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WINTER IS COMING. IT IS TIME TO PROVIDE HEAT AND LIGHT. We have Immense Stocks of lAMP^t Table, Hanging Bracket and Hand, also extra Globes, unßirg ' Chimneys, and Wioka. " Perfection " Kerosene Oil Heaters, and " Beatrice '' Oil Stoves, Lanterns of all kinds, Coal Vases and Scoops, Fire Brasses, Fire and Stove Shoyels, Fire and Draught Screens. I.E. Hot Water Bags, Stone Foot-Farmers, Hot Water Cans, Stove, Flu 6, Hearth, and Shoe Brashes, Chamois and Canvas Gloves, . : Alarm Clockß, Toilet Sets and odd Toilet Ware. Slop Pails, Mirrors, Toast Racks, Hot Water Jugs, . Coffee Pots, Soup Tureens and Plates, Toast Racks, Pie Dishes, Pudding Boilers, Playing Cards, ' .' Mouth- - Organs, •' lmperial " Accordiaris, ' and various other lines that will add to your comf .-rt during the coming -■■ - ■wintfct months. » WE INVITE YOU TO INSPECT BEFOEE PUECHA.SINGELSEWHEEE. R. Snodgrass and Sons, BIRBeT IMPOKTBBS.

CBOGKIiBY and ;)" GLASSWARE NEEDS. WE HAVE REPLENISHED • .." I '.. Our Stock with a GENERAL ASSORTMENT of . . .. SPECIALLY SELECTED LINES for everyday ■■-.-.' '.' ll '6. ■_''••' ■ .. • "" ■"• - TOILEiT SETS. — A splendid assortment, including White, " ..-'• White and Gold, Coloured Bands, and FANCY ART . ..-' SHADES. ■..■■;' .. TEA AND DINNER SETS— Goodl Quality and Beautiful Designs, including; Willow and; Gilt, Dark J3liie, Pea- _ • cock, Whiteand French Green illuminated. . TEA POTS of various shapes and designs. . . . HOT WATER JUCS.— Sets of Jugs in great varieby. ■ . ... CUPS ■&, SAUCERS, TEA PLATES, ' FANCY CUPS, FRUIT & JAM JAES. v All of highest quality and moderate prices. E, BUXTON &^7 Ltd., Nelson. W-^^S^^W^Wil YOU THAT. I m^§PJl^^^ Mere's how we PROVE our claim. I JP^ Send us a sample from the last suit you had made ! I B or, send us a sample of- the stilt yea intend to buy. . B 1 DON'T I'ELL US wnat you paid for the one or I I what your tailor wants for the other. Then WE will tell I I you what wo will make you as good a suit far. I I REMEMBEB.we shall not know your price. But . 1 you'll find OUR- -price' '.is' about. -half -.what your tailor i wants to charge for the SAME QUALITY suit. B We wil) make this suit to your measure— you try it 1 on and if k does not come up to expectations in every I send it back at OUR expense, and we will 1 We hereby agree that YOU ALONE shall be the 1 judge of fit, value, and quality. 1 Shall we send you samples on that understanding,. and I 1 our booklet, "BETTER SUITS for LESS MONEY"— 1 1 Then fill in the coupon and mail it to-day to 1 y Tribe <t Co., Chrisichureh, . ' TDIDC O /^A' H B Fleatt tend me your fret Bookltt § B%ltlßi Clk %#O« ' 9 Ej and PatUrm as advertised in th* H B .........................».........^....»........................v - - IVi3do to Wlgqsup© b H It i$ understood Ido not commit myself in Suits bY Mail fl Q #tiy way whatever*' * *" .-*. *" H i Nam»............... „. E8T&1881. CHRISTCHURCH. I

Union Steam Ship Co., of New Zealand, LIMITED. .- \ \ '. ~ '. / Passengers ML ST procure Tiokets at the Office before" they emhark. . ' Steamers will bo despatched as under, rreather and other circumstances " -permitting. -PICTON & WELLINGTON. Pateena, Thursday; April.l, 2.30 p.m. Te Anau, Friday,- April 2, 7.30 a.m. ■ Te Anau, Monday, April 5, 9.30 a.m. DIEECt. Arahura;, Wednesday, Maich 31, 6 a.m. •Mapourika, Saturday, April 3, 6 a.m. •":' f Pateena, Saturday, April 3, 8 p.m. ■ Pateena, Tuesday, April 6,-5 p.m. . *No cargo. ■'■■.' -■ '.'■ <rfCargo until noon. WESTPOET, GEEYMQUTH, ANDHOKITIKA. Mapourika, Wednesday, March 31, 8 a.m. Pukakii Thursday, April I, — •Arahura, Sunday, April' 4, Ba.m. ♦Cargo (perishable only) until noon Saturday. : ~ SYDNEY,- VIA COOK STEAIT. >; (From.- Wellington.) ■- Warrimoo, Friday, April 2, 4 p.m. Manuka, Thursday, April 8, ■— p.m. , MELBOIJRNE, VIA BLUFF. (From Wellington.) : Moeraki; Thursday, April 3, 5 p.m. Moana, Wednesday, April 7, — p.m. Cargo and Passengers booked through to all principal ports in NEW ZEA--1 LAND, AUSTEALIA, TASMANIA . FIJI (Suva and Levuka), FEIENDLY 1 ISLANDS (Tonga, Haapai, and Vavau), . SAMOA (Apia), COOK ISLANDS 1 (Earotonga), and SOCIETY ISLANDS „ (Tahiti), • Eegular services are maintained to all , the abovenamed ports. CANADIAN-AUSTEALIAN LINE 1 (The"AllEed"Eoute). CANADA, UNITED STATES, AND EUEOPE. (Via Fiji, Honolulu, Victoria, 8.C., and Vancouver). E.M.S. Marama. .--.'■■■> From Sydney, April 12. From Suva, April 19. - Passengers booked through to London ■ by- Orient I&oyal Mail Line. For. further particulars apply ' . OFFICE. The Port. ANCHOR SHIPPING & FOUNDRY COMPANY . -- LIMITED. SAILING LIST. . . WESTPOET, GEEYMOUTH, AND hokitika: KENNEDY, To-morrow, Thursday.^lst April, at 11 a.m. WAVEELEY, Monday, sth April. ' •-■ WELLINGTON VIA MOTUEKA. ■WAIEAU, To-morrow, Thursday, ltt April, at .-,. .: - ' (Leaving Motueka for" Wellington at 6 p.m.) WESTPOET AND WANGANUI. ALEXANDEE, : To-morrow. Thursday, Ist April, at 2 p.m.- ' <■ ■ ■ ; - . - ■R^U^U. XX KOI";:, 51 Tons, Captain C. Scully, will leave as -under, weather permitting : — • ■tfelson for Motueka, Friday. Mar ?6, at" 9 a>m. Motueto for Nelso^ Friday Mar 26 at noon. , Nelson for Motueka, Saturday, Mar 27, at 9 a.m. Motueka for Nelson, Saturday; Mar 27, at n00n... Nelson for Motueka, Monday, Mar 29, at noon. Motueka for Nelson, Monday, Mar 29, at 3 p.m. . Nelson for Motueka, Tuesday, Mar- 30, at lp.m-',*.: ' ■ V - Motueha for Nelson, Tuesday, Mar 30, at 4 p.lh. .':- '"■'":'-' '-•' Nelson for Motueka, Wednesday, Mar 31, at 3 p.m. Motueka for Nelson, Thursday, Apr 1, at 7 a.m. FOE WELLINGTON- DIEECT, :.,. Captain Habt, :'■ Will leave tho Motueka Wharf for Wellington direct, on TUESDAY, April 6,- 8 p.m. i THURSDAY, April 8, 9 p.m. _ Taking cargo for Havelock and Pelorus Sound every fortnight. . ■ Fares, Motueka to Wellington-: single, 15s; return; 22s 6d ; meals included. ! Eeturn tickets available for 6 months. • The : steamer leaves 1 Wellington ■ for Motueka direct every week alternately on Saturday and Monday ; also additional trips when shippers. .....■'■_.' . WELLINGTON, HAVELOCK, AND MOTUEKA. STEAM_SHIP CO. JOHNSTON & CO.; Ltd., • -■.-' Wellington Agents. TO IMMIGEANTS:— If you want to get a good little, business of any trade or prof ession,Vwrite us. We have a huudred places— from £75 to J4ooo,— in Auckland,- Wellington, Chribtchurch and Dunedin Districts.— The N.Z. Teade Ex-. Chanoe, IW. Box 332, Christchuroh, only Business Sellers in. the Dominion. (A s nug little Laundry, clearing .£6 per week n Ohristchnrch, .£l6(>) x - Motueka Hotel. HipH Stbket, Motueka. i ; 0. HOLYO^KEj Proprietor ri^EEM S moderate," and Meat provided JL ' ait all-he vtp ... First-class Accommodation for V isitor ..-. ". .'. Wine, Beer and Spirits of the very best quality. • A comfortable Two-horse Conveyance runs to and from the Wharf .on arrival and departure of the Steamers. - : ;-. Saddle Horses and Vehicles on hire. Amongst -other improvements. tLo.- Proprietor ' has; erected a convenient ; Bathroom. ? ."-. . ':. \ '"-.;■- Full-sized (Wrights) Billiard. Table.: - --■ Accommodation for TENyHorees in stable. Loose.boxesJlaD'd goqdl paddocks attached

JOTUPIKO ..INN.' fTJHE undersigned having taken over JL the above well-known hostelry in tha Motupiko Valley (late Corlotfs), begs to assure the public that no effort will be wanting on 'his part to maintain th» reputation of the house as a favorite resort for those wishing to spend a few days or weeks in the country. Families, Fishermen, and Sportsmen will find comfortable quarters, ana every attention for their pleasure and comf jrt. GEOEGE BIGGS, Proprietor. PANAMA HOTEL. Corner of Hardy and Colling wool Streets ' Accommodation op the Best Wines and Spirits the Best in the market. J. BEIGGS, Proprietor. (Late of Wanganui.) Ship -H o t el, THE POET NELSON. ' FEED. A. MILLEE has taken over the above well-known hostelry. Th« Hotel has been thoroughly renovated and refurnished throughout and Travellers will find accommodation second to none. Only best brands of Wines, Spirits, Ales, etc., stocked. Teems Stbictlt Moderate. —DINNER A SPECIALITY— I/-.— Telephone No. 126 F. A. MILLEE, Proprietor. Tyree's Studio. fT(HIS STUDIO has recently been fitted JL up with new and up-to-date appliances for the production of High Class Photographs. BYLAEGEMENTS made from any Photograph. Satisfaction guaranteed Fotk. — W. Tyree does not employ any CMT&ssers. Send all orders to TYEEE'S STUDIO, Trafalgar-street SOUTH BRITISH Insurance Company, Limited. Capital ... ... ... £2,900,000 Adeui»ulatedFunds s exceed.. £542,500 FI*B and MAEINE and ACCIDENT INSUEANCES, Including Employers' Liability for Compt»B»ti«n under the Workers' CompeDsafeiem Acts, Mortgage Indemnity, Public Risk, Personal Accident either s singly ou in conjunction with Sickness Benefits ; Burglary, Plate Glass, Fidelity Guarantee, etc., ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CUEEENT _ . RATES.. . StTB- Agents fob District: City, Eobertson Bros. ; Motueka, H. A. Tarrant ; Eichmond, W. E.May ; Takaka, J. J. Langridge & Co.; Wakefield, E. J. Faiuton; Collingwood, W. C.Eiley & Co.; Upper M©utere, C, F. Muntz ; Wertpoit, J. J. Molony. f . & D. EDWARDS, AGENTS, TEAFALGAE STEEET. (Next National Bank). '■ — [■ gfe 4BOVERNWIEWT.- " MPARTMESBT FACr No. I. Tht GUARANTEE OP THE STATE ftttfc »Jtt every Policy Usae^ li the Sipartment. gmt paason tnanred acder in aonditioot terta abgcSntely nwnrc, firmly aawred that whatevsr may happen the fall v»lti» o* M» P° lio 7 la m certain to be paid when >h» Olaim jocroM m >h»> ** "» *»" rtw in Ujfjg^jpg'

JUNCTION HOTEL TAKAKA. ME. JOSEPH HYDE, ex-Captem Artillery Velunteers, and formerly proprietor of the Foxhill Hotel, desires to inform his old friends and the travelling.; public that he has taken over the abov* well-known hotel, and visitors and travellers can rely upon receiving evory &ttems tion, with civility, Superior accommodation, moderate tariff. i Conveyance meets all steamers. Horses and Vehicles on Hire. Up-to-dat* Billiard Table. -j Best Brands Wines and Spirits only. ■-! Letters and Telecrrams promptly t Nndedio . fi TELEGRAPH HOTEL : TAKAKA. OTTO HAASE (formerly of the Bel grove Hotel), in notifying that he has taken the above old established -and centrally situated Hotel, wishes the public to know that he has had new roomsadded, and the whole place thoroughly renovated and refurnished. Travellers and Visitors will find th« ;TELEGBAPH a comfortable and well--appointed Hotel, the interior arrangements having the personal supervision «f Mrs Haase. The Stables will have the personal attention of the Proprietor, and Horses - and Vehicles (two and four wheolers) will 1 be kept on Hire. A Covered Conveyance will also meet all Steamers. First-class.Sample Eoom. . Good Billiard Tablt. .. iLetters and telegrams receive prompt attention. . ' ! tm __ m ... >-^«n. Bt Will Pay ' Q'hose who are about to conneo 'with the j NEW SEWEEAGE SCHEME To cons H. J. FLATT, who has had large experience, j and is a Certificated j SANITAEY PLUMBEE.J ENI^UIEIES SOLICITED and ESTIMATES FUBNISHED. Workmanship Guaranteed. 817 Telephone Number 327. V THE NEW WOTTO. i Nelson expects that very child ttili. ■ . DO ITS DUTY — ' ASK FOE . . CIUFFIN'S CONFEOTIONEBY. i Have yoa tried these New Lines . ' / " - Wild Babbits. , ' Chocolate Chew -babb. ! ■ ' ' Chocolate Mexican Fbuits. . '.. . Chocolate Ltjnch. ChoiiOLATE Ice Cbkams. A-llEebail Confectioners. ' NOTHING MORE j SUITABLE FOR A ' Birthday or- Wedding Present I THAN A Nice Engraving Choice!AßSOiiment at J. SAVAGE & SONS,, " ''■' " -"' ■'• • - ' 1 fc , HARDYSTREET. ♦ -. ■ '~* ~"- . Jlllll

We are making a Splash • with.- - Anti-Splash. You save the Splash. See xt Demonstrated at CARLISLE & CO/S, PLUMBERS, ETC!, Haedt-steeet. \ ' ' " ■' • '' i ■ ■ i .... ...i .. . : : Notice to^TrespasserS; ANT Person founrd Trespassing on Maitai Run; known as " Woodlands," on any pretence whatever, will be Prosecuted: " .'...•' ' . - D. BICKHAM, in Charge. Or BISLEY BEOS. & CO., , 539 Hardy-street. OUE STAMPS are good Stanips,- besu EIJBBEE, Latest Designs— "The Colonist *', Jobbing Department. An Ordhard for Sale. \f This is your chance now to secure. Come at once without delay, . For those who wait and hesitate, — , . Lose the largest pay, • _- . ■ H. C. HOLTOAKE, 1 ' Land Agent, - Slls ' '" Eiwaka. ! STANLEY BROOK AND. WAKEFIELD MAIL. I . ■■"' ; .." "" . ' . : 1 T EAVES Stanley Brook every TUESI JU DAT/THUfiSDATanaSATUE- • DAY Mornings at 6.45, calling at Thorpe '' Post Office at 8.10, and -Dovedale at 9, > arriving at Wakefield at 11 a.m. Eeturns \ same day, leaving Wakefield at 1 p.m., Dovedale at 3 p.m,, and Thorpe at 4 p.m., > arriving at Stanley- Brook at 5.30 p.m.' i Acomlortable Conveyance forPassen [ i gers. ■ Parcels carried at a ;reasonal)le rt.te.- All orders" entrusted to the under8 . signed will be^carefully attended to. | - ... -•. j_ TnOBNE, 1 -.*-■ ■■■-■■.' ,Mail Contractor} '»■ -■ :•■ ■• * ■■-' ' '■ '.' i ■•■■.■ ..-. .•-■".;,' ■•■■■■ ■.•-• -. •- ! ; NEWMAN BEOS.'I 3 Royal BSai! Coaches. ) NELSON TO BLENHEIM. . Lpave Crowr Stables, Nelson, on Mondays, Wednesdays, : and Fridays, &i •,. 7a.m. ■"-,'■ ' ' • :- : ■■:••■■.■■ Leave Club Hotel, Blenheim, on return, Tuesdays, Thursdays, »nd Saturdays, !.. at 7 a.m. ... . - . Parcels parried at moderate rates. Booking Office : Crown Stables. . NEWMAN BEOS., Proprietors

NEWMAN BEOS. EOYAL MAIL GOACHES/ . WES? COAST. SEEVICE. LEAVE Motupiko for the West Coast on Arrival of Trains on TUESDAY' and FEID AY, Eeturning again on WEDNESDAY and SATUEDAY, in time for Passengers to catch the Trains for Nelson^ The Motupiko Coach connects with the iv^efton and Westport Coaches at Inangahua Junction. . Parcels carried at moderate rates.Booking Office:' Crown Stables. NEWMAN BEOS., Proprietors, ■BDIAITMAIL COAOH. Nelson— Richmond— Motuska— Riwaka. .NEW-MAN BEOS., Proprietors. THE Proprietors call the attention of the travelling public to the fact that the EiCHiioND-BrwAKA Coach Seeyice has been extended to Nelson, and Coaches noxr leave the Crown Stables, Nelson, DA3.LY; or Eiwaka, and ?i rive daily from Eiwaka, as per timetabl-j appended. All parcels and orders receive strict and businesslike attention. ■ . Daily Timetable Leave Nelson for Eiwaka at 9 a.m. ; arriying Eiwaka 2.30 p.m; ' Leave Eiwaka ,'- for Nelson at 8 a.m., f ■'■ • arriving Nelson 1.30 p.m. . . !' .Luncheon: Eedwood's Valley. NEWMAN BEOS., Proprietors. WARDROP & CO. LAND, ESTATE & COMMISSION ' AGENTS, AUCTIONEEES, ETC., ; MOTUEKA, " Have the following PEOPBETIES FOE SALE :— 8 Acres Native Lease, close proximity to High street i good soil and well adapted to fruit growing, atpreeent aadar plough. 13 Acres Freehold in Borough j 6 roomed. housa /and outbuildinga iD gQbd repair. . ; • "" 7 Acres Orchard, half In full bearing and half partial, together with 30 Acres Native Lease, under plough and hops, An ideal homestead and farm." . 650 -Acres in grass/ wei watered ; .. gob' 4 soilj^subdiviUedintd paddocks j unlimited supply ' of posts ' on property ; carrying presently 500 sheep, besides ■ cattle. Adjoining a 230 acre block now opened up; These properties can be extended to an unlimited area, as they adjoin Crown lands. Price' i>4 10s per acre. ,-'"'' 22 Acres Native Lease, in Boro h>\ rent £1 per annum; soil second to none ] .4 acres orchard in; bearing, 1 acre hops ; ■ balance for any root 'props or fruit. ■ :. .; 13 Acres Freehold, in Borough; 4 acres grass, 8 acres fine flat land, subdivided into five paddocks by fences ; 10-roomed house in good order, coachhouse, stable and outbuildings. -:■.'. i■. . ':' 230 Acres Freehold, felled and in grass -g'oocLsoii, well watered, all ploughable: subdivided intp 3 paddocks; 10 acres under crop ; Email wnare. 602 Acres, 410 Freeholdi. 102 L.I.P;; mostly ploughable land, carrying 35C sheep ; ; whare, barn, stables ; within easj distance of port and Motneka Borough .■Pnce;'ie2,ioo. --•■■<-■.■'■■■ f; And various ■ ; ; . Monthly Stock Sales in our Sards, Pahstreet, Motueia; Open^oreceive'entries A " ALFEED GOULD.' v 767 - . ';■'• : Auctioneer.'

mmm "y :■■■'■: :' r' :: : ■■■/"'■'■■■'■ 'm , .''■'■ ''■'■' tBEESik "' ' ' ' ■ 1^ g&& O& jfPli mi LIU i ilMt^ JfllL Th© FSiIHOUS J&GVOLG&y fOP mi. -i. 'i. ■"* i,»r, +Vse «nA^;rin«» arp ama/pd at its i sDlendid 'iiealine power. Sufferers from Broachitis. Cough, Croup, I Isthfflg, Ifttwqy at-the-begiimiiig,^dosebrtwa .-■ , : . '„ - _*.^ MI^ BC - t to any Address, when not obtainable locally Small Sl*e, 2/6 j Lars* 4/B. Ch«mi«t^ Mullein© Vendoi^ or tho Pro^^ Pon»Wrdea oy v^

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Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12502, 31 March 1909, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12502, 31 March 1909, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12502, 31 March 1909, Page 1