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( AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL j PROVIDENT SOCIETY. I '- •- "ESTABLISHED 1849. . THE OLDEST AND MOST SUCCESSFUL AUSTEALASIAN LIFE OFFICE. Accumulated Funds, over - £25,OOO»OOO Annual Income, over - - £3,250>000 i . "'■'.■• —^— — . The "OTAL CASH PEOFIT divided by the Society during its existence has i amounted to J614,336,892. - CASH PEOFIT DIVIDED FOE ONE YE AE (1908). J8740.385, providing EEVEESION4EY ADDITIONS of over ; I POLICIES OP ALL ; DESCRIPTIONS issued for amounts ranging fronv ■ • - ■■■;•■. \ - ' ■ Dibsctoes or the New Zealand Bbanch.— The Hon. Charles J. Johnston, M.L.C. i (Chairman); A. de B. Brandon, Esq. (Deputy, Chairman); the Hon.' Edward j Eiohardaon, C.M.G.: John Duncan, Esq.; and Joseph Joseph, Esq. -. Branoh Offica : Customhouse Quay Wellington .. EDWARD W. LOWE, Eesident Secretary. . Nolson District Office, corner Trafalgar and Hardy Streets _..•. JAMES HAIB, District Secretary^ JAS. A. WALLACE, Manager. NELSON HOLIDAY-MAKERS. COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS, TOUEISTS & ANGLEES will find „ Excellent Accommodation. . Telegraph Address .- " Wallace, Motueka." P.O. Box 11, Motueka. Telephone No. 12. Tariff: 78 per day. Special arrangements for season. '

/Union Steam Ship Co,, of New Zealand, .. LIMITED. Passengers ML ST procure Tickets a the Office before they embark. Steamers will be despatched as under, weather and other circumstances permitting. PICTON & WELLINGTON. Pateena, Tuesday, Feb 22, 9.30 a.m. Arahura, Wednesday, Feb 23, 8 am. Pateena, Thursday, Feb 24, 9.30 a.m. Pateena, Saturday, i | eb26, 10 a.m. WELLINGTON DIEECT. •Mapourika, Saturday, Feb 26, 6.30 a.m. *No cargo. WESTPOET, GEEYMOUTH, AND , HOKITIKA. ! Mapourika, Wednesday, Feb 23, 8 a.m. i •Arahura, Sunday, Feb 27, 9 a.m. . i ♦Cargo (perishable only) until not n Saturday. | NEW PLYMOUTH & ONEHUNGA. j ♦Rosamond, Wed., Feb 23, 2.30 p.m. •Cargo only. SYDNEY, VJA COOK STRAIT. (From Wellington.) Moeraki, Friday > March 4, 5 p.m. MELBOURNE, VIA BLUFF. (From Wellington.) Warrimoo, Thursday, Feb 24, 6 p.m. CANADIAN-AUSTRALIAN LINE (The"AUEed"Eoute). CANADA, UNITED STATES, AND EUEOPE. 'Via Fiji, Honolulu, Victoria, 8.C., and Vancouver)," R.M.S Marama. From Sydney, March 14. From Suva, March 21. Passengers booked through to London by Orient Eoyal Mail Line. For further particulars apply OFFICE, The Port.

The Household \ Linens claim a good deal of attention and careful selection. Nowhere can they be purchased to better advantage than at E. BUXTON AND CO.'S, We draw attention to the following : — Linen Sheeting, 80 inches wide White Twill Sheeting, 54in., 72in., 80in , 90in. wide Grey Twill Sheeting, siin., 72' m., 80in, wide White Turkish Towels * Grey Turkish Towels, FOR CAMPING OUT, Etc. Tents 6xß with 9 x 11 Fly m "8 x 10 „ 12 i 12 „ ■ . „ 10 x 12 „ 14 x 15 „ E. BUXTON & CO., Ltd., DRAPERY DEPARTMENT, TRAFALGAR STEEET, NELSON.

SCHOOL REQUISITES, FOR BEST VALUE— TRY US. SJafcea and Pencils, Exorcise, Drawing and Note Books, Atlas and Dictionary, Blotting Paper, Foolscap, Writing Blocks, Pencils of all" kinds, Penholders, and all the usual Pen Nibs, Fountain Peng, Pencil Sharpeners. Pencil Boxes, Set Squares, Rulers, Compasses, Erasers, Drawing Pens, Inkstands, Inks, Gum, Satchel? for Bojs cr Girls, Etc., -Etc .Wholesale or Retail, R. ,Snod grass and Sops, DIRECT IMPOETEUS.

A . * ANCHOR * SHIPPING & FOUNDRY CUMPABY LIMITED. SAILING LIST. WESTPORT, GREYMOUTH, AND * HOKITIKA. , ALEXANDEE, Thnrsday, 24fcn inst, at 6 11a.m. 1 WELLINGTON. NLKAU, To-day, Monday, 21sfc inst, at 3.30 p.m. . . ! ' (Via Motueka). NIKAU, Wednesday, 23rd insfc. at 4.30 p.m. (Via Mocueka.) v NIKAU, Friday, 25fch insfc, at 5 p.m. (Direct.) MOTUEKA TO WELLINGTON. t NIKAU, To-day, Monday, 21sfcinst, at 7 p.m, (Direct.) NIKAU, Wednesday, 23rd inst, at 8 p.m. (Direct.) NIKAU, Friday, 25th insfc, at 11 a.m. (Via Motueka.) WANGANUI DIRECT. ALEXANDER, Today, Monday, 21st inst, at 3 p.m. 4jl&s. koi, 51 Tons, Captain C. Souxly, will leave as under, weather permitting :— Nelson for Motueka, Sunday, Feb 20, at 5 p.m. Motueka for Nelson, Sunday, Feb 20, at 7 p.m Nelson for Motueka, Monday, Feb 21, at 5 p.m. Motueta for Nelson, Tuesday, Feb 22, at 9 a.m. Nelson for Motuoka; Wednesday, Feb 23, at 6 p.m. Motueka for Nelson, Thursday, Feb 24, at 9 a.m. ' Nelson for Motueka Friday. Feb 25, at 8 a.m. Motueha for Nelson, Friday, Feb 25, at 1 1 a.m. Nelson for Motneka, Saturday, Feb 26, at 7.30 a.m Motueka for Nelson, Saturday, Feb 26, at 10.30 a.m Nelson for Motueka, Monday, Feb 28, at 9 a.m. ■.:.-• Motneka for Nelson, Monday, Feb 28, at noon.

TO LET. , T AEGE Convenient SHOP, Hardy_LJ street. Splendid stand. Low rent. AppJy— 4024 BISLEY BEOS. & CO. ,ÜBE SMOKELESS PAPAROA COAL Unequalled for— STEAM PEODUCING-. SMITHY PUEPOSES.I THE HOUSEHOLD.!! CLEAN, BOOTLESS, ECONOMICAL NELSON SEEDTPRODUCE CO, 3268 Wholesale (and Eetai!) Agents. P.O. Box 102. Telephones: 143 : Private, 191. J. SAVAGE" & SONS, The Leading House in Nelson • —for — . - Artistic Wail Papers— English and American. ARTIBTB'"COLQURMEN — AND — •. HIGH-CLASS PICTUREtFRAMEKS. A Large Stock, of Artists' Materials and Art Engravings. Sheet and Plate Glass! ; Merchants. Plain and Bevelled Mirrors np to 7 feet. '. PATTEENS OF WALL PAPERS : SENT ON APPLICATION. ' '. ESTIMATES GIVEN. Sub- A gents : Yorkshire Fire Insurance Company. : oil, colourTglass, and wall paper warehouse. HASDT-STEEET, NELSON

TTTTB AHE ADVANCING AS USUAL ON WOOL, SKINS, AND OTHER PRODUCE, For shipment to the LONDON Market, or for Sale in "WELLINGTON. h. eocK&co. 8725 P VERY package of "FRACRA •^ TEA" is accompanied by a guarantee of weight and quality. Sold by L. T. BOWDEN and CO., Trafalgar street, Nelson. KCTAD MAIL COACH. Nelson- Richmond— feotueka— Riwaka. NEWMAN BEOS., PropVvetore. rf^HE Proprietors call the attention of JL the travelling public to the fact that the Richmond-Eiwaka Coach Service haa been extended to Nelson, and Coaches now leave the Crown Stables, Nelson, DAILY, or Eiwaka, and strive daily from Eiwaka, as per timetable appended. All parcels and orders receive Btriofc and Dusinesslike attention. Daily Timetable Leave lsi-lson for Eiwaka at 9 a.m. ; arriving Eiwaka 2.30, Leave Eiwaka for Nelson at 8 a.m., arriving Nelson 1.30 p.m. Luncheon: Eedwood's Valley. NEWMATif BEOS., Proprietors.

H. McARTNEY, Certificated Plumber and Drainlayer, etc. ; Cas and Water Fitter, Bellhanger, etc. Estimates given for Drainage and Sanitary Works of all descriptions. npHIS BUSINESS is riot only the '."•*• Pioneer business of this city, but the most up-to-date, having been in the lead since 1843, the. date of its foundation, a fact which speaks for itself as regards efficiency. I have now found it necessary to extend my business to meet the requirements of my numerous customers ie connection with the drainage scheme, and I have imported direct a large consignment of up-to-date sanitary fittings.; Theckss of work turned out at my establishment is well and favourably known, and all work' is guarantted. SOLE AGENT for the much imitated but unequalled "Power Inverted Burner," the greatest light of the age. I am also sole agent for the everlasting Metallio Hose (which I sell at the same price as you are paying for common rubber hose). Phone 281. ADDRESS: Nos 84 to 88. Bridge St. STANLEY BROOK AND W AXE , BIELD MAIL. LEAVES Stanley Brook every TUESDAY, THUESDATandSATUEr. BAY Mornings at o.4s, calling at Thorpe Post Office at 8.10, and Dovedale at 9, arriving at Wakefield at 11 a.m. Eeturns eaiu>o Juj 1 , leaving Wakefield at 1 p.m., Dovedale at 3 p.m,, and JDhorpe at 4 p.m., arriving at Stanley Brook at 5.30 p.m. A comtortable covered Conveyance for Passengers. Parcels carried at a reasonable rate. All orders entrusted to the undersigned will be carefully attended to. H. WELLS, Mail Contractor TOg •<JPAB*iyfEE OF TUB STATE geas yg 8V687 Policy teisgl fef tea gagartgJESE. . I£TOB¥ f?>sc.£j i£sar&4 kECS* Jfc oaß&iioas rest* abgateiai? ssac*? gymly us&&\ frhat whatovM may happen tea fail Taiw of fefi policy la m oarfean to be paid whta ths daim osmnes m foftt *hs ron ektJJ. d» i!nWii| oporalaf .

.SOUTH BRITISH Insurance'- Company, Limited. Capital £2,900,1)00 Accumulated Funds exceed . . .£560,000 FIEE and MARINE and ACCIDENT INSURANCES, Including Employers' Liability foi Compensation under the Workers' Compensation Aots, Mortgage Indemnity, Public Bisk, Personal Accident either singly or in conjunction with Sickness Benefits ; Burglary, Plate Glass, Fidelity Guarantee, etc., ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CURRENT BATES. Sdb-Asents fob Distbiot City, Robertson Bros. ; Motueka, H. A. Tarrant j Eichmond, W. E. Alay ; Takaka, i J. J. Langridgo & Co. j Wakefield, E. J. Painton; Collingwood, W. C. Riley &Cc; Upper Moutere, C, F. Muntz Wftstport, J. J. Molony ; Mnrchison, V. Spiers. r . & 0. EOWABDS, AGENTS, TRAFALGAR STREET. (Next National Bank). FOR^ALE. "TTIXTRAOBDINARY Cheap Farm for S-J Fruit and Poultry raising — who's going to have it ? Suoh a chance never before ; really genuine ; excellent locality. Only small capital required, probably fifty pounds oi lesa A pleasant surprise ffering j come quickly. H. C. HOLTOAKE, Ciommißsion Agent, fiiwakp. JUNCTION HOTEL, TAKAKA. A, R HOOK, Pbopbietob. AF. HOOK (formerly of the Eailway Hotel, Eichmond), having taken over the above well known and centrally situated Hotel, desires to inform visitors to tiie district and travellers that they can rely upon receiving every attention, with civility. Coaches meet all steamers, j Up-to-date billiard table ; sample rooms. Best brands wine? and spirits only. Letters and telegrams promptly attended to. 368 NEWMAN BEOS. 1 Royai ftlail poaches. NEJ.BON TO BLENHEIM. Leave Crown Stables, Nelson, on Mondays, Wadnesdays, said Fridays t at 7 a.m. Leave Club Hotel, Blenheim, on return, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 7 a.m. j.. Parcels (tarried at moderate rates. j ' Booking Office . Crown Stables. NEWMAN BROS., Proprietors.

FOE WELLINGTON DIEECT AjS&J .1* ANAROA jqgJaS3paHigP» Captain Hart, Will leave the Motueka Wharf for Wellington direct, on TUESDAY, tfeb 22, 7 p.m. THURSDAY, Feb 24, 8 p.m. Taking cargo for Havelook and Pelorus Sound every fortnight. Fares, Motueka to Wellington: single, 16s ; return, 22s 6d ; meals included. Return tickets available for 6 months. The steamer leaves Wellington for Motneka direct every week alternately on Saturday and Monday j also additional trips when required by shippers. i WELLINGTON, HAVELOCK, AND ! MOTUEKA STEAMSHIP CO. | JOHNSTON & CO., Ltd., j Wellington Agents. E. & A. MAIL LINE To •■■■.■ MANILA, CHINA, AND JAPAN. Via Queensland, Port Darwin <fc Timor. Steamer. Tons- g^ Eastern • 3800 Feb 16 Alderham 4000 Maroh 16 pEmpire „. ... 4500 April _13 v ~ Space for Frozen Cargo. The Pictobksqub Eouth to Eueoph. Through Bookings, via Japan, Canada, and the U.S.A. Saloon Accommodation' amidships. Large cool two-berth cabins all on the Upper Deck, and fitted with electric fans. Linen Washed on Board. EASTERN AND AUSTEALIAN S.S. ' -.■■ CO., LTD. BISLEY BBOS. & CO., Nelson Agents, TVTQTED by fragrance and flavour, "FRACRA TEAS." Sold by NICOL and MARTIN, Bridge Street. "T7IRACRA f EA" is also packed in _-^ • patent air tight tins, each o and '10 lbs, containing coupon. Return one coupon for handsome present. Sold by G. F. HINGSTON, Cash Grocer.

To Orchardists and Fruitgrowers. "TARGET BRAND" HORTICULTURAL INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES, ARSENATE OF LEAD, SOLUBLE OIL. ; Quotations and Samples on application to MOTUEKA FARMERS' COOP, CO., LTD. Sole New Zealand Agents Motueka.

YOU appreciate a flavqury tea? Try "FRACRA." On sale by 13. PRANZEN, The Port, Nelson. Buyers of properties, if sites or residences, agricultural farms, fruit land, sheep and cattle stations, will find it to their best interests to first interview and obtain particulars from Messrs Bisley Bros and Co, Hardy street, who are now offering on behalf of clients some valuable properties on very easy terms, i.e., a small deposit, or in eomo cases no cash, but improvements to ho made as may be decided upon. Such terms are unusually easy and gives one with'a small capital an i equal chance. Purchasers, of course, have the option of paying cash or to leave the wnole of the purchase money, for a term io be arranged, interest at 3 per cent to 5 per cenfc per annum. No doubt many of our young men starting life will avail themselves of such easy terms. Partaoulars of some of these desirable properties are to be found in Messrs Bisley Bros and Co' s ! advertising column", which -appears in this issue under the heading ci ''Land, Land." 3711

STAND/ HD INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND, LIMITED. NELSON BRANCH. Fire, Employers liability, Accident, 1 and Disease, Marine, Common Law, Mortgage Indemnity. Workers' Compensation, Personal Accident, Fidelity Guarantee, Administration Bonds; Plate Glass. Policies issued at Lowr est Current rates. 'The Company is a New Zealand Insiitution, with Funds invested locally, and offers Absolut© Security, Simplicity of Contract, Prompt and Liberal SefcUemeri ci Claims. . F. A. BAMFO»RD, MANAGER, TRAFALGAR STREET.

HHBHBH wmm^^r ■ . .... WL^ CX* fill ds&' h m tf% H Who have taken this medicine are amazed at its splendid healing power. Sufferers from Bronchitis, Cough, Ctoup.J^ftma.piffici^ VyUG|U^ %»/ VV * Wi3 atthTWanmg^^ . I^;^ j£, u^ ' ■mMm'^r ■ »-Wlno V«tu«9r% or Out Vn*rt**r, W. a HIAfINB, Oh^^ QMion* vioterta. femrdM? by poatfany Mlclr«H, whon iw* •btelnfti# l*w^

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Colonist, Volume LII, Issue 12724, 21 February 1910, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Colonist, Volume LII, Issue 12724, 21 February 1910, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Colonist, Volume LII, Issue 12724, 21 February 1910, Page 1