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■ ' *«* ■ B ' ■ ' 'ft ' SAVE 40/- --" Every man can now save at least 40}- on his next Suit, and have it made to his measure in Christchurch, in the latest city style." --; :■: GEORQE DAVIES. lim now making suits for gentle:d men in every part .of the Dominion, and giving thß most critical complete satisfaction. '" ■ I can make a suit for you for £2 lbs. or £8 that will be at least the equal of any suit yon ever paid £4 10s. or £5 for. I will give you a written guarantee for a perfect fit too, or bind myself to refund your money in full. '. It's a fair offer to you. It's worth taking advantage of . I want you to send for my big range T of samples. They include the newest „ and best suitings and overcoatings obtainable. 'I want to send them, together with my simple self -measure-, merit form and new style book, post free to your address. I want you to in see just how I can make the most i- stylish, bast-wearing and shape-retain-j ing garments procurable, .and at the same time save you at least £2 on your next suit or overcoat ; send for samples H to-day— now while you think of it. ■■' ADDRESS— o George Davies I 184 and 188 Colombo St., t OHRiaTOHUBOH. 3 . ■- .. . . . ' . JSiTvY'jiUAN -BEOS.' Royal Mail Coaches. -'•■' : NELSON TO BLENHEIM. Lnave :,Crbwr. Stables", Nelson, on Mondays; Wednesdays, and Fridays, at .7 am. ' Leave Club Hotel, Blenheim,, on return, i - Tuesdays, Thursdays, «nd Saturdays. , .. at 7 a.m. Parcels carried at moderate rates. Booking Office : Crown Stables. - NEWMAN BROS., Proprietors. NEWMAN BEOS. ~~ RQYAL MAIL COACHES. WEST COAST* SEEVICE. "jT EAVE Motupiko for the West Coast JU on Arrival of Trains on TUESJD AY and PEID AT, Eeturning again on WE D.NESDA V and SATUBDAT, in time for Passengers to catch the Trains for Nelson. i The Motupiko Coach connects with the Eeeftoh : and ■ Westport Coaches at Inangahua Jvmction. Parcels carried afcmoderate rates. •Booking Office:; Crown Stables. „ ; " ..■ . NEWMAN BEOS., Proprietors, EOYAL MAIU COACJH. Nelson— Richmond -Motufcka— I Riwaka. NEWMAN BEOS., Proprietors. , THE Proprietors call the attention of the travelling public to the fact that the BicHiioND-BrwAKA Coach Service has been extended to Nelson, and Coaches now leave the Crown Stables, Nelson, DALLY, or Eiwaka, and arrive daily from Eiwaka, as per timetable appended. All parcels and orders receive strict and businesslike attention. .; Ojii'-v I'ttrietabl* . Leave ftctsori for Eiwaka at 9 a.m. ; arriving Eiwaka- 2.30 p.m. - ' '■'■'■- Leave Eiwaka for Nelson at 8 a.m., « arriving Nelson 1.30 p.m. Luncheon: Bedwood's Valley. " NEWMAN BKOS., Proprietors. FIRE INSURANCE. Reduce J Rates WITH THE ' . ; Liverpool and London and Insurance'Co . fc4ooi<W*u itiffeat-d in Australasia • ?r.isn-jt S-ttleuieat qf_Claima. V j; h. cock;& cp ; , ; . . - ;■•..■ . Chief ' Agents. INSTJEANCE COMPANY OF N.Z. „ • - NELSON BEAN CH. , . TjilEE, MAEINE and GUARANTEE. JC Policies issued at current rates. Large and influential Colonial Proprietary. Prompt and liberal settlement of claims??" . >. A. BAMFOED, Nelson Savings Bank^Buildings, , . Trafalgar Street. :;.

i ' . _ ■ ' ' ' . i R, Snodgrass and Sons, |. . -. JDIE.BOT IMPOETBRSi ! STAFyORpSBIIRB HOUSE. j Recent Arrivals include— • | Splendid range of TEA-SETS from | ■' THE STAR CHINA TCOMPANY. S Latge and well assorted Shipment of CUTLERY and PLATE, from I C. JOHNSON & CO. Sheffield. f ikpanese Goods— r Inoluding Silk.3, Ocepa, Cloth, Panoy Kifc3, Dre33 Bisfcefca, Mats, I-. Matting, etc., eto. . H Specially Selected by MR, R. B. SNODGRA33 h ;■,"■"" in Japan. '. " U" ' v - : - - ■ '". ■ •• . : : . - p. \ . . . ; . _ ■■_•-.'. t: Extra Good^ines in Dinnartrara, Toiletware, eto. v ? \ Large Saleotion of Tanblew and Table ..GHagsware fcom Belgium • acd 'f ptfier oentres, , . '''■'■ > . I You are Cordially Invited to Call and Inspect. - YOU WILLr FIND OUEI SEDEOTION AND;P3tOE3 EXOELLESrT, . • ' ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■■■ ■

■; " tailoring oi-ders | a large tailoring firm— to TIIIBE'S, * nristchurch — and share in the sub- . g is of our methods of trading. • I S made to measure under our system. . | :£2to £3 the suit, and we guarantee | NEY BACK. ■-■« I sto Measure Ef | ejpi / " bljM ' I \ & !KA styles, and we /I' IVI 3ar-resisting- Grey, / £'■ i ,* " r .f ; - £ te Tweeds, Serges, r J&\ \\\~\ I ying weights from I 1| I^l ieasurement chart ' ffff.ll JSO - ? riU be found faith-' iff 91^ j| I If we donU, you P" ■ V' I ur money. Fill in /\ . ' \W| uu " j *-* >v our patterns and /^X-tey»-bothFEEE. \& |SS | TRIBE & Co. ! Made to Measure ■ . Suits by Mall . . EStD. 1881, , CHRISTCHURCH. :'":"^';..-' ''.v;.* : " .- no v ß^ ■•-■ ' ■_■■ : :■;. ; v- \ The Thokodqhbekd IgK| Ho ESB , r , ;Will Travel. thi3 Season from .Stoke to ,' Belgrove. and other districts i£ sufficient , inducement offers. ' J : . "Mokapuna, f years old, is from Tama- . -Hiiiemoa, from* Bostrevoir. ■ On both tHe . sire and side he is bred from the best .■• blood, Tarna T Hinemoa being a grandson of Towfcon, and . Eostfevor. a graadv , daughter of. Traducor. , Fees £2 10s ; groomage ss. Air fees to be paid on or before 9th .-: January) : 1909.. ...";....■-.■ . J. E. IDEN, Owner, . ' 3891 : Brightwater. : ; y^ (^ i v To Travel This Season. THe T onn g TROTTING I .V" STALLION. ;. FITZ ROY^ (1903). 1 By Young Torpr 10, from Daisy, by Fitz iV." ;:es : (imp.). • . Tousa Tot> • ■ >>, % Torpedo (imp.); from Nancy (r, - trotter), by, SeamprThe Hawk, by Golai;ii' JEagle. Torpedo (Aus-" tralian record 10 miles, and sire of Tornado, Torpedo 11., Torpedo Bill, .Submarine, etc:), was from Miss.Modestyj by Lncifer-Flying Beauty, by Perfectiori;;the erstwhile King of Trotters. ... EitzrJames (imported by the late Mr Johri'KeiT, from; California,) sired those sterling trotters Barus and Clyde, . amd was.-byrthe.^jreat' " 'General McClennan-Idalia^by Owen Dale. "Fitz Roy is a rich brown, standing 16. hands, on asplendid set of logs and feet, and exhibits in a marked degree a fare combination of- cfualitj and subitance, perfect action and "a good turn ofspeed, and .possesses those most' essential (-qualities in all "jires— "a sound 'constitution and docile duXnev.- Fitz Koy's breeding is undoma.T ie "embracing -#s it does through Fit' J and Torpedo, the two best strains -' t b o'od ever imported to the Dominion. . ' . . '■■■' Fitz Roy will serve a limited number of mares at £2 10s each, payable on first Januaiy, 1909. Groomage 2s 6d... . " Mondays, .■ Wakapuaka 5 ' Thursdays, Stoke, Richmond, Appleby, and Bright, water; remainder of week, at oSvrer's stable. 3871 J. W. HAASE. ■■ ' ■ ■ ' *'• '.•*"■... liß&k*. an<^ *^ c Season. B^J^Kbh The Thoroughbred KNIGHT ERRANT. By"ST, Legee — Forma. Bred at Wellington Park ; related to such horses as Multiform and Cruciform, etc. See Stud Book. ~ Knight Errant is- a -dark chestnut, standing 16-2, with commanding appearance, and the best bred horse that has travolled this district.- He , has taken first honours in the thoroughbred class wherever 'shown. r Multiform, full brother of Knight Bryant's dam, was sold for 3750 ruiueas and Knight Errant' s sister, Nuce'forrn, for breeding purposes only was ,sold for over 1500 guineas. - This valuable sire, is stationed at Sir James Hunt's stables, Richmond, and will travel, . Mondays : Bnp;htwatcr, Wakefiold, Belgrove ; Tuesdays : via Waimea West to Richmond ; Wednesdays: Redwood's Valley, Upper and Lower Moutere to Waimea West to Richmond; Wednesdays, Redwoods Valley^ Upper and Lower Moutere to Motueka;. Thursdays: Riwaka ; returning to' Richmond Friday. • A limite4 number of mares will be taken. ■ - Terms : £4 4s ; groomago fee os. Two or more mares the property of same owner by arrangement. For further particulars LEN.- TOMLINSON, Groom in Charge, 1 Richmond.

le __^Bfik BAVEJC| This Seasoi DICTATOR. ™P^SI^W By Imperius (imp.), froir Nellie, by Duncan Gray (Abab). Im ' perius by .Director, from Mondane, bj Whipple's Hambeltonian: ' This celebrated trotting stallion will travel -the Waimea, M6ntere> Motueka, ■ and Eiwaka districts. Fee, £3 single mare ; reauetionjf or two or more mares the property of one owner. i .-Dictatob was a brilliant performer, arid made the N.Z. record for two miles ' on a grass track. He has sired the b«st and most nseful horses in Nelson and : : Marlborough, and among those of his stook are the names of Dick Fly, Dick G., Dick Stevens, Tutu, etc. : Breed from a sire that has proved himtobe agood.,performer and stock getter. ■ - THOMAS EOUGHTON, 4123 Spring Grove. I -1- .-■■•■-. ' -__ t-; ' - ' EUBBEE STAMPS.— We have a great variety of attractive designs to Choose from. . Our prices are right, : and our Stamps the best. — "The Colonist" ! Jobbing Department " SOUTH BRITISH insurance Company, Limited. Capital ... ... ... £2,900,000 Accumulated Funds exceed . . .■ .£563,000 FIBE and MAEINE-and ACCIDENT „... INSTJEANCES, Inoluding Employers' Liability for<JompejLEation xtndor the Workers' Compensa"tis% Acts, Mortgage Indemnity, Public ■ Bisk, Personal Accident either singly or in conjunction with Sickness Benefits ; Burglary, Plate Glass, Fidelity Guarantee, ;etffi-, ■'' :■•;-' ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CUBBENa? | 1 ' BATES. ' S*b- Agents fob Distbict : @ity, Eobertson Bros. ; Motueka, H. A. Tarraat; Bichmond, W. E. May ; Takaka, J. J. Langridge & Co.; Wakefield, E. J. • Paintoa; Collingwood, W. C.Eiley &Co.; Upper Moutere, C. F. Muntz; Westport, J. J. Molony. " F. & D. EDWAIDS, : . AGENTS, ..-■ . ... TEAFALGAB STEEET. ."■":.; (Next National Bank'). . •fc GOVERNMENT -= " ' D«yARTWIE3«7 FACT No. I. He 6UAIANTEE OF THE STATE goea »iti every Policy issnej tg the Stfpartment. ErnrnnoD Insured under its oondltioae testa abaolntely Beouro, firmly mored thai whatever may happen tlw fall valna of hia policy la m i certain to be paid when the etoim aoernei a» thai the gon ahall raw in thj_naornlng.

'■' jSBSk The well-known Clydesdali ':^W^ BALMORAL .'i^^^^^: will travel the Pigeon Valley, Thorpe.Ngatimoti, Uppei Moutere, Waimea,. Stoke and Nelsor Districts. See cards,i',or apply •:.'. . W. MAETIN, 3966 ; Brightwater. - >;:-■' ' . . ' ' . " ■ -- ■ . :^rfHfc: To Tbavel This Season ■ J^P^jaT in the Wakapuaka and ' i^tesffla*. Waimea Districts, kMilmmm The Clydesdale StaUion, LORD RANFURLY. (Bred by James Bishop, Esq., : Wheatstone, Canterbury.) ;By Lord Cranley, dam Eose of Keilor . :^-;;- - (imp.) ;■ • :, :LpBD Eanfubly was .awarded first and championship at the Marlborough* A. and ■P. Show in a large ring of horses. His stock gained two firsts and one second at •the'same Show. ,:;Season terms :' £3,~ half-gu=rantee lOs; £1 10s payable at end of season, £2 w£en mare proves in-fpal; ' Groomage sb, payable at first service.' "'All ordera left at Foxhill and Suburban North Hotels will be carefully -attended tb| ■.-.-;■ ■■• . ; : "•■■'•' /For pedigrea see cards, and farther^ particulars apply J: . GEOBGE MILLEB, 4124 i :. . . -.'. Hope. ■^■rv-rpdS&rfi ' To Stand tie Season. . ?-J^*|\™*. In the Wakapuaka and ..•■ -VSlv^i'^ii^'itr Waimea -Districts." The Magnificentiy Bred TJROTTING STALLION. •- ... : . ,-".■ " VBRAEBURN. Beaebdbn is -. a bri ght bay. and commanding looking horse, and. has proved one of the most valuable sires brought to the district. ...''■ '■■.'"■. ' -I He is by Specification from Jpimy Lind by Bluegoivn. Specification (imp.) is by Contrpctor (imp.) "out of . Kate Merry •Lark. Specification holds the four miles WOBLD'S EECOED in harness, lOmins 47secs, also the N.Z. 3 miles record, 7mins 35secs. . _ ■ . '. , ': Jenny Lind has won many trotting races, and was never beaten in the Show ring.. , •'■■ - Bluegown twice won -the Sires' Cup and many other races in'Panterburyy.and in 1895 he took first prize in the .Trotting Stallion Class at Christbhurch; fieafing ■Wild wood; Viking, and General Tracey* JProm the above it will; be seen that Braeburn comes 'from exceptionally fine stock. His own progeny, top, have made their mark in the • show ring, and his late owners (Messrs "Wilkie & .Page) had "no difficulty in obtaining'; from twenty to thirty guineas apiece _f or; two-year-olds by Braeburn. .»f > ; -; ' For dates see cards,: and for further particulars apply to the owners, ' COOKSEY & CO., 933 # MorrisOn-street.'Nelson. fiiin ; : ~~ ■; . aL. " THE AMEEICAN fflfiK-ia.. STANDABD-BEED I^EJWB "" ; TBOTTEB i^^3| c °MpA N! ° N Tor 1 Stand the Season at the Maitai Eun." >'- ' t Companion is a beautiful solid bay with black points,' is .of magnificent conformation, even-tempered, and has the fullest pedigree possible. He was bred by the Hon. L. J. Rose, of Rosemoade Stud' Farm,- Los Angelos, California, and is the grandson of the mighty- Trotting., Sire, Stfimboul, .who was sold by Mr Rpsevto Mr W. H. flobart for ■■'- ' TERMS :;:;:. £2 lObe Two or more 'mares, by arrangement. P. BEST, Grbom-iii-Charge. J. WARNOCK, Owner;, 3961 .■"•_■. . Maitai. Nelson.

Tin© iwßK&ecly JTobv ■ „ . : ■■■ . . . .. .• COTOHS, BMOHCHSTIS, ASTHMA, «Sp CONSUMPTION, Has the Largest Sale of any Chest Medicine in the World.shoS e 4houti™ P as? taken at the begi* - % is ge.WKs.ffic.ont. and Cure Is certain. „. : < : ; Of-ImitS - *c great success of HEARNE'S BRONOHITIB OURE, has induced a number of unprincipled persen 3 * o Sm^tidris, each calling his medicine Cure," /with th? object of i deceiving the simpls-minS 1 so getting a salo for an Imitation which has none of the beneficial effects that - HEARNE'S 'BRONCHITIS CU - Consequently It has become necessary to draw your attention to this fact. and to request you ir. yo. interests to b« particular to ask for HEAftNE'S and to see that you gftt It HEABNE'3 BRONCHITIS C3J3i. bm. . 2/6? Large Si*e, 4/6. Sold by Oneml'ats and Medicine Vendor*-,- and 6y ti* Proprietor, W. Q. HEARNE, Chf ©Jo^s, Victoria. Forwarded to any A^cJress, v/hsr» r.ot oi.tljnst !o lacnHy N OTlGS.— Hearne's Bronchitiß Cum No. 1 * does tfOT contain eknv^oieon within the meaniDg of the Act. Tt is equa]!.v fc*"«firial to » N\Z:DEFOT-^FFICEs!No°II?F?r BeefFZr;HUM8 ee fFZr;HUM '' r • Loal Agents- J AMES BOON Hatdy-gtreet \W. Oy ANOELL Trßfalga?-atreef T. BAR^OOTT, Ra-av.9trer ' ■ Obtainable from A J PA.LMBR PaxhiU MotapUroi tadmot ;; ' ,7

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Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12400, 16 November 1908, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12400, 16 November 1908, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume LI, Issue 12400, 16 November 1908, Page 1