„mm Foxhill.— 92J MMPsTiritii 3 k««Mf «f Lock s Furniture Emporium. 6a D d4 rooms a-.dfar m »»iiim ß ß. -;—. 4 acres orchard; Price £1000. filVlNfi IIP THE FURNITURE Foxhill.— ls6 acres. 6 roomedTUouse nrn.nTuruT d farm buildings. Price -SIOOO. i UcrAKIMcNI. Riohmond.— Uo acrea near freezing « , works. Well fenced and watered. ._.-. s\- Price £625. Easy terms. . X'ftW (Ifl. Spring drove.— 2B7 acres excellent nift ..,^n n .r«nii.P o ai ± !**■*■ 65 acres cropped. 100, aorea : GIGANTIC CLEARING SALE ploughable. .Good^rchara. 9«) am" . ■»»"™»^»i«,« •"." ■ ■ ©d house 7*nd farm buildings. of one of 'the _ stoko^-692 acres; 150 acres ploughLABGEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE able. Splendid *heep country and STOOKS IN THS DOMINION. within 2 miles of freezing works. — ■—'-'': Price £10 per acre. . AS we contemplate giving up the Richmond. — 14 acres with 8 roomed " Fnrniture Department at an early house, bathroom, dairy, stables, date, we have deoided to dispose of our etc., within \ mile of railway staENOBMOUS Stock of Furniture and tion and creamery. Price £1450. Furhiahinga. We will hold a Riohmond.— 2s acres excellent land. ■ •■-■* Partly cropped. 1 a«r« «r«hard GENUINE CLEARING BALE. and garden, 6 roomed house, wash house, stable, amd all fam buddCo enoing on ' ings. - .-..» .4. _*....,.. . nu ...i, Richmond.— B «cr«s #x«ellent land. All SATURDAY, FEBRUARY Mth. flat and in .rops. Prite £6*. ' „-'■ "7"^ a, "i •- -Waimoa- W0«t.— 386 acres fre»h«H; Every lmo marked down in plain iat and untmlaling. Priw £100. figureß, at Prices to effect Qoick Saleß. Easyterms. Oux Eeputation for- Square Dealing is estabUehed; and when we say we are roomed house and stables. Price . going to give BABGAINS, we mean it. £550. Very easy terms.' 6 *■ B . - Belgrove. — 68 acres flat and undulatREADI COME I njatl ing, partly in crops -,V roomed :-.:'■■■' house (two years old), stables, •' - TELL EVERYBODY. - cowshed, etc. 1 mile from railway [j station. Price £1000. Very easy B Thousands of pounds jyorth ef reliable, ,„ , te ™ 8 - ._■' ■.'.. -*. „,..„-. c ■ r ■-.■'- Wakefield.— l6 acres all flat; 14 acres ■» |np-to-aate grassed, 2 acres orchard ; 7 roomRURNLTURE AND FURNIBHINCB ed house, bathroom, pantry, etc. a to ta cleared at unheard-pf pr% t^w, oowshed, eto. . Prioe i- ' 'nv«-- C ' .^t^^^lTiwt- Wakefield;'— lOacres ,flat^and7 Partly •r To th»Be abont to furnish this Great ■ or6pped and 2 CT9 or chard. 6 Sale affords roomed house and farm kaildings. r. The Chance of a Lifetime! - Met J e r k?^y.-244 a^ flat agri- «" '• . *T" x , •'■«. v - cultural land, with 6 rtome4 new This iB no fake sale, to work on old house and farm buildings. "Siis stock, «r to raise cash to meet preaa-* property is very suitaMe for wheat ing creditors, or to gull the public; B" > 71 n e.. .'XTij * * ?....... wakefieid.— ls2 acres freehold at Dntia Pigeon Valley, carrying Ml sheep. REAL GENUINE CLEARING SALE. v Price £4 per acre Hppc-— s. aores freehold flat land; 7 , nD rlcu only roomed house, dairy, stable, fr^p- ' FOR CASH ONLY. shed, fowl runs, etc. Price *§85. ' s If bookeh, {regular prices charged, Brightwater. — 11 aores freehold flat &" |AT land. 9 acres grassed, lAaoe l r^. M A M :. aM « garden and orchard; . 9 r*ned LOCK S EttiPONUm. house, pantry, bathroom, 4 Bfall ,„.,,*•■ X stable and all necessary, farm The Universal Provider's and buildings. Price £1000. Complete House Furnisher's. Stoke. — 10 acres with 7 acres splendid . orchard. Fowl houscL .md runs for ■ ■ ■ ' ■ • . „ ;,... ■ '. 500 fowls; new 7 roomed house, hot water and all conveniences. This is a very fine property. Price s">, c- -.'■'■-■' 'terms.- * * FR AN U RAP FOR D. Murchison.— Splendid dairy farm of DJtlAim nAUrUR-l* 250 acres of the best land in MurJEWELLEB. chison, with good house and all — r- ... ■'-_■ , necessary buildings for carrying IT'OR Sterling Silver Dressing Tabic a fi rst c i ass dairy. Well fenced - 1 - requisites my stock, surpasses any- am i wa tered, and will carry -100 -thing yet Been in Nelson. Dozens oi cows> Within H miles of butter novelties in this line, ranging fron factory. * ■2s6d to 100s. An early visit to the spring Crove.— 37 acres, 5 acres in shop will repay you well. orchard, 3 acres hops ; balance Boys' Watohes 12s-6d, , '.. •_.. agricultural ; 7 xoomed house and '' Guaranteed 12 months. farm buildings. Price £2000. - Cents' Watohes 20s, , • ■'. •• Stoke.— 2l acres with 5 roomed house,' £ Guaranteed 12 months dairy, stable, etc. Price. £Boo. i Rotheram Watohes 90s, ' Aniseed Valley.— 3l4o acres good "• « I ? ua^ n , 3 -/u ? 8 - sheep country; 5 roomed house, Four Hundred Day Clocks, with five g roo r med co Uage, 2 whares and all i- years' guarantee, only 70b. . necessary farm buildings. Price i Ouckoo Olockß, guaranteed three £2 10s per acre. - years, 50s. . ... Aniseed Valley.— s43 acres; 150 acreß .Country orders promptly attended to ploughable, balance good sheep •pp a -nt ir •ita -r wvrd country ; 5 roomed house and ,M^ tS™"; fam buildings. Price. £4 per «j^PP 76 Teafalgab-St Waklfiold.-36^ acres flat; 25 acres . ... , , . ..-:. X h WO7. crops; laree house, stables, and all •. ' .. < '■..-• \ .-:':. necessary farm buildi»gs. Very — ~ ~ '—^r- - -.'-'cheap at £1375. -Easy terms. i- "fjiRAGRA TEA" is also packed ir Brightwater.— 7os acres freehold; 50 >f ■*• patent air tight tins, each 5 and acres ploughable ; good sheep " 10 lbs, containing coupon. Return onr country. Price £4 ss. Easy term's. <i coupon for handsome present. Sold br Wakefield.— 342 acres, all ploughable j G. F. HINGSTON. Cash Grocer,;--" ... 7 roomed house, out buildings, etc. ■ !-.,,-; Price £1700. ' 'T " Wangamoa Hlll.-r-100 acres freehold. a "■.iriVi.Vl V »"i i T" Well grassed, fenced," and waterB A± v l\fciit AjjXj 9 «, .1 00d ,n v l hare - ?r fi £^ 50 i 1 fl + ° .....-.*'. Wakefield. — 10i acres, of land all flat 8 TX ip tou want EBAMTr *&& ploughable ; . good 7 roomed -7 ~ - X '"'■'* house and farm buildings, r.rice nnnn CrilCC £700, or will sell 21 acres with' tIOOD &TUFF, house for £1050. Wangapeka.— lo4o acres good agricul-. \ • — ao to— tural ahd pastoral land. New 4 - ' roomed cottage and necessary Wfl.RßTfllß'S farm buildings. Price £3 per acre. TT .DUO lUU KJ» Collingwood.— Dairy farm 161 acres; He sells the BEST Tea, the BEST | mile from creameiy; 7 roomed Coffee, tte BEST Whisky, akd the BEST t^^^^V^^^^" of Everything for eating and drinking. . farm buddings^Pnce £9 per acre. -...V"'' -.. "._<,-_?- jLam ,( ORCHARD PROPERTIES. That ib the verdict of hundreds ft . , Citizens ahdSettlers, who* subscribe tbe Stoko.— s4 acres land on mam road. _'•'■.■■- Very suitable for fruit growing. ONLY EELTABLE CEETIFICAI E, Will sell in blocks of 5 t» 15 acres on exceptionally easy terms. Prices |viz., thatot ■ from £60 per acrev , ■ ■ . . y, ■ Stoko. — 41 acrea flat ploughable-land. TJNINTEEEUPTED PATEONAGE. • 28;acres:firassed, 5 acres orchard; balance crops; well fenced and X watered ; good 7 roomed house and ....'■■ J- U> *4 roomed cottage, stable/cowsheds M. M. \r EBSTER* Spring Grove.— lß acres land; 5 acres X mmv. •. . „j 8...H in orchard; small cottage. Price Wholow.'.e and Retail £5 5 0 ■'..-, n-arurvno *b*p"n*w rafn*kr WTnii' a Wts Wakefle,d, ~7 acres land, 2 acres in GEOCEIB, PEOVISION, . Wlip A>D orchard; 5 roomed house, dairy, I«*i>tott wp-ppiTATaT "* and outbuildings. Price £600. | SPIBIT MERCHAIfT. stoke.- 9 acres excellent land, 3* acres mm -rvr. .„. T/ i in ornnn-cvn orchard ; good 5 roomed house, 75 TRAFALGAR STBEET. scullery, wash house, bathroom, NELSON eto^stables, glass house. Price , niohmdnd. — 6 acreß with 7 roomed j house and farm buildings ; 2 acres | AN IMPORTAWT7CQRRECTION. m J»£tm £Sl 2SLtu»l land i a very suitable for fruit growing ; 6 HOWNTS roomed house, etc.- Price £700. 1 1 say, Dad, which is the correct spelling— RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES. w_ h— i— 3*»k~y. Brightwater.— s roomed house with or every convenience, } acre of land., , '' 'w— h— i— 8* k— e— y? '■' ■ "- Price £350. Terms £25 down and 7 balance can remain on mortgage. •'•;,■ Dad: Richmond.— New 6 roomed house, panL_ ... . mx" i_- 'iv • try, bathroom, h. and c. water, WeiUier.myboy. The true spellmg is- w^ house, iopper and tuba; ) _ ... «. • '".- t ; • trapshed, stable," "etc. 1 aore of B-a-i-l-i-e N-i-c-o-1 J-a-r-v-x-e. laaa.' ' '.„.„.., „..„,„. ' Stoko.— Good 5 roomed house. Outi; ("BAILIE NICOL JARVIE. ) , hufldings with 3 acres exceUent .v, ~.X - r ■ lahd.7 Price £500. X I . A3lcl . T ri ,-~ „-„r - --. Wakefield.— s acres land ;.l acre orch- __ . ' -,' »- T 4-"iW«rii*^W i ard and garden; s "roomed- house, M. M. WEBSTER . bathroom, pantry JS h house, workshop. Price £700. . ie ■■:.::. The Port.— New 6 roomed house, bath--7 * room, h. and.o.water^.and_7all i SOLE AGENT conveniencesT" Land 100 x 260. .•■■■<■ - . Splendid situation and excellent for that view. Price £625. r [ /. - Stepneyville, The Port.— s roomed cot--7 JPurt and Unrivalled Stimulant. tage.: Price £200. Nearly aJU the j ....•■-■■■■ . money can remain on mortgage. * ' \ : : ~. St Vlnoeht Street.— 7f acres, mestly i \%T rn"VDI7Tn in orchard in full bearing ; ! '; * \f\ .' X J- JK/Jci'Jic-i - «d house, 4 largo fowl houses and ! ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHER, rums, glassThouse, _stable, tools, »-- .^. •7. - j «!••■ i.'ni«oi horso,- plough, etc. Gomg concern. } TI.AS ]ust engaged a First Clase Price £1500. ~ r •■-*•. Operator, who has had_years of T| pa hl Street.— New 5 roomed bouse, expedience m the leading . btudioe ot bathroom, wash house, copper and Australia. Patrons are assured -of ; up- tubSj wor kshgp, hot water, and ' to-da-lo Photographs both in style and . ._. connected -with sewer. Gas laid » finish.. _ ■■' -A .. on and all conveniences. Land 60 ; JJI orders finished promptly. by 195 feet. Price £475. Easy ', . "D&^eloping, retouching,, piintmg, terms. - enlargling, etc., done for amateurs. Collingwood Street, Soutb.-r-Cpnreni- ! . '"' W. TYREE, «nt 6 roomed dwelling .situated on 1 Phptc»grapher, .Trafalgar street. the rise, good sectionX healthy - X-y situation. - ' — -^ — .' '■'T '. X~" . Ngatitama Street.— Fine property r<s ; NEWMAN BEOS, cently occupied by late Miss SunRti YAL MAIL COACHES ley; practically^ new 8. reamed. „ ug *au a^uwa™ house,' pantry, bath room, .wash--7 . WES7 COASTjSEEvta Be^l^'bylSjS T BATH Motupiko f^tSe^tC^ S^fiS^ '• Ptice JU on A rrival of Trains On TUESDAT W al«Bi-lloa£3*aS excellent la^d andFEmjLY,Eeturningagain!onWED. - rtmS Ww S »11 SonNJSDAY \ and SATTJEDAT, -in time for J£ieno2?fifc K£i hotSs P^ngo^tocatchthoTrainsfo^dson. , _ J£Zffi%_ SV^BSS^fti The Hotmrnko Coach connecte with the 1m h< , useß there.-*. Tw» miles I i*6fton au d Westport Coacheß at f Mm Nelson. " . Inugahua Jpnctiaa. 7* ; - ; * - Parcels :cari ied at moderate rato«. n o" W --ntvWiTiWrt- * BookiiijfOflice: Crown Stable* 7 f. & VihD tTAKDS NEW^'AN B^S,r^pn«*pis * Triftltir tfroM,

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Colonist, Volume LII, Issue 12771, 18 April 1910, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Colonist, Volume LII, Issue 12771, 18 April 1910, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Colonist, Volume LII, Issue 12771, 18 April 1910, Page 4