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I I i- AdveHUsemem* are inserted %n lh<* ■« column at the rate of Twini* "•• words for One Shilling, Tfml *• insertions, half-a-orown; sixin I I tertions, four shillings and six * penoe: for Cash only; If booked one shitting each insertion, F^OB SALE, an Appropriation of j_3oo in the Nelson Terminating BuildinK Sdolbty. Prioe £50. Apply "O. K., u d/o - a Colonist Office 2528 ■e — 7- ■ — — . ' - "VTBLSON'S Greatest Pcultry 'Show. L\ 1000 Birds on exhibition from bll parts of the Colony. 2505 NEW GOODS. -If you are wanting a Ring, Broocb, Chain, or Jewellery. orEfeot'O jPUte of every description, before purchasing elsawhere visit _frown & Kerr, is Jewellers. 2506 I HDBSDAy, Friday, and Saturday. I Don't mies it— 0 25 07 The Poultry Show, it — . - | H.S WEEK— 100 pairs of Ladies' Allr I Wcolßloomers at 2a lid, made in the Colony, Navy and Black. 2608 Bert Taßker & Co., Hardyat. /"^LEASING the BaUnoe of our \J C.loniJ Blankets at 153 6J. Dirt Cheap. 2509 Bert Tasker & Co., Haidy-st. SELLING B*!anc9 of our Eider Down Qdlus at absolute oost. Splendid quality at low pric^, r 2510 Bert Tasker & Co., Hardy'ar. j jf_J- OLF Jerseys at ooßi. The latest and KA most Biylish goods. Great comfort in oold weather. t 2511 Bert Tasker & Co., Hardy-at. THE Sight of the Tear -1000 epeoimens of feathered arts. Tickets Is, ineludes admission and Art Uoion. 2512 ISIT the Poultry Show-Thursday, Fridav, and Saturday. One Shilling procures admission and a chanoe in Art ft°fon« . 2513 3 rt iHBRE'LL be Music in the Air on 1 B A U Th °raaay next— Opening Day of Poultry Show. 2 g 14 QEEDS.— AII kinds of Vegetable and KJ Flower Seeds, new and reliable ; also early Seed Potatoes, for sale at Bolton's. t 2515 1 I|i"\7ICTOBSr LODOE, No. 40, I "Mf T N. Z, C. — Monthly Meeting 1 THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, at 8 e'cloohr. Visitors cordially invited, 2516 OB SALE (Cheap).— l Heavy Draught Gelding, tising 4 years (broken) ; 1 • Heavy Draught Gelding, rising 3 yearß (unbroken) ; 1 Heavy Draught Filly, rising 3 years ; Heavy Draught Mare in foal to Balmoral, has taken ssveral prize3 at local Show ; 1 Berkshire Boar (imp,), 15 months old, aha Weaoers from imported stock. — Apply V. A. CL AYDEN, Bichmond. 2517 npo LEi\ in Collingwood-street, pear the X School of Music, almost new B& roomed House, with all conveniences. 2415 Apply at this Office, HE GREAT ASTHMA CUBE.— Us Effects are truly marvellous, ar,d tie united testimony of gratefn) patients pronounce it to be a miraculous cure. Price 7/6 bottle.- W. H. Crowe, Medical Expert, Bridge. street. 2468 ABE you suffering )ro n Influenza or Chiblains? If so, I guarantee oute in every c-ise taken, or money returned. — - W. H. Crowe, Medical Expert, Bridgestreet. ' 24G9 FOR Special Value in useful Drapery, visit Carpenter's Speoial Sale of New Goods. Only address, Hardy-streel, near Waimea- street. _435 TRUTHS' Shirls- with or without colL lars. 1/3, Boys' Brae s 3&d, Cap_ 6d, Men's Boslyn Sox 9J, Colonial Knitted Pants 2/11. 2436 GIRLS' Knitted Bloomers 2/6, Ladies' Warm Underskirts 1/11, Corßets 1/6, Children's Knitted Eislyn Wool Sox 7Jd, Stockings 9£d, Dorothys 2/3. 2437 OOMEBANG COUGH CUBE.— Don'i negleot your cough ; etop it at onoa, and drive away all thought of consumption. 2412 W. H. Crowe, Bridge-street* WE supply RUBBER STAMPS of the best quality, without vexatious delay. ■-" The Colonist" Job Printing Department. ;-; FOR SALE. A few Horseß, for farm w. rk ; also a Pony, quiet and stylish. Appl.! r wit Stable?. 1826 Rl i;e"k STAMPS 1- Try a Bubbei ,■ ta rp, with Bpecial Indelible Ink Pad, f i mi )fcing your linen, 1121 FlO - N> w, Up-to-date Furniture, Bed* ding, Prams, Go oarts, etc; also, sound, i e iable Secondhand Furniture, Ranges, ec ; go to Look's, Complete Fur nisher. FOB Carpets, Bugs, Sheetings, Curtains, Linoleums, Ranges, Pianos (new and 2nd hand), and Atlas Sewing Machines — cheapest place, Lock, Universal Provider. i,";OB Cutlery, Crookery, Pictures, Vases, 1 Bedsteads' Fenders, Fire Braseeß, Blinds Hall Stands, Suites— Lowest price, at Lock's, the People's Furnisher. . . >. ANTEIT KNOWN— .Haye yod trieCraig for Boot Repairs? If not do so ; it will be to your interest. CBAiG, Bridge-Btreet. OUR STAMPS are good Stamps, Best RUBBER.. Latest Designs. "The Colonist " Jobbing Department. Properties for Sale. MESSRS BISLEY BHOS. & CO. havo ii ill for Sale Sections at ENNER GLYNN, DRUMDUAN, BENLEY, MAITLANDS. For further particulars appl/ lit their Offioes, Hardy stfeet. 2-89 Waimea County Council. SPECIAL ORDER. • NOTICE is hereby given that at a Speoial Meeting of 'be Waimej County Council, held on Thnrsday, t>_ sth day of July, 1906, a Resolution was pa-s d "Levying a SPEOIAL BATE pf 15 3-ind of ONE PENNY IN THE £ on the Rateable Value of all Property within Special Rating Distrust No. 2. Baton, for the payment of interest and other charges on a Loan of £600 for tha construction o( a SutpeOtion Bridge over the Motueka River, such Speoial Bate to be an annual recurring rate for a period of Twonty-six years, and he payable on the Ist day of April and the lit day of October eveiy year during that period." And notice is hereby also given that the said resolution will be submitted to an ordinary meeting of the said Waimea County Counoil, to be held at the County Couooil Offices, Hardy-street, Nelson, on Thursday, the 2nd day of August, 1906, for confi mation as a Speoial Order. A fu'l copy of the said resolution i* deposited at th. Coilnty Office, Nelson where it lies open to the inepeotion o the pnblic during office hours until the said meeting .shall be held. Dated at Nelson this 7th day of July. 190'i. S. BLOMFIELD' 2502 Caunty Clerk. , ________ . ■ — _______________ PUBLIC__NOTICE\ 1 TO TOE INHABITANTS OP MOTUEKA. WH. CBOWE'S celebrated Remedies , for Rheumatism, Soiatioa, Gout, Lumbago, Epileptic f He, Eczema, % L_t>uß, Cough, - Bronchitis, Asthma, D'abfet-P, Dropsy, Bright's Disease of the Kidneys, Toothache, Earache, Headache, Neuralgia, Chilblains, and Influenza. MOTUEKA FABMEBS CO-OPER-TIVE CO., Limited, Agents. 2301 HOUSEKEEPERS— "K" Baking Powder _ Makas the best Gakes, Scones, Puddipgs, and' ■ Pastry, and gives 'the . most satisf action. . •[ ' TRY IT . SotD in 6d akd 1/«;T_nb,:~."

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Colonist, Volume XLVIII, Issue 11675, 10 July 1906, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Colonist, Volume XLVIII, Issue 11675, 10 July 1906, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Colonist, Volume XLVIII, Issue 11675, 10 July 1906, Page 3