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I BEAUTIFUL HAIR MAKES BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. THE ALOS HAIR RESTORER MAKES THE HAIR GROW THICK AND BEAUTIFUL T AJDIESI have you a thick, healthy growth of silken wavy hair? ■ M- * Or iB your hair weak and thin, dry and splitting at the ends? Are you troubled with Dandruff, .falling. hair, or premature greyness? If so, you should use the ALOS HAIR RESTOREII. Other ladies have used it with great success, as the following, testimonials will prove: — ' Mr. Davies, . : , ■ Hair Specialist, Queen Street, Auckland. Dear Sir,— l find much pleasure in recommending the ALOS HAIR RESTORER, as it has done my hair so much good. I always had a poor growth of hair till I tried your preparation. . -I bave used five bottles altogel'- rr, •"-•■ you can see by the photo enclosed the wonderful change it has r-'ti-... 1 am. recommending it to all my friends.— I remain:, youra very thanki Uiy, . MISS IDA ARMSTRONG. 25, Ard--*;ore Road, Ponsonby, 7-,.' X.Auckland. ' K "'■'■'' ■ Mr. Davies, ; ..-■-* Hair Specialist, . - . . ■ ■» Queen 1 Street, Auckland. . - j. r , Dear Sir,— l hare found the ALOS HAIR RESTORER the best I have ,jy ever used for my hair. My hair was quite grey when T first used your pre- "•* paration, and now I have not a white hair in my head. Wishing you every^ '. success. — I remain, yours faithfully. X MRS. R. S. DELANEY. - 14, Sentimal Street, ' Heme Ray. , .-'... Tho ALOS HAIR RESTORER being a purely Herbal Remedy,, contains no grease, oils, dyes, or oolouring matter of any kind; therefore does not make iho hair sticky' and will not stain the most delicat© skin. . . j Prica 3a ed pw Bottlo. OBTAINABLE ONLY FROM:— W. D. ALLISON, ' PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST, (By Exam.) Trafalgar Street, NELSON.

Winter Bed Coverings— IGHILLY NIGHTS ard. here once more, and necessitate additional Bedclothes. Those who need to replenish their Stock; or are wanting a New Bedstead, wiJ find -their requirements catered to in complete fashion, and at moderate prices, by E BUXTON & CO.'S Furnishing Department, There may be seen:— EIDERDOWN. QUILTS in Satin and Printed Sateen, attractive patterns. EIDERDOWN COT QUILTS. Attractive patterns. ■ ■ ' 7 - ■ 7 . BLANKETS in all sizes and qualities. [BEDSTEADS, in Plain, Brass-Rail "and All-Brass. Latest. Designs in all sizes and prices. SpjrciAi- NoTrcE.— All bur Bedding is made on the premises, and may ' be thoroughly relied upon for cleanliness and good wearing qualities. 8 HORSEHAIR, KAPOK and FIuAX MATTRESSES in all sizes. | E. BUXTON & CO., itd.x j TRAFALGAR STREET, NELSON.

lUnionI Union Steam Ship Co., of New Zealand, LIMITED. Passengers ML ST proonre Tiokets a the Office before they embark. Steamers will be despatched as under, ■weather and other circumstances permitting. PICTON & WELLINGTON. Pateena, Tuesday, April 19, 1 p m. Arahura, Wednesday, AprU 20, 7 a.m, Pateena, Thursday, April 21, 8 a.m. Pateena, Saturday, AprU 23, 9.30 a.m. westport/greymouth, AND HOKITIKA. Mapourika, Wednesday, April 20, 8 a.m. NEW PLYMOUTH & ONEHUNGA. •Rosamond, Wednes., AprU 20, — ♦Cargo only. SYDNEY, VIA COOK STRAIT. (From WeUington.) Warrimoo- Friday, April 22; 6 p.m. 7MB£iBOURN*E,- VTA" BLUFF. - I (From Wellington.) Moeraki, Thursday, April 21, 5 p.m. .. ' ; CANADIAN-AUSTRALIAN LINE~ (The " AU Red " Route) CANADA, UNITED' STATES, AND EUROPE. 7 'Via Fiji, Honolulu, Viotoria, 8.C., and Vancouver) , \ R.M.S Manuka. • , I ¥tixa> Syfinay, May 9. ) From Suva, May 17. j Passengers booktd through to London ' i by Orient Royal Mail Line. i For further particulars apply | OFFICE. Tho Port.

ANCHOR SHIPPING & FOUNOBY CjaPAfW LIMITED. BALLING LIST. WESTPORT, GREYMOUTH, AND HOKITIKA. ALEXANDER, To-day, Monday, 18th» inst, at_2 p.m. (taking cargo for Greymouth and Hokitika only.) WELLINGTON. NIKAU, To-day, Monday, 18th insfc, afc 9 p.m. (Direcfc.) NIKAU, Wednesday, 20fch insfc, at 3 p.m. (Via Motueka.) NIKAU, Friday, 22nd insfc at' 4 p.m. (Via Motueka). j NELSON TO MOTUEKA. NEKAU, To-day, Monday, 18th inst, at. I noon. I NHL AU, Wednesday. 20fch insfc, at 3 p.m. NIKAU, Friday, 22nd inst. afc 4 p.m. MOrUEKA TO NELSON NIKAU, To-day. Monday, 18th insfc, at 3.30 p.m. NIKAU, Friday, 22nd insfc, afc 8 a.m. MOTUEKA IO WELLINGTON. NIKAU, To-day, Monday, 18ch insfc, at 330 p.m. (Via Nelson.) ' ( NIKAU, Wednesday, 20th inst, at 6 p.m. (DirectV NIKAU, Friday, 22nd inst, at 7 p.m. -(Direct;)- r " • ••-

YOUNG CAVANAGH CURED OF THREE YEAR OLD LUPUS; AN IRRITATING SKIN DISEABE LEAVES A PETONE LAD.. MEi -JAMES - CAVANAGH, blacki -smithi' writes :— " Petone, 7th October. Z .Dear Sir, — AUow me to thank you most sincerely for yonr successful efforts ih dealing with my son's case. -In ordor that you may make pubUc nse o this letter, I may say that my boy suffered for three years with Lupus/being •covered with dark-coloured Scales aU oyer the back, shoulders, arms, and head. Medicines obtained from ohemists did no good, an.d, knowing of your good work in the. Timaru distriot, I'came to you immediately I had the opportunity. In about fix .or seven weeks you made a complete cure, and my son's skin is now perfectly clean and smooth, and as healthy as one could wish; You may refer anj one to me for confirmation of this." W. H. CROWE, Mcadical Expert, Bridge-street, Nelson.

SUCH DAINTY SANDWICHES. Are made with ST. GEORGE POTTED MEATS. Everybody likes them, for there ate different flavours to suit all - tastes — tryHam and Chicken, or Ham and Tongue. Be sure you get St. George Brand, of aU grocers, 6d J per tin. .03 BICYCLES THAT PLEASE, AND REPAIRS THAT SATISFY S. WINN, VICTORY WORKS, NELSON. Where there is a PI "it for the work Second to None in Australasia. ONE TRIAL SOLICITED. EVERYTHING FOR CYCLES. FOR fISNICS. . Nothing is so handy for making Sandwiches as 7 ST. GEORGE ; POTTED MEATS. They spread • on like butters-no tiresome cut- 1 ting or mincing. AU grocers I keep them, price 6d per tin .

v'|R. Snodgrass and Sons, - DIR,ECT IMPOB/TERS, " Nelson, Ist April, -1910. - iVERY NEARLY WINTER! * During the coming month jou wilLfind it neessary -•■ to fill up your Winter Requirements.- Perhaps the . following Hst will help to remind you of what you ; need 'We invite inspection of our stocks, and feel '..... sure the quality. and prices will ensure our receiving your orders; •■' • , 7x ILAMPS.— We have an immense range of I flahle,-Hangjng, Wall, and Hand Lamps, in Nickel, Copper, Brass, and Glass, fitted wifch all kinds of Flat; and Circular - Wicks and Plain or 'Fancy Globes. Also, a fuU range of extra Chimneys, X Globn, Wick?; and Burners. - .7 ' STO VES.r— Peifection Heating, Beatrice and other makes of Cooking, also Spirit ■ ■■■:"■ Stoves. . -ff - 7 Lanterns of all sizes, for Oil or Candle 3. ■" \ Kerosene Pumfs and Lamp Fillers. . i The famous " Laddite " Gas Mantles. • ■•-."-" Co>l Vases and.Scoops, Fire and Stove Shovels, Fire Brasses. Chamois and Canvas GJoves, Dour Mats. Brushes of a'l kinds for stove and Household use, Boot Brushes. IndiaEubber Hot Water Bags, Japanned Hot Water Caii3. ' : EnameUed and Galvanised Iron Slop Pails. . " • ! Toilet Sets, jdd Ewers, Basins, Chambers, Commode Pans. ' j Btand and Hanging Mirrors, Candlesticks in China, Bra^s, Enamel, etc. | Piano, Candlesticks, Japan Mattings, i'ire and Draught Scieehs.X . Toast Backs in China, Nickel, and Electroplate. . X--'.-. ' Coffee Pets in China and Enamel, Camphor, Glycerine. Accordian? and Mouth Orgars, Tflaying Cards, Cribbage Boards, etc. ■ --.. TO ABEIVE, ex Opawa— Stone Foot- warmers. .''•■'■ The latest in 6d Novols.

j ROYAL MAIL COACH. "■ POKOEOBO— UPPER MOUTERE— -■;- NGATIMOTI. JAS. HEATH, Pbopkietob. COA^H now leaves Pokororo for Upper Mont ere j and arrives as per timetable appended. - " Leaves Pokororo, Mondays, Wednes-;* days, and,. Fridays, at 7 a.m., meeting; Nelson Coaich at. Price's Corner, ,9.35' Leave Price's Corner on- arrival Nelson; Coach, 12.35 p.m., arriving at Pokororo ai -4_p.m. .X .-'-'" '..... .7 '"''•'''. Z Z-Z. AU Parcels and orders receive, strict attention. ' T:. V.Xy-- 'X' Tourists and Miners wishing to visit Tableland and Mount Arthur distriot can book through, changing-for Pac& •Horses at Pokororo. Stores provided if sufficient notice given. JAMBS HEATH, - ..' Accommodation House, _25 - , Pokororo. RCTAL MAIL OOAOH. Nelson- Bichmond— lfcotueka— Riwaka. - NEWMAN BEOS., -Proprietors. fJIHE Proprietors caU the attention of ] JL the traveUing pubUc fco the fact that J the ExoHMONn-EiwAKA Coach Service haa been extended to Nelson, and Coaches now leave the Crown .Stables, Nelson, DAILY, or Eiwaka, and «*rive daUy from Eiwaka, as per timetable appended. All parcels and orders receive striot and DuflinessUke attention. *7 Daily Timetable Leave' Nelson for Eiwaka at 9 a.m. ; arriving Eiwaka 2.30 p.m, j Leave Eiwaka for. Nelson at 8 a.m., 1 arriving Nelson 1,30 p.m. . j [ Luncheon*. Redwood's VaUey. NEWMAN BEOS., Proprietors.

P.O. Box 102. TBL-sp-aoOTs:.yi43j^ Private, 191. L:fffl^''ss<o_). The Leadirig\Elou_e in Nelson . -. *-••■ • ■- •.. :• *>:: i, : — for— •' '-..., . ■ ' -' Artistic VVall Papers— EngUsh and American. artists'lgolourmen-: —AND — '-■ HIGH-CLASS PICTURE FRAMED. A Large Stock of Artists' Materials and Art Engravings. * Sheet and plate Glass X Merchants. Plain and Bey eUedMii rors up to 7- Feet. PATTERNS 0E WALL PAPERS X . BKNT ON APPLICATION. EBTIMATES GIVEN. .•.Sub-Agents-: Yorkshlr* Firo Insurance Company. ' OIL, COLOUMLASS, AND 'WALLPAPERTOEHOUSEj, HARDY-STREET, ..'. ... .NELSON

' : SoyfH ; BBmSH : ! Insurance IJorsyip^f?y t ■'!■ Capital .... ... ... £2,900,000 Aocnmnlatod Funds exceed.; X£6O,OCO FIKE-AND MARINE and ACCIDENT INSUEANCES, : • Including Employers' Liability foi Compensation under the Workers' Compensation Acts, Mortgage Indemnity, Public Eisk, Personal Accident either singly or in conjunction with Sickness Benefits; Burglary, Piute Glass, Fidelity Guarantee, eto., • . . j ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CUEEENT. EATES. ... • SUB-AOBNTB FOB DIBTBICT City, Eobertson Bros. ; Motueka, H. A. Tanfcnt ; Eichmond, W. E. May ; Takaka, J. J. Langridge & Co.; Wakefield, E. J. Paintonj Collingwood, W. C. Eiley A Co.; Upper Moutere, Miss Eobinson; West-, port, J. J. Molony ; Murchison, V. Spiers. F & tt. EIDWABDS, ' AGENTS, TEAFALGAE STEEET. (Next National -Bank). FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. -I £*£\ ACEES, title 999 years, with JLvPvF new bouse; six rooms,, ail well finished, good barn and other convenient, outbuildings. Apple tree plantation, up- , to- dale kinds ; ideal spot for poultry raising ; carrying to-day 200 sheep,many j cows and horseß. Price £1000 about. Aj chance, for someone, try it now, only for : sale a few days. Persons may soon obtain reasons for selling so cheap andim-j mediate.

7 H. McARTNEY, Certificated Plumber and Dralnlayer, etc.; Cas and Water Fitter, Bellhanger, eto. Estimates given for Drainage and Sanitary Works of all descriptions. HTHIS BUSINESS iB not. only the •*■ Pioneer business of this city, but the most up-to-date, having been in the load since 1843,, the date of t its foundation, a fact which speaks for it- : self as regards efficiency. I have now found it necessary to extend my business to meet the requirements of my numerous customers in connection with the drainage scheme, find I have Imported direot a '■ large consignment of up-to-date sanitary fittings. ■■■■■'■.:.-■"■ The class of work turned out at my establishment is well and favourably known, and all Work is guaranteed. SOLE AGENT for the much imitated but unequalled "Power Inverted Burner," the greatest light of the ag«. I am also-sole agent for the everlasting Metallio Hosa (which I sell at the same price aB you are paying for , common rubber hose). . I Phona 281. j ADDRESS; Nos 84 to 88. Bridge StSTANLEY BROOK AND WAKE „, BIELD. MAIL.: LEAVES Stanley -Brook every TUES-' DAY, THUESDAY and SATURDAY Mornings at 6.45, calling at Thorpe Post Office at 8.10,7 and Dovedale at 9, arriving at Wakefieid at 11 a.m. Eeturns same day, leaving Wakefield at 1 p.m., Dovedale at 3 p.m„ and Ihorpe at 4 p.m., arriving at Stanley Brook at 5.30 p.m.* - A comfortable covered. Conveyance for Passengers. Parcels carried- at a reasonable rate. All orders entrusted to the under -u*n r; d vill be carefully attended to. * H. WELLS, Mail Contractor

FOE WELLINGTON DIEECT, / f . :THE S.S ,yr £Uj£ng M ANARijfA Captain Habt, I WUI leave the Motueka Wharf for Wel- ! lington direct, on TUESDAY, April 19, 5 p.m. i THUESDAY, April 21, 6 p.m. Taking cargo for Havelock and Pelorus Sound every fortnight ." c Fares, Motueka to Wellington : single. 15s ; return, 22s 6d ; meals included. Betnrn tickets available for 6 months. The steamer leaves Wellington for Motueka direct every week, alternately on ' Saturday and Monday; also additional trips whon required by shippers. WELLINGTON, HAVELOCK, AND MOTUEKA STEAMSHIP CO. JOHNSTON & CO., Ltd., Wellington Agents. TRUE REFINEMENT. ~ Shows in little details. Dainty table linen is one of the first essentials of a weU-kept home, and you ensure it ifi -you use "LILY STARCH." 'Its-pure and therefore economical; -All grocers keep it. .-•-.■ . I

THE NEW ZEALAND FRUIT AND PRODUCE CO., LTD. FfiUIT AUCTIONEERS, PEODUCB SaliESi hen, Commission Agents, and Gbnebal Merohants. Proprietors of the Wellington i'ruit and Prodace Market. Allen Street, Wellington, N.Z. Bankers : Bt.nk of New Zealand. Te Aro Correspondence invited. Best market prices, with prompt returns. Consignments solicited. Cable address/ "Tomato," Wellington. Telegraphic Address, " Enbfseb," Wellington. P.O. Box 705. Code, A.8.C.;. 4th and 6th Editions. . 665 BUSINESS .. BUYERS, FORTONEvstoES7OTdN YOU. W^E have just what you have been --,* Ti trying to for a long time. Over two hundred nf every possible description? from pricesranging from £100 to' £lo,ooo are enumerated on our monthly free publication; copies sent post free to all applicants. TAKE TIME BY THE FORELOCK, Write at Once. N.Z. BUSINESS EXCHANGE, BOX 332. . OHRISTOHUROH. GRIFFINS' BISCUITS. FOUE NEW. LINES— Obangb and Lbuon]] Cbbau Sandwich.. Ntjt Cbeah Sandwich. - Pbtbb Pan. Chocolate Finciees. ASK yonr Grocer for tnem. . . Thsy ar.e Dejioloui. GRIFFIN & SONS, LTD NELSON.

To Orcliardists and Fruitgrowers. "TARGET BRAND" I HORTICULTURAL INSECTICIDES ANO FUNGICIDES ARSENATE OF LEAD, SOLUBLE OIL Quotations and Samples on application to MOTUEKA FARMERS' CO-OP. CO., LTD. Sole New Zealand Agents Motueka.

7 H. C. HOLYOAKE, Commission Agent, Eiwaka. JUNCTION HOTEL, TAKAKA. ' . A. F. HOOK, Pbopbietob. fc • F.HOOK (formerly of the Eailway : Jf?L v .ijotel, Eioßmond),, having taken \ ■over^ the* above %ell knoivn and centrally . situated Hotel, desires to inform visiters jto -tie district and travellere that they . caiurely upon receiving every attention, I with oivility. Coaohes meet all steamers. I Up-to-date billiard table; sample rooms. Best, brands wines and spirits only. Letters and telegrams promptly attended to. . ' 368

FAO'f .No, 'i. m GUAfiANTEE OF fBE SfATfi. ■ iiaiMiii jam— lFlßWji i ii i hmwwih ri im _tt& -rift :'twy Palis? ImmJ X e^ tte Sagartaisat Btbbi atpoa Insnrod andar lto conditions: tests absetntaly taanra, firmly aasttred -Mat whatever may happen the fall wflot ot his polioy is as oertain te be paid whan tha claim atwan as thai the tan taaU rifstothamornlag.

YOU appreciate a flavoury tea? Try "FRACRA." On sale by B. FRANZEN, The Porfc, Nelson^. .- Buyers of properties, if sites or resi- . •9ncee, v agricultural farms, fruit land, j she«p aha 'cattie stations, will find it j to their ; best interests to first inter- 1 view and • obtain particulars fr<nn i Measra Bisley Bros and Co, Hardy street, who are now offering on behalf of clients some valuable properties on very easy .terms, i.e., a small deposit', or in some cases no cash/but improvements to bo made as may be decided] upon. Such' terms, are unusually easy and gives one with a small capital an J equal chance. Purchasers, of course, have the Option of paying oaihyor7tp leave the whole of the purchase money for a term to be arranged, interest at 3 per cent to 6. per. cent per annum. No doubt many nf our young .. men starting life will avail themselves of such easy terms. Particulars of some of these desirable properties .arc -to. be found in Messrs Bisley Bro« and Co's advertising oolumn, which appearß in this issue under the heading ci "Land, Land." ° 3711

: standard :*: INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND, LIMITED, NELSON BRANOH. ' Fire, Employers Liability, Accident, and Disease, Marine, Common Law, Mortgage Indemnity. Workers' Oompeneation, Personal Accident, Fidelity Guarantee, ' Administration Bonds, Plate Glass. Policies issued at Lowest Current rates. The Company is a New Zealand Institution, with Funds invested locally, and offers Absolute Security, Simplicity of Cbntraot, Prompt and Liberal Sebtlemiifct of Olaims. F;4b^^ FORD j MANAGER, STREET.

NEWMAN BEOS.' X Royal Mail Coaches. NEISON TO BLENHEIM. . Leave Crown Stables, Nelson, on Mondays/Wsdnesdays, and Fridays, at 7 am. Leave Club Hotel, Blenheim, on return, Tuesdays, Thursdays, mrd Saturdays, at 7 a.m. Parcels carried at moderate rates. Booking Office. Crown Stables. NEWMAN.BROS., Proprietors. OUR STAMPS are good stamps, best RUBBER, Latest Designs.— "The Colonist" Jobbing department.

.NELSON:/- -7 ' .Land." 3711 . . _ ; ; Hearue's Bronchitis Cure. ri - Those who haWtahmthUmeffi Suferers front Broachiti a,. Ca-agk, C^oup, Aith^tHfiflulty V^OUST-US Q& V^UJLUS of Br»thin«r Hoarseaesfc PaM or So««ae# SS^t^mSuabSTas ; -it effects a coslete cure. It is most • comforting in allaying Irritation in the Throat and giving Strength ta the Vafce, as* it neither allowi a Cough nor Asthma to become jl!_, f !lm C~-L~-]:\iJii Ui iLiidu^iXfewiniritifai ie not VnnTrn>^im vn ~iT* n f u ~~, ■ ~ **"""«"■»* «rf M ' ;M " i ** k **" P"P«ly twa'tad with this medicine. No house should be without it, «», at toTbegia-oing^ ■'■'■• '''". ■! .'"' ',■."''"' *m»a Mam. Wt Lmfrm, 4* M\»m'Y ¥ "an^Tint. tr *MM> *f**UAM, %ft HIA»N( Oh»«lA OMlons, Viotwfa. ry^w-apfla-tf •*•• «oirt ta n» *ddr»ag, artun >•««%

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Colonist, Volume LII, Issue 12771, 18 April 1910, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Colonist, Volume LII, Issue 12771, 18 April 1910, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Colonist, Volume LII, Issue 12771, 18 April 1910, Page 1