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I Union Steam Ship Co., | DIAMOND^ JUBILEE. g : ; ' — ' 1 ofN r™ l?ndl 'AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL I Thp Careful '^^^^^M Passengers ML6T procure Tickets a ! . . .XTIXAJ V J.JJIIU>I X OwI^XJCJ X X • • 1 -- _ , §#*_ Jst ™ms&& the Office before they embark. 9 HffegifgA P*&*ft _f bHoI* J * *f®P? t '_F' Steamers will be despatched as under, A. FEW OF THE RESULTS OP SIXTY YEARS OP | llVillV 1 1 UvlUul %Hl|r- » -iN Treather and other circumstances ' _„.__ - rT . T ,,_. t»t» #-\rr.-k-ri-r»Tm-xr Pi i-' y ., **•■..■s!> "^ .. *j permitting. UNEXAMPLED PROSPERITY. | who is about to Purnish, or requires a Bed- &S£iJ& - r <35 PateeX^^bi^m' "'" " ** ""^ I stead or Bedding for an extra room, should §|i ,/f; £! pJtesTsesdayfFflb^ 2 ioa. m m ' Accumulated Funds, over - d824540i000 § not fail to see the following, which are of J& " * v^»^, aL Annual Income. OVer - .-.£3158,000. . I . expeUoit quality, 'and. of which Bpdl fegX?" / ' ~V?T2 WELLINGTOjTdIBECT. POLICIES IN FORCE, 227,112, assuring over .877,000,000 (includiiig Bonus Addi- I economy : — mMtu* 1 i," «*" •Maponrika, Saturday, Peb 12, 7.30 a.m. tions). g _! «§_s!£ '-^ **| **" * . - .- 1; o^^/^ E^ 3 W\ ■ ■; ; I PEYTON and" PEYTON'S BEDSTEADS, in Plain, Brass-Railed, and ■Hteffi^ £&_■ WESTPORT, GEEYMOUTH, AND CaSH PBORIT DIVIDED FOE ONE YEAR (1908). providing I All-Bras, 3ft., 3ft, 6in o 4ft., and '4ft. 6in. wide. ' — •A^sSS'bu,. • nV^Xmnvmosa'*™**^, . . . I COMBINATION BEDSTEADS, witb Wire Mattress, 2 E t. x 4fi, 2ft. 3in. MmJ. Brown^elgrow. Mapourika, Wednesday, Feb 16, 8 a.tu. { The Society how isaacs EVERY DESIRABLE FORM OF POLlCY— Obdinary R x 4ft. 3in., and 3ft. Belgrove, 14th Juno, 1909. ♦Cargo (perishable only) until noc n :or Industrial— for any amount from is to .£IO,OOO. :■.-■■■• H „_,., ._. . ', _ „, , . „ „ „ „ . MR WII CROWE, Saturday. .- • - g COTS, in Plain and Brass-Bailed, with moveable sides, 2ft. x 4ft. 2ft. 3in. Medical Expert, Nelson. NEW PLYMOUTH & ONEHUNG-A Directors ofthe New Zealand Bbaksk. — The Hon. Charles J. Johnston, M.L.C. ■ ' . Dear Sir, — About two years ago 1 Ro 3 amond, Wednesday, Feb 16. 230 p m (Chairn^n) ; Aae B^Brandon, Esq. (Deputy Chairman) 5 the Hon. Edward | WIRE-WOVE MATTRESSES, SPRING, FLAX. HORSE HAIR and contracted a bad cold; at first tho Cargo onlr ' Richardson, C.M.6.: John. Duncan, Esq.} and Joseph Joseph, Esq. g KAPOC MATTRESSES cough was not severe, but it gradually — : ll , . New Zealand Branch, Customhouse Quay Wellington H ' got worse, and I became very weak. SYDNEY, VIA COOK STRAIT. EDW A IVD W. LOWE, Resident Secretary. ffl WIRE-WOVE STRETCHEBS, turned legs with castors, all sizes, The perspiration used to o^c out of (From Wellington.) Nelson District OfGco, corner Trafalgar and Hardy St4te 1 . ' me ' at ug ht ai d 1 >vas . ■ JAMES HAIR, Digtrict. Secretary. „J KAPOC BEDS, BOLSTERS and PILLOWS. -, expectoratmg great quant,he,s of MELBOUENE VIA BLUFF ' 1 _ * became alarmed, and consulted a . (From Wellington.) ' ,^_;^l_ — __ -^-^i^-llLT '_'___ "',' ' ~ § doctor, who pronounced my case to be fiANAnTAN.ATTts'PPATTATj tV^w~ 2_3lr^:^-~--^ r^=__=Sl^' _j^, __==„ PRf)]T£lIT A M'ff 1 aT O■ H **■!•** *» O 4% I Jtrl Waikato; My friends, however, very ZH^S™- P?*^_2s____§l_, BBoufrMMs t. duxton & Co., Ltd., stessn^ws ■ t^H^^^o a POST BEDSTEAD & BEDDING DEPARTMENT. ■ LaJSSS^*" 1 "^ IVa Fi]!, Honolulu Victoria, 8.C., and - ,^^^^^^^^^^^^^^l I You will probably make public use iSttJgST'u ,^^^« OFFICE j TRAPALbAR-ST., NELSON. wj, -d l ™t* g * = b. Passengers booked through to Londo» v^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. " tl -^ •*- - iJ - L '' I wjis in tlio first stag© of consumpby Orient Royal Mail LLinge g *P^^^^^^^W^^H? r^Ss ' : i ! — tion and that yoix would euro mo, i— £ J S^M^^^^W^m^MMW^l^m^E^&wh ' ■ : : provided I did exactly as you told me. i For further particulars apply * fWlm^Hy^^^^M^WW-MM^^^mk MQTUEIfA Til 6 first bottle of medicine you OVmcKfha Fort. IWUIUERH. gave mo put an cud to the night ; : [•- J£Z?£-*~ J :~?7?~?Jr- -^^t-s—^^— — , - ---1 - - GrS»lilliQoß&rCr sweats, and as soon you knew this you *3|JiBiJ?MJLi iBE-OUB^Jm I «*3 immediately changed the physic, and , / - i" JAS. A. WALLACE, Wianafier. ■■■-i'^w«*»'j H 3aß'**j[ then began a process of building up --r^^. -o- health and strength. jyUkjJkJUig/ NELSON HOLIDAY-MAKERS. : . ' ' You insisted that I should weigh OggliiSliilS*' COAtMERCIAL TRAVELLERS, rftr . srcr i/Allir TD\/ ii£> myself very carefully each week to ■ 4 hinuftn TOURISTS & ANGLERS wifl find *Vri DtJ>l VALUt — IKY Üb. note the measure of improvement. 1 A.WUxlU'lt Excellent Accommodation. . - weighed eleven stone when 1 was first j FOUNDRY UftSPAW Telegraph Address: "Wallace, Motueka." P.O. Box 11, Motueka. ? ' t^?^? t^Srandrtat n075 LIMITED or Nn 12 to wx stone seven pounas, nut now i -- ' Tariff :7S per day. Special arrangements for soasoi. Slatos and Pencils, Exercise, Drawing and Note Boob, am^twclve stone and iv my normal SAILING^ LIST. • — : r- ( Atlas and Di< tionory, Blotting Paper, I caiiiiot thank you enough for what ' WESTPOET.GREYMOUTH, AND TO LET." ... -- . ■ ,-, . Fool.cap, Writing Blocks, Pencils of .lUinds, gj ?t£^te^U?E!i EAITOA Tnfl«ii.2J".-i9n • + - -' -W II Si I ' - PenholdiTs, and all the usual Pen Nibs, only sis bottles of your mediciuo and JtAITOA, To-day, Saturday, 12fch inst T A RGE Convenient SHOP, Hardy- 1 6 UU fa _ . . „ „ .. _. I have got my health back. You havf WEL£S-GT0 N . j024 1 »*- ralB V beOS . ■* CO. ffltAb-IIN.- C^ses, . Sl^u S 'w^ool'of 1 ,S NIKAU, Monday, 14th inst, at 7 p in. . Erasers, Drawiu" Peus good work, please send them to me- anc 1 (Direct.) ° I will convince them. I will always NIKAU, Wednesday, 16th inst, at 7.30 TTCITH : inkstands, Ink?, Gnm, be under a debt of gratitude to you. p.m. U feJbj "W B ARE ADVANCING AS Katchol- for Boys or Girls 2 nd 5 will P? rsua< & aU mv (Birect.) SMOKELESS PAPAROA W USUAL ON Etc., Etc B ° JS ° irlSj gjg^to ro bm rt theo.^. to you, MOTUEKA 10 WELLINGTON COAL. - I am » yo ur faithfully, (Signed) NIKAI7, I^/, ll 1," „ p^- ffM ,™wto- tUAL ' WOOL, SKINS, . -— MABIfIAWTO. 3798 raw. weSMi iM t, rt v, ™h/pdeS.| AMD- OTHER PRODUCE, L Wholesale OF Retail. &: MnT^-fP fiß^ (Via Nelson). THE HOUSEHOLD.} _ " .... TnxrTW , M , r , . Will I Wei t'HrBO NIKAU, Friday, 18th inst, at 3.30 p.m. - For shipment to the LONDON Market, ■ ■—- :o: At PNRLISH PRICES (Direct.) CLEAN, BOOTLESS, 'ECONOMICAL 01 . for Sale in WELLINGTGN; ■ g . && %»*$ On»ft tRUUan miU £O . — — - — — — Hi GHjߥD&co fl „ ■■■_. . :h.-,..onouyrdbb .dnu ooiib,-. o^SS^Ss^^s--3268 Wholesale (and Retail) Agents. - into the Dominion, and Eold at an ./ j-w>:, THE =«=-=—=" = ====i=^ ;^_^. II /"VVTK" & Pf) i^r-o-nn-n nimAnmnna exorbitant profit, we are now offering idM^S S "K"OT Pfttem ~ 11- W(jK W ' 372. DmEOT IMPOETBKS. «.«». «ISfS^.a^T,i^ta^ • I ro »K»» L M», > 191. ■■ _ _____ HM.GLiDUTOE.VitrXHiLL, under, weather permitting:- i^ QAi{tfpf A Qfl_lQ "' ' ""''"' '" ' ' ' " " ~" * ' BROWN and BERLIET CARS Nelsonfor Motneta, Saturday, Eeb 12, at J. ..^^ ft McARTNEY, ' Qnijflf-' ftß m <*U catalogue prices, plus bare Motueka^Nelson, Saturoay Feb 12 at Th ° Leadmg H ° ÜBe " JS ° n TEA " 4 accompanied [by a guar- ... &Ulil.FH BdMlod importing charges. 10.30 a.m ' -for— antee of weight and quality. Sold by certificated Plumber and Drainlayer, < ._,_«__ -Ti kelson for Motueka, Monday, Feb 14, at - ArtlSilC Wall Papei'S— • L. T. BOAVDIDN and CO., Trafalgar etc. ? Cas antJ Water Fitter, Bell- ISISSJS^OCB You probably cannot go Home to buy 9 arQ J "' ua " u »b«ii «j*wi w street, Nelson. hanger, etc. . .-. . * •* * a car, but you can now got a standMotueto for Nelson, Monday, Feb 14 at EngUsh and American. _. . . . — . Limjtefl, ard car at about English cost. noon. ' ,nTioTn,"^ri ft imMr»i Estimates given for Drainage and .... Send for Catalogues. Nelson wr Motuek*, Tuesday, Feb 15, at ARTISTS COLOURIHtN KG^AL MAIL COAOH. Sanitary Works of all descriptions. Capital ... £8,800,000 1Oa ' m - — i.»D— _!_ j—- „ _q T^TT~: . . „ Accumulated Ponds exceed., £560,000 g SGOTT & GO., Motueka tor Nelson, Tuesday, Feb 15, at H I G ||.GLASS PIGTUREFRAMERS. NelSOn-ftiG ad-ftdtttaßka- 1 Pioneer lm_^Vthi.rfJ, ta* FIRE a NI , MARINe" AND ACCIDENT '.iSV " NelsArMotueka^edne^Pebie, A Large Stock - of Artists- Materials and "___ ka - -. S J^JgSi^tK'SS.^fi IMs ™*™^SLt fo C CHRISaCEIORCE. MotuikafrNelson, Wednesday, Feb 16, : Art Engravings. NEWMAN BRO_S., P^ietor, foundation, a^which speaks for ii, gj£? uSth" Wc^SttpS- : ■ Neir r-Motuei,, T h n rsday, Feb 17, Sheet and Plate 'Gluti l^B^-^tißaSKl £ SCOTT'S STABLES, „/'«•. _ . _ Ul>T Merchants. tl^ B 7c H _S-Rm^ S^^^ collincwood. «-;^«- . ™ .-*». ___ l _ B _ iii _..,- fc( , fc _ £S?r"a; d S: sa-_f£ft_A*«-WK 2*x.«-<^«-**«* ma ™ u^ s . _. Nekmfor Motueka, Fnitoy, F»bl8, »t pATTBEKS O J^ A _ PAPERS DAILT op Eirak™ and triye daily from I""Ts« .consiemnent ot up-to-date Bani- ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CURBENT ±L Good Stabliug. r.tties Jriveu b. »Jr_N a .I k _ T ._,_ d «-«-—»■. »*j*J3^}^3^ - i^^.«*_^ <rt _- E^ S - *___^ a _ fc _^_ ta . O TOS kt • P 'f ' i. , c ™.uoa . PRTIMATES GIVEN Dutinesslike attention. establishment is well and favourably SoB-AazNTS fob Distbiot Wednesday. Nelson for Motueka, Sunday, |Feb 20, at ESTIMATES GIVEN. Du ? inessbke attentaon_ known a^daU work is guaranteed City, Robertson Bros. ; Motueka, H. A. E. W. SCOTT MotuXfor Nelson, Monday, Feb 21, afc S.B-Aa^s: D.ily Timetable J** \^TZl° T '^^^ ?»^'^S^r W - Vffi'SS^ " 8 a.m. Yorkshire Flra Insurance Company. LeaveNdeonforßiwakaat9a.m.; arm- Burner," the greatest light of the age.' ii: a T n !?f T^Sr'vV' — Nelson for Motueka, Monday, Feb 21, at ing Riwaka 2.30 p.m. lam also wle agent e for the ever- S^Sw^SSS^V^'i?' w«Jw 5 p.m. ...,*..; niL RfILOUR GLASS AND Leave Riwaka for Nelson at S a.m., lasting Metallio Hose (which I seU at ?^r i wr ?• c V^P 0 "' Motueka for Nelson, Tuesday, Feb 22, at UIU| UULUUn ' ULHOOI H " U arriving Nelson 1.30 p.m. the same price as you are paying for J - ' T - Molon 7 5 Murchison, Y. Spiers. CEORCE DAVIES' OFFER. 9 a.m. WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE, Luncheon: Redwood's Valley. common rubber hose). cnu/APno SUIT SATISFACTION AT 55/- OR : — = — NEWMAN BROS., Proprietors. Phone 281* T- & D. cDWAiIUd, YOUR MONEY BACK. T?OR WELLINGTON DIRECT, HARDY-STREET, NELSON • ' ADDRESS : Nos 84 to 88, Bridge St. > . „„,„ Cut this out. Put it in your «_. « TKA /S AE w v^ „ pocket book as evidence. / r THE S ' S : : ~ ' minnK AND WAinr (Next National Bank), (t j g Uarantee gj vo y OU satisfacdXim M anar °a To Orchardists and Fruitgrowers. STAHLBY B Sg, a i^ WAKE — c y^w, __^^a_»» Captain Hart, ' including the deposit." wmwvo^ft-MAhißlm Wharf for Wol- - ■ T BATES Stanley Brook every TUBS- T7l/^X> i^S 4 T "17^ And when you order your suit 1 11 S2Sr* e Motueka Wharf for Wei- Jj DAY, THURSDAY and SATUR- Jj O Jtl nALIJCi. sign it as a preliminary guarantee Ungton oureot, on ___«. «_■-_■■ DAY Mornings at C.4s,caUing at Thorpe • __L and confirm it on my printed guarTUESDAY, Feb 15, 10 p.m. .^TADff^ITT DSrfAßin Post Office afc BJC) ' and Dovedale at 9, -EXTRAORDINARY Cheap Farm for antee form afterwards. THURSDAY, Feb 10, 2 P .m. ' I AtIUL I BSaHilli - arriving at Wakefieid at 11 a.m. Returns jb_ Fru i t and Poultry raiLg-who's Afc any of my shops you will find TaMng cargo for Havelock and Pelorus ' ' " sajr.p <■!:'>', leaving Wakefieid at 1 p.m., g^g have it ? Such a chance never the largest selection of materials to Souna every fortnight. - ' Doyedale at ,3 p.m,, and Thorpe at 4 p.m., before really genu i nG . excellent locality, choose from m the Dominion. Fares, Motueka to Wellington: single. UnDTIPIIITHRJI IK^FRTIRIDES AND FUNGICIDES. " arriving at Stanley Uiook at 5.30 p.m Only small capital required, probably . Expert cutters will take your order IBs -return, 22s 6d: meals included. .HURTIGULIUKAL INOUilllilUta RNU runuiuiuco, A comtortable covered Conveyance for fifty pounds oi less A pleasant surprise m hand-cut to fit your figure adReturn tickets available for. 8 months. „_„,.« A r inn till IIDI EMI Passengers. Parcels carried at a reason- ff er i_ g . come quickly. mirably and the highest paid tailorThe steamer leaves Wellington for ARSENATE OF LEAD, SOLUBLt UIL, able r&te. All oraeis entrusted to the .H. C. HOLYOAKE, «'g staff in the land will complete Motueka direct every week alternately on undersigned will be carefully attended Commission Agent, the smartest suit that 40s more ever Saturday and Monday ; 3lso additional *°. iiiwak». bought for you at the old fashioned trips when required by shippers. H. WELI.S, "put it down to my account" tail- % L oTSfA\?E A AMSHIp XcK co ND Quotations and Samples on application to .. ...™_ Smtaw !_L ° rs f couldn't do it if I didn't ask ca,h johnston & co.,L TD ., * wnTiBFO FARMERS^ CO OP CO LTD i^«ovsftw«£WT jraCTIOK HOTEL, i___S^* I __r2 l iii t 2 B S Wellington Agents. fft\) | ULIVA rWllffltnO UU-UT. <L»U., UIU, IR| #"* 4 * -** <*■ &8 f*l_ TAKAKA. other if men hadn't already appre- " ~ ' 1 is _2_ ?M l"l *4 S&. a ciated the- fact that paying cash. E. &A. MAIL LINE Pole NeW Zealand AQentS Motlieka. 11**^ '"" ■*«fll il , A. F. HOOK, Peopb Ie tob. guarantees the whole of thejrmoney m wwiw ■»»»»■ —'••-,, o . gj ir J*^jwh k ss"yfijj f*«ev'W' going into their suits — ana liiril-Ko M4NTTA OTTTOi ANn TAPAN - -^ -} «'*»*'-,*» l««f.s» a . F. HOOK (formerly of the Railway alone. v^nSti'oS I P«tr Twin &£» V OTJ appreciate a flavoury teaP Try , —„_ 'A Hotel, Richmond), having taken What price Imd you decided to pay Via Queensland, Porb Darwin & Timor. X -fr'AgRA." On sale by B. "~ ~ over the above well known and cintrally for your next suit to order? o . „„„ Date of Cjrffi A TVTTfc A'Q T"b FRANZEN, The Port, Nelson. •?«,** t «- ""? situated Hotel, desires to inform visitors I will make it for £2 less for cash Steamer. lons. Sailing# {_> X J\JIS 3JJt*.i\>lJ , . j . ? V-^.- \- ;»u. 5* to the district and travellers that they with equal satisfaction to you, or re--^rT-Tl^-ieb— V tNSURANCE 4N C n oM urT E 0 D "" V* WWm* V .Tto IIM SS° patterns. Alderham... „4000 March 16 , ZEALAND, LIMITED. gS^^fSto rtLSSi !' S find it « — — » —— Up-to-date billiard table ; sample rooms. GEORGE DAVIES .SEmpire „. ... 4500 April _13 QON^ANCH S f eir best interests to first inter- g Wft *8_! ev«ry P«llcj IMR*^ brands wines and spmts only Let- THE MODERN ™^ R > Space for Frozen Cargo. NELSON UttAiNPa. and pa)rticu i arß from B „^.u, -^^f — I . ters and telegrams promptly attended 91 Haidy Street, Nelson. The Picturesque Route to Europe. . ■-_,„._„ Tjo^nitv Accident Messrs Bisley Bros and r Co-, , Hardy vst Xkm 9za,a*mtM to< - ~ Through Bookings, via Japan, Canada, l^^^^oS^^ *™*> who are now offering on behalf I*_L__|___!_?' : and the T.S.A. Saloon Accommodation ) " ea ¥'jf£"£? 1 w^rW Com- of clients some valuable properties on — ~ __ _ EASTERN AND ADSTEiLIAN S.S. __™" _f •■.^n^S.TnZinffnt^ » mfflii °'» Kett «ba»lu<«ly SMlge. BOJial fflajl CoaCheß. WKST COAST SEBVICE. h . c , d . T - i^^^aagags -&sfe:«SSss-3' h.p^tt.M^rfM.pdi., i -^*^__fe_rtfi^ G 5 ssssswssssr.r.Sft 1 3 9 ?1 WlDBKen0 ' m - ' , '•■... -, ISch easj terms. Parbicularß Of some ; ~ E Tuesdays, Ttixradays, «ad Satnrdaye WfW a=a .. W^kt^rt fSoactes at 'T'jMisf.s^'araftiS' f. a. bamford. s_s__ss«s5 i ss:.a l^: ________j!____' „»£*«.*-*-• I «tt»i-«*«-. _&_?SSS_2KSi2?S3?Si n^ggSfa_ i _ JSBSSWft&iS&TSg d«j»*«»Ba» ' F -^ I ?__ ( SSC I C-^ G. F. HINGSTQN,, Cash. Grocer. . J . TRAFALGAR SIKJJ.AI. Land." _ 3711 -»— ■

WB^^i*Wto-AJ-M^ ; - z '~*B&Wfa i n'& I fa%^lL§l CSiULVA v It© Famous Femody^for

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Colonist, Volume LII, Issue 1271, 12 February 1910, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Colonist, Volume LII, Issue 1271, 12 February 1910, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Colonist, Volume LII, Issue 1271, 12 February 1910, Page 1