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Jam Making and K Fruit Preserving. . "We have IMPORTED very Largo Stocks of I [all Requisites for this Season :— Mason Atlas, and Chicago Fruit Preserving Jars', in Pints, Quarts, and J-gallons. Glass Screw Top an^? Tie-Ojer, lib and!2lb Jam Jar, a. Stone Jam Jars, 1, 2, and 41bs. Jelly. Tumblers. Nests bf White' Jars. Preserving Pans, Enamel Stew Pans. - Wood Spoons, Stove. Mats.| ; . Baskets for Fruit Picking. "" Pulp Buckets for Raspberry picking, Eio Also 1, 2, and 5 gal. Demijohns ; 1,22, fc^nd gai.Stone Butter Jars, and all kinds of Glass and China Dishes for . serving Fruit, .eta., at table. ' . R, . . SnodyraßS : and Sqis, "STAFFOBDSHIRE HOUSE," ■"•"■•. DIEBCTe IMPOKTER^ : - . ■'■"..'..' • PSTELSON", '

Sewing lachiae? I^^^^^P The "NEW HOWE" j^^^ff^s_>^^MM s ie ? n ty Machine on the market that 111 y*jQ^^^i embodies every recent improvement. IllJ^T^^i 't runs lightly. Wilh great speed. HJr /^i Almost without noise. f®Jirffl§ayTO[ The ,'needle is self-setting, and cannot be I ** The bobbin can be wound without running ■ • ! All working ' parts are made of the finest * material and case ha- dehed. Different makers have asked us to sell their Machines, but we pin our faith to the " New Home." It always gives unqualified.satisfaction. Treadle Machines, 1 Drawer, 3 do., £6 10s. 5 do., £7. 5 do. (drop head), £9. Hand ffiachjnes, JB4 2s 6a, ■*l v Man I is a reliable machine, which we strongly recommend to CusI nc Ucal tomers desiring one lower priced than the "New Home." ■ ' ; ' /•■ :■•••:■.■■ - -.Price .83 10s.. Riiv vniir n^anprv sit RiiYtnti's care disDUJf yUlil LII ajJCI y dl tJUAIUU O. piaying^asMon- • Dress Goods, ; well-made Hosiery, Grej and Bleached Calicoes : &c: ■ All attractively priced. We urge Customers to Inspect our G-ooda before purchasing elsewhere: E.BUXTON & CO., LTD., ■ - NELSON. Wlm^P^^ P wTcAN SAVE YOU THAT. 1 i^tf&BP^^ Here's how we PROVE our claim. I HB^ Send us a sample from the last suit you had made ; B 1 or, send us a sample of the suit yea intend to buy. g B ' DON'T l EUL US what you paid for the one or B i what your tailor wants for the other. Then WE will tell g 1 you what wo will make you as good a suit fot. i I REMEMBEB we shall not know your price. But 1 i you'll find OUK price is about half what your tailor. r 1 wants to charge for the SAME QUALITY suit. We wil? make this suit to your measure— you try it on and if it does not come, up to expectations in every particular send it back at OUR expense, -and we will refund youT money. We hereby agree that YOU ALONE shall be the judge of fit, value,- and quality. Shall we send you samples on that understanding, and | our booklet, « BETTER SUITS for LESS MONEY "— § • both FREE? I I Then 'fill in the coupon and mail it to-day to I Tribe <t Co., ChrUtchurch. TOIDC J? />rfv B BUau tend mt your free Bootut I nIDC OC VUi » and Patterns at advertised in the ..' ■ H ..... - Made to Measure H It U underitood Idp not commit myte\f in . ce u |t s k y Mail B «ny woy whatever. . ' . ■ ■ -..* ' H Ham, ESTD.IBBI. CHRISTCHURCH. 1 Jddreie No. 11. ' ~ ■ J|

Union Steam Ship Co., of New Zealand, LIMITED. Passengers MI>ST procure Tiokets at the Office before they embark. ' Steamers will be despatched as under, Treatherand ottier circumstances permitting. "',-, PICTON & WELLINGTON. Pateena, Thursday, Mar 25, 10 a.m. Te Anau, Friday, March 26, 10 a.m. Te Anau, Monday, March 29, noon. . WELLINGTON DIEECT. •Mapourika, Saturday, Mar 27, l.a.m. Pateena, Saturday, March 27, noon 1 Pateena, Tuesday, March 30, 1 p.m. aiahura, Wednesday, Maich 31, 6 a.m. ♦No cargo. WESTPOST, GEEYMOUTH, AND HOKITIEA. •Arahura, Sunday, March 28, 6 a.m. Mapourika, Wednesday, March 31, 8 a.m. ♦Cargo (perishable only) until noon Saturday. NEW PIrTMOUTH & ONEHUNGA. Eotoitl, Prlday, Marck 2^ S p.m. -. '. Cargo until 4p.m.- • STDNET, VIA COOK STEAIT. ; (From Wellington.) ■ Maheno, Friday, Mar 26, 4 p.m. 3 . MELBOURNE, VIA BLUFF. (From Wellington.) " Moeraki, Thursday, April 3, 5 p.m. r Cargo and Passengers booied through to all principal ports in NEW ZEA- , LAND, AUSTEALIA, TASMANIA {FIJI (Suva and Levuka), FEIENDLT ii I ISLANDS (Tonga, Haapai, and Vavau), ! SAMOA (Apia), COOK ISLANDS b (Earotonga), and SOCIETT ISLANDS (Tahiti), * Eegular services are maintained to all the abovenamed ports. CANADIAN-AUSTEALIAN LINE I (The " All Bed "Eoute). CANADA, UNITED STATES, AND ; EUEOPE. (Via Fiji. Honolulu, Victoria, 8.C., and , ■ '■■ "Vancouver). E.M.S. Marama. . ; , .From Sydney, April 12. ■ From Suva, April 19. Passengers booked through to London ; by Orient Eoyal Mail Line. For further particulars apply OFFICE. The Port. ANCHOR SHIPPING & FOUNDRY COMPANY LIMITED. SAILING LIST. WESTPOET, GEETMOUTH, AND HOKITIKA. WAVEELET, To-day, Thursday, 25th inst, at 11 a.m. ALEXANDER, To-morrow; Friday, 26th . inst, at 10 a.m. ' Wellington via motueka. WAIEAUi To-morrow, Friday, 2Cth inst, at 9 a.m. (Leaving Motueka for Wellington at . noon.) WAIRAU, Monday, 29th inst, at 11 a.m. (Leaving Motueka "for. Wellington, at ■ -•» 2 p.m.) ' ' • Bl Tons, Captain C. Scullt, will leave as under, weatber permitting : — Nelson for Motueka; Wednesday, Mar 24, at 8 a.m. ■ v Motueka for Nelson, Wednesday, Mar 24, at 11 a.m. Nelson for Motueka, Thursday, Mar 25, at 8 a.m. Motueka for Nelson, Thursday, Mar 25, at 11 a.m. Nelson for Motueka, Friday. Mar ?6, at 9 a.m. Motueka for Nelson> Friday Mar 26 at noon. . -•■':'". Nelson for Motueka, Saturday, Mar 27,~at 9 a.m: ■ .■:■".- ' ' . ~ . ' Motueka for Nelson, Saturday. Mar 27, at noon. Nelson for Motueka, Monday, Mar 29, at noon. Motueka for Nelson, Monday, Mar 29, at 3 p.m. Nelson for Motueka, Tuesday, Mar 30, at Ip.m. MotueJa for Nelson, Tuesday, Mar'3o, at ■. . ' 4/p.m. ' Nelson for Motueka, Wednesday, Mar 31, at 3 p.m. .^ • Motueka for Nelson, Thursday, Apr 1, at 7 a.m. ■■■:■•- FOE WELLINGTON DIEECT, Jylfe WANAROA Captain Habt, Will leave, the Motueka Wharf, for Wellington direct, on ~ THUESDAT, March 25, 10 p.m. TUESDAT, March 30, 2 p.m. Tafctog cargo for Havelock and Pelbrus Sound every fortnignt. Fares, Motueka to Wellington : single, 15s i return, 22s 6d ; meals included; Eeturn tickets available for 6 months. The steamer leaves Wellington for Motueka direct every week alternately on Saturday and Monday ; also additional trips when required by shippers. WELLINGTON, HAVELOCK, AND MOTUEKA STEAMSHIP CO. JOHNSTON & CO., Ltd;, Wellington Agents. Motueka flEotel. „ . High Stbbet, Motttbka. \ 0, HOLYOAKE, Proprietor . TEEM S moderate," and MeaL) provided at allhccrp First-class Accommodation for Visitor ' Wine,sßeer and. Spirits 'of the very best quality/ A comfortable Two-horse Conveyance runs to. and from the Wharf on arrival and departure of the Steamers. ,":•". . Saddle!H6rses and Vehicles on hire. Amongst other improvements, ihb Proprietor his erected a convenient Batb- ■ room. .."■;■•■■' -^^-■-■-■ ; - : ---Sf.^--<v /■..':•■ :■/■- : Full-sized.(Wright's) Billiard Table., . Acooininbdation for- TEN, Horses in stable. Loose Jboxes;|;and_;good paddochs attached;

motupikq im: " riIHE undersigned having iaken over i JL the above well-knowa hostelry in ' th* Motupiko V alley {late Corletf s), > begs, to assure th© public that no effort ; will be wanting on. his part to maintain • th« reputation o£ iiixe bouse as a favorite • resort for those wisniag to spend a few • days or weeks in. the country. Families, • Fishermen, and Sportsmen will find comfortable quarters, and every attention for i their pleasure and comfjrt. 1« . .„ GEORGE BIGGS/ ;■ ■ ' v Proprietor. PAItfAMA HOTEL. Corner of I lardy and Colling wool Streets Accommodation op the Best Wines and Spirits the Best in the market. J. BEIGGS, Proprietor. (Late of Wanganui.) Six i p Hotel, TH E POET NELSON. TTIEED. A. MILLEE has taken- over •JD the above well-known hostelry. Th 9/ Hotel has been thoroughly renovat«d and refurnished throughout, and Travellers will find accommodation second to npne. Only best brands of Wines, Spirits, Ales, etc., stocked. Teems Strictly Moderate. -DINNER A SPECIALITY— I/-.^-Telephone No. 126 F. A. MILLEE, Proprietor. t . . . | Tyree's Studio. . I fJWIS BTUDIO has recently been fitted j A up with new and up-to-date appli- ; ances for the production of ; High Class Photographs. HULAEGEMENTS made from, anj Photograph. Satisfaction guaranteed Note. — W. Tyree does- not employ any canvassers. Send all orders to TYEEE'S STUDIO, Trafalgar-street SOUTH BRITISH Insurance Company, ' \ Limited. Capital ... ... ... .£2,900,000 Accumulated Funds exceed.. .£542,500 PIBB and MAEINE and ACCIDENT INSUEANCES, Including Employers' Liability for Compemßati»n under the Workers' CompeDsatie* Acts, Mortgage Indemnity, Public Bisk, Personal Accident either jsingly or in conjunction with Sickness Benefits j Burglary, Plate Glass, Fidelity Guarantee, etc, ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CUEEENT EATES. Sub- Agents for District: City, Eobertson Bros. ; Motueka, H. A. Tarrant ; Eiohinond, W. E. May j Takaka, J. J. Langridge &' Co. ; Wakefield, E. J. Painton ; Collingwood, W. C. Eiley & Co.; Upper Meutere, C, F. Muntz ; Westport, 'J. J. Molony. F. & D. EDWARDS, AGENTS, TEAFALGAE STEEET. (Next National Bank). ■ ~ ■ '" MPARTfifItSiT. S FACT No. S. Tlw GUARANTEE OF f HE STATE gcea *m every PoKey lasnei tj>theSaf«rtiaeßt. Htbbt person tnaarod andar ite eonditioos terta abaciotely teonig, firmly mated that whatever may happen the fall wina of hii policy |g ii certain to be prid when tho otoim aeernei m thrt the gqn thaU riMinJhßj^rnJßg.

JUNCTION HOTEL TAKAKA. ME. JOSEPH HYDE/ ex-Capt&m Artillery Volunteers, and formerly proprietor of the Foxhill Hotel, desires to inform his old friends and the travelling public ttat te has taken over the abore well-known hotel, and visitors ana travellers can rely upon receiving evory attention, with civility,,. Superior accommodation, moderate, tariff. . : , : ;. Conveyance meets all steamers. Horses ' and Vehicles on Hire. Up-to-date r Billiard Table. Best Brands Wines and Spirits only. L9tters and Telegrams promptly t Hided to ta6 TELEGRAPH HOTEL TAKAKA. OTTO HAASE (formerly of the Bel. grove Hotel), in notifying that bo has taken the above old established and centrally situated Hotel, wishes the public toknow that ho has had new ropmsadded, and the whole place thoroughly renovated and refurnished. ■■ •■ ■ ~ Travellers and Visitors will find the TELEGEAPH a comfortable and wellappointed Hotel, the interior arrangenients having the personal '(supervision »f Mes Haase. :The Stables will have the personal attention of the Proprietor, and Horses and Vehicles (two and four wheolers) will be kept on Hire. A Covered Conveyance will also meet all Steamers. First-olass Sample Eoom. ; : Good. Billiard Table. iLettersand telegrams receive prompt attention. - ... j , "'; . .. __ ! It Will Pay Those who are about to connec \ with the j NEW SEWEEAGE SCHEME To cone H. J. FLATT, who has had large experience, and is a Certificated SANITAET PLTJMBEE. ENI4UIEIES SOLICITED and ESTIMATES FUENISHED. WOBKMANSHIP GuAEANTEED. 217 Telephone Number 327. THE NEW MOTTO. Nelson expects that vbet child will . DO ITS DUTYASK FOB COOTCTIONERY. Have you tried these New Lines Wild Eabbits. Chocolate Chew-baes. Chocolate Mexican Fbuits. Chocolate Lunch. Chololate Ice Cbeams. All Eetail Confectioners. NOTHING MORE SUITABLE FOR A Birthday or Wedding Present ! THAN A \ Nice Engraving Choice Assortment at J. SAVAGE & SONS, * HARPY STREET Ljj ____ < h ■

~"We are making a Splash 1 with Anti-Splash. You save the Splash. ..., See it Demonstrated at CARLISLE & GO.'S, PLUMBERS, ETC., Baedt-stbeet. E ■ . J 3 ' 3 — - ■ ■■-■■■■■■■ — ■■.—^— « — — '■ Notice to Trespassers. 1 ANY Person found : Trespassing on /3l Maitai Run, known as "Woodlands," on any pratence whatever, will be Prosecuted. ■--"' . . D. BICKHAM, in Charge. Or BISLEY BEOS. & CO., J i 539' ' Hardy-street. ] OUE STAMPS are good Stamps, best EUBBEK, Latest Designs— "The Colonist " Jobbing Department. An Orchard for Sale. This is your chance now to secure.' Come at once without delay, For those who wait and hesitate,— , Lose the largest pay. l : • : ..■,"''. .— ■ • : .. '.:"'■'■' • H. C. HOLYOAKE, L Land Agent, . '■' 3iis • . Eiwaka; . ';■ f-. ,' '"''" "; " '.'.. '.". — — — p Stanley' brook and; wake, *' ] j l '"' FIELD MAIL. 1 T EAVES Stanley Brook every TUESrA 1 DAY, THURSDAY and SATUE- • DAY Mornings at 6.45,ca11ing at Thorpe 1 Post Office at 8.10, and Dovedale at 9, 3 arriving at Wakefield at 11 a.m. Eeturns 1 same day, leaving Wakefield at 1 p.m., Dovedale at 3 p.m,, and Ihorpe at 4 p.m., .! arriving at Stanley Brook at 5.30 p.m. i ; A" cpmtortable Conveyance for Passen V gers. '; Parcels carried at a reasonable rite. : All ordere entrusted to the under--3 signed will be carefully attended" to. i -- -- r— : Ji THOENE, ? Mail Contractor >> ',■:■"' '' . • :" ' .' ■ ■ si~l i... - .-' j . pm I^. "'■ . " - '"■ — 3, ' " " '. . ■ !J NEWMAN BEOS.'! 3 Royal Mai! Coaches. 6 NELSON TO BLENHEIM. i. Leave Crown Stables, Nelson, on Mon- : '" daySi Wednesdays, end Fridays, ai ■, ■„ -..7am. : -.v' „.. . -.- •',' ;. ■■; -. '.: • _ Leave Club Hotel, Blenheim, on return l- ';... Tuesdays, Thursdays, und Saturdays 3. : at 7 a.m. - , Parcels carried at moderate rates. Booking Office: Crown Stables. - NEWMAN BEOS., Proprietors

-NEWMAN BEOS. ROYAL MAIL COACHES. WES? COAST, SERVICE. T EAVE Motupiko for the West Coast JIJ on Arrival of Trains on TUESDAY and FElDAY.Eeturning again on WEDNESDAY and SATUEDAY, in time for Passengers to catch the Trains for Nelson. The Motupiko Coach connects with the liieft6n and Westport "Coaches at Inangahua Junction. ■: ; ■ . -Parcels carried at moderate rates. " Booking Office: Crown Stables. ' NEWMAN BEOS,, Proprietors, BOYAL MAIL OOAOH. Nelson— Richmond— Kotueka— Riwaka. NEWMAN BEOS., Proprietors. THE Proprietors call the attention of the travelling public to the fact that the ExcHMOND-ErwAKA Coach Sebvicb has been- extended to Nelson, and Coaches now leave the Crown Stables, Nelson, DALLY, or'Eiwaka, and a! rive daily from Eiwaka, sLS per timetable appended. All parcels' and orders receive strict and businesslike attention. ', -' . ' " ' Daily Timetable v Leave Nelson for Eiwaka at 9a.m..; arriving Eiwaka 2.30 p.m. Leave EiwakaT for Nelson at 8 a.m., . arriving Nelson 1.30 p.m. . Luncheon : Eed wood's Valley. . NEWMAN BEOS., Proprietors. WARDRQP&CO. LAND, ESTATE & COMMISSION AGENTS, , „ AUCTIONEEES, ETC., „ MOTUEKA, Have the following PEOPEETIES FOB SALE:— 8 Acres' Native Lease," close proximity to High street • good soil and well adapted to frnit growing, at present anderjslbugh. . 13 Acres Freehold in Borough; 6 roomed' house and outbuildings iD good repair. •■"..' •' -' -' .•- ■■:■ 7 Acres Orchard, half in -full bsparing and half 'partial, together witli 3QM.pre| Native Lease,, under plough' a£d;.h'ppsi An ideal homestead and farmi>;' ?JS ? 650 Acres in grass, wei watered j'gooS soil, subdivided into paddqckE ;. unlimited supply of posts on prbperiy; carrying presently 500 sheep, besides cattle Adjoining a 230 acre block how opened up. These properties can be extended t< an unlimited area, as they adjoin Crowr lands. Price M iOs per acre. . ; 22 Acres Native Lease, in-Boro h rent JBI per annum ; soil second to none 4 acres orchard V in bearing, 1- aore' hops oalance for any root crops or fruit./ .■■] , •13 Acres' FreehUd, in Borough; 4 acrei grass.B acres .fine flat land; , subdividec into five paddocks by fences ; 10-roome( house in good order, coachhouse^ stable and outbuildings. , ..H- --' Acres Freehold, felled and in grass good soil, well watered, all ploughable subdivided intc 3 .paddocks; 10 acre under crop; sihall whare. < 602 Acres, 410 Freehold, 102 L.I.P. mostly ploughable land, carrying Ssi ■sheep ; whare, barn, stables ; within eas; distance of port and Motueka Borough Price 1 42,100. _ ■ And various oth er properties. . "-. .'.;;•■ '' Monthly Stock Sales in our Yards,: Pah streeti Motueka. Qpentoreceive^entrieE ; ALFEE'b^GOULD.;^.; > 757 • Auctioneer.

Hearae's Bremchltis .Cuje.

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Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12497, 25 March 1909, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12497, 25 March 1909, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12497, 25 March 1909, Page 1