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W^^JrW^^^^^^ R. Sjioiiglfe £ttid Sons, W!LJLrtBm3BPw mt^J^^^f^k'i^LJj^^^^MM '"' "nT'RTJnT fiU"PAT>TVI?T>a church at the above prices for 'gentleiliP»ily Mr*&T M MpYßSaeti BskJtmms^&fSrGdrgß W UPsll -Ulxt-EiU-L UM-^UitlJittS. . men- right kero in your own town, M®V fJ* I B Wj&ZEkJrfrUk^WW \Jmo^>M QHP A T^l?A"PTlvitlTT?lfn TTATTQI? finish. They equal* in J appearance H ■•£ IM 8 E i&^m£a ■ : l'3§- WJikigo%*^^ £ "" ~^ WXfeJLy.OCJ JLJCvJCi LIV/UsHlit suits you have been in the habit of l|a : ;to a large 'tailoring firm— to TBIBE'S, f In preparation for ChuetirijMtSeason, We liave large famous "Keep-shape-' front. This ' J®S^ad&M&Bßlt^ u '^' ■''- Christchurch — and share in the sub- I ' ' -i front is a registered front that enlHj^jpi^V Btantial advantages of our methods of trading. ■■ ' j Shiomeiiti bf suros the coat from turning back ..:••. .Gentlemen's EUKEKA. SUITS made to measure under our system ' ■ « • ' the latest idea from the best Lonj £>■ usually mean a saving to you of £2 to £3 the suit, and wo guarantee ; f C* TH A C? f\ TVT A Tl T* XT' /^ •AAT\ C! and New York tailoring estab- |\: SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK. / f . OXLiiJL O U..IY ix JD Jj.lli \JT v/ WU © lishments, and Mr.Davies is fortuc? ' . &&L '* '""• T " ■ ' f nate indeed in possessing the excluk Tfife StyllSh Suit Hade tO MeaSUre I -ft Arrived and Amying, including- ; male^^^ahS^oVS I .-' ' \IJ^(SI ~ nnTMA • « " , bavo already sent . for ' samples and ! And Delivered Free of • MR~-tP* I /tCYroV /\ 1 OtilWA, ;; ■...-. » the simple self measurement form , I a-i r ham « f ßnm «L*^'/« JO? l\ I EARTHENWARE,! 1 . ■ ; and forwarded their order to Christ- ; A.I Charges from ... *V%J / m £S f ..J \ | - - :|- GLASSWARE, church since the ''kWp shlpe" [front s '■■•-.■.. f» I !' WANfY rtnOD«? =' ? - - '*" was introduced, have been highlr i : ...It is one .of the newest EUREKA styles, and we Tl MA | -«- a «vi «w"o, _ «/lmva '' ' pleased with the splendid coats j make to your measure in fine wear-resisting Grey, /jLj, r * T g . uUUl'o, made. Then special Care is given . ! Green, Brown, and other favourite Tweeds, Serges, /w 1 T[ H' 1 ♦ ■ ' i JAPANESE GOODS, to every detail in the making . of & or'the famous Blue Vicunas in. varying heights from f M% *%M S ELECTRO-PLATE, Of • every garment, and Mr Davies is a 45/- the suit. ■■■" >: ".' ' . ■': . / &1» jjMmx I CUTLERY : ■'''.-■-.:■-- so satisfied that your suit will give |^^^ stationebA -.. :;,-, - : Sr 2 ?lt:£ f f;aftt^ ; ...... ensures fit.^and ihe«vnU be found faith- lr"l /iflS? I ' ? BASKETS, has authorised us Estate that he _|, fully made and finished throughout, ; i ~ ■ '' i BRUSHWARE. will give iyou a written guarantee S We guarantee to satisfy you. If we don't, you 1 J to refund your money in full should | return the suit and we'll return your money. Fillin A iJffl-L^^. S •■ . ; q^ * ' ' you not be entirely satisfied with i B ' the coupon below and let us send you our patterns and /BA - JgSf fr^TpP B *^i ' the garments; when you receive them i booklet, "Better Suits for Less Money "—both FEEE. \Q/ ~-^»/-i^mmi i r\ ai 1 il. « i 'I ji. vi. • 1.1 t. t.x We attribute the difference of £2 g; ; '■ y■ ■ * uw " UJ!ai: ' Ll - W _,&WH!!il I OUT StoCKS are the mOSt Up-to-date ObtaiDable— bougllt in the price of Mr Davies suits larg Tribe <* Co., Ohrfstchurch. r •■..- V "^Mr , - g from maniif'iffnrprci oniv nrifl n'hiifflA Tvp<jf~ KnQici : gely to the modern methods ' adoptI PWe .end me your frt. ScoMct «.«.«,,. manuiacturers OQiy._ana Onilfl?^ DeSt DaSIS. Ed in the making of the garments, >% and PatUn* a. advevtUtdin th. TRIBE & CO. I . *• i^-x-j and of course clfo to the fact that | ...... ..........:..:.:.„..... ■- ■ rs ■■=»&« wu. I InSpeGtlOQ llWlted. ' '-le; Be]ls entirely forecast, giving. no ■js n v understood ido not commit myiei/ in Made to Measure B ' " ; > credit whatever, thus makine no bad •| awwayuhauver. „ Suits by Mall >. 1 ■: ■: ■'% ■■■■■■-■■■■- '-..'. dehts.^and after _.all,.it..dols seem J ,Waro« « TD 18g , „ . CHRISTCHURCH I / . „- • . f .■''..' ' absurd that one man should have to 1 Addra, -. ■■'„.-. ■".-:.■., .". J — ■ — : - '".'.' ''. \■ ' i -^ P»y "- a higher price for' his suit just • .'^. ' Z^^ZlJZiZ^ZjJiiiJiiuiii Mim_MiMi«ii.iMiiii'ii.iiiiii. M> iiii-iiJT „, -«, ■, ".'v '-I? f mm mo' because some other fellow fails to -' r^^^^iiiissssimssw^ma^^^^aaßHmimaßaaaaSßimmtmiFW Jffi^ The well-known Clydesdale ;(feu^^, To Tbatei< This Season pay for' his, but that is just what lllkir>TiftM UflTri y - .■■■: . ig^BSasSr^ Horse Si^^^^ happens, for : somebody has. to pay JUrSb I lUN till I XL, - The THOEoaGHBEED , WM® BALMORAL ■■-' :i WHw'"'- DICTATOR. fortiiOßeiwhbd&^otpayrandnatup. • TaITA TT A . HoESE, •• ■! ■ .;Mte«M«»i ""'■"! w "" > " WBMgll,^ - ally it is not the tailor who gives the lAiiaJiAt ■- WHfirl| MriIirAPUMA "HBaWBi wiUtravelthe : ;:i :«iW^® By i mp erius (imp.), from cr^ dit ? j* i^the man does pay proprietor of the Poxhill Hotel, desires to Belgrove, and other districts if sufficient Districts. See cards,- or apply Wj upie s.Hambeltonian. a line saying "kindly send me the informhis old friends and the travelling inducement pliers. '. . " ' W. MARTIN, . %&■ iyi^"^^. =t al u nT , wn i samples,- self measurement form pubUcthathehas taken over the abovl Moka ? toa,-7 years. old, is f rom Tania- 3966 Bri^htwater. trStbf *w££»^ M^U Q m^, I ,etc." (A post card will do.) You weU-known hotel, and visitors and travel- Hmemoa from Kostrevor. On both .the . ■ s receive by return mail a comlers can rely upon receiving evory atten- sireand dam side ho .is bred from the best- "I 1 , ; ■__ ■■ - ■ — __ SJf^?:'^ ■ a -l- 'f + P lete ran - c of the* latest suitings totion, with cavility, Superior accommo- blood . Tama-Hmemoa being a grandson ■= . . l; - , .^e|, single mare j reduction for two ge tiier. with illustrations of -the newaation, moderate terifE. ' > .of Towton, and Kostrevor a grand;' Agfa To Tbavel This Season 3 the property of one owner. est ; styles now being' worn in the ■Conveyance meets all steamers. Horses daughter of Traducer. . - .«,-.,- ;. ' - . .^i^tL^V- bn T? ?S do ™f T ' city!, arid; when, "after investigating and Vehicles on Hire. Up-to-date Fees^2 10s ; groomage ss; .. " ln the and • .^W^tteißr^wcord for tro bulm thoj-valtre for yourself -you decide to Billiard Table. A U f ees to be paid on. or before 9th .IKZM M Waimea Districts, -..-,. ■ Pn* He nas sired the b»st p i a^ 0 your or d er by mail with this Best Brands Wines ana Spirits only. January, 1909. " ' . -:• -fe^e^i The Clydesdale. Stallion, wiiife horses- in _ Nelson and progressive firm, you will take .no ■■u*^ T^y-*.* i K^j^y LORD RANFUBLy . ||fifss^s; &^&&£%i.!£: ■' ■ ' - ; - -...•..- - B --. -.-■. :■-.;• mmd hv Tairißß -Riilmn V«* ' S * ?J^ S ' J ; u . tu ' 6 ; t0 : , , written.- . guarantee-, which' insures MUM Pni) 4 DIJ TJATT7I ' l mX ftS'T' i^ gre|d from a sire^that has proved him- complete satisfaction^or : you— makes IhljiliGMril nOIJIIL — --;■ --- ;: — H— ■' ... Wheatstpne, Canterbury.) , to be I good performer and: stock, getter. it possible for you to secure the best TAKAKA. ' ••••' By Lord Cranley, dam Eose of Keiloti- . %. THOMAS EOTJGHTON, suits made at any pricf a saving ': " — ■ jsbm. TnTrmrprTV. 1 <s»J-vn l iva V-) . : ~ 4128 ? Spring Grove. °f £2 to yourself.. Our advice to OTTO HAASE (formerly of the Bel iV^si*^},. xo xrave^uus oe^on. Lokd Ranptjblt was awar d e( j first and .i t all our _gentlemen readers is to write grove Hotel), in notifying that he Th« Tonh<r TROTTTN-ft championship at the Marlborough Ai and " ~"V »' ■ ----- ■ ■ ' -*P-W f or _ samples, simple_self meashas taken the above old established ano ,M- f -Ull STALLION i P. Show in a large ring of horses: His ' if- ' :^^^~ urement form- and. style "book.:: They centrally situated Hotel, wishes the public *^^-^ 2S as» oia-uijX^, , ; st ock gained twolrsts and one second at |# . , ' — . will t cost you nothing, you to fcoknowthathehashadnewroomsadded, F.T7 ROY (1903) the same Show. ' <:.,"%^ < OmviOiT^'' not^, n e.. / e | w i» save^you £2 when S:^f raa * USUr ""' b ' a ' ea ByTo^iSp^LiWbJFitz 10^? ] S^^S B "i ; i''iißOT BRITISH SSl'tXle?' & ■ X? .t 3SasK2±a?i^ -, - r^?f^%,^^S^S^S^hiiurance Company, gs^^ o^.a^ SSIStiSS ffea««±aft±Si^.' Li -- „, °o^ The. will have' the personal '^^WiSs^ffißdtort?^ For see C ards, and S2|dated Funds 'exceed' \\ M f „ » 1M , n ± i M+ w . ittention^of the Proprietor, aad' Horses m i^?®;^; w^ sno ,^ „- . ' O, - . •«• . * W (n— Richmond— Motuekft— . . r dVeMcles/twoandWwheoler B)wiU8 )wiU L^^^ Riwaka. - be kept on Hire. A Covered Conveyance ■ r • r+lTi' '-v ■£ z Az mes 4.124. - < Hone ' 'f W" ■ -INSUEANCES : — - .Jiirst-classfc.amplei^om.v _ - Earus and Clyde, and was by the Meat ~ : . - ■ ■ pe«>i^ylin'der the Workeri' Compensa- __w-^ ...- „ „ „.. . attention. -.■„.•, hands, on a splendid set of legs and feet t-f^PPi ' - *• ■ '-> - >n|uhction ; : with Sicknesi , Benefit * he Coach Seeticb "■ -■■■=WlV & .4=*..= A ~ U "^ exhibits in a marked dlgree a rare In the TWakapuakft aid B#fe .Plate Glass,l«'idelity Guarantee,- as b ; |an erfended to Nelson; and Coaches .. ■A ; O..n ,-^A-M** tr^^^d^ *^* Waimea Dltricts; ;; ;v ;^ :. ; ; > : : Swa^d S^ro^ A B^?T^- iT^ Urno 7 ' AQ i«Bb AT LOWEST CUEBENT and il.^2 600, twenty-sue hundred-pounds q^ aHties in all y.res-a s ound conatitu- ■ -. ■ . -.- ■T - EATE S. wiSiXS and can .belargely increased; in a § on and dooiie (JiWer . Mtz Key's breed- RRAFRI'RN |„^x.-,/ . .. businesslike attention. . in Nelson Proymee. A is embracing as it does ttnMEDUHR. ..^ |b*b-A9»ntb fob Distmct: ■ n „„ ■^, afa w Q^lme thr hMfc j nD^ Band Torpedo, the two Beaebtjen is a bright bay ,c6ni^ ffi £i^^^ BOg. M - , H . Daily timetable )f business to take on. No opposition , { b oo d ever imported to the ending looking horse, and has provod' ,2PSZL w E MivVTakaka' Leave Ndson for Eiwaka at 9 a.m, ; arriv- . ,mall capital required. Price £930. For Dorajllion . " ; .-■ . f "one of the most valuable sires brought to ,4i^l^^^ B *'.' r «" iSfi^ # r ing Eiwaka 2.30 p.m. tother particulars aj,ply to the under- Fi t z .EoywiU serve a Hmited number of thedistrict _ -' -^^^^^1 wJcSy&Co.] Leave Eiwaka for Nelson at 8 a.m., ngned.. . . _.. _ . mareß at £2 10s each, payable on first , .^» b 7 Specuicataon from Jenny.'^hp; %^ji, ntere ° C F. Muntz ; Westport : arriving Nelson 130 p.m. H. C. HOLIOAKB, January, 1909. Groomage 2s 6d. by Bluegown. Specification (imp.).- ;^Monr - , U^ M ' YYCI> f orl/ ' Luncheon : Eedwood's Valley. V- Land/Agent, Mondays, Wakapuaka; Thursdays, .Contractor (imp.) out . ,of KatevMelrrx ?p- - :'*' ■- „ - . NEWMAN BEOS., Proprietors. J11& s luwaxa. gtok Richmond, Appleby,, and Bright- Lark ' Specification holds the foufmileß 4,.,, riJ,*-, , n rnu/AOno . ' . ■ - -':'"'• . - '. " •„' "- water; remainder of week,' at owner's .WOELD'S EECOED in harness,; lOmins - tyv« U;,-LUWAfIIJ.d, ' ——— ...-_...- ■ " lUADniDnD P f*f& stable. 47secs, also the N.Z. 3 miles record- 7miM, . M AGENTS, : : NEWMAN BEOS'. WARDRQP & GO, 3871 J. W. HAASE. SSsecs. _■ .-.._.„ f^TEArAEGAE ;STEEET. B^ISSho. ■ ■■-■•-■ Jenny JLind has won many trotting ; ?N«Vfc National "BaTiW n0V&! m3.1l L>o3Cn6B LAND, ESTATE .& COMMISSION -— -— — — — races, and was never beaten in the ' Show ."» \.. M (Next National B«kj. nujtti man panics AGENTS, -, v ring. . ... „-'■ {% : — NELSON TO BLENHEIM. AUCTIONEEES, ETC., ' To Stand the Season. Bluegown twice won the Sires' Cup ■-■■$; • . ■* _^_ • TunrprTPTTA Mld many ofcher races in Cant erbury, and^^^ ttJUBBEE STAMPS .— We have a Lnave ■ Stablea, kelson, on MonMUXU£iiia, ,_ W^^Sl T ™ rf ■_"„„_„_« in 1895 he took first prize in the Trotting Xfc variety of attractive designs days,. Wednesdays, and Fridaye, at lave^ the following : > ■ W^¥l HE ThOEOID «hbk ED stallion class at christohnrch. beating to . eh^ -frbm^vW pri^s are right, 7 am. _ PEOPEETIES FOE SALE :— --waSl^rfCL ' ; Stallion, Wildwood, Viking, and: General Tracey; and our Stamps the best.— " The Colonist" Leave Club Hotel, Blenheim, on return, ', R Aores Nitive Le<ise dose nroximity ; ""■ .the above it w^ll be seen that jot^g j5 epa rtment ' Tuesdays, Thursdays, , aid Saturdays. 8 Acres JNative i.e<iße. close proximity **Bsmßßmmtv -.-.-. -„. . Braeburn comes from exceptionally fine - j at7am ■ , ■ o High street; good soJ and^"JjfP^ -^". KNI6HT ERRANT- ) stock. His own progeny, too, have made —^- „...,,. . . •■ — Parcels carried at moderate rates. mz^msm ■:■ -wi^i-. : 'wmmmt fflßsssfr t *«^~; ppr|^#lS rss»».^^ llpfS^t mm^mmm^ .- Native Lease, .uader plough and hops, etc^e^^ „. INSURANCE COMPANY- OF N.Z. I • a 230 acre block' HOW Opened brother of Knight w l __. .„„„.„ Hfl OF THE STATt Xarge and influential ColomalProprie: )a S^S3r^a g &^ K To S tanatheSea S on_attheMaitaiEun. B^ p^po IQBDr6 d under ite RRE / p^ass 8 acres' finest land, su^^^ '.. ■ __ nto five. paddocks by fences; 10-roomed Wednesdays: Redwood's Valley,. Up- wit h black points, is of magnificent condition KSte AbßOlately seouro, ■g % « ■- ■ i «| A : ■:<« louseingood order, coachhouse, stable, per and Lower Mbutere to Waimea conformation^^even-tempered, and has — Kfifl Bll^O'l R^T^Q md.outbuUduiga. ;•■■_--,:■.;■ . West, to Richmond; Wednesdays, the fullest pedigree possible. He fllM ,. *!,»* «1,a4£.«» m « SBCUm WV4i ■ I iCEIUO 230 Acres Freehold, felled and in grass, Redwoo d s Valley, Upper and Lower wa s bred by the Hon. L. J. Rose, of firmly, MWBfed that whatever- may rood soil, weU>ratereda^^^ Rosemeade Stud Farm, Los Angelos, ' . • ~ WITH THE iubdivided into 3i paddocks; 10 acres -Ri wa ]j a ; returning to Richmond In- California, and iB the grandson of the fcftnDen thfl ftlli Value of his DOlio? . . , j • j j inder crop; small whare. TTI day. A limited number . of mares mighty Trotting Sire, Stamboul, who y *lT ■ — = LlVerOOOl SnO LOnQOII 2nd 602 Acres, 410 Freehold, 102 L.1.P. ; w jii be taken. : ■ was sold by Mr Rose to Mr W. H. . --I . . . . „ „.. Clnho Insiiranra (Iri nostly ploughable land, carrying .350 Terms: '£4 4s; groomage fee 5s Hobart for 51,000d01. . i».*Jj jßertftin jftO-bft paid when tha - bIOU.B mSUranCB WO heep; whare, barn,^^stebles ;-wi&in easy Two or more mares: the property of TERMg . . . £2 10s. . , t £400,000 invastfd in Australasia listance of port and Motueka Borough, same owner by arrangement. Two Q b arrangement. aIaUD aoeTOgffl M thai the gtm shall Prompt BettlfcDiem of Claimd. Price J52.100. _ For ft"*bßr_particukm^ n • P. BEST, Groom-in-CWge. And various other properties. LEN. TOJVILIInSON, _ -w..-, '_,_ n - -^ $i. , J H. COCK & CO., ' Groom in Charge, n J. WARNOCK, Owner, . ci»a m tt» BBOrninf. j. xi. v.^jx Monthly StockSalesinourTards.Pah. _ Richmond. 3961.^ Maitai. Nelson. =T CMei Agents. ,treet, Motueka. Open to receive entries. ""**' " „,..- ' - ■? t i '^ t .^ CTW^ CTCT -_a, ■ lm^ l :"" JUST LANOIMO, . | i.| -Jml pi ]I/W |^ la 1 "!? Ex Tongariro ; ' . II l^ll 111 la iLsm Vj^ %^ JJ .ECJCi New Designs in Art and Tla.© j^saisao-aas .' fox? . £. .| I - ....•■■. Landscape Eriozes and G o|Jo|£g BEOHCHITIS, ASTHMA, <& COHSUMPTION, also= H as the Largest Sale of any_Chest| Medicine in the World. Magnificent Collection of Art Tfa h h t hi me dicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Its boating power is marvellous. Sufierers from any form of Bro Cough. Difficulty oj -Rneravino-S • Breattog! Hoarseness. Pain or Soreness in the « •" exn-, .enc 8 delightful And immod»Wjrfliel; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest il * a * nv^uable a*it JiUgrd,VlU D s. - effects a Comnleto Cure It is most comfor •%• • Ayn? irritation in the throat and girlng strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma lo becoma chronic* S^Consu^pUon to develop. Co : h/s nev-er been known to~filftVh& "Coughs" have been prop.rly trwtod with this medicine. No hourt .- INSPECTION INVITED. snO uld be without it, as. taken a'Whobegii, >«c is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure,is certain. : PICTURE FRAMING on Premiaes of -IlXlit^ .'• 3:2. S I tito great suceeani BRONCHITIS CURE, has induced & number at shortest notice. Choice of unprincipled persons V t© imetations, each call/n^ hla medicine "Bronchitis Cure," with thf object of range of MOULDINGS deceiving the simpEe-mincl i so getting a sale Tor ait Imitation which has none of the beneficial effects that in Stock. HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS OU i. Consequently It has become necessary to draw your attention to > thia i fact, ESTIMATES Gl^ for aU classes of and to request you ir. yo. interests to be particular to ask for HEABNE'3 and to see that you ffftt It, ' HOUSE DECORATING;! ~- i.. ■■ r . HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CiXSa, Sm; ' , 2,6? Larffe Si*e, 4/fl*' Sold by Chemists end Medicine Vendors, and by thft PiroprJetor, W. Q. HEABWEj Che Victoria. - any Address, v/hen not obtainable locallyj, SAVAGE - & SONS NOTlCE.— Hearne's. BroncMtis Cure No. 1 does NOT contain any poison within the meaning of the Act. It is equally beneficial Nelson Papering • ~wz depot C -ofm^ hume j s buildings, willis street, Wellington. .; Warehouse, ' '.',*- Local Agents— JAMES BOON,- Hardy-strfeet, W. 0. Trafalgar-street; T. EASTCOTT, Hardy-street. ' Habds Stbebi Obtainable from A. J. PALMEE, Foxhilli Motupiko^ TadniOf,

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Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12408, 25 November 1908, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12408, 25 November 1908, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12408, 25 November 1908, Page 1