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RSpdgrass and Sons, DIRECT IMPOETBR3. STAFFOSDSHIRE HOUSE. In preparation for Chrietmas Season, we liaye large Shipments of SEAS 0N A B L.E GOO D S Arrived and Arriying, including — CHINA, • . EARTHENWARE, GLASSWARE, FANCY GOODS, . LEATHER GOODS, JAPANESE GOODS, ELECTROPLATE, - ' ' ■"■■CUTLERY, - STATIONERY, BASKETS • BRUSHWARE. ; Our Stocks are the most up-to-date obtainable— bought from manufacturers only, and on the best basis. Inspection Invited.

To Teavei i. This Season DICTATOR. By Imperius (imp.), from Nellie, :by Duncan Gray (Aeab). Imperiua by Director, from- Slondane, by ] Wtipple's Hambeltonian. -This celebrated trotting stallion will ' jjrarel the Waimea, Moutere,: Motueka, ■ and Riwaka districts. > : - Fee, £3 single mare ; reduction: for two .] or more mares the property of one owner. • . Dictatob" was a brillumt performer, ' and made the N.Z. record for two miles ! on a grass tract. He has sired the b°st and most nsef ul horses in Nelson and ! Marlborough, and among those of his : stock are the names of Dick Fly, Dick G., £ DickSterens, Tutu, etc. . 1 Breed from a sire that has proved him- c to be a good performer and stock getter. . j THOMAS ROUGHTON, s 4128 Spring Grove. c £ : i -pUBBER STAMPS.— We have a i JBDLi great variety of attractive designs ? to choose . from. Our prices are right, 3 and our Stamps the best.—" The Colonist" E Jobbing Department . J : ■ " - '•"' ( SOUTH BRITISH insurance Company, Limited. Capital ... .£2,900,009 X Accumulated Funds exceed . , .£568,000 TIRE and MARINE, and ACCIDENT T INSURANCES, Inoludimg Employers' Liability for Compensation under, the Workers' Compensation Acts, Mortgage Indemnity, Public Sick, Personal Accident either singly or ia conjunction with Sickness Benefits ; Burglary, Plate Glass, Fidelity Guarantee, ets., AC«EPTED AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. Stb- A«bnts fob District : ' Oity, Robertson Bros. ; Motueka, H. A. Tarrwit; Richmond, W.R. May; Takaka, t " J.- J. Lakgridge & Co. ; Wakefield, E. J. j, Paimtonj Collingwood, W. "C. Riley & Co.; n Upper Moutere, C. F. Muntz ; Westport, j J. J. M«lony. j F. & D. ED~WA.iDS, b AGENTS, TRAFAIiGAB STREET. . (Next National Baak). I : -" i |^ dOVERNWIENT • 85I?ARTMg^T F&CT No. i. The 6UAB&NTEE OF THE S?AY£ goea frfaS every Policy tosaei fcg Use Scpartimeat Etkbt sesson icsored pnder tte ponditiogt teetfl abaclately eeouro, % firmly ftseared that whatever ma; happen the fall value oi his policy 1b m certain to be paid when the, J alsdm Merosfl a> thai the roc shall c j rwmjfe* jKoraing.

jgg& The well-known' Clydesdale l.'Wflr' BALMORAL/ :^#§ljli!3SJ .will travel the : Pigeon Valley, Thorpe. Ngafcimoti, TTppor Jloutere, Waimea, Stoke and Nelson. Districts. See cards,; or apply v W.- MIETJN,....:. ■■-.',- --3966 .Brightwater. To Tbatei. This Sbason iljiisgpi n * no and -i'f&sM • Waimea Districts, ': .^^CTS The Clydesdale Stalliom, LORD RANFURLY. (Bred by James Bishop, Esq., Wheatstone, Canterbury.) "~ By Lord Cranley, dam Rose of Keilor" (imp.) ■ . : Lobd Ranfublt was awarded- first and championship at the Marlborough A. and P. Show iri a large ring of horses. His stock gained two firsts and one second-at the same Show. Season terms : £3, half-gusrantee £8 10s ;" -£1 10s payable at end of season, £2 when'mare proves in foal. Groomage ss, payable at first' service. All orders left at Foxhill and Suburban North Hotels will be carefully attended to. For pedigrea see cards, and further particulars apply GEORGE MILLER, 4124 • ' Hopo. .•— .-T^gta To stand the Season. '-' J^jfSrf* 111I 11 the Wakapuaka and -'■k^gSttSlsfaSß Waimea Districts. The Magnificently Bred TROTTING ! STALLION. i BRAEBURN. i Beaebxtrn is a bright bay and com- ■ manding looking horse, and has proved ' one of the most valuable sires brought to the district. He is by Specification from Jenny Lind by Bluegown. Specification (imp.) is by Contractor (imp.) out of Kate Merry Lark. Specification holds the four miles ' WORLD'S RECORD in harness, . lOmjris ! 47sees,.also the N.Z. 3 miles record, 7mins „ 35secs. ■' ■" • i Jenny Lind has won many trotting races, and was never beaten iri the Show . ring. Bluegown twice won the Sires' Cup and many other races in Canterbury, and in 1895 he took first prize in tho Trotting Stallion Class at Christchurch. beating "Wildwood, Viking, and General Tracey. From the above- it will be seen that Braeburn comes from' exceptionally fine stock. His own, progeny,. too, have made their mark in the show ring, and his late owners (Messrs Wilkie & Page) had no difficulty iri obtaining from twenty to thirty guineas apiece for two-year-olds by Braeburn. For dates see cards, and for further particulars apply to the owners, COOKSEY & CO., 933 Morrison-street, Nelson. fisET — ~ ~~~ ~~~ . ifefc. THE AMERICAN STANDARD-BRED -^JE^S&G-O HJ-P-A N 1-O'N To Stand the Season at the Maitai Run. Companion is a beautiful solid bay with black points, is of magnificent conformation, even-tempered, and has the fullest pedigree possible. , He , was bred by the' Hon. L. J. Rose, of ' Rosemeade, Stud Farm,. Los Angelos, - California, and is the grandson of the : mighty Trotting -Sire, Stamboul, who • was sold by Mr , Hos e. to Mr W. H. , Hobart for 51,000db1. ■ • " TERMS : : : £2 10s. Two or more mares by arrangement, i P. BEST, 6room-in-Charge. J. WARNOCK, Owner, i 3961 ;■■-'■ - • : MaitaL Nelson.

•:■:■■:-■■ \" :■ Is|^^g@jS Hobsb, ' .-■OKAP.IIMA Will Travel' this Season from Stoke to Belgrove. and other districts if sufficient ' inducement offers. ' ■-.:. - •:. ■ Mokajpuna, 7 years old, is from Tariia- . Hinemoa, from Rostrevor. On both jijie sire and dam side he is bred from thefiesj;. : blood, Tama-Hiriemoa being a grandson of Towton, and Rostrevor a grand.. 3 daughter of Traducer. Fees j£2 10s ; grobiuage ss. All fees to he paid on or. before 9th January, 1909. , . _ J. R. EDEN, Owner, " i 3891 Brightwater. >--_,^!a To Travel This^Seacm. ' : 4^^*^rm-Tb,e.T6ring- TROTTING i^p^-'v "^ STALLION, , FTI ROY (1903). ; By Young Torpedo, from Daisy, by Pitz -j - James (imp.).' ; j • Young Toepedo, by Torpedo ' (imp.), ; from Nancy (fasT tr6ttor), by Scamp-The ■< Hawk, by Golden Eagle. ;Torped6 (Aus- | traliari" record 10 miles, arid sire of Tornado, Torpedo 11., Torpedo Bill, Sab- ] marine, etc.),, was from Miss Modesty, by i Lucifer-Flying Beauty, by Perfection, the erstwhile King of Trotters. Fitz James 1 (imported by the late Mr John Kerr, from California,)' sired those sterling '■'trotters t Rarus and Clyde, and wasijjy .th_e gr->at - General McClennan-Idalia, by Owen Dale: Fitz Roy is a rich brown, standing 16 hands, on a splendid set of legs and feet, and exhibits in a marked degree a rare combination of quality-' and substance, with perfect action and. a good turn of speed, and possesses those most essential qualities in all «ires — a sound constitution and docile a m per. Fitz Roy's breeding is undenia T It embracing as it does through Fit Jan es and Torpedo, the two best strains I b ood ever imported to the Dominion. 1 Fitz Roy will serve a limited nnmber of < mares at .£2 10s each, payable on first 1 January, 1909. Groomage 2s 6d. Mondays, Wakapuaka ; Thursdays, 1 Stoke, Richmond, Appleby, and Bright- < water; remainder of week, at owrer's 1 stable. ' 3871 J. W. HAASE. i i 1 J&g^ To Stand tho Season. - I liP&iSpß HE Thoroughbred i KNIGHT ERRANT. .] i By St, Legbb — Fobma. ( Bred at Wellington Park ; related to < such horses as Multiform and Cruciform, etc. See Stud Book. . ' Knight Ebkant is a dark chestnut, standing 162, with commanding appoar ] ance, and the best bred horse that has travelled this district. He has taken < first honours in the thoroughbred class j wiierevev shown. , Multiform, Tiill brother of Knight Er'-ant's dam, was sold for 3/50 guineas and Knight Errant' s sister, Nuceform, for breeding. purposes only was bold for over 1500 guineas. ," This valuable -.sire, is stationed at Mr James Hunt's stables, Richmond, and will travel, "Mondays : Bright- : water, Wakefield, Belgrove; Tuesdays: via Waimea West to Richmond ; Wednesdays: Redwood's Valley, Upper arid Lower Moutere to Waimea. , West to Richmond ; Wednesdays, • ■Redwoods.' Valley", Upper and Lower ■Moutere to Motueka ; . Thursdays : ; 'Riwaka ; returning to Richmond i ri- 1 day..' A ;limited' number ■of •'mares- :} wiil be'takenV ' • Terms: £4 4s ; groomage fee ss. _ . ■■': Two or more mares the property of same owner by arrangement. ■ • 1 -For further particulars " LEN. TOMLINSGN, Groom in Charge, - * " •"-.'■ -' ■ ■ . "■■- Richmond. >

:COIJGSS^BS©M€IIIpBi ASTHMA^ & .CO^SIJMPTIOIi; ; f!as the Largest Sale of any Chest Medicine in the World. ' "^^^-S,S?Q ■■•*>f^littis» 7SS I succe.B of HEABNE'S BRONOHITIS CURE, has induced ft numfiwjr i Wbrinclpled persons v imWatMns, each caliinff hi. medicine "Bronchitis Cure/ witvi 4h r object of • As^gating a^ sale for an Imitation which ha. none of the bene^la.^ejts^ , Sflr^e'S bronchitis GU - Consequently It ha. become necessary to draw your attention to this fact, : Sr^^o rec^STyou^n^ rn^res^ to be particular to a.k for HEARNgS and to ,co that you got it, •] HEABN^S BERONCHITIS C^S- 3m; , 2 ; fe r J^^ Bi«e, */6. Sold by Chemists Kcdicrne Vcndc^, and fcytH* "J " iSSjSo^ W. d. KEABWJEi Ohe ? ©!o^gi Victoria. Forwarded to any Address, w^en not obtainable ioosH^ HOTlbSv-H^rne's Bronchitis Cu«No/l > does i^OT contain ftn-rjoison -within the meanicg of tbe Act. Tt i& equallj >preficia] to » , zr&STs)FSDEs!^?l^kr?Fi^ HU&B BTJILDmGSVWILLIS-ST^^^^MOTOr . ; :_ Leal Agents^JAMES BOQ^: Haray-Bweefc CAN CELL Trafftlgas-Bteeet T, EAS-COTT, n.rdv-^m .- ' : ObbamaWe ttam A J PALMER FpxWVl\ Mott^iko! vTadmoi. ■ : , i - : *-'■■■-■ "'":'.■' . - ~-. ■ ~ ." . ■ ■ - '. ' ■V" . " ... -.-■■'* l ■-^ .- _- . ■ ■ ■ . . • ■ ■■..-- --■ ' ■ i ■ - :-...■ . ■ ■' ■ ■ ' ' " ■ ■'-:'■'- '*■■'■ , ■'-"- ..*.■"'' ■"."■-" > ■ : .' ■ '

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Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12403, 19 November 1908, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12403, 19 November 1908, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12403, 19 November 1908, Page 1