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I " I AEE MAKING A SPECIAL SHOW OF TliOUOSlt Linen and Cotton Dress 801 ids. i~~~*~^«~~~^-~^ 8r THESE INCLUDE- . j OUR GROCERIES WATCH tfew Striped Liutns in leading I French Caml->jic3. iHE NfcH Slußs:, 3n Colours. • Stripes, Spots and Chr icks They, aro Fresh, New, Cikaw r ' Cotton thanfcungs.-- Plain and Floral Musi) as, Hbaltet, and Dependable. Plain and Striped Zephyra. Cotton Voiles. You never vim the risk of paying Cotton Cr, polines, ' All-over Embroidered Musiin ' ll6re s° ocl money for doubtful ■> • Groceries. Embroidered Linen and Muslin Rohss and I^^^SSS^^.^ 88 Blouse Lengths. : SSSSS^iffi! 11 " 8 _____ _. eilbsdoforl/- . Fine Salt, 4/6 per cwt ; 71b bags 6d TRAFALGAB-STREIfiT. Soaps, from 7/6 box j • b'oaps — Silkstone 10d, Bosebud Oil, — ■ — ; — . — — ~«-— - -u^...-..^.^.^. Farnleaf Gd pkt; Sand Soap 3d . «», ■ , . cake Carbolic 3d. Geouine Brown I ASS tllFP^i &$ § SlfOP^ Windsor, 7 cakes for 6d. WUl?lBli ¥ fc^lfl ¥vl ©■ I Corn Flour from 3d per lb, Lciuoi ' . J - J ' I Peel 6d 1b \g g% , i *s fi ! Jelly Cr>staLs(Shipßrand),4pkfc;l/ ¥f6lir BennnrtlinsiTU I Sago, Tapioca, Bice. Pearlßwliy, - 1 Hill illiy&,W i I Split Peas-all 51bs for 1/-3 ■ . ■ "• • Best Creani of Tartar, 1/- per lb Why pay dearer prices for- your DE APE T.iX because you "\ £ arbonate of^oda, eibs for 1/, V _ Vc m o B Luhe Juice, Raspberry Vinegar ana live. OUt Of Town? | B alm, Pine Apple Cordial-all PAT CAEEIAGE on all Couatoy Orders orer 5/- in Value. JE^ Sof Teft/^ . per lb , 51b \\r§7] I Q-UABANTEB to ExcLange any Goods not satisfactory, if boxes, 5/6 box ' ' JL - J returned in Good Order. ' | Mild and Old Cheese at Sd per ]b. ' j SUBMIT SAMPLES andiPricea on receipt of letter or post cai d § DELI VEEED FREE CASH TO ACCOMPANY ALL ORDERS. p^f^™ 1 " lot —^— ■ , fob Cash Only. G* CARPENTER, ! i i~~s'."F. HiNGSio'Si""" 'Phone 300. 17, Hardy-Street | c ' iSH GltOi:Bß &d**™ti **<>*>***. • : 3 yS HARDY-STREET, NELSOIn. ■ - " ■— § 'Phone 19-1. > S A ni<^ QQirriAi itv S i C M 9L/.1.W. OrLvIMLI I T • ft I HI tfhri^R^ I ; | USEFU LBOOKS 1 I !-$ J-tf^w/LJ^fc^J-^^/ft I ;| N.Z. DAIHY FARMERS' ACCOOJ I SHIRT BLOUSES, MUSLIN BLOUSES. I | BOOK, 10s 6d. I SMARTLY CUT, REASONABLY PRICED. | N.Z. CUSTOMS TARIFF (Revia j? and Enlarged), 3s 6d. I Ir is risky to buy a ready^rnade Blouse unless you are | MOTOHS AND MOTORING, 2 S 9 K sure that great attention has been paid to style and cut; if C t you are sure of that the Blouse you buy wiil probably be € POULTRY FARMING FOR :&U. | much smarter than the Blouse you can make for yourself. C i -kalasia (Gordon), ss. I The D.I.C. makes a speciality of well-cut Shirt Blouses € ' POULTRY CULTURE FOR PROF] g and Muslin Blouses. C | (Stmgess), 2s. # Cambric Shirt Blouses — In Spots and Stripes, in all stylish i) ' G \IIDFNING I\ T ICFW 2E4L V\ fi colourings, Green, Heliotrope, Blue, Pink, and Navy, h i " (Mnrnhv) 3s Gd - -■ L « plain and tucked fronts with sclf-coiour double colhu-, y- ! , l "'' <S, 5s 11 si ' C ; *lso, alarge selection o? CASSELL K Cambric Shirts— ln smart stripes, Heliotrope. Navy, Green, I ! Pictovial Vvaelical Gardening Books, j ff Brown, Blue, wide pleated fronts, white double collar, % ; chiding Practical Frmt Orowin?, Veg 2> with narrow band of stripe to match Blouse, 6s 11d £ tablo Growing, etc., 1/8. Postfroc i'roa v White Muslin Blouses — Trimmed Valenciennes Lace and Inser- <f ajf nnn!!!onai>o % tion, 6s lid to 12s 6d S Kit" ilUblf&Un 5, S Whits Muslin Blouses — Trimmed French Valenciennes Lace and k Kuotselloi 1 , Hardy-sti-oot. g insertion, very superior models, 15s 6d to 63q % # White French Muslin" Blouses— Shirt style open fronts, with a | Peter Pan collars, 8s 11d to 21s $ NOTSCE TO PROPERTY OWNER! % Wliiie Tucked Muslin Blouses, tucked fronts and sleeves, 8s nd j K j "^n^T.4 NI'EB, on account of purclnsei I ©EDER BY POST I l^U^^T^^mt^ J) i £1,000. FKOJI TI-IE h farticnln,r,z wanted e.-uiy. 5 *^T% ¥ $^$ niv «B» . fl BISLEY BROS, k CO. |lij e L/^ Wellingson. 1 !f?L_ fj£^ ZFAIA^H "'mnmm hotel bicycled liS U R A*i C I 1 A K Pi A A , THAT please, ME. JObEI'H HYDE, ex-Capfam D _. n - , R o g„ S Jjj p f Artillery Vehmteors, and formerly RLTAS N O -.;->.y W J tJ ; : Li ■■* t>. « proprietor of tho Foshill Hotel, desires to THAT SATISFY d .j«,, pf , inform his old friends and the travelling n iir r -\i -^y k!!?:"' ! J K-.'J, public that he has tak9n over the abovo &• i! lINyl j well-known hotel, and visitors and travel- VICTORY WORKS, NELSON. lers can raly upon ri>ceLvui» evory atten- Where thera is a Plant for the work tion, with civility, Superior Htoommo- Second to None in An.- traluui. l&Qt* datura, moderate tariif. ONE TRIAL SOLICITKL). Conveyance meets all stoftmera. Horses EVERYTHING FOX CYCLES. and Vehicles on 51; re. Up-to-date Billiard Tftblo. . __._._ . f.^mfa! > - Ql 1 Bert Bi^a^ Wince, and Spirit> only. --u.^Jli*. _ • ,£l,*. Jb.vUb Lotters and Tok^,. a _is lu-omptly at- f\UR STAMPS are good stamps, best ?£id"Uß GSpitS? tended to. y' RUBBER Latest Designs.— "The »n«i Ra^rvpq .D&Wi fjfjfColonist" Jobbing Department. V.i!« SiSii*H.» o^-'-.v -K' WOOL, WOOL. tt™. Mahnt, and Accio .Bt SPEGIAL^NOTSGE, SEASQN~79O9-i9!G. ue'-pted." IHA YE purchased tiie interest of tay ___„„ - . ~ — . , T > -~nmn+ and TyJHt^rn,! ■ : ""^<-+)---r.i--7i^ late Partner (the lute 3lr A. A mHB iraaersigned nre now prepared t* r*omptan« Late.** —<.^.mi.t Daly) in the Stoci -in-trade, Book Letts, - 1 - receive consignments of Of (daims. etc., of the firm of Harford & Daly, and WOOL. AND SKINS r ,-, . _ , „ the Jiusmess will now be carried on by for the London Market> Rnd wiU makfl Lowast C^TWrvt Kates Charged m> r , i c , l • ■ liberal advances on same. Ao^lrfpnh u-nn I haye been fortunate in securing a The N . Z . shipping Go's s.s. Waimate jM " ia^ m '* n0 ISt •"' First Class Staff of AVorkmen, both for fl Eimu |a k a, leaving Wellington I'abliitY Under- ■ tho Ladies' ami Gents' Departments . about the lsth of Novemhp^ are timed to wtrW 'W My Diploma is from •• Minster and Co., of the January Wool V^ ork6T3 vOmpeu-sa^OQ Gt Marlborough-street London West. The datea f Eaili £t] m t f Accideute Act« I keep in touoii with then, tor all tte Steamerß from Nelson for later sales wiU 3r^, T xs - J^ L r u ' -.V; 1 Latest Fashions and Materials and guar. be dul advertised . clJentSj w Ji,lDployerS Iiial»I Kj AfitZ S Class 6 0 afa^eLonlfe «» - d d their »*> st - -«» " " **& Common laV Price y " Mortgage Indemnity T mlTtfnßri Wellington wool sales. Public Eisk I I ij AltJ? Ulli/> To growers who wish to sell their wool Pidplity GrU3.s*antea LADIES' & GENTS' HIGHICLASS ia New .^aland we would strongly re- . '' , ■ " tailoe. " commend them to offer it at the Welling- ilU.lnUilSliJd.tlon JLSOuG.« ,„_ ton Sales for open competition. We have "P«nrcrlji?Tr onn r PV-Af i f .Tbapaloar STaEET.I 21r2 made compl«te arrangements whereby wo Dur^ I *^ &Lt - i - Kei " can offer' any lots at these Sales on ,_ Clients' account. ' '"' L The first Wellington Wool Sale will he , 7 Df , vrPr .. T „ „,,. .. „, held on the 12th November. '■• -BUXfON & CO., iAi), WE SUPPLY RUBBER STAMPS mivrvT-- o «-. CHIEF AGENTS ' of the bost quality, without f BUXTO^I & C" " vexations dt-lay.— "The Colonist" Job u » ww^***-- 3 **-«•*.■., \FLSON 0 11 -Ti?l"T Printing Dopartnicnt. LIMITED. 3353 JNJ^hoa. J^-Ji*i«i. 1 A fi!{niivppipnnp for hip l^itrh^si 9 1 THE PEBFEGTIOW COOKER is indeed a boon to Oic busy housewife, for, by | | its aid, sho can cut out a good deal of labour, and thus accomplish with. f\ I great e 2- c-:sl- and comfort her daily round of duties. N ( j HE TEI\ FE< 7] ION CUOKEH will toast, fry, grill, boil, lit at flat irons, etc, I e:c , A i, of course^ any ordinary stove will do, but ''The Perfection | eliminates the chopping of wood, because the only fuel it needs is Kerosene. | It requires yery little time to clean, because it is smokeless, and costs only |j '"" l-A-^rT^^ZL olie balf-penny per hour, M f^^f^^^^^^S 7 u cari su pply y° u with the clean, f| simple time, labour and money-saving (| Hr^^^^Si "Perfection" GOOker in many different | !. . 1 JTSJtx. JJjJr •JJXJrp. you that the h est m | ', f--S&.^ tHIIKBFfiBS^Br Dip is tho Dip you should use this Season, but let us remind i§ 1 o>i- •'^^ffi WBSk jPbHB you tha * iwe are A(iENTS for COOPER'S POWDER DIP, §jj 1 ; '^^^^ * ne protecting iproporties of which aro so widely known and ra I PiflL liked.— CANNON'S LIQUID DIP is al-o sold by iis "in 1, 2 P fegSj^^Baaafejcmm^iji liSMJiJ and 5 gallon drums. It is a good, reliable, non-poisonous and &f H inexpensive Dip. — LITTLE'S DIP, and .other- Bi-ands, also S "U JpSsSSwHasaSHSISpipF sapplied to suifc the convenience at our Cusfcoiaers, and all at M 1" SEEDS AND FERTILISERS FOR ~ CLARENCE BRAND GALVANIZEDFENCING WIRE J 1° TIIDM'D OnUMMP TIME is especially worthy of yoar notice.- It is British ' g lUnNir OUWIfJU IIMC> made, therefore reliable. Probably it is the best : 1 on the market to-day. Tou %yill find it pliable, jfij • The reliability of our Turnip Seeds consequently easy to hand's, and, bein^ of Lho 3 „i J . j m * 1 right temper, does not stretch or sa<' after erection. 3 goes Without Saying, and \76 Supply : Hitherto; the difference in cost between English | l\lQ and foieign Wire has been considerable, but now, | with Direct Steam Communication, the difference n GEAR BPEGIAL TURNIP MANURE, ■- I " 1 , ing Wire until yovt have looked into the merits of § whick will ensure largo, healthy crops. the .ctiabekcb brand. Meantima- | . : - " . Write cr Call for Quotations. B r DIIYTiIM ■•", PH ITO : TR AF A WBAR- STREET, I t. DUAIUII Ol -UU. y L I I!., NELSON,/., . J I

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Colonist, Volume LII, Issue 12710, 1 December 1909, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume LII, Issue 12710, 1 December 1909, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume LII, Issue 12710, 1 December 1909, Page 3