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To-day is the fortightly pay day of the Terminating Building Society. The first annual general meeting of the .. Nelson College Old Boys' Cricket: Club will be held ,at the Camera Club rooms to-night. i The Orohestral practice of the Harmonic Society will be held dn Wednesday evening next instead cf tomorrow. , ■ Mr Grahau 1 , M.P., invites all members of his former Women's Committee and new political wotueu supporters to meet him and his general election committee at the Foresters? Hall this evening. By advertisement those common ! jurors who were summoned to attend at the Suprenn Court to-day are notified that their attendance is [not resuiw4 until to-morrow.-

During "the proceedings in the SupremejjOourt on Saturday the forenaan " handed tfce following acknowledgment in, and requested that it should be given to the local newspapers i—* 'Th.B jury desire to thank Messrs Jackson and Go. for a parcel of this week's illustrated papers and magazines, kindly sent^to the hotel for their use. They will be much appreciated by all. " In continuation of the cribbage tournament, on Saturday evening the Druids defeated the Presa and Telegraph by 13 games to 12; and the Kechabites defeated the Anglers. After a long lay-up in Christchurch, the Maori war canoe Taheretikitiki is to be returned to the North. It will probably first take the water at Wai tonuita, and our American naval visitors will have an opportunity of seeing what can be done by Maori canoeists. The canoe will afterwards return to the Waikato, whence it came. '' Fined and costs" was the penalty for supplying. a prohibited person with liquor, inflicted by Mr Widdowsoii, S.M., at the Port Chalmers Court. Thomas Holder, of Green Cove, "Westland, who was thrown over a forty feet embankment by a fractious horse, owes the saving of his life to a feather pillow, which he was taking home to his wife. Holder's horse shied at an object on the road, throwing him headlong into a rocky ravine, but he failed to loosen'his hold on the pillow, which, fortunately, struck the ground ahead of him. It is understood that Eva, the Maori prophet, has political aspirations; and would not be averse to a seat in the Upper House if it were offered to him. In any case^ he is almost certain to contest one of the Moari electorates at the forthcoming elections. Thers are still strong indications of gas at the bore at the Ingk vood (Taranaki) Oil Boring and ProspoetOompany. Under the new Food Acts, whicli h.v.-o lately come into force in tho Cornm nwealth, there have been several prosecutions, which were instituted because the foods sold by chemists and others under the name of infants' foods did not comply with the standard fixed by the Board of Health ; they contained starch, thereby rendering them unsuitable as foods for children under six months old. HorlicFs malted milk kas been analysed and passed by the said board, and ad- j mitted duty f ree> because it is an eminently suitable ; food for infants under six months, other foods of this description being taxed. This information should be valuable to doctors, nurses, etc., as it shows "the high position Herlick's takes when in comparison with similar products. Chemists will also be relieved to know that they run no risk in stocking and selling this preparation.* Messrs Blsley Bro.s and Co. advertise the following sales t—Tuer day next* stock sale at Tapawera; Saturday next, in the estate of the late John Warnook, bay gelding and cow in full milk; Wednesday. Bth prox., stock sale at Richmond ; Saturday, 11th prox., the freehold farming property at Bisfaopdale. at present leased to Mr George King ; freehold property at Hope on account of Mr John Wendleburn; afid a horse and vehicle sale, Messrs Levien and Kollet advise a | sale of city property next Saturday* ! and as it is centrally situated the competition should be very keen. The Temperature. — At three o dock this Burning the thermometer outside this ofLctf registered 46 degreesjj . Ladies ! Why pay a price for a slop costume when you can get first-class cut, style, and materials for a little more, at Harford & Daly's, Trafalgar-street. ! . Once more New Zealanders have asserted their superiority in the football field, and secured an easy victory, much to the surprise of the visiting team ; but J it is no surprise to the buyers of this district to hear that Lock secures a victory every time, and that " Go to Lock's" is now a household word. It is many years since Lock registered his first score, but he has outpaced his opponents i ever since. Lock's high class gnods ; together with his fair and squre dealing and easy terms of payment, have withstood all attacks from, the opposition. Lock has one of the largest and most up-to-date stocks to select from, and newshipments are constantly arriving. !No! matter what you want, be it for cottage or mansion, Lock is sure to have it, and 1 fche very best value can be depended ojx. i Ex Athenic, just arrived — Harland Pianos, Britannia Air Eifles, and 70 Atlas Sewing Machines, the demand for which increases every year. To be had only from Lock, the . poople's popular furnisher. Save money by going to Lock's. For Children's Hacking Cought at night Woods' Great Peppermint Cure 1/6 and 2/6.

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Colonist, Volume L, Issue 12281, 29 June 1908, Page 2

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Colonist, Volume L, Issue 12281, 29 June 1908, Page 2

NEWS OF THE DAY. Colonist, Volume L, Issue 12281, 29 June 1908, Page 2