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SAVE 40/- --" Every man can now save at least 40j- on his next Suit, arid have it made to-his measure in Chrittehureh, in tht laUst city style."' ■"-.-■' c OEOBOE DAVIES. I *m now making suits for gentlemen in every part of the Dominion, and giving the most critioal complete satisfaction. - - - I can maka % suit for you for £2 10g. or £8 that will be at least the equal of any suit you ever paid £4 10s. or £5 for. I will give you a written gnarantes for a perfect fit too, or bind myself to refund your money in full. It's a fair offer to you. It's worth taking advantage of. .. " I want you to send for my big range of samples. They include, the newest and best suitings and' overcoatings obtainable. I want to send them, together with my simple self-measure-ment form and neir style book, post free. to your address. I want you to 'see just how I can make the moat stylish, best- wearing and shape-retain-ing garments procurable, and at the game time save you at least £2 on your next suit or overcoat ; send for samples to-day— now while you think of it. ADDRESS— George Davies !84 and 186 Colombo St., CHRISTCHURCH. REWARD. A REWARD will be paid for mforma tion leading to- the conviction of any person removing '• The Colonist " newspaper delivery to customers, or in transit. BOND, FINNEY & CO., 4642 , Proprietors'; The Colonist." OUR STAMPS are good Stamps, best RUBBER, Latest Designs— "The Colonist V Jobbing Department. -^ % J 1« ■■ 3 g» - . be:-.,- .;■-. '5- ■ ■ PUBLIC NOTICE. "Bailie Nicol Jarvie" has much pleasure in announcing his thorough appreciation of the keen and unex— ampled support he has received during the late campaign, by which he still adorns the head of the poll, and, my friends, don't make any mstake* by supposing for a moment that because, of this elevated and honourable position he will, by one jot, relax his efforts to further retain your support; but will stick to his basic principle, viz., that purity in all things must be maintained. • The Bailie assures me as his trusted af'ent that having enormous stocks of tne correct article continually maturing he can at all times satisfy his supporters, and the late victory will emphasise his efforts in that ■ direction. ■-..■'■ By authority, M. M. WEBSTER, • The "Bailie's" agent, 75 Trafalgar Bt. Bailie Nicol Jarvie Whisky in Octaves. . '„'.,'' Baih'e Nicol Jarvi* Whisky in qr. j casks. -^ I . _ . Bailie Nicol JarvJo . Whisky ml doz. cases. . ; Bailie Nicol Jarvie Whisky in 2 gal. jars. . Standard Fire Marine INSURANCE COMPANY OF N.Z.'^ NELSON BRANCH. FIRE, MARINE and GUARANTEE. Policies issued at current rates. Large, and influential Colonial Proprier tary. Prompt and liberal settlement of claims. F. A. BAMFORD, Nelson Savings Bank Buildings, - Trafalgar Street. _ FIRE INSURANCE. WITH THE Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Co £400,000 invested in Australasia. Prompt Settleiaent of .ClsiioaJ; H. COCK & CO., Chief Agents.

Jam Making and Fruit Preserving. We have IMPORT fiD Terr Large Stooks |of * fall Requisites for this .Season :^— Mason A.tla.3, and Chioago Fruit Pfa3er/iog Jat3, iajPiats,^ Quarts, .." and . Gla3a Screw Top an* Tie-Over, lib and]2lb Jam Jaw. Stone Jam Jars, 1, 2, and 41b8. ' Jelly Tumblers. Neats of White'Jara. Praserving Pans, Enamel -Stew Pan's. Wood Spoons, Stove Mata«| Baskets for Fruit Picking. Pulp Buckets for Raspberry pioking, Etc. . ~ Allso 1, 2, and 5 gal. Demijonn3; I^2, bind 4 gaU Stone Katter Jars, aod all kinds of G-leTas aa^ Ohiaa Dishe3 for serving Fruit, «to., at table. ■R. Snodpass and Sons, "STAFFORDSHIRE HOUSE," ' DIREOTg IMPORTERS. : •■•■:■■■ .-• ■ nelson.^

v I High-Class House Furnishings. NEVER was there a time when so many choice and. Artistic Draperies and Curtains awaited the selection of the. home furnisher. Our latest im- ' portation — just to hand — is a striking illustration.' ■■■ "■'■-•..-.■ of this fact. . ■"■■■■.•■ 50in. Mohair, Taifeta, and Casement Cloth. Fashionable for all kinds of. Curtains. Our designs are verya ■'■-;-■. attractive. ' „—'.■ : 3 Ctirtain BOrdermgS. Very pretty and extensively used || on Art Serges for Curtains and Table Covers ; also on the- fajmH. ous Bolton Sneet Curtains Printed Linens, Tapestry Curtains, ' • W and Tapestry for Upholstering ;; Blind Lace 3, with Insertion;, to ' . /._ match; also Combination Blind Laces in green 'and cream, t •_■'-. : ! I BedSteadSj Plain, Brass Kail, arid All Brass. .- ./■'>.. ■g .Bedding made on the premises from\bestKapoo, r Horsehair, and H ■■-..• : Flax. - ; .. ..■■■.: ■•'■.■■■.:■.'«. ..'•.■■ '■''r -' .•■" .1 Carpets and Linoleums laid! (estimates giyen)^ com- 7 j B " ; - pare our quality and priced \ - •- -' ; f ' - - ■ ■• ' • -■■ -' ' '*" -' ■■■ ■' _««•_ ■" : --■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ".'-'■ '" of, send us a sample of the suit ycu intend to buy. DON'T TELL US wiiat you paid for the one or i what your tailor wants for the other. Then WE will tell B you what we will makeyou as good a suit for. ,__/. | REMEMBEE we shalLnot know your price*. But 1 vou'U find OUR price is about half what your- tailor | wTnts to charged to SAME QUALITY suit. 1 We will make this suit to your measure— you try it I on and if it does not come up to expectations id every | particular send it back at OUR expense, -and we will | refund your money. 1 I We hereby agree that YOU ALONE shall be the i judge of fit, value ; and quality. ..- i Shall we send you samples on that' understanding, and I our booklet, "BETTER. SUITS for LESS MONEY"— | both FREE? -.. x . I Then fill in the coupon and mail it to-day to ' § Tribe <t Co., ChristchureTi. . ' •pQinP A B . Sleast tend mt your free BooltUt _ 1 rllDEa CX VUI ■' and Patttrnt at advertised in tht ■ . . . g ..........'„.... .: ..... ........ - rV "•> Made to Measure . . H It U understood Ido not eommit'nytelf. in „ Suits by Mail ' .. - . ■ any way whatever. - ■ 8 hmL..~ — • ■ • Esmuraii chrisjchur^h. i Address ;.. .^...,....................... '.." ■-■ ■\■ ; ■ No. 11. '•--..".. - ; Jj:

MOTUPIKO INN."', THE undersigned having taken over the above well-known hostelry in tiie Motupiko Valley (late Corletf 3), begs to assure the public that no effort will be wanting. on-' i 'his part to maintain th« reputation of the house as a favorite resort for those wishing to spend a few days or weeks in the country. Families, Fishermen, and Sportsmen will find comfortable quarters, ana evsry attention for their pleasure and comf jrt. .;.■_..■« ■'-"' "GEORGE BIGGS, Proprietor, PANAMA HOTEL. CORNER HARDY & COLL rNG WOOD-STREETS THE undersigned, having taken over the above Hotel,- Las thoroughly renovated and ■ completely re-furnished the house, which now offers comfortable and superior accommodation to the travelling public or permanent boarders, at MODERATE CHARGES. : Wines, Ales, and Spirits of the Best Bbands Oelt. J. BRIGGS. (Late of Wanganui.) 4927 Tyree's Studio, mHIB BTUDIO has recently been fitted •JL up with new and up-to-date appli•.ncGß for the production of High Class Photographs. ENLARGEMENTS made" from anj Photograph. • Satisfaction guaranteed Not*. — W. Tyree does not employ anj canvassers. Send all orders to - TYREE'S STUDIO, Trafalgar-street Fertilisers. IN STOCK— Picton, Eape and l'urnip, «te; Rockland, Hop, Grain, Potato, 'etc; Shirley's Sup. of Lime WeL . lington Blood and Bone. ' Supplied in sacks or by. the ton. BISLEY BROS. & CO., 3700 Sole Agents I SOUTH BRITISH Insurance Company, Limited. Capitol ... .... ... £2,900,000 Aaounulated Funds exceed . . £542,500 FISI ahd MARINE and ACCIDENT INSURANCES, Isduding Employers' Liability for Compeisation under the Workers' Compensation Acts, Mortgage Indemnity, Public Risk, Personal Accident either singly or in conjunction with Sickness Benefits ; Burglary, Plate Glass, Fidelity Guarantee, •to., ACCEPTED "AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. ' Sub- Agknts fob Disteict: City, Robertson Bros.} Motueka, H. A. Tarrant ; Richmond, W. R. May ; Takaka, J. J. Langridge & Co. ; Wakefield, E. J. Painton ; Collingwood, W. C. Eiley & Co.; Upper Moutere, C, F. Muntz ; Westport, J. J. Molony. •F, & D. EDWARDS, AGENTS, TRAFALGAR STREET. (Next National Bank). FACf No. i. Tfce GUARANTEE OP THE STATE joo »tt every Policy Usned t/gHht S^partmeßJ. Btbbt pIBBOD Insured ander ite oondltioae recta &bac!ately gacare, firmly MHWred thai whatever may happen tiw fall vrioe °* bli poliaj U m certain to be paid whan th» olaim aoeroef m tha) tho ron ihall ■ .-■ • «& ■ riaa in t^asornjng.

JUNCTION HOTEL TAKAKA: MR. JOSEPH HYDE, ex-Capteto Artillery Velunteers, and formerly proprietor of the FoxhUl Hotel, desires to inform his old friends and the travelling public that he has taken over the above well-known hotel, and visitors and travel-. lers can rely upon receiving evory attention, with civility, Superior accommodation, moderate tariff. Conveyance meets all steamers. Horses and Vehicles on flire. Up-to-date-Billiard Table. " " Best Brands Wines and Spirits only. • Letters and Telegrams promptly * >adedto . ..__ KW TELEGRAPH HOTEL TAKAKA. . OTTO HAASE (formerly of the B«l grove Hotel), in notifying that ho has taken the above old established and centrally situated Hotel, wishes the public to know that he has hadnew rooms added, and the whole place thoroughly renovated and refurnished. : . "Travellers and Visitors will find the TELEGRAPH a comfortable and wellappointed Hotel, the interior arrangements having the personal supervision of Mbs Haabe. . The Stables will have the personal attention of the Proprietor, and Horses and Vehicles (two and four wheolers) will' be kept on Hire. A Covered Conveyance will also meet all Steiimers. ; First-class Sample Boom. • Good Billiard Table. Letters and telegrams receive proiapft. attention. ■ ' It Will Pay Those ( who are about to connee . *■•* with the NEW SEWERAGE SCHEME To eonsu H. J. FLATT, who has had large experience, and is a Certificated SANITARY PLUMBER. ENQUIRIES SOLICITED and ESTIMATES FURNISHED. WOEKMANSHIP GUARANTEED 217 Telephone Number 327. i■, " ' " THE NEW MOTTO. Nelson expicts .that- vebt child vtill DO ITS DTTTY^ ASEFOE CONFECTIONERY. 1 Have you tried these New Linos Wild Rabbits. Chocolate Chew -baes. Chocolate Mexican Fbtjits. Chocolate Lunch; Chololate Ice Cbeams. All Retail Confectioners. NOTHING MUHB SU£TABLE|FOB£A Jlew Y«ar tiitt THAN A ■ - Nice Engraving Choice! Assortment at J. SAVAGE ARSONS, \RDY STREET.

WraFe mating a'Splasß with Im-"3pid511.. ' Tou save the Splash. See it Demonstrated at CARLISLE & GO'S, "PLUMBERS,- ETC., Haedy-steeet. A, BAKERY Trade. Annual turnovei JzL je2,600, twenty-six hundred-pounds about, and can be largely increased j in a rising' township in Nelson Province. . A' sp'lendid.opporounity for one in this line of business to take on. . No opposition ; small capital required. Price .£930. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. -.■■■; ■---..-. H. C. HOLtOAKE, ■ ■..'."' ■.■■•.•' Land Agent, 3115 Riwaka. STANLEY BROOK AND .WAKEFIELD MAIL. T EAVES Stanley Brook every TUES-J-J DAT, THURSDAY and SATURDAY Mornings at 6.45, calling at Thorpe Poßt Office at 8.10, and Dovedale at 9, arriving at Wakefield at 11 a.m. Eeturns same day, leaving Wakefield at Ip.m., Dovedale at 3 p.m,, and Thorpe at 4 p.m., arriving at Stanley Brook at 5.30 p.m. A comlortable Conveyance for Passen gers. Parcels carried at a 'reasonable n»te; All orders'entru&ted to the undersigned will be carefully attended to. ; : : J. THORNE, ; Mail Contractor f : - NEVOIAN BROS.'| Royal Mail Coaches. NELSON TO BLENHEIM. Leave Crowr. Stables, -Nelson, on Mondays; Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 7am." ' , „: Leavo Club Hotel, Blenheim, on return, Tuesdays, Thursdays, rtnd Saturdays, at 7a.m. Parcels parried at moderate rates. Booking Office: Crown Stables. NEWMAN BROS., Proprietors^ NOTICE. I.X.L. CO., DYERS, CLEANERS, ETC. REMOVED to 75; COLLINGWOOD-STREET s Orders promptly attended to. .

NEWMAN BROS. ' V BOYAL MAIL: COACHES. .^•jWKSSiCO AST -SERVICE. •, >. . LEAVE Motupiko for the West Coast on Arrival of Trains on TUESDAY and FRIDAY, Returning again on WE DNESDAY and SATURDAY, in time for Passengers to catch the Trains for Nelson. The Motupiko Coach connects with the I Kief ton and Westport Coaches at Tnangahua Junction. ; Parcels carried at moderate rates. Booking Office ; Crown Stables. . . NEWMAN BROS., Proprietors, BOYAL MAIL COAOH. Nelson— Richmond— Blotuaka— .Siwaka. NEWMAN BEOS., Pvoprxetors. THE Proprietors call the : attention of the travelling public to the fact that the RrcHitoND-RiwAKA Coach Service has bean extended to Nelson, and Coaches nov . leave the Crown Stables, Nelson, DAiXTY, or Riwaka, and a? rive daily- from Riwaka, as petf. timetabl i appended. .... • ; : All parcels'arid orders receive strict and businesslike-attention. ■ '.'.'■ Daily Timetable Leave Hi-ison 1 for Riwaka at 9 a.m. • arriving Riwaka 2.30 p.m. Leave Si waka' for Nelson at -8 a.m., : arriving Nelson 1.30 p.m. Luncheon : Redwood's Valley. ■ NEWMAN BROS., Proprietors. WARDROP & GO. LAND, RESTATE & COMMISSION AGENTS, - : AUCTIONEERS, ETC., MOTUEKA, Have the following •' PROPERTIES FOR SALE .— ~B Acres Native Lease, close proximity to High street ; good soil and well adapted to fruit growing, at present ander plough. 13 Acres Freehold in Borough • 6 roomed . house and outbuildings in good repair. " . • % Acres .Orchard.-half in full bearing, and/half' partial, together with .3o. Aores^ Na^ve Lease, 'under, plough; iand^ogs,; An ideal homestaad arid farm^f* ; ■■■i?jf ""' 650. Acres in grass, rwiai watered ; good i.Boil, subdivided into paddocks ; unlimited 'supply, of posts bn: property ;• 'carrying presently 500 sheep, besides cattle. Adjoining a 230 acre block now opened up. These properties can be extended to an unlimited area, as they adjoin Crown' lands. Price 103 per acre. 22 Acres Native Lease, in Boro h; rent £1 -per annum ; soil second to none ; 4 acres orchard in bearing, 1. acre hops, balance for any rootcrops orfruit; . • 13 Acres Freenuidi in Borough ; 4 acres grass, 8 acres fine flat land, subdivided into five paddocks by fences 5 10-roomed ' house in good order, coachhouse, stable, > arid outbuildings. : 230 Acres Freehold, felled and in grass, good soil, well watered, all ploughable; subdivided into 3 paddocks; 10 acres under crop j small whare. '■": 602 Acres, 410 Freehold, 102 L.1.P.; mostly ploughable land, carrying 350 sheep ; whare, barn, stables ; within easy distance of port and Motueka Borough. Price Arid various other properties. Monthly Stock Sales in our Yards, Pahstreet, M otueka. Open to receive entries. •■."-. - ALFRED GOULD: . 757 ■ Auctioneer.

/Those who have °£. f, of Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain; or S6renes S] m the Chest,. experience JelirtitW ™? Wj^SS;,*^ J,^roat and giving Strength to the Voice, and it neither allows a Cough nor Asthma to become Snor^C^on^!^^ i^t-l^^r^Su^^^^appearance, b£n p^perlyVed with this medicine. No house should be «**.,,. as, taken *mmms° m^^^^^^^ «,.».. 0^*. .,-« ,^ r^*^» oßtainai " 9 "^

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Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12476, 1 March 1909, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12476, 1 March 1909, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12476, 1 March 1909, Page 1