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OnYourNextSi , Yon oan sate £2 on your next Buit, and have it made-to-your-meaiure in Christchurch in (he latest style. ' I am making good suits to measure for from 89/6 upwards for gentlemen in your own tovra _«» —suits that ars ft eorredtly out. in C!w any style desired, V 3 suitathatarelined with the beat of .■ , MFhflfiß&k linings, have real flHr fMuKViA hair cloth fronts, H»«5M»m are well padded, MBR WaWim ' and are honestly Mff BimilJWl) made throughout, XmLNJiIUZga : and will, retain Rlllwrr^r theirperfeotshapr ',' M»|lfflMKl' A WRITTEN IHMJ GUARANTEE >nN{Mf FOR A FIT. < WsWl ' ■ i ■/ When you order Ifljj vM your suit fromme, Iffiff Wa I giTe you a writ- 111 | wM ten guarantee that Sffli sSI the clothes will fit Wg/I M you perfeoQy or I SHtfl . Ift > undertake to -re- £^mal H fundoTery penny • •■■S^^*M« of your money. ■ 't" Could anything be fairer? Oouldyou be proteoted more fully ? No V I take all the risk, if them ig any. . . The materials uud in my made-to-measure suits at from 39/6 are of. the' highest quality, tha same quality as you are in the habit tvf paying the looal ta,ilor £i or £6 for. ' SAM PLEB FREE.' . : Write for my splendid Bamples of the - latest suitings, my simple self-measure-ment form, and my new stylo book. I gladly send them post free. . . - They cost you nothing, they oommit you to nothing, bat they can save you money. Write tp-day— now, while you think of it. ADDRESS— 6EOKGE DiYIES, 18 4 Colombo St., CHRISTCHUBCH. REWARD. AEEWARD -will be paid for informs, tion leading to the conviction of any person removing '• The Colonist " newspaper after delivery to customers, or in transit. -> • . . ■ BOND, FINNEY & CO., 4642 Proprietors '• The Colonist." o .s * v. w - -.^^O :^. . . ■ r#T .-g £ |g,!.1. t .fi.|^ '^StS-S : t I EH S §-l « 's I ■ J PUBLIC NOTICE. "Bailie Nicol Jarvie" has much pleasure in announcing his thorough appreciation of the keen and : unexampled support he has received during the late campaign, by which he still adorns the head of the poll, and, my friends," don't make any mstake, by supposing for > a moment that because of this elevated and honourable position he will, by one jot, relax r his efforts to further retain' your support; but will stick to his basic principle, viz., that purity in all things must be maintained.' The Bailie assures me as his trusted agent that having enormous stocks of the correct article continually maturing he: can at all times satisfy his supporters, and the late victory .will emphasise his efforts in that direction.'- . . ■< By authority, >■■ ■..',. ■■■■-•• M.M. WEBSTER, The "Bailie's" agent, 75 Trafalgar st. Bailie Nicol Jaryie Whisky in Octaves. '' _„ , . Bailie Nicol Jarvie Whisky in qr. ■ casks. : -^ 1; . • '-■ ■_ Bailie Nicol Jarvie Whisky in 1 doz. cases. , n , Bailie Nicol Jarvi« Whisky v 'm 2 t gaL jars. ' - ' - :j .• " ;•■'■■'.._ Standard Fira& Marine INSUBANCE COMPANY OF .BTjZ.:" * NELSON BRANCH. ' ' ' " - . ■ ■ ' ■■• '■ - ■ . ■ y F'lEB.-MAETNE and GUAEANTEE. Policies issued, at current rates; :- . Large and influential Colonial Proprietary. . Prompt and liberal settlement of claims. . . 'F. A. BAMFOED; Nelson Savings Bank Buildings, ■'■„■■' .1 Trafalgar Street. . FIRE INSURANCE. Reduce? Bates WITH THE Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Co £400.000 Invested in Australasia. Prompt Settlement of Claims. ■ J.IH'.'CdCK & CO.,r ; ' , •■-.■■." ' . ■•■;■'■■■ Chief Agents.

T ■"■'.'■■ -'<,'-■ . ;.• ' i :'■"■'■■■■■, '?'■.■"■«''■• ' ' ' ' ' ■ ; Jam Making and Fruit Preserving. . We have IMPORTED rery Large . Stocks of all Requisites for this Season :-r- ■■ -^ i^\ V v- ■ . Mason ', Atlas, and Chicago Fruit Pregerving Jsts, in Pints, Quarts, " and Glass Screw Top and Tie-OTer, lib and 21b Jam Jaw, '■> 7>; Stone Jam Jars, 1,2, and 41bs. .. „_.,. '■ Jelly. Tumblers.. Nests ol White Jars. >- ' ; Preserving Pans, Enamel Stew Pah's. . '^ .. Wood Spoons, Stove Mats. „„■ . ,» . ; Baskets for Fiuit Picking^ '■»',; , : ' / . - s .. Pulp Buckets for Raspberry picking, Eto. ' ■•'■.'". Also 1, 2, and 5 gal .Demijohns ; 1,*2, Sand 4 gal. Stone Butter Jare, 1 and all kinds of. Glass -and China Dishes for f- serving ;Frtiit, eto., at; table. s • . ■• ■ ■ .■■■.■. '■ .. ••'■ : ; '-. ■•<■'} ■ ' . ■ ■"' ; ■"■'" • ■ ■B. Shodgrass and : Soiis, .: > STAFFOHDSHIRE HOUSE," , DIRECT IMPORTERS, - ■'■ ■■ . ;■'■- . . - '■:. ; : .".; ; - -NELSON. .

For 21 Days, from Jan. 18th to Feb Bth, WE are offering the whole of our Stock of Beautiful Carpets, High Grade Linoleums, Hearthrugs, Slip Mats, Table Covers, Dainty Curtains, and all Furnishing Drapery at a SEDUCTION OF 10 PEE CENT (2/- INJTHE £) . for cash. Have you ever inspected our furnishing department? ' If so, you must have been impressed with the . EXCELLENT SELECTION, THE HIGH QUALITY, THE MODERATE PEICE. All Eemnants of Carpets, Linoleums, etc., will be sold regard- ,V, less of cost. <■' I E. BUXTON & CO., LIMITED, TEAFALGAE STEEET, ■ NELSON/ m^^^S^^^HE^m WE YOU THAT. I _j^ Here's how we PROVE our claim. ' 1 W^~. Send us a sample from the' last suit you had- made;.; 1 ■ or, send us a sample of the suit you intend to buy. 9 DON'T TELL "" US what you paid for the one or .B. what your iailor wants for the other. Then WE will tell . ,j you what we will make you as good a suit for.. ■ REMEMBER we shall not know your price. ' But 9 you'll find OUR price is about half what your tailor B ■ wants to charge for the SAME QUALITY' suit. V I : . We will make this suit to your measure— you try it I on and if it does not come up to expectations; in every ■ particular: send it back at OUR expense, and we will refund your money. : We hereby agree that. YOU ALONE shall be the ] judge of fit, value, and quality. .;■,-. . Shall we send you samples oh that understanding, and I our booklet, "BETTER SUITS for LESS MONEY "— .■^ both FREE?, • / • : ! THen fill in the coupon and mail it to-day to . Tribe & Co., ChrUtchurpK. \ • TDIOF ' 0 V*A ' '8 Fleate ttnd me your free Booklet g fxB&SEL Ci. vOt ■ and Pattern at a'dveftited in tht ■ , . \- -- B ......:......;............ ................:.....:............... wiade to Measure ' ■ It it underttood Ido not commit myielf in Cult's by Mail H anyway whatever, '"■"_. . ' ■'" ' ■»■«•■■ ■• • f& : Name..., .............:. ', ESTD. 1881. CHRISTCHURCH. 1 Addre55..,,.....,.,,...,.,......., ' .. No. ii« . . ' -^3 • - ::''■ ■ '■' ■ ' ' ' ;" ■■ *;-. ' .""■■' ■ " . ■' ■ -"■".> i ;.•"■•' r - • ' ''. ■ ' " ' *'V -

MOTUPIKO INN. nnHE undersigned having taken over JL- the above well-known hostelry in «h« Motupiko Valley (late Corletf s), . begs to. assure the public that no effort . will be wanting, on -his part to maintain £h» reputation of the house as a favorite resort for' those wishing' to spend a few days or weeks in- the country. ;: Families, Fifhermen, and Sportsmen will find comfortable,: quarters, ana every attention for their pleasure and comfjrt. ' ■ GEOEGE BIGGS, : Proprietor, PANAMA HOTEL. COENEB ■ HAEDY &• COLL rNGWOOD-STEEETS THE undersigned, having taken - over the above Hotel,, Las thoroughly renpyated and completely re-furriished the house, which now .offers comfortable and -superior accommodation to the travelling public or permanent boarders, at MODEEATE CHAEGES. Wines, Ales, and s Spieits of the . ; Best Bkandsi Oelt. J. BRIGGS. (Late of Wanganui.) 4927 Tyree's Studio. fTIjIIS STUDIO has recently beeri fitted JL. up with new and up-to-date appli»no»s for the production of High Class Photographs. 1 EVLAEGEMENTS made from any Photograph. Satisfaction guaranteed' •¥otii. — W. Tyree does not employ anj canvassers. Send all orders to . TYEEE'S STUDIO. ■ Trafalgar-street Fertilisers. IN STOCK— Picton, Eape and lturnip, •te; Eockland, Hop, Grain, Potato, •to; Shirley's Sup. of Lime , Well lington Blood and Bone. SuppUedinsacksor'bytho ton". ... BISLEY BEOS, & CO., 8700 ■ V Sole-Agents SOUTH BRITISH Insurance Company, Limited. Capital "... '■■';.. ... \ £2,900,000 Accumulated Funds exceed.. £542,500 FIU ahd "MAEINE and ACCIDENT INSUEANCES,. Including Employers' Liability for Compea»tion under the Workers' Compensation Acts, Mortgage Indemnity, Public fiisk, Personal Accident either singly 1 " or in conjunction with Sickness Benefits ; Burglary, Plate Glass, Fidelity Guarantee, et«., ■ ... ■''."•"'■ !' - ACCEPTED AT LbWEST'CUEEENT RATES. , ' ' Sub- Agents fob' DißTEicrr : City, Sobertson Bros^ Motueka, H. A. Tarrant; Eichmond,W. E.May ; Takaka, J. J. Langridge & Co.; Wakefield, E. J. Painton; Collingwood, W. C. Eiley & Co.; Upper Meutere,.C, F. Muntz; . Westport, J. J. Molony. .■,-'.•'".■'■'■"' F; & D. EdWARDSv AGENTS, ■■■ ETRAFALGAE STEEET. . . .t . .- (Next National Bank). »» JMIVBinfMTEiIT^fS l »'I3«PARf NiSSiT 1 FACT No- J. The GUARANTEE OP THE STATE I g oe » >M every Policy Issnei bfithe Apartment. ■■ ■ ' «"i«— ' ....... . .'".!* . Btmt fWBQD Insured ander iU " aonaitiooj teata abselntelY a«» Pro, ' firmly Mwncea that whatever may happen the fall vrit» ol hit poKe? is v certain to be paid when ths | olaim acemei m thai the ran ■hall riM 1h ii»_agornlßg.

JUNCTION HOTEL : ' TAIITA. Tftyrß. JOSEPH HYDE, eJt-Captem JjA- Artillery Velunteers, and formerly proprietor of the Foxhill Hotel, desires to. inform his old friends and the travelling, public that he has, taken over the aboYO well-known hotel, and visitors and traveli iara can rely upon receiving evory atten--1 tidn, with civility, Superior accommodation, moderate tariff. ." ; ■ : Conveyance meets all steamerß. Horsea and Vehioles on Hire. Up-to-date Bjlliard Table/ , .\- --■' Best Brands Wines and Spirits only. Letters and Telegrams promptly p«. Judedto ;., KM . ;»!^<nxL 1 ' /-\TTO HA ASE (formerly ofjthe Bel AJf- grove Hotel), in notifying" that, he baa taken the above" old established: ana Wtrally situated Hotel, wishes the public to -Snow that he has had new rooms added, and the whole place thoroughly renovated and refurnished. - ■ ■ • Travellers and Visitors will find the TELEGEAPH a comfortable and wellappointed Hotel, the interior arrangements having the personal supervision of r . Mitft Haabb. . " The will have the personal attention of the Proprietor, andHoraw an 4 Vehicles (two and four wheolers) will be kept on Hire. A Covered Conveyance will also meet all Steamerß. . First-class Sample Eoom. . . -■•****. 'Good Billiard Tablo.. Letters and telegrams: receive prompt rAtterfticjn^ ' ittWill Piy Those who are about to conneo with the NEW SEWEEAGE SCHEME To consu H. J. FLATT, who has had large experienct, and is a Certificated SANITARY PLUMBEB. ENQUIEIES SOLICITED and ESTIMATES FUENISHED. WOBKMANSHIP GUABANTEED. 217 ' Telephone Number 327. % , THE NEW MOTTO. Nelson expects that vest child wils . do. it's Dtrrr — ASK FOE cKotiWy. •Have you tried these Nevr Linos ? "■* Wild Eabbits. Chocolate Chew-babs. Chocolate Mexican Fbtjits. Chocolate Lunch. Chololate Ice . Cbeams. All Eetail Confectioners. v * \** * " ?.. « -^ .^ J - '. NOTHING MuflE . • ' BniT^BLE t FpRA| tiift - JL ~" • iTHANgAI^Ir^BSBS i Nice Engraving Ctae Assortment at . , J. SAVAGE & SONS. \RDY STREET. , l 'zAIL^XI. x j-— i^LULaaLtKS 1. ' - <

AN IRISHMAN once said, ■frhen asied, .", Why he,: did not •":' y^ EEPAtKAi8 l Soo£^^ :r ';^ iw '— - ; " Share,.- when it's raining, I kant go out, and when it's not raining I don't need to.?' ■ - . ■ ■.< ' 'Mother Irishman GAELISLB . b. fiuneV'siiys : " Don't let come in to-da what ybh can keep out till to-morrow." ;■ "You have been trying to" do this • with youß- roof for. years,"but have failed, so have had to content yourself with catching the' drips' in : buckets and pans of all sorts, or" soaking the water ap-with sacks to the annoyance of the household. , We are Experts in Roof Work. NO EOOF CAN BEAT US. WE DEFY THE ELEMENTSi As an exampie of our ability, we Eepaired a roof in Nelson that has defied tradesmen for seventeen years. We can show you testimony. GIVE USA TEIAL. F. A. CARLISLE, ..', Address : 30, Habdy-btbeet. I 'Stand Out' 1 jl is a gf«a* favourite when h/J HI afternoon tea time comes. , jj// M It is a perfedt blend of the |j U finest Ceylon Teas, and hat Fl i. ' that delightful aroma and pleas- \1 [j ing tafte which contribute so Hi 'V\ largely to a really enjoyable |] )/ tete-a-tete. Gjupons in every II I ( 1/6/1/8,1/10, 21- Ib. | fc^^^ ALL GROCERS \ Obtainable from A. K.|Kitohing, E. V Nicol, J. Scott, M. M. .Webster, J. Wood G. 11,I 1 , Hingston, Eranzen & Co., L. T Bowden & Co., T. Pettit, Stewart & Co. E. Grove & Son, Industrial .Co-Operative Those Soiled and Shabby Garments BIGHT ALONG to the I.X.L. DYEMiro- v ;^ CLEANING WORKS

NEWMAN BEOS. / : v ' ROTAL MAIL \CQAjOHi?S^^^ , : "-";'"; ';; WEST COAST SeEVICE. ""f [} : ] LEAVE Motupiko for the West' Coaston Arrival of Trains onTUBSDATv : ; and FEID AT, Eeturning again on-"WED- : NESDA V and SATUBDAT, In time .for Passengers tp_catch the Trains for Nelson. ; . The Motupiko Coach connects, with- the : Eeeftonj and. Westport 'j Coaches' jat ■'. Ipingahua Junction. ' ' ■; ' ■ " Parcels carried at moderate rates. Booking Office : Crown Stables. NEWMAN 'BEOS., Proprietors, ROYAL MAIL GOAOH. Nelson— Richmond— Motueka— Riwaka. - NEWMAN BEOS., Proprietors. THE Proprietors call the attention of - the travelling public to the fact that the Eichmond-Eiwaka Coach Sbevice has bean extended to Nelson, and Coaches now leave the Crown Stables, Nelson, DAILY, or Eiwaka, andasrive daily from. Eiwaka, as per timetabl) appended. All parcels and orders receive strict and businesslike attention. Daily Timetable Leave Nelson for Eiwaka at 9 a.m. j arriving Eiwaka 2.30 p.m. Leave Eiwaka for Nelson at 8 a.m., arriving Nelson 1.30 p.m. * Luncheon : Eedwood's Valley. NEWMAN.J3EOS., Proprietors. WARDROP&CO. LA V ND, ESTATE & COMMISSION AGENTS, ' AUCTIONEEES, ETC., < MOTUEKA,. , , • Have the following PEOPEBTIES^EOB SALE :— 28 Acres Native Lease, close proximity to High street ; good soil and well adapted to fruit growing, at present aaler ploughs 13 Aores Freehold in Borough; 6 roomed house and -outbuildings in good repair, j--7 Acrls Orchard, half, in full bearing and half together with 30 A«res Native Lease, under plough and hops,' An ideal homestgad and farm. "' '' 650 Acres in grass, wei watered ; good soil; subdivided into paddocks; unlimited supply of posts on property ; carrying presently 500 sheep, besides cattle. Adjoining a 230 acre blpck now opened up. These properties can be extended to an unlimited area, aS'they adjoin Crown lands. Price £A 10s per acre. 22 Acres Native I "'. Lease, in .Boro h; rent £1 per annum ; "soil second to none ; 4 acres orchard in* bearing, 1 acce^hops, balance for any rctDt'"cr6pa_or fruit-' 13 Acres Freehold, in Borough; 4 acres grass, 8 acres fine 1 ' flat 1 land? subdivided into five paddooks by fences ; 10-roomed house in good order, coachhouse, stable, and outbuildings? ± i • h---230 Acres Freehold; felled and in gras3, good soil, well watered, all ploughable; subdivided into 3 paddocks; 10 aores under crop ; small whare.' '602 Aores, 410 Freehold, '102 L.1.P.; mostly ploughable land, carrying 350 sheep ; whare, barn, stables ; within easy distance of port and Motueka Borough. Prica " a And"yarionß other properties. \ , Monthly Stock Sales in our Yards, ( Pahstreet, Motueka. Open to receive.entries. ALFEED GOULD. UK* • ' . Auctioneer.

10 WAIMPiA-STBBET. ' Phohß 81 ?i M .. M ii— . ■■■••.■• ••■■ Hearne's BroncMtto Cvxe^ » * v " '* > , '„■•.■■■ ;^ v- ■ - ; ;- : ■•.-■■" ■■.:■■..■ - ..- ' .. -v ■■■■■•• '■■■■■

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Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12455, 3 February 1909, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12455, 3 February 1909, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12455, 3 February 1909, Page 1