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WAMTEP HUP***. Adve'tiacmeats are inserted %n tht'i column at the rate of 2Wn/» words for One Shilling. Tfot* insertions, half-a-orown; six in •ertions, four shillings and six pence; for Cash only; if boohed one shilling eaoh insertion, fIiHE Postponed ESIERTAINMENT, A " Thg Mother's Curse," will be held at RICHMOND To-morrow Evening, Frifay- 2541 CHFAP MUSIC SALE at Huffams.— Euotmius stock of b3sl Songs andPieces to cclecl from. Sed lar^e advertisnment. 2542 CHEAP WOSIC SALE~cIose77tT3OF" F\M'a on 21st inst, withoat fail. See 1-trj.e advertisement. 2542 OfiOW opens This Evening. One Shill 0 ling admits to S low and gives a chance in Grand Art Union. 2547 a on Poultry kj Sbow Art Union. First prize £10 value in gold fpaoimens. 254^ C CHOP.US by the^ Bufl ~J Orpington Glee Club, Poultry Show. To-day, Friday, and Saturdpy.^ 2549 AGUE AT Exhibition- lUOl)gr»ndßp.oimans of pure bre » Poultry & Pigeons, Poulsry Show. To-day, Friday, and Satur- _^ 2550 GOMB and see the re ults of years of 1 bor and oareful hroeding' Poultry Show. Ti-3ay, Friday, and Saturday. 2551 F)OULTRY Art Union Butts must be fn 1 by 8 p.m. on Saturday. 2552 3ebt Taskeb, Hon. Sec. 1/lOR SALE (Cheap).— l Heavy Draught C Gelding, rising 4 years (broken) ; 1 Heavy Draught Gelding, rising 3 years (unbroken) ; 1 Heavy Draught Filly, rising 3 years; Heavy draught Mare in foal to Balmoral, has taken ssveral prize3 at local Show ; 1 Berkshire Boar (imp,), 15 months old, also Weanera from imported stock. — Apply V. A. CLAYDEN, Richmond. 2517 10 LE *\ in Collingwood-street, near the Sobool of Musio, almost new sixroomed House, with all oonveniencea. 2445 . Apply at this Offioe. HE GREAT ASTHMA CURE— Its Effects are truly marvellous, and the united testimony of gratefnl patients pronounce it to be a miraoulous cme. Price 7/6 bottle.- W. H. Crowe, Medical Expert, Bridge. street. 2468 A RE you suffering from Influenza or rx Chilblains ? If so, I guarantee ouie in every case taken, or money returned. — W. H. Crowe, Medical Expert, Bridgestreet. 2469 OOOMERANG COUGH CURE.— Don't 13 n gleet your cough ; etop it at onos, and dii e a say all thought of consumption. 2412 W. H. Cbowe, Bridge-street-\ir& supply RUBBER ST of (be V i best quality, without vexatious delay.-' The Colonist" Job Printing Department. FOE SALE. A few Horses, for farm work ; a'eo a Pony, quiet and stylish. Apply Crown Stables. 182G RUBBER STAMPS 1- Try a Rubbei ■!-taaip, with special Indelible Ink Pad, for uvuKing your linen, 1121 FOK New, Up-to-date Furniture, Bedding, Prams, Gooarts, etc; also, Bound, teliable Secondhand Furniture, Range?, ec ; go to Lock's, Complete Fur nisher. FOR Carpets, Rugs, Sheetings, Curtains, Linoleums, Ranges, Pianos (new and 2nd hand), auJ Atlas Sowing Machines — cheapest pl»ce, Lock, Universal Provider. |/OR Cutlery, Crockery, Piotures, Vases, tr Bedsleadß' Fandevs, Fire Brasses, Blinds Hall Stands, Suites- -Lowest prices at Locr'B, the People's Furnisher. W~ ANTED KNOWN— .Have yon tried Craig for Boot Repairß? If not do so ; It will be to your interest. CRAIG, Bridge-street. OUR STAMPS are good Stunps, Best RUBBER. Litest Designs. "The Golonist " Jobbing Department. HpENDERS are invited by the Dovedale 1 Rad Boaid, unt'l July 18th, for ' BUILDING a Wire Suspended FOOTBRIDGE over the Dove River. Plans and spec ficHticns oao be seen nt the house of 3. W. WIN. 2405 CONCERT. TB C liz-^ns 1 Band will give a Concert hi u-e Botanical Reserve on SUNDAY r EXT, July 15tb, at 230 p.m. Good programme. Silver Coin admission. 2518 nWENTAL_HOSPITAL. THd Patient 3 1 Annual Fancy Dress Ball in connection with the abovs institution rll be held on THURSDAY, 12tb July, 1906. Admission by ticket only. Piooeeds in aid ot the Patients' Recreation Fund. Loan of Costutne3 will be gladly accepted, all care taken. GEO. CHAPMAN, 2519 Superintendent. Properties for Sale. MESSRS BISLEY BROS. & CO. bave 3 ill for Sale Seotions at ENNER GLYNN, DRUMDUAN, HENLEY, MAITLANDS. For further particuiars apply at their Offioee, Hatdy stfeet .2389 £425L For Sale. £425. TffO AORES AND DWELLING AT SCORE. \/| ESSR3 BISLEY BROS. & CO. have \jll for Private Sale, so above, Two Acres Good Land, with good Dwelling and other outbuildings. For further particulars apply at their Offices, Hirdy st»eft. Folio 82. 2388 NO CHICAGO MEAT SOHT of rtve'atioos about Staud-Out Tea It is machin9 d eesed, amidst spotlets cleanliness. Git it off M. M. WEBSTER. NOTICE. WAIMEA COUNTY. THE Road from Bright water to Waimea West will bo CLOSED for traffic on FRIDIY, 13ih init., fjr repairs to bridge J, G LITTLEJOHN, 2531 County Engineer. City of Nelson. Town Clerk's Oflice, 9th July, 200G. NOTICE ia hereby given that the Nelaon City Council propose to raise a SPECIAL LOAN, as follows:— 1. The particular undertaking proposed to be engaged in 19 tho extension of the Gas Mains, and tho geneial improvement of the Uns Reticulation in the City of Nelson. 2. The sum proposed to be borowed for the purpose is jE&jOO, repay- ] able at the end of thirty years. 3. The security proposed for such Special Loan is a Special Rate of Three Farthings in the Pound ' upon the annual value of all rateable property within the said City It is proposed to provide a sidUing fund of one and a iTalf per cent for the repayment of the ' said loan. 4. Ii; is proposed that the cost of and incidental to raising the lean shall be paid out of the moneys borrowed. H. V. GULLY, 2540 Town Clerk. HOUSEKEEPERS— " K " Baking Powder - Makas the best Cakes, Scones, Puddings, and Fastry, and gives the most satisfaction. _. TRY IT Sold in 6d asd 1/- Tins, '

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Colonist, Volume XLVIII, Issue 11677, 12 July 1906, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume XLVIII, Issue 11677, 12 July 1906, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume XLVIII, Issue 11677, 12 July 1906, Page 3