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iam Making and Fruit Preserving. We have IMPOETJID yery Large Stocks of all Requisites for this Seasoji :- — ,; .; Mason Atlas, and Chioago ffraii Pre3er?iQg Jar 3, ia Pints,^Quarts, ■ and ~''M-\ Glass Sorew, Top an^ Tie-OTMj lib and 2lb Jam Jaw, Stone Jam Jars, 1, 2, and "4tt>s. Jelly, Tumblers. Nests of White Jarß. ' Preserving Pans, Enamel Stsv Pans. . . - — "Wood Spoons, Stove Matß.J . ■ Baskets for Fiuit Picking. . ' Pulp Buckets for Raspberry piokingj Eto. - A.lso I, 2, and 5; gal Demijohna ; i,*2, 6 and 4 gal. Stone Butter Jars, and all kinds of Glass and. China Dishe3 for > ■ serving Fruit, eto., at table. -R. Snoilgrass. and Sons;, j "STAFFO3DSHIRE HOUSE," DIRECT : IMPORTERS. •"■ ■-■ ;-..'.. : ■ ' :j : • ■-■■■"■ NELSON,

I liigh-Class I j House Furnishings. I 8"^ NEVEE' was there a time when so many choice .^ ■ H . and Artistic Draperies and Curtains awaited the H . . M • seleotion of the home furnisher. Our latest im- , : c H 1 portation—^jnst to hand— is a striking illustration ; „. " B ' I -. : ot'.thisfact. •- . ;•- -^_ B I 50in. Mohair, Taffeta, and Casement Cloth, i ' 1 "Fashionable for all kinds of' Oartains. Our designs are very B 1 ' attractive. . " ; - ' 9I Curtain BqrderingS. Very pretty and extensively used I 1. .'.•- -v on Art Serges for Curtains and Table Covers; also on thofam- B g; ova Bolton Sheet Cnrtains Printed Linens, Tapestry Curtains, H . '&•■ and Tapestry for Upholstering ; Blind, Laces, with Insertion to B B^V match; also Combination Blind Laces' in green and crean&y , H ' I' BedSteadS. Plain, Brass Eail, and AU Brass. .. V 1 B- Bedding made on the premises from best Kapoo, Horsehair>:and ; |i 1 Carpets and Linoleums laid ((estimates given)^ c^- I ~ H pare oul\quality and price. . . . '.'.■;£ -""Ti^'" ' ■ i E. BUXTON^&IIKpa^ - -Nelte 1 ¥ m^M^^WE CAN SAVE YOU THAT. 1 Here's how we PROVE our claim. 1 W^^- Send us a sample from the last suit you had made; B g or, send us a sample of the .suit you intend tovbuy, / I I DON'T TELL US wnat you paid for" the ojie^ or I § —what your tailor wants for the other. Then WE will tell I I you what we will make you as good a suit. for. I I REMEMBEF we shall not know your price. But i § you'll find OUk price is about half what your tailor I I .wants to charge for. the. SAME QUALITY suit. . IT 1 We will make this' suit to; your measure— you try it 1 1 on and if it does not come up to expectations iD every ■ I -'.. particular send it back at OUR expense, arid we will I 1 AYe hereby agree that YOU ALONE shall be the I H : judge of fit> value, and quality. * - B 1 Shall we send you samples on that understanding, a,nd g I V our booklet, "BETTERSUITS for LESS MONEY"— 1 I ■■-.-■•■ Then fill in the coupon and mail it to-day to B , H Tribe <t Co., Ohrislehufeh. . .. . TDIDC & f*'*\ B ■ B . Eleaie -send me your free Booklet I fvltSfmi Qt \jQa ■ ' H and Patterns at advertised in tht • .'-... ■■ -. fl ' m~ It U understood I disnot'Commit myself in . -.-■'.■ Suits by Mail . 9 § Warn................................... 5i...... ESTD. 1881. - CHRISTCHURCH. fl: S Address ■ No. 11. jB

On Your Next Suit You oan sare £2 on your next suit, and have it made-to-your-meaßure in Christchurch in the latest style. I am making good suits to measure for from 89/6 upwards for gentlemen in your own town — suits' that are ft V eorreotly out in flgNj§* ■ any style desired, •_ JF Buits that are lined !^^»Ar with the best of iraP/£iPß&y lintagß, have real ||5gF f«S|jaw\ hair oloth fronts, are well padded, MSt mWIWm, and are honegtly tffl ggttgOfl] made thronghont, ■fSSsBKBXH and will retain gj WSHtiar their perfeotthape ErMjlsSall A WRITTEN BmS GUARANTEE S%Wmt\ FOR A FIT. S |f|lvi When you order ily Ww Toursnitfromme, |sfl I give you a writ- |ij|j |Jg| ten guarantee that , fjjfjl VM the elothei will fis isjl , |H yon perfeotlT or I -ml V\ undertake to re"- j%jEil IB fund every penny @^^***vm pt- I your- -money. - Conld anything be fairer? Could yon be proteoted more fully? No i I take all the risk, if there li any. . The materials used in my made-to-measure suits at from 39/6 are of the highest quality, the same quality as '■ yon aw in the habit -el paying the local tailor £4 or £6 for. SAMPLES FREE.' ' Write for my splendid samples of the latest Buitinga, my simple self-measure-m«nt. form, and my new style book.. I gladly send them post free. : They cost you nothing, they commit you to nothing, but they oan save yon . money. Write to-dar— now, while you think of it. : ADDSES3— ■ GEORGE DAYIES, 184 Colombo St., CHRISTCHORCB REWARD. A EEWARD will be paid for mforma _ol- tion leading to the conviction of any : person Removing "•• The Colonist " newspaper after delivery to customers, or in transit. . . BOND, FINNE V & CO., 4642 Proprietors " The Colonist." . .... nJ - , "UJ -■ v- * l ■ ; : - < ■ CO ' ■•■ ■ g ' UJ CO CD 'I- ;■..-. PUBLIC NOTICE. "Bailie Nicol Jarvle" has much pleasure in announcing his thorough appreciation of the keen and unexampled support he-has received during the .late campaign, by which he- still^ adorns the head of the poll, and, my friends, don't make any mstake, by supposing for a moment that because of this elevated and ' honourable position he"%ill, by one jot, relax his efforts to further retain your support; but will stick to his basic principle, viz., that purity in all thingß must be maintained. The Baih'e assures me as his trusted agent that having enormous stocks of the correct article continually maturing he can at all times satisfy, his supporters, and the -. late victory will emphasisejiis effqrts in that, direction.! By authority, J M. M. WEBSTER, . The "Bailie's" agent, 75 Trafalgar at. Baih'e Nicol Jarvie Whisky in Octaves. Bailie Nicol Jarvfo Whisky in qr. casks. . . , Baih'e Nicol Jarvjo, Whisky, m 1 doz. cases. Bailie Nicol Jarvin Whisky in 2 gal. jars. Standard Fire SJHarine INSUEANCE COMPANY OF N.Z. NELSON BEANCH. FIEE, MAEINE and GUAEANTEE. Policies issued at curfent rates. • Large and influential Colonial Proprietary. Prompt and liberal settlement of claims. ■ - F. A. BAMFOED, Nelson Savings Bank Buildings, Trafalgar Street. FIRE INSURANCE. Reduced Rates WITH THE Liverpool and London and Globe insurance Co £400.000 Invested in Arftrilasia. Prompt Settlement of C aims. • J.|H. COCK & CO., , — . Chief Agents.

" MOTUfIKO INNf" . f¥^HE undersigned having taken over 1 JL the above well-known hostelry in ' *h« Motupibo Valley (late Corletfs), 1 bags to assure the public that no effort 1 will be wanting on his part to maintain > fc» reputation of the house as a favorite ' resort for those wishing to spend a few ■ d»fi ior /if eeks in the country. Families, ' Fithermen, and Sportsmen will find comforteble quarters, ana every attention for 1 lfc«ir pleasure and comf jrt. 1 , i : GEOEGE BIGGS, • ~ i* "-- "'■ \ Proprietor. PANAMA HOTEL . : COENEE HABDY & COLLING WOOD-STREETS THE . undersigned, having taken over - the above Hotel, Las thoroughly renovated, and completely re-furnished th« house, which now offers comfortable *nd superior accommodation to the travelling public or permanent boarders, at MODEEATE CHAEGES. - TVihbs, Axes, and Spietts of. the Best Brands Oblt. . . j. BRIGGS. . (Late of Wanganui.) .4927 Tyree's__St«dioi mHIg STUDIO has recently been fitted JL up with new and up-to-date appli•n*M for the production of ; High Class Photographs. EUTLAEGEMENTS made from anj Photograph. Satisfaction guaranteed Komi.— W. Tyree doe's not employ any OKnTMaeri. Send all orders to . TYEEE'S STUDIO.— . Trafalgar-street Fertilisers. IS STOCK— Picton, Eape and ltirnik •to; Eockland, Hop, Grain, Potato, eto; Shirley's Sup. of Lime Wei. lington Blood and Bone. SmppUed in sacks or by the ton. BISLEY BEOS. & CO., 8700 .": Sole Agents SOUTH BRITISH Insurance Company, Limited. Capital ... ™ ... .62,900,000 JLco«mul*ted Funds exceed.. £542,500 FlMakd MAEINE and ACCIDENT . INSUEANCES, Inelmding Employers' Liability for Compensation under the Workers' Compensati»m Acts, Mortgage Indemnity, Public^ Ei«k, Personal Accident either sirigly-or in c»njuncti6n with Sickness Benefits ; Bwglarj, Plate Glass/Fidelity Gnarantee, ote., '-■;-■ ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CUEEENT EATES. . ' SDB-AGENTS FOB DISTBICT: City, Eobertson Bros. ; Motneka, H. A. Tarrant ; Eichmond, W. E. May ; Takaka, J. J. Langridge & Co. ; Wakefield, E. J. Paintoa; Collingwood, W.- C. Biley & Co.; Upper Moutere, C, F. Muntz ; Westport, J. J. Molony. . F, & D. JEDWA3DS, __ AGENTS, -■• ..-•-■ KTEAF ALGAE STEEET. ■■.■■" \ .(Next National Bank). tts^^SOVERNWENT HpURANCr - FACT No. I. The GUARANTEE OF THE STATE jozh iriffl XYgry PoHcy tasne^ l^^he Apartment. Bt»»T |apßon tagnred ander its Krfitioi* leetß abßcSntely weere, fiwaly —tared that whatever may . happen the fall valne of bii policy fa m certain to be paid when th» accraa v tha> the win ihaU tgfch in ftte> morning.

JUNCTION HOTEL TAKAKA. ME. JOSEPH HYDE, ex-Captfc£n •Artillery Yelunteers, and formerly proprietor of the Foxhffl Hotel, desires *> inform his.old friends and the traTelli«f public that he has taken over the abore well-known hotel, and visitors and travellers can rely upon receiving evory »tte»tion, with civility, Superior accomßi*dation, moderate tariff. ; •'"... Conveyance meets all steamers. Hohp* ■and .Vehicles on Hire. Up-to-date Billiard Table. ' \* Best Brands Wines and. Spirits only. . : Letters and Telegrams promptly t.-, »nd«dto - x * e TELEGRAPH HOTEL ..-■ • - TAKAKA. OTTO HA ASE- (formerly of the Bel grove Hotel), in notifying that he has taken the above old established anu centrally situated Hotel, wishes the publi to know thai he has had new rooms added, and the whole place thoroughly renovated and refurnished. '■.-.;■. . . ' Travellers and Visitors will find the TELEGBAPH a comfortable and wellappointed Hotel, the- interior arrangements having the personal-supervision of Mbs Haase. The Stables will -have the personal attention of the Proprietor, andHowee and Vehicles (two and four wheolers) will be kept on Hire. A Covered Conveyance will.aJso meet all Steamers. First-class Sample E«oom. ' " Good Billiard Table. Letters and telegrams receive prompt attention.-. ." • , it Will Pay Those who are about to connee_ with the - NEW SEWEEAGE SCHEME To Consu H.J. FLATT, who has had large experience, ' and is a Certificated ' . " SANITABY PLUMBEB. -ENQUIEIES SOLICITED and ESTIMATES FJJENISHED. WOBKMANSHIP GUABANTBID. 3tt7. Telephone Nnmber 327. THE NEW MOTTO. Nelson expects that they child wrxt do its Dirn-^-ASK FOE KoTIONERT. Have you tried these New Linos t - - Wild Eabbits. Chocolate Chkvi-baks. Chocolatb Mexican Fbtjits. Chocolate Lunch. Chololate lob Cbbams. All Eetail Confectioners. NOTHING MuriE >- SUITABLE FOR^A / New Year i — ■"" ■■ ■ • THAN A. Nice Engraving Cnyice Assortment at lj. RAVAGE & SONS, \RDY STREET.

■'■•.' ' : ■•■"-■■■-■.■■ - i We are making a Splash with f Anti-Splash. You save the Splash. See' it Demonstrated at . CARLISLE & GO'S, PLUMBERS, ETC., I Haedt-steeet. , - •- ■- '■;■' Foil mLE. ; ; ■ A B AKEE"? Trade. Annual turnoveiJ\. : twenty-six hundred pounds ] about, and can be largely increased ; in a rising townanip^in Nelson Province. A\ splendid opportunity for one in this line 1J of business to Jake on. No. opposition j small capital required.^ Price £930. For further particulars apply to the under-: signed. . ■ , " . - " H. C. HOLYOAKE, ] Land Agent, 3115 ■'.•■".:-. Eiwaka. STANLEY BEOOK AND WAKE- - FIELD MAIL. T EAVES Stanley Brook every TTJES-I-I DAT, THUESDATandSATUEDAT Morning~sat 6.45, calling at Thorpe Tost Office at 8.10, and 9, arriving at Wakefield at 11 a.m. Eeturns same day, leaving Wakefield at 1 p.m., Dpvedale at 3 p.m,, and Thorpe af4 p.m., arriving at Stanley Brook at 5i30 p.m. A comiortable: Conveyance for Passen gers. ~ Parcels carried at a reasonable mte. All orders entrusted. to the undersigned will be carefully attended to. :■, ■'. •■ ■ .- '■/'"■ J. THOENEj '■' , '- : ■•'•■-'.'.'.• •. . ■• .^ Alail Contractor '-■'-.'■ : --- NEWMAN BEOS.'j .. Royal Mall Coaches. '■:';■' TO BLENHEIM. Leave prowii Stables, Nelson, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at Yam. • -■'■. Leave Club Hotel, Blenheim, on return, Tuesdays, Thursdays, wnd Saturdays at 7 a.m. Parcels carried at moderate rates. Booking Office : Crown Stables. NEWMAN BEOS., Proprietors NOTICE. I.X.L. CO., B DTEES, CLEANEES, ETC. REMOVED" to 75, COLLING WOOD-STEEET ". 6rder3 promptly attended to.

NEWMAN. BEOS. vRQYAIr MA.m Jp^GHE^. ; „ WES^T COAST -SEEVICE. T EAVE Motupiko for the West Coast JLJ on Arrival of Trains on TUESD AT and PKlDATjEetnrning again on WEDNESDAY and SATUEDATric tiihe for Passengers to catch the Trains for Kelson. The Motupiko Coach connects with the itaef ton : and Westport - Coaches at Inangahua Junction. .-.-■. Parcels carried at moderate rates. - Booking Office : Crown Stables. NEWMAN BEOS., Proprietors, " ROYAL-MAIL COAOH. Nelson— Richmond— Motueka— Bjwaka. NEWMAN BEOS., .Pwprvetor's. ■" fTIHE "Proprietors the attention of ■JL the travelling public to the fact that the iEicHiroND-EiwAKA Coach Seevice has beon extended to and Coaches ■nowj -leave- the. Crown StableSi ■ Nelson, DAILY, or Eiwaka, and amve^daily from •Eiwaka, as p<jr timetable appended. '■'.- All parcels and orders receive strict and businesslike attention. . ' '■■■ Daily Timetable Leaye Nelson for Eiwaka at 9 a^m. ; arriv- ,.- ; ing.Eiwaka 2.30 p.m. ■'■ ; Leave Eiwaka" for: Nelson at 8 a.m., ; :' arriving Nelson 1.30 p.m. ' Luncheon : Eedwood's Valley. •**- NEWMAN BEOS., Proprietors. WARDROP&CO. LAND, ESTATE & COMMISSION . AGENTS, . AUGTIONEEES, ETC., . "MdTUEKA, . ■-"■;■ Have the following. -.. 1 PEOPEETIES FOE SALE:— 8 Acres Native Lease, dose proximity to High Btreet ; good soil and- well adapted toi fruit growing, at present ander plough. IS ..Acres Freehold in Borough; 6 roomed house and . outbuildings in good repair. . _ ■: . 7 Acres Orchard, half , in full bearing and half partial,. together with 30 Acres Native. Lease,, under plough and hops, An ideal^homestgad and farm. 650 Acres. in grass, wei -watered; -good soil, subdivided into -paddocks ; unlimited' supply of posts" on- prdpbrty ; . carrying presently SQO sheep, besides cattle. ! Adjoining a 230 acre block now opened I up. These properties can be extended to j an unliniited area, as they adjoin Crown | lands. "- Price £4, 10s per.aore. : 22 Acres Native Lease, in Boro h; rent £1 per annum ; soil second to none; '4 acres orchard in bearing, 1 acre hops, ■balance for any root crops or fruit., 13 Acres Freehold, in Borough j 4 acres grass, 8 acres fine flat land, subdivided into five paddocks by fences ; 10-roomed house in good of der, coachhouse, stable, and outbuildings. 230 Acres Freehold, felled and in grass, good soil, well watered,- all ploughable; subdivided into 3 paddocks; 10 acres under crop ; small whare. .602 Acres,;4lo Freehold, 102 L.1.P.; mostly ploughable land, carrying 350 sheep; whare, barn, stabJes ; within easy distance of port and Motueka Borough. Price £2, 100. And various other properties. Monthly Stock Sales in our Yards, Pahstreet, -Motueka. Open to receive'entries. ALFEED GOULD. 757_ " Auctioneer. ,

#W^^™™^s»^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^#i#%«#*ll4 1 frl«l CITIT^ :V The Famous Remedy for H©OTl^© S Birpncni*:^ vwiei coue-hs & Golds bi^i-tJcSi^S^i^^C^e^^ Cough no, Asth^ato b^ *£" Wed with thUn.edidae. No house should be ythout „, as, tafcen

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Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12469, 20 February 1909, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12469, 20 February 1909, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12469, 20 February 1909, Page 1