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• ' ' : :■- ■"■'■■" A SMART SUMMER SUIT. There's no mistake about ' I v # ri^^ £2 ss, £2 ios, £2 15s and £3 3s. WFR^TFR'Q POPf FP" : Fl f* J J f^ Made-to-measure. WtDOitno UUPPtC. R - Snodgrass and Sons, s^^-^^ atSrJl^sH T»T"RT?PT TAfPriPTPT?^ church, at th 0 above prices for gentle- fountain head W*lmsmmßm direct importers.. , x n .- s . ■T^. < a^« gfc .» ¥TO|^l STAFEOBDSHIRB HOUSE. Sff^^BS I ta ta u ?BS?3 Pr "v?Eß^e t d||i¥i JLXfpisS^^ 1 Paying your local tailors, who give iiataigar btreet. »J^^^ Then send yonr- j . ' ■ tiiev^Dosse^s St^vWrfJ a ° d WEBSTER vends a variety of drinb ""**»" ■ i .i • a - b • : : u««jf. pusbe;>!> one poinu wmcn no hp<!ir!f><! tailoring orders .. _|. ■ . other firm can supply— it is the oesmes mFFPr a large tailoring. firm— to TMBE'S, In preparation for Chrietmai Season, We have large famous "Keep-shape" front. This .!., , „i. . ■ „ , „ iristchurch— and share in tho sub-. g .' ■ fron t »"s a registered front that en- And thai > which is imported from the is of our methods of trading. -•> Z Qhlnma-ntm '; r>s~~ " surcs the coat from turning back FLOWERY LAND Smadei, measure under m system.^- 1 . bhl^ment. C* !»*?**£ oftS virtues £2 to £3 the suit, and we guarantee | QT?A Q A IS] A TIT 1? P 1 HA h Q don and New York tailoring estab- TEA-LEAF NEY BACK. . -„ . ; b&AfeUJN AiiL i^ (xUOUb JgH&d^ D - VieS t^ f °r ar ° S ° -iveL%t"Lled g ed.that ■-,•■„■ "^ #* : i ■•■ j -a a •'•• • i •,• nate in deed m possessing the exclu- it is unnecessary to dwell upon the JtO MeaSUre r f/V: i ArriYedandArnTm^.mcludmg- .. rde'^^tTeatd.^TW^t S^r-Wy^ I CHINA ■'.'.-..•■ , have already sent for samples and truly marvellous plant ; but it may / £fVT\ m"W, T7ARTHT7NWARF ' . the s.tnple self measurement^form, be interesting to consumers to S' / B ffi J I \ iIiAKIMJiNWAKJIj, . and forwarded their order to Christ- that to oxti-art the full frairrnnV / I 1 ' GLASRWAEE, church si nee .the "keep shape"; front £^V ?«m tt? ft "■£& *SSJ KA stvka ana w 0 Wl \ iVY FANCY GOODS, lili -f 7ii i Tj' hlEhl ; upon the water used, and the method SreSngGrJ 71 LA I ■ LEATHEB GOODS, SS e ed Sedafftl lS '«"■ And just k re Webster eTweed,,W; /$J 4 W . ". " . . „ JAPANESE GOODS, Tiag weights from . / f. I iM | - ELECTRO PLATE, - every garment, and Mr Davies is ~ inS enenc ? as a 7 »'3fe Br jj!k\ ! CUTLERY So satisnec l tllat your suit will give . ' UfcALbK. easnremmt- 1 chart- •'■''■■=■■■ •■•■JMr-ffwllV om-i mrrvKTT?T>v you-. .'complete satisfaction when you "1S a well known fact with exSfbe^Sffi"'- ; ' V f#l : T. f W-- ' SIATIOEBV mo - order itfrom him by post that he ports that teas will draw very difnu be tound faith- - WLP •PHI ' BASKETP, has authorised us to state thaf he ferently in different kinds of water ; " t|l - 5 . ' BH.USHWAUE. .will give you a written guarantee some teas being better suited to If we don't, you • ! ' . -" ■ ... . .. ' "to refund your money in full should hard,- and others to soft water. ur money. Fill in /V . /' "**, • . . _ :n v • you not be -entirely satisfied with Webster having studied this phaso iv our patterns and /W\ -yMff /' W*-* ' the garments when you receive them, of 'the teA question for many years, ey" — bothEREE. \oj — - y/un. J |nnhl" r\ c-i. r -i ±.1- j. j. 3a' i , • It r -Li We attribute tho difference of £2 discovered that certain varieties arc V -Sffl*** OUT StoclvS are the mOSt lip«tO«date Obtainable— DOUgllt in the price of Mr Davies suits W- more suitable than others for tho ■7^ "'■■[■■■' from manufacturers only, and On the best basis. ' gely to the modern methods adopt- Pan * sprmg waters generally obTD I D m ' o ■•""#*•'" '"■ • ed m, the making of tho garments, tamed in this district. Pure water, I l\lDb W V/Oi ' - ' . .. ■ .. j - and of course also, to the fact that inasmuch as it contains no, mineral, .. . ♦ «- : ■ InSpeCtlOn InVlted. ,he sells entirely for cash, giving no has a mucu better chance to draw Made to. -Measure r ■•-..:. credit whatever, thus making no bad out the e° cd qualities of a tea than suits -by Mail . . - debts, and after all, it' does seem wate r that is impregnated with. ESTD. 1881. CHRISTCHURCH. . ' absurd that one man should have to alka li» salts, iron, lime, gypsum, and N0 ,. 8 , -...-■■■ ■ i — j — '" pay a higher price for his suit just other foreign matter. Webster has IIIIWII HUM 111 in iiiiini I WMmmtßimißßHt^ • ■ t« T».^r.r t^to t!x..o '■ 'because' , some other fellow fails to therefore made it his special business M The well-known' Clydesdale XEAVEII xmß &ea s»n pay^r his, but that is just what to select those varieties most suited Horse dssSslKr mnTirnn appens, for somebody has to pay to the waters available, and the DAI MfiRAI J^Sr^W OlwTAlUn. for those who do not pay, and natur- hl S n DHUmunHL ■ ally it is not the tailor who gives the APPRECIATION OF PATRONS will travel the" . WWWWWiW By Imperius (imp.), from credit; it is . the man^ who does pay as to the fragrance and fine qualities 'X£&isszsac,w —. " p . v „ ,_ ' • „ Nellie,, by Duncan Gray (Abab). Im- you. Mr Danes will esteem it a 'of Will Travel this Season from Stoke to wffi.- •wS^fi ±0a vJ?Sfn perius 'by Director, from Mondane, by privilege to send samples to any of V/EBSTER'S TEAS BelgroVe. and other districts if sufficient Hfoto leaS,or^nl?I ea S,or^nl? * • Whipple's Hambeltonian. . his i ; readers who _ will- just jdrop him V^ BSTE R S TE AS inducement offers - districts, bee cards, ; or apply. • , ■■", ___ a line saying "kindly send me the is indubitable evidence of the correctMOKAPUNA, 7 years old, is from Tama- ' W. MAETIN. \ This celebrated trotting stallion will . R " n J?! cB > / ' A " self measurement' form " n %L° f '^L sel - ec f tio i ls - hMU - rt . Hinemoa, from Bostrevor. On both the 3966 BrighWater. tra.el the. Waimea, Moutere, Motueka, .etc." (A post card Will do.) You Ihe propei infusion, or brewing of sire and dam side he is bred from the best -' •-' ' and Eiwaka districts. , • ' - receive by^ return mail a com- tea is , siioh an^ important factor m blood, Tama-Hinemoa being a grandson — : — t~-. ?ee, £3 single mare ; reduction for two P l^. ran i?f <jf. th A c lat^st suitings to- the production qf this of Towton, and Epstrevor a grand- ■ : of :mbre n^^st^^^^ NATIONAL BEVERAGE daughter of Traducer. . ' To Tbavel This Season DicTATOEwas a brilliant performer, fft stylos now being worn in the. that Webster has had printed in Fees £2 10s ; grooma^ ss. : xe®s&Bt3» and made the N.Z. record for two miJes «,ml when, after investigating leaflet form, -and in exhaustive deAll fees to be paid on or before 9th ' ttßgßßl ln the Wakapuaka and on a grass traok. He has sired the b»st toovalnn for yourself you decide to tail, the correct method of January, 1909. - ,Q. Waimea Districts, and m 6st " nsefnl .horses .in Nehon.-nad J^^ °™« r m^^ *h» BREWING TEA „.;, ,J. E. EDEN, O,vner, The Clydesdale Stallio., W^^"^^^" T^' f°^ W , & 3891 ...-., Brightwater. , nR n RAMFIIRI V DickSteVem, Tnfe if y ' DldkQ -^°™ ctr.W! Mr Davies gives you a copy, folio wmg; the details to the .V. - LUKU KAWfUKLY.^. n««?K»S«'«;i-i,««« a v written ' -guarantee which insures le tter, until, by practice, they be- ;■" V ' : —^ (Bred by James. Bishop, I? *£*?"? ttat a* 5 £ « hua- complete satisf action for you— makes come perfect brewers. . ; Wheatstone, Canterbury.) to be a good performer and stock getter. it possible for you to secrro the best IW. M. WEBSTER, '^■j'^ToTravelThisSeacon. ~By Lord Cranley, dam Eose of Seilor 412g TH ° MAS ' o?%?ftSr3f T . . *~ :|| ffi!™^^Sf OTfl v^^S»«WW«d _i_ : tdaliTtim^sSSe^iZ^. , WEBSTER has . another drink a^^gs*^.^a» biajjLilUJN, champiosship at the Marlborough A. and I -.-■-. ■ urement form and style book. They ( now > J us t wait till I have finished, ■■■■•■. r"7 RflV -710(1^^ P. ? Showin a largo. ring of horses. His "Fi'&BBEE STAMPS. — We have a will cost you nothing, commit you to Pe ase ) for sale, which has been so ■■■_-■■• •'/„ j- J■"H . '', stock gained two firsts and one second at JEt; gr,eat variety of attractive designs nothing, yet will save you £2 when" highly appreciated, that frequently By Yo-ang lorpedo, -from Daisy, byFitz the. same Show. to bhoose from. Our prices are right you decide to order after seeing the stocks have run out, and a universal , James (imp.). Season terms: £3, half-guarantee J» and; our Stamps the best.—" The Colonist" splendid, samples. Your letter or thirst has, for a period, pervaded the Toons loepedo, by Torpedo -(imp.), io 3; £\ 10s payable at end of season, £Z Jobbing Department post card should be addressed to land - Is jt necessary to explain? from Nancy (fasc tivttor), by Scamp-The when mare proves in foal. Groomage sb, ■'' '' George Navies, 170 Colombo street, that Webster refers to that Fine Hawk, by dolden Eagle. Torpedo (Aus- payable at first service. ~ Christchurch. Blend of Old Scotch Whisky, the tralian^cord 10 miles, and sireiof Tor- All orders left at Foxhill and Suburba* . " : — — "BAILIE NICOL JARVIE" Mh^ u ' mh - M^' a - d ' i SOUTH BRITISH ' ™inb E o S . b -? A T T'T JA " v t\ fiSS&SffiSi&^SSaS: taa lorthK Insurance Comoanv Mail c»ache 8 . » <p- Sp^pfc (imported by the late Mr John Kerr, from P MILLER lUoUrdllUO UU»l}Jdliy, J ___ standing the many fine whiskies proCalifornia,) sired those sterling, trotters 4124 »*vx***.PLUJUi>a, Limited NELSON TO BLENHEIM. d«>ed in "Bonny Scotland." The Earns and Clyde, and 1 was by the great " ■ ' ±lop9 L.. MmilßU. "Baihe Nicol" is a favorite whisky General McClennan-Ida^ by ajSekllWe. "~ : " ■'. - - -■' : P- n ifaj jjodnnnnn Lfiave Crow]l Stables, Nelson, on Mon- wlth so P c °! 5} le loading steam ship with perfect action and a good turn of •X^Saßwlßfleidli Waimea Districts , , „ — , ,T . „,.. „ rt at 7 a.m. 7 -i^_j speed, and possesses those most essential '"^^®®^ VVaimea districts. lmln^ Employers' Liability for Com- Parcels carried at moaerate rates. Z °tKw vot P for »B,iH P Nirol" carAShsrasyass: i I t i&ir Bi ' B ™ dTKOTIINa ss,"Si^r^s .raffissafssiw S-*" S ' rL SSy^nSJSSftSt'S:'.' BRAEBURN. .. |t^3?|^^ BOYAL MA!O COACH. »*«- - best strains fbobd ever imported to the Bbaebtjen is a bright bay and com- burglary, Plate Glass, Fidelity Guarantee, . :- . ldoZ ' gok A gentDoininion. ■ . manding looking horse and has proved 8t «-{ KolSOn-RiChlTlOnd -Motueka— MMWEB«STFR Fitz Hoy will serve a limited number of one of the most valuable sires brought to • ! , ■ -• I Qiuialra weoajcK, mares at 10s each, payable on first the district. . A.C«EPTED AT LOWEST CUEEENT | rtiwaxa. Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchant, January, 1909. ■ Groomage.2sf>d. He is by Specification from Jenny Lind ' EATES. wTynrvrAW -RRri"?' -p nn T>»;<>f n «, 75 Trafalgar Street. Mondays, Wakapuaka ; Thursdays, by Bluego-nm. Speoifioaticn (imp.) is by _. JJI Ji t w JUAJS BJWJO-, proprietors. "Bailie NiCOl Jarvie " r .Eioh^ona,;A^W/and,Bifelxfc;C<mteoc*or (imp.) out of- Kate Merry ' Sub-Agbkts fob District: mHE Proprietors call the attention of Vo c ior "sa!!ie Nico. Jarvie'." water; remainder of week, at owner's Lark. Specification holds the four miles «itY, Robertson Bros. ; .Motueka, H. A. 'B 1 ihu tra^ o1 i iTlo . nn i,u n *- n -fi. o f QPf f i"+ stable. •;■ - ■■■■•-."' : WOELD-S EECOED^ in harness. lOmins Tarrant Richmond, W.E. May ; Takaka, S£otS^S^CoS sSeSo.' ~~" ~~ 3871 - J.W.HAASE. the N.Z. 3 mile, record, 7mins J. * ..I-Hpftl- ■* S^^S^w2^Zl^SZ tentM* ! 35s T ecs ' ,-,, • *.„. P^4*WM Callin a ™rpod, ii W..p. Edejr &Oo.i now leave fche Crown stable Nel mOIUrS I — : -^ Jenny Lmd has won many I hrotting Up^ar ; M O utere, C F- M^ tz i West P° rt . DAILY, or Eiwaka, and arrive daUy from <jl n i n|( , I I races, and was never beaten in the Show J. J. Colony. .. Eiwaka.asper timetable appended fflOlOrS ! 1 /fisiiK To Stand the Season rm i?i' j. • j.i. c- > n ■•#••• .»..•■ -<nn All parcels and orders receive strict and -'%^M-- F. &D. EDWARDS, bu^slike a^ntion. _ Wmm THE Thobo^hbh^ J^»^s*g^J-^«Sf -• TEA F AtGAE T S S TEEET. - D.V y Tton stable , FO E GENIAL UTLLITT j^jg sSl^teJ^; ■ -'■ Stallion, Wildwood ViMng and General Tracey. (Next National Ba^k). Leave NUson for Eiwaka at 9 a.m. ; arriv- | NONE SO GOOD AS :^^^^^P .... From t^ c a b6ye >it- will be seen that .. '. '— r ing Eiwaka 2.30 p.m. IAMIPUT FRR&NT Braeburn comes from exceptionally fine - ' Leave Eiwaka for Nelson at 8 a.m., THE FAMOUS -.rinibnl Cnnttrti. stock. His own progeny, too, have made ■ GOVERNMENT T arriving Nelson 1.30 p.m. « OT ao a nnf'TTT? " their-mark in the show ring, and his late Wllfc Luncheon : Eedwood's VaUey. MUIU3AV-U 1 tLli : By St. Lesee— Fobma. owners (Messrs WUkie &^ f age} had no IPJ g*■» M |^ NEWMAN BKOS., Proprietors. With Magnetic Ignition. Bred at Wellington Park^ ■; -related to difficulty in obtaining from twenty to |~|f| Z» %JP sa.i™l 11 I^S = So Light! So Handy ! such horses as Multiform and Cruciform, thirty guineas apiece for two-year-olds BJfl^ 1^ '*i^- £t&£ iF-Ki\k &s&('£ SoStronsj! So Keliable . etc. See Stud Book. : .. by Braeburn. ■-. Af ... ■ Dg^ARTME^T flHt 'nOUHMntt A Trial Eun will decide you. Knight; Eeeant is a dark, chestnut, For dates see cards, and for further w«,«r«»n iwpb,^ ■ standing 16-2, with commanding appear particulars apply to the owners, ' O^J-n**** i O«4^>rv ■Pd'J Hnmnlptp ance, and the best bred horse that has COOKSEY & CO., fIPOIIPPi H^lfl^Q *^ a wUIII|JIcSW. traveUed this district. He has taken 933 Morrison-street. Nelson. FACT NO. I. !IWU«VW»> I »W**' > *' (With Carrier and Stand, first honours in "the thoroughbred class g_ . . WITH THE eas and Knight Erratit's sister, Nuce- TEOTTER gOM «rfeft every Policy Isanej GlOfjC InSUTaRCe CO form, for breeding purposes only was f9w»B "" -.r — ' „,•»■;„-, AJ • , .'- sold for over 1500 guineas. , CJP onMPAMinM te Ihc £400,00 l; Invests in Austraiasia NEWMAN BEOS. This valuable sire is stationed at U Ilfl T ANJ U PI Tf, MB -^P 8 "" I "'' .^rornDt Settlement of Claims- dovat \» mt paa.uiccs Mr James Hunt's stables, Richmond, ' '- ' T nn ~- , • ROYAL MAIL COAbUEb. .^rWa^Vßel^;. s ?©: To Stand the Sea S on_at the MaitaiEun. BvMtt iaßOrad ft, ,J" H " C ° CK WEST CO IsT SEE VICE. days -.'via Waimea West to Richmond'; Companion is a beautiful solid bay , ~* ' Wednesdays: Redwood's Valley, Up- witn black points, is of magnificent oondltiODft tests absolutely BfICUTO, Qt^nirlsrri rifß^r $&%Fm& T, EATB Motupiko for the M .est Coast per and Lower Moutere to Waimea conformation, even-tempered, and has = OolHUfflU 111 C ISS. RSffil JilO Xi on Arrival of Trains on TUKbDA\ West to Richmond;. Wednesdays, the fullest pedigree possible. He fil _,_ thri wktumr hrn INSURANCE COMPANY OF N.Z.I and FRIDAY, Returning again ob iH EDRedwoods Valley, Upper and Lower wa s bred by the Hon. L. J. Rose, of firmly MWred tha> whatever may NESDAY and SATURDAY, m time for Moutere to Motueka ;- Thursdays : Rosemeade Stud Farm, Los Angelos, NELSON BEAN OH. Passengers to catch the Trains for Nelson. Riwaka; returning to Richmond Fri- California, and is the grandson of the happen tht ftlll Value of hill polisj - The Motupiko Coach connects with the day. A limited number of mares mighty Trotting Sire, Stamboul, who — — ' Y7SIEE MAETNE and GUARANTEE. Eeefton and Westport Coaches at wiil be taken. . : : _ was soLT by Mr. Rose 'to. Mr W. H. _,' -^s- u« ..ij oh «n Ihn -C Policies issued at current rates. Inangahua. Junction. Terms: £4 4s; groomage fee Js._ Hobart for 51,000d01. .«■ — Certain >O IW paid WtlBD BPe b and influential Colonial Proprie . . Parcels carried at moderate rates. Two or more mares the property of -■ TERMS : : : £2 10s. . , ' .„ tary. Prompt and liberal settlement of Booking Office ; Crown Stables, same owner by arrangement. Two or more mares by arrangement, eiaim aoenwf M thai the SOD Bhall c iai ms . NEWMAN BEOS., Proprietors, For further^ particulars q ._ P. BEST, Groom-in-Charge. : ' " F. A." BAMFOED, ■:■U■.^^™G.^ I So&/■■■■■^■■■■■ f WARNOCK,.OWn«...- am ill tte KOtntog. . .• " ""^^^^A^SS^^ 7 ~~- m^ 3961 '■ •■' Maita^.SS .Trafalgar Street. U/flfll dDM.© ■■•'JFataLO'Ua ' : ■R k^MaLecly fQ2» \ -y^E are, as asu^ making Advances 'a*a"j*>siwjr*YW£!* "BS'SS i tf^'^T^a'f3ff Il l'mT@l ACIf 13*1^ A -£^> 9 Wool, Butter and Cenerai Produoa CICllTO" HE'SSm'- 7 ' J3SOJNGSX J. JLkI» A® J. JEllKi.^.B «85 I^U^i^S JL>Ai\/^i« for shipment to the LONDON market W^W rfMaiFWf 3«= , . _ .. , . „ „. «_, or for sale in WELLINGTON. :.:;.; :-;; : Has the Largest Sale o! any Chest Medicine in the World. .; . ■ wS&^STL'to? uftT^ ■ijbffiSiJ^S^^ .KS^ chtheJanuary T Ttismos"comfo. ■ ■ ' w..i» .writatfon in the throat and giving strength to the rotes, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become WELLINGTON SALES. chroni,^^ norSsSpdon to dSp Co ha^ ".neJer l^u known to exist whew "Conghs" have teen properly treated with this medicine. No boos- Apart from the .Wool Brokers' AsS P D o without it. M, taken at the begh . " •*» is B ene™lly .sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certa.n. sociation 's sales to be held on 13th . ■"..•■■■."■ November, 1908, 4th J»ecßmber, lyua, 'Et^T3H'a2?© Of Ijaalfca- t tiie great success of HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE, has induced a number Bth January 1909, and 19th Februperson :fe ,c i^^ibn| each calling h.s medicine "Bronchitis Cure/ witv, th r object of ary, W f weho^d fortnightly sales of deceiving the simple-mine' 13 O getting a sale for an Imitation which has hone of the beneficial effects thai O n alternate Fridays throughout the HEARNeS BRONCHI^.3 cy v -Consequently It has.become ne^sa^^/ypMratten^tothls fa<* .Sd^^fbe and to request you in yo« interests to b© particular to ask for HEARNE'B and loses that you eft* It forwarded to farmers on application. _ - Careful valuations are made in ~" every case before the 1 sale, and the HEARNE'S BRONOHITIS C^^SS., 3mi - 2/6; Large Size, */6. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors, and by t«i» owner's interest is protected at full Proprietor, W. a HEARNE, One clc riffi Victoria. Forwarded to any A^rc^, when not obtainable local*. a.nd Cheques posted NOTICE —Hearne's Bronchitis Cure No. I does NOT contain any poison within trie meaning of the Act. It is equally beneficial promptly. .. ■ Obtainable "from A. J. PALMEE, Poxhill, Motupiko, . Tadmpr. ■■ : , * ;; : / v ' „ .. ■

A SMART SUMMER SUIT. £2 ss, £2 10s, £2 15s and £3 3 Made-to-measure. Tho. suits now being made-ti measure by George Davies, Chris church, at tho above prices for gentl men . right here in your own towj are really surperb in style, fit .an finish. They equal in appearaiK suits you have been in the habit < paying your local tailors, who gi\ credit, 4, 5, and 6 guineas for, an they possess one point which ni other firm can supply — it is the famous "Keep-shape" front. Thi front is a registered front that er surcs the coat from turning bac and getting out of shape. It ' i tho latest idea from the best Lor don and New York tailoring estalb lishments, and Mr Davies is fortu nate indeed in possessing the exchi sive right to use this front in coat made in New Zealand. Those whi have already • sent for samples am the simple self measurement form and forwarded their order to Christ church since. the "keep shape" fro'n was introduced,- have been highbpleased with the splendid coati made. Then special care is giv.ei to. every detail in the making oi every garment; and Mr Davies is so satisfied that your suit will give you complete satisfaction when yot order it from him "by post that' he has authorised us to state that" he _will give you a written guarantee to refund your money in full shoulc you not be "entirely satisfied witl the garments when you receive them We attribute the difference of £i i m the price of Mr Davies suits largely to the modern methods adopted in, the .making of tho garments, and of course also, to the fact that <he sells entirely for. cash, giving nc credit whatever, thus making no bad debts, and after all, it does seem absurd that one man should have to pay a higher price for his suit just because , some other fellow fails to payjjor his, but that is just what tappens, for somebody has to pay for those who do not pay, and naturally it is not the tailor who gives the credit ; it is the man who does' pay you. Mr ' Davies will esteem' it a privilege to send samples to any of his readers who will- just jdrop him a line saying /'kindly send me the samples,- self measurement' form ,etc." (A post card will do.) You will, receive by. return mail a com--plete range of the latest suitings together with illustrations of the newest st.ylos now being worn in the' city, and when, after investigating _tho .vahm for yourself you decide to place your order by mail with this progressive firm, you will take norisk ; \v! ntovor in the matter, for as aßove Etnt n d Mr Davies gives you a written : guarantee which insures complete: satisfaction for you — makes it possible for you to seerYo the best suits made at any price at a saving of £2 ' to yourself . Our advice to all our gentlemen readers is to write to-day for samples, simple self measurement form and style book. They will cost you nothing, commit you to nothing, yet will save you £2 when" you decide to order after seeing the splendid, samples. Your letter or post; card should be addressed to George Davies, 170 Colombo street, Christchurch. ' . NEWMAN BEOS.' Royal Mail Coaches. NELSON TO BLENHEIM. Lnave. Crowr. Stables, Nelson, on Mondays; Wednesdays, "and' Fridays, at , 7am. . .'. . Leave Club Hotel, Blenheim, on return, Tuesdays, Thursdays, »nd Saturdays, at 7 a.m.' Parcels carried at moderate rates. Booking&Qifice : Crown Stables. - ■ NEWMAN BEOS., Proprietors. ROYAL MAIG COAOH.. Kelson— Richmond -Motueka— Riwaka. NEWMAN BROS!, Proprietors. THE Proprietors call the attention of the travelling public to. the fact that, the RiCHMOND-EiWAKA Coach Service lias bean extended to Nelson, and Coaches low leave the Crown Stables, Nelson, DAILY, or Kiwaka, and arrive daily from Riwaka, as per timetable appended. All parcels and orders receive strict and businesslike attention. Dai'y Timetable [leave NUson for Kiwaka at 9 a.m. ; arriving Riwaka 2.30 p.m. [leave Riwaka for Nelson at 8 a.m., arriving Nelson 1.30 p.m. Luncheon : Eedwood's Valley. NEWMAN BKOS., Proprietors. flHk 'KSUKANCE RedoceJ Rates WITH THE .iverpcei and London and Globe Insurance Co £400.000 Invested in Australasia i-'romot Settlement of ClaimsJ. H. COCK & CO., Chief Agents. Standard Fire 4 Marine INSURANCE COMPANY OF N.Z.I NELSON BRANCH. FIRE, MARINE and GUARANTEE. Policies issued at current rates. Largo and influential Colonial Proprie- • ary. . Prompt and liberal settlement of tlaims. ■ F. A." BAM FORD, Nelson Savings Bank Buildings, £ Trafalgar Street.

'■— • ■- ■■■■ -' ' ■ -'■ : '--<- ■ !.> „!.:■■ „■ _;. ,_ ■ ... „ • > R.Snodgrass and Sons, PIEEOT IMPOETER.3. , STAFEOEDSHIRB HOUSE. In preparation for Chrietmai Season, we have large Shipments cf" SEASONABLE GOO DS Arrived and Arriving, . including — 1 CHINA, EARTHENWARE, - GLASSWARE, FANCY GOODS, LEATHER GOODS, , JAPANESE GOODS, ELECTRO PLATE, - CUTLERY, STATIONERY, BASKETP, BttUSHWAUE. Our Stoclva are the most up-to-date obtainable — bought from manufacturers only, and on the best basis. ' Inspection Invited. • _^^Thewell-known'Clydesdale '' T ° TEAVEL THIS S ™** (g£mm^ Hprse WfflSfflT^ TIIPTATnR ,W3f BALMORAL JBL sSA will travel the" . P"*™^By Imperius. (imp.), from 1 P^'by 7 Doctor, frol SSK sS S, * *%£* Hambelt^ian. , W. MAETIN, V This celebrated trotting stallion will 3966 Brightwater. traiel the. Waiinea, Moutere, Motueka, - - " and Biwaka districts. , ■ ' . 7~ : ; ~~r— .. v Fee, £& single .mare ; reduction for two ■ ■ '- •'•'"• ""■ of more.iriare.stlie ! proper£yfof one; owner. MTo Tjsavel This Skason Dictatoe was a brilliant performer, . and made the N.Z. record for two miles In the Wakapuaka and on a grass traok. He has sired the b"st Waiinea Districts, and most nseful .horses, in Nelson and The Clydesdale Stallio*, Marlborough, and among those of his 1 1 nnn n .«F- a i nl w stock are the names of Dick Ply, Dick Q., LORD RANFURLY.^ D«* Sterens, Tutu, etc. By Lord Cranley, dam Eose of Keilor 4,i2g Sprint Grove (imp.) ' . ; " Loedßanfijelt was awarded first and : • champiosship at the Marlborough A. and j P. ? Show:in a largo ring of horses. His "O'&BBER STAMPS. —We have a stock gained two firsts and one second at JJU gr,6at variety of attractive designs the same Show. to choose from. Our prices are right; Season terms: .£3, half-guarantee jW and;ourStamp3 the best. — " The Colonist" 10s ; £1 10s payable .at end of season, JtZ Jobbing Department when mare proves, in foal. Groomage sb, ' ' „„.' payable at first service. " All orders left at Foxhill and Suburba* . " North Hotels will be carefully attended OflllTEJ DDITIOU to. oUUIn Dill I lon For pedigrea see. tords, 'and furlhet ■ > rt particulars appiy^ Insurance Company, 4124 Hope. Limited. m v ; ■ - - Capital . ;.. •-.. ... .£2,900,000 ■' ' . . Aesumulated Funds exceed.. £542,500 , n __ j^n. To Stand the Seasoa. .__ . £|2^P|J - TIEE amd MAEINE and ACCIDENT In the Wakapuaka and , ,1 INSUEANCES, ;Ai3magfem Waimea Districts. Inc i a ab,g Employers' LiabiUty for ComThe Magnificently Bred TROTTIN& p*ns«.tion under the Wprkers' CompensaSTALLION, ' . tion Acts, Mortgage . Indemnity, Public ddacdkdm Bisk, Personal Accident either singly : or DnACiDUnN^ ' £■ conjunction with Sickness Benefits ; Bbaebtjen is a bright bay and com- ilur ? larr, Plate Glass, Fidelity Guarantee, manding looking horse, and has proved 8 ■ j one of the most valuable sires brought to • ! , - i the district. . ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CUREENT I He is by Specification from Jenny Lind EATES. by Bluego-nm. Specification (imp.) io by . =~ Contractor (imp.) out of Kate Merry ' . Sub-Agbnts poe District: Lark. Specification holds the four miles #ity, Eobertson Bros. ; Motueka, H. A. WOELD"S EECOED in harness, lOmins Tarrant ; Eichmond, W. E. May ; Takaka, i 47sees,also the N.Z. 3 miles. record, 7mins J. J). La»gridge & Co.j Wakefield, E. J. j 35secs. . Paiitpa; Colling wood, W...C. Eiley& Co.j r Jenny Lind has won many trotting Uppar ; Moutere, C F. Muntz j Westport, ] races, and was never beaten in the Show J. J."Molony. . . ] ring. "■ Bluegown twice won the. Sires' Cup F &. D EDWARDS I and many other races in Canterbury, and !«.*»■*■ • » in 1895 he took first prize in the Trotting . AGENTS, Stallion Class at Christchurch. beating . TEAF ALGAE STEEET. Wild wood. Viking, and General Tracey. (Next National Ba^k). 1 From the above >it; will be seen that — — — -<■ Braeburn comes from, exceptionally fine - ' ■* stock. His own progeny, too, have made _. GOVERN JV! IE NT their- mark in the show ring, and his late W fefc _^ _g^ owners (Messrs "VVilkie & Page} had no Iml Bwpa g\ W^ |a difficulty in obtaining from twenty to B Iffl %JP la J™4 |i| I^S thirty guineas Apiece for two-year-olds B : M'W^^ by Braeburn. .■. 9 m bfi^ARTM^^IT For dates see cards, and for further ua.VTilT\ » me>J« a particulars apply to the owners, ' _____ « COOKSEY & CO., 933 Morrison-street, Nelson. FAO T NO> I* "L THE AMEEIEIF g"A^TEE OF TBE STATE { STA teo?TER KED goe> *M every Policy Isancd >g the Apartment. To Stand the Season^ the Maitai Eun. BvMt - g^pp iaßOrad qnder ite Companion is a beautiful solid bay , ' • ~ with black points, is of magnificent oondltiODft tests ebsolately Bacaro, ( conformation, even-tompered, and has ■ ™~- — — • — ■^— — — — —~ ~~ * t e sffity P t^ g HcTn. P L 0 . S f i |io S e, H o? *"™* -*»» whatever may Rosemeade Stud Farm, Los Angelos, California, and is the grandson of the happen tht ftlll Value of hill polisj mighty Trotting Sire, Stamboul, who — =-£ ' was sold by Mr Rose to Mr W. H. .. ' . • . . . „ _. .. _ ' Hobart for 5i,000d01. U m certain to be paid whep the - TERMS ::: £2 10s. . . , . t Two or more mares by arrangement. eJSim aoemef M tP*l lUe «m Bttftil c P. BEST, Groom-in-Charge. : ' ~ " J. WARNOCK, Owner, CIM in ths lEOining. . 3961 ' . . Maitai.^^e^n^

-^v^-^^ . The THOEoaoHBBED j .^^Qjli MOKAPUNA Will Travel this Season from Stoke to BelgroVe. and other districts if sufficient inducement, offers. . . - ~ Mokapuna, 7 years old, is from TamaHinemoa, from Eostrevor. On both'-the sire and dam side he is bred from the best blood, Tama-Hinemoa being a grandson of Towton, ■ and -Eostrevor a granddaughter of Traducer. . . .. Fees .£2 10s j groomage ss. All fees to. be paid on or before 9th January, 1909. '..'•--.• J. E. EDEN, Owner, . 3891 . „ - \ ; - Brightwater. ''.J^- Sll9^a»'" To "Travel This Seacon. Wrffl The Yonn g : ■TROTTING a^^g^^'s^ ' STALLION, F rz ROY (1903).. By Young Torpedo, .from" Daisy, by Fitz : .... James (imp.). Toong Toepedo, by Torpedo -"(imp.), from Nancy (fast .trot tor), by Scamp-The Hawk, by Golden Eagle. "Torpedo (Australian record 10 miles, and sire-6f Tornado, Torpedo ML, Torpedo Bill/ Submarine, etc.], was from Miss Modesty, by Lucifer-Flying Beauty, by Perfection, the erstwhile King of Trotters. Fitz James (imported by the late Mr John Kerr, from California,) sired; those sterling trotters Earns and Clyde, and' was by.the great General Qg&ren, U^le. Fitz'Eby is a rich brown, standing 16 hands, on a splendid set of logs and feet, and" exhibits in a . marked/.degree a rare combination of quality and substance, with perfect action and 'a" good turn of speed, and possesses those most essential qualities in all^aires — a sound constitution and docile v m>iev. Fitz Koy's breeding is undema, I lc embracing as it does through Fit jak es and Torpedo, the two best strains f b obd ever imported to the Doininion. ■•■-•■.■ : : Fitz Eoy will serve a limited number of < mares at i>2 10s each, payable on first January, 1909. • Groomage.2s Bd. Mondays, Wakapuaka"; ■"- Thursdays, Stoke, Eichmond, Applebyi and, Brightwater j remainder of week, at owner's stable. •• 3871 ■ J. W; HAASE. ; To Stand the Season. 1$ SS^wJI l^ nE Thoeoughbred i KNIGHT ERRANT. : By St, Lesee— Fobma. , Bred at Wellmgton Park ; related to < such horses as Multiform and Cruciform, 1 etc. See Stud Book. . ' Knight; Eeeant is a dark, chestnut, standing 16-2, with commanding appear ] ance, and the best bred horse that has travelled this district. He lias taken j first honours in the thoroughbred class . wherever shown. • . . Multiform, full brother of Enight Er"ant's dani, was sold-for 3/50 guineas and Knight' Erratit's sister, Nuceform, for breeding purposes only was bold for over 1500 guineas. _ . This valuable sire is stationed at Mr James Hunt's stables, Richmond, and will travel, Mondays : Bright- • water, Wakefield, Belgrove ; Tuesdays: via Waimea West to Richmond ; Wednesdays: Redwood's Valley, Upper and Lower Moutere to Waimea West to Richmond ; Wednesdays, Redwoods Valley, Upper and Lower Moutere to Motueka;- Thursdays: Riwaka; returning to Richmond Friday. A limited number of mares wiil be taken. : ,: _ . Terms: £4 4s; groomage fee 55. . Two or more mares the property of same owner by arrangement.-. For further particulars ..-.. :'.'■ "LEN. TOMLINSON, ■•■-'- Groom in Charge,' ■ - Richmond.

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Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12404, 20 November 1908, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12404, 20 November 1908, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12404, 20 November 1908, Page 1