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G. D QOMPAN¥, BRIDGE-STREET. WE AXE GIVING SOME) Special Bargains at : ; Special Prices THIS WEEK AT OUR STOCKTAKING SALE, 60. Ladies' WHITE SILK BLOUSES, nicely trimin ed, usual price 12/6, Special Price 6/& 12 Only Ladies' FUR TOQUES. Usual price 18/6 to 21/-. Special Price all at 5/11 each. Ladies' Large Sized DRESSING GOWNS, Special Price 5/11 and ,6/6. Children's Smocked, Oreme CASHMERE DRESSES, 2/6, 2/14, to4/6^each. 1200 Assorted STRAW TRIMMED HATS, all to go at 1/- each. THE CASH DRAPERY CO BBIDGE-STRBET. 1906. Autumn & Winter E. RICHARDS, PBAQ TICAL TAILOR, Invites attention to the large and attractive collection of CLOTHS he has just imported ivum Home, and from which he is ready to cvt — in the best manner and after the newest modes — garments for the autumn and winter wear of Gentlemen, for morning, afternoon, or evening wear, and for within doors or without. TsmLOAB-BTBHIX. Opposite Post Office. TELEGRAPH HOTEL TAKAKA* OTTO HAABB (formerly of theßeigron Hotel), in notifying that he has takes the above old established and centrally situated Hotel, wishes the pnblio to know hat he hB had New Booms added, and the whole plaoe thoroughly Benovated and Be furnished. Traveller and Visitors will And the TiiiKQßAta a comfortable and well-ap-pointsd Hotel, the interior arrangements having the personal BupervisioD o f Mac Hues. The Stablzs will have the personal atten tion of the Proprietor, and Horses and Vehicles (two and four wheelers) will be kept ■■■' Hire. A Covered Conveyance will alßo ;■ •■■'. ■•; all steamers. Fi. .■■-ciASB Sample Boom. Good Billiard Table. Lt t crs and telegrams reoeive prom atteL '.on. NEWMAN BROS. 1 HOYAL MAIL GOAOHEB. NELSON TO BLENHEIM LEAVE Crown Stables, Neu>on, on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and FBIDAYS, at seven o'olook a.m. LEAVE Criterion Hotel, Blenheim, on return, TUESDAYS, THUBSDAYS, and SATURDAYS, at seven o'clock a.m. i Paroels carried at mod orate rates. : Booking Office: Crown Stablos. > NEWMAN BROS., Proprietors. A FBIEND IN NEED DR. ELMSLIE, QUALIFIED MEDICAL SPECIALIST, 5 Registered by the Governments of Great Britain, New Zealand, and New South Wales, 230 MADBAS • STBEET, CHBISTCHUBCH. THIS Highly qualified Pbysioian and Surgeon from the Hospitals of London and Paris has, by 25 years of Btudy and research, become an. Expert and Specialist in CHRONIC. NERVOUS, BLOOD, SKIN, and SPECIAL DISEASES of Men and Women. 6 In his very Buocessful treatment of the bove c ass of difficult oblbbb there is " Mo Experimenting and No Failures," Consultations are free to all, so that a friendly chat with the doctor, or by letter, 3 costs nothing, and may save you years of misery, so none need despair. New eoien--3 tific Treatment and New Unfailing Berne* dies of the very best and puiest are 5 Honestly and Faithful y used. Moderate 3 hoavges. Consultation Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to . 7to 8. YOUNG JkiEN!^|,Tr k fl « sad, call cr write to Dr. Elmßlie, 230 Madras--Bt., Christchurob, as he thorou ( .hly understands your troubles and their causes. L His Skilful Treatment and Scientific Btmedies enable him to GUARANTEE .a Com pie c Cure in every case undertaken, or . make no charge. Strictly confidential. Moderate charges. Consulting Hours — 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. N.B.— Patients at a distance may c ENCLOSE A FEE OF £1 "\ in their first leltat to enßure immediate a attention and prompt derpatoh (when pos- - 3! sible) of remedies necessary for their case o 0 Wanganui, Ist Jane, 1904. i 0 Dear Dr Elmßlie.— l received yoar kind rfj letter, the medicine, and the girdle, and ft your kiodnes3 and benefit to me I Bhall it uevtr forget. I really cannot find wordß half fcufficient to convey to you tha opu.i n I have of you, or the amount of thanks I would like to give you, Bat there is one thing I would like to say : lhat is, "It is a t. great pity that there are not more doctors like you."— Your gratef nl patient, 1 ' W. M'LAUCHLAN.


Motueka Hotel, HIQH-SSBXBI, MOSOBKA 0. HOLYOAKB, Proprietor. fpEBMS moderate, and Meals provide JL all hours. Flrat-olass acoommodft tlon for visitors. Wine, Eeer, and Spirits of the very beßi quality. A oomfortable Two-horae Conveyance runs 5 and from the Wharf on arrival and departure of the Sieanura. Saddle Horses and Vehicles or blre Amongst other improvements, the Pro prletor has ereoted a convenient Bathroom Fall Bised (Wright's) Billiard Table Accommodation for tin horses in siablt Looee boxes and good paddoebs attached,, STANLEX BROOK AND WAKE FIELD MAIL. T EAVES Stanley Brook every TUBS JU DAY, THUESDAY. and SATUBDAI Morning at 6.45, calling at Thorpe Poal Offioe at 8 10, and Dovedale at 9, arriving at Wabefield at 11 a.m. Returns samei day leaving Wabefield at 1 p.m, Dovedale at 3 p.m, and Thorpe at 4 p.m, arriving at Stanley Broob at 5.30 p.m. A oomfortable Conveyano for Passeng ti. Parcels oarried at a reasonable rate. All orders entrusted to tbe undersigned wll be oareully attended to. . THORNE, ftfail Contractor. NEWMAN BROS. 1 ROYAL MAIL COACHE WEST COAST SERVICE. X EAVE Motupiko for West Coast JLJ on arrival of Trains on TUEBJAS and FRDDAY, returning again on WEDNESDAY and AIURDAY, In time for Passengers ;o oatoh the Trainß for Neleoii. The Motupibo Coaoh connects with tie Reefton and Westpoat Coaohes at Inangt - hoa Junction. Parcels oarried at mod rate rates. Boobuig Offioo, Crown Stableß NEWMAN BROS., Proprietors. ROYAL MAIL 00A0H. Nelson— Richmond— MotuekaRiwaka. NEWMAN BROS,, Proprietors. np HE Proprietors oall the attention of tba JL travelling publio to the fact that the Richmond-Riwaka Coaoh Sebvios has been extended to Nelson, and Coaohes now leave the Crown Stables, Nelßon, Dailt, or Riwaba, and arrive daily from Riwaba, a* per timetable appende. All parcels and order receive striot and businesslike attention. Daily Timetable; Leave Nelson for Riwaka at 9 a,m ; arrivln Riwaka 2.30 p.m. Leave Riwaka for Neleon at 8 a.m ; arriving Nelson 1.30 p.m. Luncheon; Redwoods Va c NEWMAN BROS., Proorietcra B . ( Daily Coach Service. COACHES Leave Nelson (Wilbinß & Field Hardware Cc,) at 10.30 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. Leave Glonduan :Bam. and 4 p.m. Retuen Fabbs : To Cemetery, 9d ; Old ham's Creek, 1/- j beyond and ie Glenduan, 3/6. PARCELS, eto, oarried at reasonable rates For particulars and booking, apply WILKINS & FIELD HARDWARE Sl7B CO., or PALACE CAR STABLEB ANOTHER SUFFERER FROM SCIATICA HAD TO GIVE UP WORK BECAUSE OF IHE SEVERE FAIN, CURED WITIToNE BOTTLE. WELLINGTON evidence, that anyone oan verify with a litUa trouble.— Stephen Smart, bricblayer, 38, Frederick street, writes — " I suffered from Sciatict for a considerate time, and the pain wa co bad lhat I had to give up worb. I triec a number cf patent nudkines, but jotni relief from tbem, when I was advised to tive you a trial. Aftec using one bottle o the MOUSER LINIMENT the pain lef me. and I have not been troubled with i since." W H, "CROWE, Mcd 3 x Bridge streel NELSON.

Dying & Cleaning WANTED KNOWN-That we have appointed MR. C. MITCHELL, Fruiterer, Trafalgar street, Nelson, our Agent. Artioles oan be done and delivered in ourteen days. 4- ROBERTSON, Perth Dye Works. Ghuznee strsei near Cuba-street, WII&INftZOR, FIRE INSURANCE. Reduced Rates WITH THE Liverpool and London and Globe insurance Co £400,000 Invested in Australasia. Prompt Settlement of Claims. J. H. COCK & CO., Chief Agentß. SOUTH BRITISH Fire & Marine Insurance Company of New Zealand. Capital £1,900,000 Accumulated Funds .. .. £470,000 FIRE & MARINE & ACCIDENT INSURANCES, Including Employers' Liability tor Com pensation under the Workers' Compensation Acts, Mortgage Icdemnity, Public Risk, Personal Accident either singly or in conjunction with Sicbness Benefits ; Burglary, Plate Glass, Fidelity Guarantee, etc. ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. Sob -Agents fob Distbict : Ctiy, Robertson Bros; Motueka, H, A, Tairant ; Richmond, W. R. May ; Tababa, J. J. Langridge& Co; Wabtfiald, E. J. Painton ; Collingwood, \y. C. Riley &Co ; Upper Moutere, C. F. Muntz; Westport, G. Simon F. & D. EDWARDS, AGENTS, Wakefield Buildings, HARDY STREET. 38( Standard Fire & Marine INSURANCE COMPANY OF N.Z. NELBON BRANCH. FIRE, MARINE, and GUARANTEI Policies issned at ourrent rates. Large and influential Colonial Proprie tary. Prompt and liberal Bettlement o claims. F. A. BAMFORD, Nelson Savings Banb Bullrings. Trafalgar Street. State Security Lan|e Bonuses§2oo,o74 added to nicies in 1902, Tif&l additions to dt 1« : £1 ,919,820. & %- g£®E4&BSQS, IT.*.**,

Stand-Out Tea Competition is just over. Start saving up Coupons now for thr Great December Cash Prize Distribution. LEVIN & -CO. (Wholesale only) Stocb it. Jas. Armstrong & Co., ARE NOW SHOWING New Season's Goods :n all departments, and their motto Kill be, as hitherto, \ GOOD ARTICLE AT THE LOWEST PPICE Our Dresses are exceptionally ohoice and good value, and include all the leading materials and shades. The Millinery is still under the same capable management, and is thoroughly upto date in all the leading fashions, and we can confidently assure our patrons getting satisfaction, and the prioes will be found low. We ag&in asb our customers to place orders early, and invite fresh patrons to give us a trial . JAS. ARMSTRONG & CO. TRAFALGAR STREET. GREAT JOY ! In many many homes now, over the liberal Cash P.izes given for Stand-Out Tea Coupons. Save 'em now for the Deoembei Distribution. Asb HINGSTON for it, TREES, trees. TREES. FOR PRESENT PLANTING. r-OF-SERavery large Collection of wellX grownTFBUIT TREES, comprising all the leading varieties. OENAMjSNTAL Trees and Flowerlcj Shrubs and Native Flanis in erea* variety ; including a fi ne lot of Roses, Rhododen' c'rons, Daphnes, Barcnia?, Camelias, Azaleas, and Carnatiots HEDGE end Shelter Treea, including Laure), Macrocarpa, Pittosporum, Hollies Pit us losignie. SPECIAL OFFER of 15,000 Blacb Cur •acts, two and three year old, at 12s Go icrlOO. ,IOHN~HALE, LARK HALL NURSERY. W imea Road and Toi Toi Valiey. * 2096

flB BB BBBRBBB SSk BBffßßp^, Bh 9 B^^^^S^^^ frSpoT^^h js&SS^^^. IB .^^^^^^^^^ B< ■■ *■■ 88^99988 > BS B*fa l^S SB^^a Bb fIX f 3bß Ib kxQSfIBSB BB |H fly v SB Qb HI VBBHBHP Bk ' H H BB^*^K. THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR - * COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION, j HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. « k Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, HMneneu. Pain or Soreness in the Chest experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it^fiectß_a Complete Cure It is most comforlingn allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumption 1 t?develop. Consumption has never blen known to exist where "Coughs" have been properly treated with this medicine. No house without it, as, taken at^ ; the beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. ....... "" j Small Size, 2/6; Large Size, 4/6. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors, and by the Proprietor, m W. G. HBARNB, Chemiit, Geelong, Victoria, Forwarded by Post to any Addre«§, when not obtainable locally. .

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Colonist, Volume XLVIII, Issue 11976, 11 July 1906, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume XLVIII, Issue 11976, 11 July 1906, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume XLVIII, Issue 11976, 11 July 1906, Page 1