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You can savo £2 on your next suit, •in;] hfivo it inado-to-your-meaßurfr;in GhristcJmrch in tlie latest style. "-;■ j I utu making good suits to measure | for from 39/6 upwards for gentlemen; i in your own town «s— \ ]..- — saits that ars S-*L I corr.eotly cvit in ttcHy f i. aViy v 3tyle desired, \. ■< ;;. Buitstha^tarelined Sji^V^fnT ' ' with tbe best of lini figs ? have real Wmf Wii\ |i\n\ hair Olpth fronts, S||| 1/7/1 H are \yeli padrlod, jajH • )JA\ $ \w\ and are- honestly u|m .^J| j Jw))j mido throughout, \A : >^mlP{ am! will retnia .^rli'W!'^ thsirtterleotshapa ' V«S»^*M*U\ .A WRITTEN- jfiiiil '' ?J\--& FiT. S ffiMl •-■■■"'■• , " V't? VvHI i w iii'ii you onicr • fc?t*j *? ' 3 i rjuratritfromnio, . tfi\l V$\ r '] I giv3 you a writ- |isj| WgL i scn;{!i-irantoei;ha* fi'j.j tttV { the dotbes -.vill fit Ml i» j you perfectly or I fJjf/l |\1 j un;levtako .to re- £ijl-l IH j fun;! .every' penny . o?- your t nioney. V > j Civolj-lajhylhing be fairer? Couldytfu 1 j bo :,?-A4jet 9 a more fully ? No! I take g I all ihVrlsk, jf there is'anv, 2 | The materials naed ir my made-to- I j nxea--:: re" "'sahfi at from Sl.'.f/nro of the f I highest qiirJity; fhe same quality-aB § you are :1c the habit of pay H"> g the § local taiW-g4 or 55 for •;".: ■ | 1 SfAtv/IPLEB FKS£. ■Vj Write far xiir s[jlp>i>H J samples of tli*"" | latCsLsuifcings, uiysixii^le,seJi,- : u>6UiUJfj- ■: | I gladly sun d them post f.Vy.. Y. 1 Tlioy oost yon notnijig. U >-.» crjiT<?uitl' I yosrto nothiiiß, b.\'- ihftj- cd.n Muvc y»/>i'' I moueyi AVrita 10-Jav— now, while you g think of it. . " I ADDRESS— ' k mm.- day'bs, „I ■.iSlWoini) 1 j!-. CHRIST- "WCH.J WASTE PAPEB, — For Sh'c, good olaaD: Wbßte Paper' In latge or email qaaj.iiticß. at Offioe nf this Paper; For Immediate Sale, l ■ > |^ OOD groomed HOUSE A.,tli e^Vry \jf conveiiience.situaterl r'uKingwoodstreet. Land 35 feet by 94 f tot. C : \* A Bargain. - ,-. ,'".'• TELEGSAFH HOTEL 1 -\ $AKAKA. 9 OTTO HAASEI, (formerly ot the Belgrove Hol^l)>.;in notifying -tliftfc^e - has taken the aTbdve i old 'established and centrally situated Hotel, wishes the|>ubli<s to know that he has had noAv ) omns Added, and the whole place thoroughly renovated and refurnished. Travellers and Visitors will fin^ the TELEGRAPH a comfortable and wellappointed Hotels the interior arrangements having the personal super vision of Mrs Haasb. 1 The Stables will have the personal attention of the Proprietor, and Horses and Vehicles (two and four wheolers) will be kept on Hire. JL Covered Conveyance will also meet all Steamers. First-class Sample Room. Good Milliard Table. Letters and telegrams receive prompt attention. '"i -. | TH, RANKIN & CO., ' AUCTIONEERS, I. \ :<D v , . • vrMJS- '. STQN-AfIKN i ■ '" ■■■■•■' —HAVE FOR SAi.--: - 1 ".. 05 ACRES Native Lea^e, in b'uroiigh. of Motueka: 15 years to ran New 6roomed Jiouse. -All plougliabl?. On main coach road. Rent low. .£6OO. 25 ACRES of Freehold in Borough, with two houses thereon, one of 4 rooms, and the other of 0 rooms. Good repair. Barn, stable and trap shed. ,£750. 7£ ACRES -Freehold, in Borough, Avitliin 5 minutes' ,walk of Posfa. Office. Price £400. 666 ACRES Freehold, Ngatiraoti; capable of carrying 2 p.heep to the acre, • : House, stable, hopkiln sheep yards, dip, etc. Well watered by running streami long frontage to main, road ; good flats and low ploughable hills. School on proparty. Siturtion all that can be desired. , Easy distance from Port by good road. ' Price, .£SOOO, including sneep. Half purchase money can remain at 4« per cent. 18 ACRES Native Lease, If* years to run ; 10-roomed House in good order, hop ki hi, barn, stable, coach house, etc., 4iacies hops, 3J acres raspberries; 7 acres in orchard. Some of the finest land in borough. Satisfactory reason for selling. Strongly recommended to anyone in search of a first-class orchard property. d 61200. 340 ACRES at AVaiwera. Freehold. 10-roomed house, 20 acres under plough ; 25 acres in bush, well watered, subdivided into fine paddocks, good sheep country, .£6OO. .£250 oan remain at 4J per cent. 16 ACRES Native Lease at Lower Moutere, 16 years to run ; rent- £o per annum ; 2 acres in oicuiirJ ; nine roomed house, 3-stall stable, lianiuss room, dairy, bathroom, etc, fowl houses and runs, running stream on property. An ideal poultry farm. .£475. 6* ACRES, Freehold; in Borough, sroomed house, one acre in orchard, balance in j^rass. .£375. 21 ACRES, Freehold, U *cre3 in orchard, in full bearing. '■ Balance has all been cropped; 7-roomed house?, 4-stall stable, and all necessary! outbuildings Well watered, -i-850. 18.1 ACRES Freehold, 5A acres in orchard, balance under crop, within ea^y distance of Port, by good road. .£675. fcj 6 ACRES Native Lease, centre of Bcrough, comer section, very valuable for building sites, situation good, ten minutes walk from Post Office. .£3OO. " 110' ACRES Freehold, Ngatimoti, 2 acres in orchard,' all plou^lia^&le ; 6-roomed house on main road to Port. X'6so. 4 ACRES of Freehold in Borough, 5 minutes' walk from Post Office. Mostly ' in orchard, •..-.-Further particulars mayY/be had on ■ application. ■ "v" '' :ii : '\r ". .','•'- J. H. RANKIN & CO., AUCTIONEERS & COMMISSION AGEKTS,

t LAMPS ! LAMPS ! ! (• . . fUji WE HAVE PREPARED for the r ||^' "^WPiIMHT ' wwllllvl wGC&dUi jjlgr £-- ur IMPOBTINQ^A SPLENDID JSjE'ir'"*"' " .iiJMgj^B^ Of various If inrl c Invite all intending purchasers tc We have also a Full Range cf Also— Wright & Butler's English Oil Heaters, *n several sizes. These provide the cheapest and most effective means of Heating Rooms it is possible to procure, R. Snodgrass and Sons, STAFFORDSHIRE HOUSE.

BUBBEB STAMPS J-Try a Bubb* Btarup, with speoial Kdellble It* | f ad, for aiitrking your linen, 1121 j — . ! — — imh—^—- : I SO HANDY . FOR PICNICS ! Making sandwiches is such a bother Noxfe time, you go fora picnic, take a tin of St. George , [ \ Sheep Tongues ; in your basket. They are so delicious and wholesolne, and a tin packs away easily. All tins have keys, so are easy to open. See that your grocer gives you " St. George." FIRE INSURANCE. Reduced Rates WITH THE Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Co £400.000 Invested in AustralasiaPrompt Settlement of Claims. 1, H- COCK & CO., Chief &>-Gnlß. "^UTir BRITISH Insurance Company, Limited. Capital.. :' .. .. .. £2,900,000 Accumulated Funds excaed .. £563,000 FIRE & MARINE & ACCIDENT INSURANCES, Inoluding Employers' Liability tor Cora penaatinn under the WbrkerB 1 Compen&atiGa Acts, Mortgage Indemnity, Publio Rißk, Personal Acoidont eithei* singly or in conjunction with Siokncss Benefits ; Burglary, Plate Glass Fidelity Guarantee, eto. ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. Edb-Agbnis fob Dxbtbicx : -• City, Robertson Bros; Motueka, H, A. Tarrant ; Richmond, W. R. May ; Tak&ka, J. J. Langridge* Co; Wakefield, E. J. Paicton ; Collingwo.xi, C. Riley &Co ; Upper Moutera, C. P. toantz; Weetport, J. J. Mulony, F. & D. EDWARDS, AGENTS, RAFAIjGAR STREET. Next National Bank I j* bE^ARTMENT FACT No. I. The GUAiIANTEE OF THE STATE goc* »itl every Policy Issned >«ithe apartment, Evbbt pqKion insured under its conditioot rests absolutely secure, firmly assured that whatever may happen the fall value of his polioy !ia as certain to be paid when the olaim aocroefl as that the sun ahall nseJn^soaorniDg.

Motueka Hotel. High Stbjiet, Motueka.. 0. HOLYOAKE, Proprietor f'IiERMS modeaie, Und Meal 3 provided a. at all boa; 8 First-olatß accDmmt'■at'on for visitors. Wice, Beer and Spirits of the ve>y beet j q-ia'.ity. | A oomforlable Two-horse Cohveyanc i uir.s to and from tha Wharf on arrival and departure of the St( amcr-'. ' Saddle Horses and Vehicles on bird. Amongst other improvement?, the Pro t>ri. !or has erected a convenient Bathroom Full s:zad (Wright's) Billiard Table. Accommodation for Ten horses i» s'abl^ 1 . Lo f-e boxes and pood paddocks attaobed. " LET ME HA YE WEBSTER'S COFFEE, IN PREFERENCE TO ALL OTHERS," Is the Universal Testimony of consumers of this delicious beverage ; and the reason for such preference is — obvious. — WEBSTEPv, has been handling' Coffee for over half a century, and knows exactly where to select the best growths. WEBSTEE has the most modern appliances for ruasting the green berry, and bringing it to that state of perfection ready for the mill, which can be acquired only by close observation and long experience ; and as WEBSTER roasts and pulverises his CoJlee-on tile premises, fclie finished article is ALWAYS FRESH, and therein lies much of the secret which ' marks " WEBSTER'S COFFEE" as , THE BEST. Taken from the mil! ■ daily, all that fine aroma, characteristic of scientific roasting, is carried direct to the consumers' Coffee pot, producing a refreshing and invigorating drink, which " isa jot." WEBSTER'S COFFEE "Can't be beat," TRY IT !— lf you Want a Treat ! ! M. W. WEBSTER, PURVEYOR OF HIGH-CLASS AND PURE GOODS, Trafalgar Street. W. ■B I MAY. NOW SHOWING— New Autumn and Winter MILLINERY in all the latest designs. Very superior and choice "Paris Trimmed Hats. TU^ESS Materials -of all descriptions. Ladies', Maids', and Children's JACKETS — New Designs, Latest Styles. LADIES' Underwear a Speciality. MEN'S, Youths', and Boys' Suits in all makes -New designs. ' Very superior Men's Boxed Suits, TAILOR-MADE. We are Direct Importers of all kinds of DRAPERY, MILLINERY, SLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, and can offer the Best Value at Lowest Rates, •' quality taken into consideration,' than any other house in the trade. RICHMOND AND WAKAPUAKA. Standard Fire& Marine INSUaAN.CS COMPANY OF N.Z. J NELSOU BRANCH. JTUBE. 'UABISB, and uUARANTEK JL; Policies issued at cutreut es. ; Large and infiusti Colonial Proprietary. Prompt »nd liberal settlement ol : claims. F. A B4.MFORO Nelson Saviaga Bonk Buildings, Trafalgar Street.

NEWMAN BBOS. 1 > ROYAL MAIL 00ACHS WEST COAST SERVICE. r SAVE Motopiko for the West tfoast JLj on arrival cf Trains on TU#BDa¥ *nd FRIDAY, returning again on WHDNEBDAY and SA.IPKDAY, in time foe Paaaongers to catch iha Traiuß for Nelson. The Mctupib; Coaob oonnoct3 with the Beefkm and Ooaehes at Inanga boa Jauetjoi.. Pascals carried &\ moderate rates. Boo>V.g Offieo, Ciown Stables. NEWSJAIS* 8803., Proprietors ROYAL MAIL COAOH. Kelson— Richmond- Motueka— Riwaka. NEWMAN BBOS , Proprietors. 'PHE Proprietors call iba aiteniion of tbs I. travelling pablio to tbe ttai that ibe RioHMOND-RiWiKA Coaoh Sbbyio* has been extended to Nelson, and Coaches now leave She Crown Stables. Kelson, Dailt, d* Riwaka, and arrive daily, from Riwaka, a& per timetable agpenaoed. '' All.pareois and ords?s roaeive striat and bualnesslike attention. Daily Timetabfe Leave Nelson for Riwaka at 9 a,m ; arriving Riwaka 2.30 p.m. f;«avfc Riwaka for Nelson at 8 a.m ; Arriving N&lson 1.30 p.m. Lanoheon: Redwood's Valley. NEWMAN BROS., Proprietors , |||||M |f| ii nwjmiDHiiijWilin niw ■! ■"- i ' —^—

Has the Largest Sale of any Chest Medicine in the World. k -V Should be without it, US, taken at the begit '- '-» is generally .sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. '" .if*". lB&W&t t -K>& Of Imita -■:>* •■ - »S ! the great success of HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE, has induced a number *" ' of 'unprincipled perttians v i\o Imitations, each eallln 9 hl« medicine "Bronshitts Cure," with the obj^dt of deceiving the simple-mintf 3 3C a sale for an imitation witich has none-o? the benc«c:al offsets tnat HEARNB'S BRONOHITiS G'J v CoMaeiiucrjtiy st has become necessary to draw your attention to tfci* fact, and to request you in yoi •" interests to b© partlcuiar to ask for HE/tRM£»S and to see that yfcu get it, I HEARNE'S BRONOHITIS CTJSS, Sm: s 2,G| Large Siae, 4/a. Sold by Ohemists and M.-Jiclne Vendors, and by th» Proprietor. W. Q, HEARSE, Ohr Victoria. £-orwarded to any A-idr&HS, w her :roft obtainabio looaliy NOTlCE.—Hearne's Bronchitis Cure No. 1 does i^OT-oontain any tioiion within the meaning of ihe Act. '* is equally W»«»6cia! to a child and the most aged person N.Z. DEPOT— OFFICES, No. .11, Firs .-Floor. HUME 8 BUILDINGS* WILLIS-STREBT WELLINGTON Local Agents- JAMES BOON, rardy-strpet; W. 0. AN OK I, f. Trafalgai-si'reet T, EABTQQTT Hardv-5^6« ■ .'", ■ Obtainable Uom A* 1. ? AhUM fnUWW ilokopiko . f 4*ftdiuo«*

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Colonist, Volume L, Issue 12218, 15 April 1908, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume L, Issue 12218, 15 April 1908, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume L, Issue 12218, 15 April 1908, Page 1