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V The Household I Linens ice. claim a good deal of attention and . careful selection. No where can they be purchased t o better advantage I than at E. BUXTOfi AND CO. 'B, i■ ■ ■ 3 has We draw attention to the following : — Linen Sheeting, 80 inches wide .. ' White Twill Sheeting, 54in. f 72in., 80in , 90in. wide I Grey Twill Sheeting, 54in., 72in., 80in, wide [,L.C. White Turkish Towels ...,..- Iward . I Grey Turkish Towelß, ■%■-! FOR CAMPING OUT, Etc Tsnts 6xß with 9 x 11 Ply M '■■['. , ' - f. „ 8 x 10 „ 12 x 12 „ . — „ 10 x 12 „ 14 x 15 „ f \ E. BUXTON & CO., Ltd., " DRAPERY DEPARTMENT, 'E „, TRAFALGAR SrBEBT, NELSON." EASTER HOLIDAYS! If Requiring j I— l I—l U-l U-i TRAVELLING- TRUNKS of all kinds, __ HAT BOXES, • PORTMANTEAUX, BEIEF BAGS, LiRES 3 BASKETS Etc, Etc., Also -CAMP REQUISITES You are Advised to Call at As uj "' ' i— i i-i i— i [• STAFFORDSHIRE HOUSE. 5» LARGE AND WELL - ASSORTED STOCKS. :et, 0W Prices' *. . i " Ji " •0 » ■ ■ R. .-Sn'odgrass and Sons, r 25 '. — . • ,- ■ I

JAUSTRALIAN . MUTUAL { PROVIDENT SOCIET " ESTABLISHED 1849. Ea THE OLDEST AND MOST SUCCESSFUL AUSTRALASIAN LIFE OFF Accumulated Funds, over - £25,000,000 Annual .•Income, over - - £3,250)000 The TOTAL CASH PROFIT divided by the Sooiety during its existence I araouuted to £14,336,892. *<■ . . CASH PROFIT DIVIDED FOR ONE TEAR (1908). £740.385, providing REVERSIONARY ADDITIONS of over J61,300,000> POLICIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS issued for amounts ranging from ; ■ -. .£5 to JIO.OOO. I ■ . ■ — : — ~. Direotoes of the New Zealand Branch.— -The Hon. Charles J. Johnston, M .. (Chairman); A. de B. Brandon, Esq. (Deputy Chairman) j the Hon. Ed I Richardson, C.M.G. : John Duncan, Esq.; and Joseph Joseph, Esq. I •. Branch Office: Customhouse Quay Wellington' " , EDWARD W. LOWE,. Resident Secretary. - ■— „! /:N e2soa.JDis.trio|; Office, corner'rrafalgar and Hardy^Sixee "'"'. ' (■'' ' : " ;^ TAMES HA^i bisteict Secretary; JAS. A. WALLACE, Manager. NELSON HOLIDAY-MAKERS, • "COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS, - . . TOURISTS A ANGLERS will find - ;." Excellent Accommodation. Telegraph Address: "Wallace, Motueka." P.O. Box 11, Motueka. Telephone No. 12. . Tariff : 7s per day. Special arrangements for season. I".i ' i ■

f Union Steam Ship Co. H of New Zealand" rch LIMITED. : " a y Passengers ML ST procure Tickets i ' the Office before they embark. a y Steamers will be despatched as under, weather and other circumstances rch permitting. ayj PICTON & WELLINGTON. Pateena, Tuesday, March' 22, "8 a.m. ay, Arahura, 1 Wednesday, Mar 23, 830 a m. •Pateena, Thursday, Mar 24, 9.30 a.m. ay, *Pateena, Saturday, March 26, 10 a.m. ♦Mapourika, Monday," Mar 23, 7.30 p.m. rch Pateena, Tuesday, March 29, / 10 a.m. *No cargo. •eh ■ ' WELLINGTON DIRECT. lv > *Arahura, Friday; March 25, 6.30 a.m. ' *No cargo, ly, : — =— ° : WESTPORT, GREYMOUTH, AND cJI . HOKITIKA. . Mapourika, Wednesday, March 23, 8 a.m •Arabura, S,nnday, Mar 27,. 8 a.m. *Oargo (perishable only) until noi n - ' . Saturday. y> NSW PLYMOUTH & ONEHUNGA. *Bosamond, Tuesday, Mar 22, 2.30 p m. ' ■"■• '■"■ *Cargo- only. ■ '■• ■ . • SYDNEY, VIA COOK STRAIT. (From Wellington.) Manuka, Thursday, March 21, il p.m. MELBOURNE, VIA BLUFF. (From Wellington.) Moana, Thursday, March 24, 5 p.m. M CANADIAN-AUSTRALIAN LInF" (The "All Red "Route). CANADA, UNITED STATES, ANi), it EUROPE. 'Via Fiji, Honolulu, Victoria, 8.C., and ir Vancouver) * E.M.S Maknra. ir From Sydney, April 11. From Suva, April 18. ' Passengers booked through to London A by .Orient Royal Mail Line. For farther particulars apply h OFFICE. The Port. 5, • ,t x r . \ ANCHOR ' SmPtim&FOUHDM OjMPAM t LIMITED. b SAILING LIST. ! WESTPORT, GREYMOUTH, AND HOKITIKA. KAITOA, To-day, Tuesday, 22nd inst, a 10 am. WELLINGTON. NIKAU, To-morrow, Wednetday, 23rd inst. at 3 p.m. (Via Motueka.) MOTUEKA TO WELLINGTON. NIKAU, To-morrow, Wednesday^ 23rd inst, at 7 p.m. (Direct.) 4j|?s.s. T i;oi, 51 Tons, Captain C. Scully, will leave as under, weather permitting .— Nelson for Motueka, Tuesday, Mar 22, at '4 p.m. Motueka for Nelson, Wodnesday, Mar 22, , at 8 a.m. Nelson for Jlotueka; Wednesday, Mar 23, at 5 p.m. Motueka for Nelson, Wednesday, Mar 23, at 8 p.m. Nelson for Motueka, Thursday, Mar 24, at 5.30 p.m. Motueka for Nelson, Friday, Mar 25, at 9 a.m. Nelson for Motueka, Saturday, Mar 26, at 9.30 a.m. Motueka for Nelson, Saturday, Mar 26, at 11 p.m . „ ' 1 JNelson for Motueka,- Monday, Mar 28, at 8 a.m. Motueka for Nelson, Monday, Mar 28, at 9.30 p.m. Nelson lor Motueka, Tuesday, Mar 29, at 8 a.m. j. Motueka for Nelson, Tuesday, Mar 29, at 11a.m. Nelson for Motueka, Wednesday, Mar 30 at 8.30 a.m. Motueka for Nelson, Wednesday, Mar 30, at 11.30 a.m. Nelson for Motueka, Thursday, Mar-31, _ at 9 a.m. . Motueka for. Nelson, Thursday, Mar 31, at noon. FOR WELLINGTON DIRECT, M ANAROA - 3sgS3sg3£sß& Caftain Habt, Will leave the Motueka Wharf for Wellington direot, on TUESDAY, March 22, 6 p.m. THURSDAY, March 24, 8 p.m. Taking cargo i'or Havelock and Pelorua Sound every fortnight. Pares, Motueka to Wellington: single, 15s; return, 22s 6d ; meals inoluded. Return tickets available for 6 months. The steamer . leaves "Wellington for Motueka direct every week alternately on Saturday and Monday; also additional trips when required by shippers. WELLINGTON, HAVELOCK, AND MOTUEKA STEAMSHIP CO. JOHNSTON & CO., Lm, . Wellington Agents. TRUE REFINEMENT. Shows in. little details. ' Dainty | table. linen is one of the first essentials of "a well-kept home, and you ensure it if you use '.'LILY STARCH." It's pure and there- - fore economical. All. grocers keep it. ROYAL MAIL COACH. I POKORORO— UPPER MOUTERE— NGATIMOTI. JAS. HEATH; Proprietor. COA^H now leaves Pokororo for Upper a Moutere, and arrives as per time- J: table appended. • P Leaves Pokororo, Mondays, Wednes- G days, And Fridays, at 7 a.m., meeting P Nelson Coach at Price's Corner, 9.35 a.m. ci Leave.Price's Corner on arrival Nelson Coach, 12.35 p.m., arriving at Pokororo at & ■ : c! All. Parcels and orders receive striot a: attention. it Tourists and Miners wishing to visit S Fableland and Mount Arthur distriot can book through, changing fnv Pack Horses it Pokororo. Stores providol if sufficient - notice given. .- . 1 . J^MES HEATH, • Accommodation House, . 1,25 . ■ Pokororo.

i ;:Mol' - SEASON. IA XKTS ABK." ADVANCING . ; ■-'_ USUAL ON ' . , WOOL, SKINS AND OTHER PRODUCE, XL For shipment to the: LONDON Mark or for Sale in WELLINGTGN. B." - H. COCK & CO. 37 i ' . . ___._ '»' ■iT~IZ~~'-"i ~.~ PVERY package of "FRACH r-* TEA" is accompanied by a qua aaite© of weight and quality. Sold 1 " L. T. BOWDEN and CO., Trafalgi street, Nelseu. fiGIAL Mllh COAOH. Nelson— feichmend— ftotaeka— ia Riwa.ka. NEWMAN BROS., Proprietors. THE Proprietors call the attention < the travelling public to the fact thi k the RxcHMOND-EiwAHA Coach Skhvic has" been extended to Nelson, and Coachi now leave the Crown Stables, Nelsoi DAILY, or Biwaka, and ajrive daily froi Biwaka, as per timetabl i appended. All parcels and orders receive striot &n businesslike attention. Daily Timetable Leave Nelson for Biwaka at 9 a.m. ; arri' ing Biwaka 2.30 p.m. Leave Biwaka for Nelson at 8 arriving Nelson 1.30 p.m. Luncheon : Bedwood's Valley. J NEWMAN BROS., Proprietors. md Fruitgrowers. BRAND" 'IGIDES AND FUNGICIDES EAD, SOLUBLE OIL. oples on application to «?■ CO-OP. CO., LTD. d Agents Motueka. YOU appreciate a ftavoury tea ? Tr; VFRACRA." On sale by JJ FRANZEN, The Port, Nelson. Buyers of properties, if sites or resi "•enoefl, agricultural farms, fruit land Eheep and cattle stations, will find i1 to their best interests to first inter view and obtain particulars fron , Messrs Bisley Bros and Co, Hardj , street, who are now offering on behal ■ of clients some valuable properties pi r very easy terms, i.e., a small deposit , or in some cases no cash, but improve ■ ments to bo made as may be decidec upon. Such terms are unusually easj and gives one with a small capital ar • equalchance. Purchasers, of course , have the option of paying cash or tt ■ leave the whole of the purchase monej 1 for a term to be arranged, interest ai 8 per cent to 5 per cent per annum, No doubt many of young men starting life will, avail themselves oS such easy terms. Particulars of some of these desirable properties are to bf found. in Messrs Bisley Bro» and Co' a advertising column, which appears in this issue under the heading ci "Land,

.ti,:. "OUBBER STAMPS.— "We have ■"' great variety of attractive desio to choose from. Our prices are rig) and our stamps the best'. — "Tho C nnlst" Jobbing Department. SMOKELESS PAPARO COAL Unequalled for— .' STEAM PEODUCING. SMITHY PUBPOSES.I THE HOUSEHOLD.! CLEAN, ROOTLESS, ECONOMIC/ NELSON SEEDTPRODUCE CO, 3268 Wholesale (and Eeiail) Agentf P.O. Box 102. Telephones: 143: Private", lffl. J. SAVAGE" & SONS * The Leading House in Nelson -for— Artistic Wall Papers— Englißh and American. ARTISTS 1 "COLOURMEN —AND— HIGH-CLASS PiCTUROTRAMEKS. i. Large Stock of Artists' Materials an Art Engravings. Sheet and Plate Glass: Merchants. 'lain and Bevelled Mirrors up to -7 feel PATTEENS OF WALL PAPERS BBNT ON APPLICATION. ESTIMATES GIVEN. H.- Stjb-Agentß: tTorkehlre Fire Insurance Company. oil, colourTglass, and wall paper warehouse. IAEDT-STEEET, s. NELSOI To Orchardists i ■•«■ TARGET HORTICULTURAL INSECI ARSENATE OF LI Quotations and Sar MOTUEKA FARMER Sole New Zealan STANDARD NSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND, LIMITED. . NELSON BRANCH. Fire, Employers Liability, kecidontj od Disease, Marine, Common. Law, fortgage Indemnity, Workere' Comensation, Personal Accident, Fidelitj ruarantee, • Administration Bonds, 'late Glass. Policies issued at Lowst Curront rates. : - - The Company is a New Zealand inbitution, with jfunds invested locally, nd offers Absolute Security, Simplic>y of Contraot, Prompt and Liberal etiJemer.t of Claims. F.A.BAMFORD, MANAGER, TRAFALGAR STREET.

| SOUTH EoITISH Irs^rancd Company, Capital ... ... ... £2,joj,Ch.u Accumulated Fnntfp ercpoti., ffifio.f 1 ' v PIEE and MARINE and ACCIDENT INSURANCES, Including Employers' Liability foi Compensation under the Workers' Compensation Acts, Mortgage Indemnity, Public Bisk, Personal Accident' either singly ot in conjunction with Sickness Benefits ; Burglary, Tlate Glass, Fidelity Guarantee, etc., ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CURRENT BATES. Sdb-Aabntb fob .Distbiot City, Robertson Bros. j. Alotueka, H. A. Tarrant ; Richmond, W. R. May ; Takaka, J. J. Langridge & Co.; Wakefield, E. J. Painton; Collingwood, W. C. Riley & Co.; Upper Moutere, C. F. Muntz Wostport, J. J. Molony j Murchison, V. Spiers. F & D. EOWAftDS, AGENTS, TRAFALGAR STEEET. (Next National Bank). FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. -j f* f* ACRES, title 999 years, with JLOO new house, six rooms, all well finished, good barn und other convenient outbuildings. Apple tree plantation, up-to-date kinds; t ideal spot for poultry. 1 raising ; carrying to-day 200 sheep, many cows and horses. Price about. A chance for someone, try it now, only for sale a few days. Persona may soon obtain reasons for selling so cheap and immediate. ' H. C. HOLTOAKE, Commission Agent, J&iwaka. JUNCTION HOTEL, TAKAKA. A. P. HOOK, Proprietor. AF HOOK (f< rmerly of tlie Railway iJoteJ, Richmond), having takon over tho above well known and centrally situated Hot-1, desxreato inform visitors to tae districfc and travellers that they can rely upon receiving every attention, with civility. . Coaches, meet all Eteamers. Up-to-date billiard table ; sample rooms. Best biands wines and spirits only. Letters and telegrams promptly attended to. 368 NEWMAN BEOS.' Royal Mail Coaches. NEJ.SON TO BLENHEIM.' Leave Crown Stables, Nelson, on Mondays, Wadnesdays, and Fridays, at 7 am. Leave Club Hotel, Blenheim, on return, Tuesdays, Thursdays, nnd Saturdays at 7 a.m. Parcels carried at moderate rates. Booking Office . Crown Stables. NEWMAN BRUS., Proprietors. f\UR STAMPS are good stamps, best *-* RUBBER, Latest Designs.— i 'The Colonist" Jobbing Department.

H. McAKTMEY, ■. Certificated Plumber and Drainlayer, IA etc.; Gas and Water Fitter, Bellr - hanger, etc. by ar Estimates given for Drainage and Sanitary Works of all descriptions. — npHIS BUSINESS is not only the •■■• Pioneer business of this city, but the most up-to-date, having been in the lead since 1843, the date of its '. foundation, a fact which speaks for itself as regards efficiency. I have now found it necessary to extend my business to meet the requirements of my numerous customers in connection^ with the drainage °l scheme, and I have Imported direct a a * large consignment of up-to-date sani--3E tary fittings. 68 The class of work turned out at my n > establishment is well and favourably m known, and all work is guaranteed. SOLE AGENT for the much imitatid od but unequalled "Power Inverted Burner," the greatest light of the age. I am also sole agent for the everlasting Metallic Hose (which I sell at v . the same price as you are paying for common rubber hose). 1m Phone 281. ADDRESS : Nob 84 to 88, Bridge St. . STANLEY BROOK AND WAKE BIELD MAIL. . X EAVES Stanley Brook every TUES- 1 Jj DAT, THURSDAY and SATURDAY Mornings at 0.45, calling at Thorpe Post Office at 8.10, and Dovedale at 9, arriving at Wakefieid at 11- a.m. Returns same day, leaving Wakefield at 1 p.m., Dovedale at 3 p.m,, and .Thorpe at 4 p.m., arriving at Stanley Brook at 5.30 p.m. . A comtortable covered Conveyance for Passengers. Parcels carried at a reasonable rate. All orders entrusted .to the urdr-r-ifmed will be carefully attended to. . •-■ '■ ■■'■ ; H. WELLS, Mail Contractor l / . — ■.',•■.■■: ; ;- Tfes GDA&iNTEE (iP 79E STATS • \ «*— — -. — - — -— ~ 1 iceo «&& ever^ Policy Uib*^ J >j to Sigtftßrti ' B?»M {faeaon inrorad andw ifa 7 condhioaa eeate abscSotoly etetutfe i i- ————————— -'• 3 foaJ? aasaeed lhal whateTW may ] b happen tfea teli y<ta< o? Mb poiioj f M ocrt ** D *** P^ when > claim aeeggeg « thftt th» tnn afeaJJ . s. — { 1 tin in l&| sßomlag, ' ,

• .. .. .■••.-. -7;-".."-'. • ' •■"•:_ : .- ■ ' liJUld." • ■ . , . 3VII r ■ ■ '__ _ . J DAAf'llfi'ffi I^^kf^^i sf^l% ! lfl fil Tsae Famoug Remedy for Those who have taken tWsmedicme are amaze* at its splendid healmgrw^ O& %/IJXUL^ i >< Bteathine Hoarseness, Pain or Soreness in <he Chest, experience delightful and rapid relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the „..,. « ' n . k ♦ i «it effect, a complete cure. It is most comforting itTallaying Irritation in the Throat and giving to the Voice, and it neither, allows a Cough not Asthma to become fioWn^^pnsumption to develop. Consumption is not known where "Coughs" have, oo their first appearance, bee» properly treated with this mediane. No house sWd be Without it, as, taken it tte beg Wing, a :dost or tw» if j^enflyjsunraen^ and a cc^p - .. " - 1 ->— fta^ L %t%t i^^ti 410k- OsttwNs* Sti tfHoliM TDiTHn. or **»• fw»»^tor, W. O. HKAWU, Oh^-Me*, ammionm. violMPiaw rsy"«w»tfM t»v *o«t «• «ny Adcfrvsa. when *•* *btalnau»fei B««aS*>

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Colonist, Volume LII, Issue 12749, 22 March 1910, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Colonist, Volume LII, Issue 12749, 22 March 1910, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Colonist, Volume LII, Issue 12749, 22 March 1910, Page 1