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\ W.R.MAY,^ I- LUUi'boUR & liU. FOR SALE. RICHMOND «AKAPUAKA. AE E NOW MAZING. stok3.-17 AcresTplendid. land, ten W1? niv'wnw QnPPLY ■ ' , minutes walk from Railway Stawe can now supply - Nfi ., SFA^Of^ ' RFBUfrTIO^ 2 acres in orchard > 4 year 1 "NEW CURED" Lny Ur ■nCUUUIIU^O. . old t r ees . Price, £70 au acre . WJiW UUKIjJJ Stoke.— 2i Acres in orchard with 6- • ix> a n '•' - aye reacu «d the End of the Season, from a business roomed dwelling. Price, £600. BrB&KTclSt oSCOn, '"". point of view, and all Surplus Goods must be Moved Out. Wakefield. 64 Acres in Church Valin Sides, Rolls, and Hams. Wehave SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCED VALUES mall ft' ; Departments, and the prices now are VERY TEMPIINW. Rjchmond.—i Acre in Queen' Street, LAKU) ' ; - ; Cotton Dress Fabrics MUST BE CLEAEED. and at our with new 6-roomed dwelling. . in Packets and Bulk. Keduced Valuauons they are sure to move out QUICKLY. I—l 6 Acres all level, 10 ■j FARMERS' "'■ ' ■. Ifc is advisable to BUY NOW; as acres in orchard ; close, to railway ll; "MILK AND GRAIN FED MEAT" ALL COTTON GOODS ARE ADVANCING JN PEICE. station. Price, £2600. i Only Cured. ' • Aniseed Valley — Small Sheep Run ol % SUPERIOR ■■.-■■ EN D- Q F SE A'SDH" "R EDUCTIONS Mgt-rSd dwemnLwithtaSr to any other brand imported into At 107. TRAFALGAR STREET. laid on. Price, £5000. Nelson. v • Stoke I Acre on main road, with os — roomed dwelling, wash-house, and GREAT REDUCTIONS N ~ . -rfc-r^-H^TkT-nnT^-^ conveniences Price, £459, in both' Wholesale and Retail Prices, Q- CARPEN TEE- Brightwater— loo Acres 21 me lop, [ \** • v-/-c»_^.i;J- J-i-L^ _■_ J^iJL\j) . balance in grass and ciover ; two ! Write for Quotations. 17 HAEDY STREET^ NELSON •-- e ood dwellings and oxitbuildmgs. ) ■ . ' ' ' Price, £40 an acre. — Begs to notify the Public of the receipt of the following Wal^ a me d'd!remng 4 AUpjoughabie. __i— „_»_— ••■.. Goods at" BARGAIN PRICES from his Repie- Forty- acres in turnips. Well CLEARANCE OF Sentative, who is now On tour — Anisee^'Taliay 544 Acres and snnil I INFS roomed house; 35 acres in rape, uuu unco Ladies' Green Kid Gloves, all the rage, 2/11 pair balance in grass. Well watered. and REMNANTS. ***** «^ Black Lisle- Hose, fast dye, 1/- pair Bht rw%^iifißffiaS^f splendid — . Ladiea' Fancy Ribbed All- Wool Hose, all sizes, 1/6 land, 350 acres grassed and 700 n^bfofSSSSiS^K' Collar Supports, 2^ to Synches, screw tops, 6d set rSSsiS bS at cut prices to clear. Panama Hats for Ladies, all the rage, 1/6 . W ay Station and two miles irom , ■ « ■ -'V Kiwi Railway Station. Price, £4 [ M c^.u^u. Other Special tine, Arrivmg Daily " u,£fi££glfr%t ■ J %^.^rSt?r - a CARPENTER'S. Cse/Sf^ ol^ -. u^&TSKC*. -a : ~ /^^ WATCHES. ..SsHC - J CaSics in Blouse &/Sr : ±^\ski FOTHERAM'S, WALTHAM'S, EHR- ami Roomed D weU> n S f^^J Lengths. Is 6d £.>r 3 yards. -g[f 1,-;;; }J^ HARDT'S MOE BIS' OMEGA'S and splendid or dei. P artoi^ Stron g n Ceylon Shirtings, now 9Sd , ZENTH'S. Bu^ll^tSJtJ^Smfd dwelling REaUnInTSoE Chliooea. Slieetings. '^^^1^*?". \ TOTE We just Opened a Complete As- and 2 acres rtj™*}^ V6ry ° C&P Piannelettes, Cratonnes, Lawns, ijaEL ■ - A VV eorfcment of tliese excellent ?r° pei S.U o « Arres'in orchard, etc. ,-^iliiiK^ BATCHES, cased in Gold, Silver, Gold Ngatitama St. cet— 0 Acre* Filled, Nickle, and Gun Metal Ca S es.| Hardysfreet -A Fruiterer's Business ■ »EALE AHD HDEST, . Xp!^""' """] -^ " ".aJSaEr l ** ■«—*-*^^^ i«^ 6 |^SSSS,^SE _Ha B dy-St ßß kt.- « /-^j&JV M LATEST IN STILE AND FINISH. Halifax - — -- a — • ■«y ■! - lowest - in pbices - l Ef^i™ ' 45ft< by I ■ • ■ n «. vt^^ > \^^^^/ '. 1 '$$!§! 1 r-«'irr~iiT'^*°^^yr r^r^~Sgy'' ; g''ri 'ot"""* class windows, with rl S Qt "° "^ *5 Years of Ease VL Mi - : W; MO YES, S ;•»«, fitting- »««• Pnce ' Te 3 ,thatisi N|lkX- .^ 'c^igxffl - WfITfiHMkFR : .IFWEILFR^^ & OPTICIAN A Splendid Building Site ion top of hiL - j^*^ whatyouhave - Hrtll ' niHfIRCn ' JCHCLLtn K Urn « lH «i f ac ing Shelbourne Street, 50ft. by mgma when you buy TRAFALGAR STREET. 120 ft .; £8 per foot. . F%sos£&m9<A>t>& our Couches. 'Phono 351 Collingwood Street South.— A gentieKi^^^^i^ 88 Like all our — =^ : man's residence in beat part ot the work, they are " street ; 8 rooms and outbuildings. {^^^^^1 Strongly built ~---r"r-* ; ■ -—■rr—^---''^^~Y^l7i.f^ 1 ~?~?. "; " -<-™~~ Price, £1250. ..'.,,. .. fmßs^M of the best wa- > ;a -.,,,, »»»^«i^Jl^ ■ h LmJj^lju*-^ Halifax Street — A fine building site r^^^^j^ terials, uphols- , 4? " planted with fruit trees, i rice, iiifS^f* l^ tered, with best < *p»a^ pa >« ■ , /9=% ® 3 £150. Very cheap. . stuffed sewn £360. A gi-eat bargain. illP^fl^ roll covered ' . Bridge Street.— New Shop property. Wpl on cSS ne ' HOUSEHOLD' LINENS -AT COST. Brlt £ i( sl r St!^A Dwelling of eight lIM^P Can also be " - rooms. Now let at £104 per year. cjjfeffi sJ 00ver ed in . '..■<. Price, £1350. leather cloth, ' The D.I.C. is offering its entire stock of Household Linen, Table Washington Road. — New 6-roomec vM(i tapestry, or Napery, Sheets, Towels, etc. The. fc>est quality obtainable. House and all conveniences. Land IIP* 9 velvet, at a LOOKS RPST AND WEARS BEST 50ft - by 150ft> Price ' £ i 2 ?»' 11 higher cost,! LOOKS BEST AND WhARb Bbbl. Totara Street.— New 6-roomed Dwcllif desired. OFFERED NOW AT GENUINE SALE PRICES. ing House and wash-house Land A tf / • - 55ft. by 125 ft. Very cheap at -rfcO/ " ■ — £385. _ _ .. Gnin r ss cfYMO 1 ' Russell Street.— New 5-roomed JJweii- . rAflt ilk OUriOV l 0 Pieces Pure White Table Damask ; pretty Floval design; 56in. j llgj w itli bath-room, wash-house «^ „„ „ , .. . wide. Very suitable for Hotels, Boardingnouses and Tea-rooms. and all conveniences. Connected 21— 23 Hardy Street, Usual price 1/11 yard ' Sale Price l/6>£ yard with new sewer. Land 66ft. by COMPLETE FURNISHERS. Frilled PHIow-Cases, made from Crewdson's calico, with deep frill of 500 ft. Price, £600. ■ J good quality Nainsook. In two qualities. Mount Street — 6-Roomed Dwelling, >!■!■ ■■■■.■■■■i ■ —^ ° Usual p r i ce i/n each Sale Price 2/1 1 the pair Avith bath-room, wash-house and ■ Usual price 2/6 each Sale Price 3/11 the pair all conveniences. Cheap at £bSU. , 143 Pairs of Full-sized Sheets, : 2J£ -x 2% yards. Finlay's Twill Halifax Slree t.-New 6-roomed Dwoll- . FOR Sheeting, hemmed ready for use Special Sale Price, 7/1 1 the pair in S w ! th ?L C + ° nV p ; Iw » A BTfIYOLES ,6 Dozen Hemstitched Pillow-cases, made of thoroughly good linen- 60ft. byl^ft. Price, £SUU. A ii/lliJ:iV-111'55 24 Coloured Ded-spreads for Single Beds: "White grounds, with House and about J-acre of land ttt at <!ATTSFY g reen . blue > or red design ; quite fast in colour owned and occupied by Mr. ChamIHAI SAiioi i Ugual price 6/g each Special Sa | e Prico 4/, | each berlain S. W INN, -—, w ROUT & SOSSi XlsraSSr^ f| \C WELLINGTON w> «*>**■ Second to None in Australasia. $J? • &9 f VVJE*mi*9mf*lV\JA^Sl* . ONE TRIAL SOLICITED. & -....._. ...... ' . © , EVERYTHING FOR CYCLES. > ■ him i ■■' ■■ w i ~~~ 11- t T^OCTORS Differ, but they all agree " -*-^ on one point, viz., the superiority " : = o f "FRACRA TEA." On sale by 0. ARMSTRONG, Bridge Street. DEE & SONS. SPECAILJNOTICE/" &ALE! SALE! — " — I '^?B"?" 9 ?fl tlM ii t Mr*A ■/^TM^ir^l^r^Btart DON'T TRUST x my late Partner (the late Mr. A. \j ■ . » » BARGAIN PARCELS A. Daly) in the Stock-in-trade, Book • our To Y OUR MEMORY. Debts, etc., of the firm of Harford & FIRST HALF-YEARLY SALE -BY POST.— Daly, and the Business will now be " nOl IHILr ICMILI ohlc q EC urE A - carried on by myself. . and have decided to make it a Record to Id. Boy*6 Norfolk Suit, Cellu I have bee.n fortunate in securing a an( j a Gte nu i ne one) the reductions !eJLO/O. loi | Collar, Soft Shirt, 1 First Class Staff of Workmen, both for i ng f rO m 25 to 50 per cent. ,-. t »t™-*t pair BtockiW ' the Ladies' and Gents' Departments. A s ours is a practically New Stock IQIO DTARY P b My Diploma is from "Minster and Co. having disposed of the Old Stock by XUXU U J-^iV X OK/ Man's extra good Tweed- of-Great Marlborough street, London auc tion, the public' will have the 'p--00/ ""suit, extra pair Tweed Trou- West." I keep in touch with them kpor tunity to get New Season's Goods _ mf sers Soft Shirt, pair good for all the Latest Fashions and Mater- {or a i most half-price. FROM b rac e s ials and guarantee, to the Public the REMEMBER! Every Article, without best to be had in High Class Tailoring exception, Reduced for lA/A 2 pairs Denim Trousers, 2 at a Reasonable Price. CASH ONLY. ALF. ROBINSON XO/U* XJnderflannels, 3 prs Wool Sox, pair good Braces. rj^ '• HAHFORDV Come Early and Get Your Pick. BOOKSELLER, 10/fi Two Men's Soft Shirts, pr .* — — — — — X/w/ U« Tweed Trousers, pr braces. • 39/6 Ma "' S Smart . Tweed Sllit ' „,.._...,.J iJiJJLIMEi^WIIIIIJMiMIWIIIiiMIWIII I'l IMII ■ 1 >'l>iil 111 1 Illllilllll lilin' mi ■ ■■ Hlj l!E^l°^ : I | - Increase the Value of | We will forward any of these | IUUI WWUUi WSI|J " . I . '^^JS^^^t^ I ydb»• a* you r flook in COOPER'S CELEBRATED SHEEP DIP. Over 250 million slicep I - % f. ,-c ite lin OOOPEH'STast year, which is conclusive proof of 1(3 value as a | DEE & SONS; ' Coop r l *' is a Powuer Dip which mixes readily. It is easy and clean to use. ; | is r.:r»iy the cheapest in tae long run, because it keeps the sheep clean, an 1 pro- g : : vents toinf- osicn for the longest period. I \IM TVRTTTT It his a healthy aotion on the fleece, promoting strong and better growth. . j arctic PHOTOGRAraER, . I I"'*"* ->' ' "'^oases the valne of your clip. If you haven't tried COOPER'S, HAS ) just . engaged a First Class I gel il iv time for the next- Dipping. Operator, who has had years of | should you prefer a Non-Poisonous Liquid Dip, we recommena LAftiK-si 0, lor b SSSS?' I which we are Agents. This is a good, reliable Dip, at 22/6 per 5-*alion Drum. j to-date Photographs both in style and | ;We a | s0 g^^ LITTLE'S DIP, and supply at market rates. I finish. ■ .. B— — J ' • — ? All orders- fimshedpromptlyi- •-= ■ . !■ ." - -,- _.■■- ******* a sir&i<t>rt S •figSttrffaSS* "I ; BUXTOfifS' ABE THE SOLE AGENTS , I - W. TYREE, - I : POE m Photographer, . Trafalgar street. 1 „ „—'■■%■■ Mam i-jsp&iva H • ■ — - 1 R: ■& 0. BUKCAH'S •weIf-knawn line of FARM IMPLEMENTS. 1 TJTJBBER STAMPS.— We manufac- H : ' : : i ZfisSrs£&£?r; *! I "PERFECTION" COOKING STOYBB § . . § not only easy, but a pleas- IS^^^^^^mßm ' *?&' &n^ ODS l i uoul^ no B UrQclHB : 4 !!M „ I ure. They ooßt very litfcl. I^II^SSHi j P™Woi'iON diuVBS | I c r?itvfnn &fift ' ';! Hill I?* L'UXtG i A-'- G I [NE; TIETZU, NEWMAN, '■ ;_ §t. ( OuXWil ®i I/U., .l^^S 0" "" ' 1 and -'POSITIVE PIPE OEGANS." § .' . LIMITED. bßlL,^]^!,^ PIMITKD, | . Tbafalgak-stbeet, NELSON _;.; '■ «^ !JX ' ' /^ H „,-.-— ■iiiiiimhii.'^ itive, Piano Expert. ■HlHWlWl!g«gWwrw < HiftiUlllWWilsi> F

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Colonist, Volume LII, Issue 12718, 14 February 1910, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Colonist, Volume LII, Issue 12718, 14 February 1910, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Colonist, Volume LII, Issue 12718, 14 February 1910, Page 3