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'' | Try Befbpe You Buy. ; f^^ I That's our method— don't buy. a suit JT^i. O ■- I Get a EUREKA SUIT Made to your . ' :, a Measure and save about half your suit . j^^^^^m^^^^ I w , TRY.- IT BEFORE YOU- BUY IT. /i^^H^M^^Mi' i Dozens of men nave bought this -way fi^»(fp|;| . I and been glad they did. BECAUSE 111 § every Eureka is made from thoroughly ■ - Wlf P'Mf MlfetM f Hag 1 good English or Colonial Worsteds, y iRPv -■■■■■ Serges; Vi.mnas or. Tweeds, stylishly / «I|WMI|%S Slf I cut and faifchfuUy.nnisbed- throughout, ".'■' II M>wM'^si%m W*S — 8 at about half the ordinary tailor's . II " fewJf^Ml^M I . You just write for our free patterns / K^^^-lll^ ' — B and Simplicity self-measurement form. B " W^*&Sii \ \ 5;. ■'■ ■-' Then choose tho pattern you like aud ./' I^MvmlmilM l\ \ S .getafttendto'tftkeyourmeasnvo. . V mfijWWrm l\ \ Mt *''.tl|tfbi^M'''%illß.|© WIEASURE "' .^^^ i*V !■ We deliver to you, all charges paid, I 1 — H- -and yoii theu try on, get youi - fi'iends If If? -" .*■ 1 : 'to! criticise it all they can, and .if- not ' - a J^S »^ ~ . 'I satisfied the suit (its and looks % as well. . >^ '. _^j_ m:. '-' '; .- • !B ■■■ •; .as'ftny yoa ever had -yon- nwyr(sturn r it; ; ■ /^j ■■dff. - @gMji- 1 ~" H :•' 'anil we'll return yoiu; money.: The sale. „ | Wfjj' * — — .■■ T fl ,is riot completed until YOUare satisfied, \/ -. | &• ■'■ ■'" " ._. a hut WE take all the risk. ... ' 3^^/ ■ 011 a "Fill, in your name and address be-ow and we.'ll. send you our patterns 1 •H '''andbboklot, "Better Suits for Less Money" — -both' free. Do it now. -4 A ; H : B bßi B a=i9 S -Ot %o\Jii ■-'■ p riease send me your free Booklet and. 'T H ump to iTioimc : tt PPai r' r ' 1 ' as advertised in ihe ......„;...,,' 0." fl • MADE TO riEASURE | ;..:1...._.......,.....:..;..; ; .. . : ± : >f 5 H SUITS" BY-MAIL . . .. fl It f« ; ««d«rat nd Ido not commit mmelfiii )S H - ■■■■-■/ - . B a 'V wa !l wlmtcver. • ' .■I y esto.1881; . CHRISTCHURGH..J »«»^.,..: : ; . ..............;;. ft^ - , No. 10 •!'..' .' Jk Addttss „., /j

JUNCTION HOTEL ■■. ; TAKAEA. ■■.■■-■' f li/TE. JOSEPH HYDE, ex-CapWn ~ JjJL Artillery Volunteers, and formerly proprietor of the Foxhill Hotel; desires to i inform his old friends and the travelling _ J public that he has taken. over the above in well-known hotel, and visitors and travel- ; lers can rely upon receiving evory attent ion, with civility, Superior accommodation, moderate tariff. ■ ... Conveyance meets all steamers. Horseß and. Vehicles on Hire. Up-to-date "• Billiard Table. . ' .. ■■ Best Brands' Wines and Spirits only. . Letters and Telegrams promptly at »nded to . - 18fi TELEGRAPH HOTEL" ■ -;-. ; ;-; y^:-;'S?AJKAEA ; .Y--y--- : .. -■/-.? ( (T^TTO HAASE (formerly of the Bel \J groVe'Hotel), in notifying that he has taken the above old established ana centrally situated Hotel, wishes the publii to know that he has had new rooms added, and the whole place thoroughly renovated and refurnished. ; i Travellers and Visitors will find tie TELEGRAPH a comfortable and wellappointed -Hotel, the interior arrangements haying the personal supervision of Mbs Haasb. " *■''.. .•'.;" ;;. . .-; . j. The- Stables, will, have 'the personal attention of the .Proprietor, and Horses . and Vehicles; (two and four wheolers) will be kept on Hire. ■ A Covered Conveyance will also meet all Steamers. ..... . . - ,; Firsfr-olasSiSampleißoom. ' " : , '•; ... : : ■ ' : : ~;^G6od" Billiard* Table, ' Letters and telegrams receivs prompt attention. _ :■-•:'■;•;■ ■:.; : ... ■[■ r ' ' A ' BAKEEY Trade. Annual turnover _fSL \£2,600, twenty-six. hundred pounds about, and can be largely increased ; in a rising township in .Nelson Province. A splendid opporounity for one in this line '. of business to take on. No opposition ; small capital required. ; Price .£930. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. H. C. HOLTOAKE, . 3 - '.:'■■. : Land Agent, 3115 " Eiwaka. ' ' WARDROP & CO. . LAND, ESTATE & COMMISSION A&ENTS, * . AUCTIONEERS, ETC., , , ' .-i MOTUEKA^ . ; Have the following ' , PJBOPERTIES. -FOE SALE :— b 8 Acres Native Lease, close proximity to High street ; good.soil.and well adapted fc to fruit growing, at present under plough. 13 Acres Freehold" in.- Borough; 6 b roomed house and outbuildings in good repair. . ;'■:■'■ b 7 Acres Orchard, half in full bearing and half partial, together with 30 Acres t Native Lease, under plough and hops, An ideal homestead and farm. t * 650 Acres in grass, wei watered ; good soil, subdivided into paddocks ; unlimited supply of posts on property ; carrying presently 500 sheep, besides cattle. Adjoining a 230 acre block now opened - up. These properties can be extended to an unlimited area, as they adjoin Crown lands. Price £A 10s per acre. 22 Acres Native Lease, in Boro h; rent £1 per annum ;' soil second to none ; 4 acres orchard in bearing, 1 acre hops, balance for any root crops or fruit. 13 Acres' Freehold, uvßorough; 4 acres - grass, 8 acres fine flat land, subdivided into five paddocks by fences ; 10-roomed house in good order, coachhouse, stable, and outbuildings. 230 Acres Freehold, felled and in grass, 3 good soil, well .watered,, all ploughable; subdivided into 3"paddooks ; 10 acres , under crop ; small whare. 602 Acres, 410 Freehold, 102 L.1.P.; mostly ploughable land, carrying 350 : sheep % whare, barn, stables ; within easy i distance of port and Motueka Borough. I Price And various other properties. Monthly Stock Sales in our Yards, Pahstreet, Motueka. Open to receive entries. V. ALFRED GOULD. 755 ■ Auctioneer. j JUST LANDING, ExTongariro; New Designs >in Art and t Landscape {Friezes and I Wallpapers, . * Also' . Magnificent Collection of Art Engravings. . > INSPECTION INVITED. PICTURE FRAMING on Premises d at shortest notice. Choice >- range of MOULDINGS in Stock. y ' ESTIMATES GIVEN for all classes of £ • HOUSE DECOEATING.j - J. SAVAGE & SONS Nelson Papering £ -Warehouse. . Fabdt Strbbsj]

' ' - ' c; -. J 's^^^tVl& ■ Horse,, :. .. MOKAPUNA:; Will Travel this Season" from Stoke Belgrove. and other districts if sufficient inducement offers. • : : . ■ Moka.puka, 7 years old, is f rom TainaHinemoa, from Eostrevor. On both -the sire and dam side he is bred from the best blood, Tama-Hinemoa being a grandson of Towton, and Eostrevor a; granddaughter of Traducer. ~ ••," Fees £2 10s j' groomage ss. . .' ! ""'■■ • All fees to be paid on or before 9th January,l9o9. ■■■' ■'■'■$.■■ J. B. EDEN, Owner, 3891 ..■■" .; Brightwater. 'fttgtrimi To Travel This Search.; "■Ww^SfA The Young TEOTTIKTG STALLION,,; : - ' FiTZ ROY (1903); 1 By Toting Torpedo, from Daisy, by 3?rfcz James (imp.). Young Toepedo, by Torpedo (imp.), from Nancy (fast trotter), by Scamp-The Hawk, by Goldeii Eagle. ..Torpedo (Aus-, tralian record 10 miles, and sire of Tornado, Torpedo 11., Torpedo Bill, • Sub^ marine, etc.), was from Miss Modesty, -by Lucifer-Flyjng Beauty, by Perfection, *he erstwhile King of Trotters. Fitz James (imported by the late Mr John Kerr, fr6m. California,)^ sired those sterling, trottj?rs Eafus 'and; Olyde x and was by the'great. General McClennan-IdaKa, by Owen Dale. Fitz Eoy is a rich brown," standing: 16 hands, on a splendid set of. lcgsland feet; and exhibits in a marked degree a rare combination of quality and substance, with perfect action and a good turn of speed, and possesses those most essential qualities in : all vires— a sound constitution and docile ..cuwer. Fitz Koy's breeding is uridenia j k embracing as it! does thrpugh.Fit Janes and Torpedo, the two best strains b ood ever imported to the Dominion. • . ■ ' ■ Fitz Eoy. will serve a limited number of - mares at £2 10s each, payable on first January, 1909. Groomage 2s 6d." . ■ Mondays, '- ' Wakapuaka ; ; Thursdays, ■ Stoke, Eichmond, ' Appleby," and Bright- : water; remainder of. week, at owrer's stable. : : ' ', 3871. ••"■ J. W. HAASE. . ' — - — — — . . _ ■ ] ■■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ .i ' ' J&S^^ To Sland the Season. , The Thoboughbred : KNIGHT ERRANT. I '.- '■' ■■■-' ■'■.-.• .. ■ - ■ i By St, Legee— Foema. < Bred at Wellington Park ; related to 1 such horses as Multiform and Cruciform, 1 etc. See Stud Book. Knight Esbant is a dark chestnut, ] standing 16-2,: with commanding appearance, and the best bred horse that has < traveUed this district. He has -taken first honours in the thoroughbred class wherever shown. __. „■ 4- '■.■','. : Multiform, full brother; of Knight Errant' s dam, was sold for 3750 guineas and Knight ; Errant's. sister, Nucef orm, for breeding purposes only was sold for over 1500 guineas., ' _: - _. , This valuable .si re is' stationed at Mr James Hunt's stables, Richmond,' and will travel, Mondays : Bright- : water, Wakefield, Belgrove; Tuesdays: via Waimea West to Richmond; Wednesdays : Redwood's- Valley, Upper and Lower Moutere to Waimea West to Richmond; v Wednesdays, Redwoods Valley, Upper and Lower Moutere to Motueka ; Thursdays: Riwaka ; Teturnirig to Richmond'iFii- j day. A limited number of mares will be taken. ■ Terms : £4 4s ; groomage fee 5s - Two or more mares the property of same owner by arrangement. For further particulars N - LEN. TOMLINSON, "Groom in Charge, : , v Richmond..

COIXOHS, BBOWGHEIJIS, ASTHMA, & CONSUMPTION; Breatbing. Hoarseness. Pain or Soreness in th th« Aroat and giWng strength to the voice, and it adthtt allows a Cough or Asthma to become S^S'S^^to"^?'^ Xi^s\,e?eneer^ntoList%e?e..Co^ No house . £^b?^SrWtJtoa?lh P ."b4» - :s is B ener,n y s U ffic.e n t. and a Gomplet. Cure is certain. „ ¥eA^rj|ra.X*e Of Imitse nai The great success of HEARNE'B BRONCHITIS OURE, has induced ft number rf unnrindoled persons v *« imitations, each ealllns his medlcino "Bronchitis Oure," with thr object of deceiving the simpl«-mind « so setting a sale for an Imitation which has none of the beneficial effects thai. mearne-s BRONCHITIS CU \ Consequently It has become necessary to draw your attention to this fact, and to request you ir- yo. interests to be particular to ask for HEAftNE'S and to see that you get It HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS C3?S7£, Smr , 2/6 j Large Size, 4/6. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors, and by 4h^ Proprietor, W. Q. HEARNE, Che melons. Victoria, Forwarded to any Address, when not obtainable locallyNOTlCE.— Hearne's BroncMtis Cure No. 1 xloes ;KQT; contain any poison within the meaning of the Act. :. It is equally benefic: D ™ CU (^ES^^l S lir^ffeo^fiME^ Wl igentsdAMES BOON/^^^^ Obtainable from A. J. PALMER, FoxMll,T Motupiko, Tadmo*. ■ . f

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Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12410, 27 November 1908, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12410, 27 November 1908, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12410, 27 November 1908, Page 1