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— ' NEW ADVfIRTIBEM3Nrg ■ v v : ; l ,SALE !0 ' SALE ! ■. ! Bona Fide Reductionsjf or Xmas^in ; Linoleum, Floor Cloth, Carpbts/MatSj \ Hearth Itags, Mattings. Table Linen, Lace Curtains, Table i Covers, . Towels, Counterpanes, Mantle Drapeß Brass Rail Bedsteads, Cots, Wiite SpilAg 1 patiiresses- i latt&n Fiiriiitttre, Chairs, Tablea CURTAIN POLES, 3/- BENT WOOD CHAIRS, 5/6 Children s High Chairs, Go Oarta. Etc,, Etc. Blinds, Holland?, Lace and Insertion j Slink Rollera and Tassels. a. FLEMING* & SONS. KD^NOS. Pianos. 3PI&N08 Splendid assortment of NEW P. AN OS and ORGANS can be obtained at XjLV A-E J^m- Qn thQ Hire PurchagQ sygfeein, or with a Liberal L ; iscount for Cash. •Testimon als from leading citizens. Tsstimonials from leading citizens. HUFFAM'S Speciality is an 'UPRIGHT GRAND PIANO, with Irou Frame, Overstrung, Trichord, and Under damped, at I'IFTY-FIVE GUINEAS (£57 15a). Come and see it, and if yon don't porchasa— why, there is'uo harm done 9 Music Stools, Insulators. Autoharps, Banjos, Guitars, Flutes, Violins, Cornets, Accordions, Concertinas, Hohnerphones, etc ' AH the abova just opened for Christmas. Special Pianoforte Polishing Cream. T. BLAKE HUFEAM THE CENTRAL PIANO- AND 'MUSIO WAREHOUSE, NELSON. Try EMPIRE COMPANY'S AND , No. I Extract of Soap . Used in all leading lanndries ... Give the best results at the smallest eosfe. KS-ALL GROUERS.

iiif^^SSSfjpS^i Colds often hang on, a S>!J^% gthat thing, every kind - W W cliea P c&& S^- mixtures, W &&$ p and yet your cold conm BP^l Wt tinußS to kxng off* a f a'^Mii S lightly with these old t; I (%j Scolds. You must get I jj@k% j rid of them just as ■iv * naust talco something to B B^^break their hold. i §m y B ! Cherry federal - soothes irritable throats, heals mflamed 5 bronchial tubes, &nd quiets congestion • in the lungs. This fs why it so quickly \ controls these old cougbs and prevents pneumonia and consumption. : "I was troubled with a very hard >' cough which 1 eoiild not get rid of. t When I read of Ayef's Cherry Pectoral I sent to Johannesburg and procured i, a bottle. It completely cured me, and I have many comrades here who I;ave had hard coughs cured in tho same way. " — Wm. Sessioxs, Co.tspany C Second. Royal Berks. Reg., Nel's Spruit, T«insva.'.}. 15. Africa . There are many substitute:, and imitations. Beware of them? Bo sura you get Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Two sizes. -Large and snia'l bottles?. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayee&Co.. uswsV-.JX. -s., U. 5./. THIETY-NINB, Taltersail's Stables & Saddlery Warehouse F. X, JONES, Solo Proprietor, "tOY WANT IT"— so do we. You want your Washing to look well ; we , like to see it so. We wish, you wish, and everybody wishes, and wished it all alongrrtha Empire Company's Boyal Blue hadrheen discovered long ago. 'AREYOU THE LAUNDRY-. MAID?"— If you are, don't forget that to turn ou finished work, you must use Empire " Company's Royal Blue. • ARRESTED " — Sounds horrible. Empire Company's Extract of Soap arrests all dirt from anything. Get it. SPBINGHAB COMB. This can be seen BY LOOKING AT OUR WINDOWS, Where the Display CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE Even the most fastidious. ' We have COTTONS in all the newest and most up-to-date designs, including some LOVELY MECERISED SATEENS & MUSLINS. DRESSES we have TO ItTir ALL TASTBS. OUR MILLINERY, Though all trimmed on the premises is without doubt, better than the imported, and les3 than haif the price, as enquiry will show. EVERYTHING in MEN'S CLOTHING, Up-to-date, and marked at LOWEST REMUNERATIVE PBICBS. ;JAS. ARMSTRONG & CO., Trafalgar-street. YOUR -m^-ORNING pUP. , JLTJL .......... V^»..». Wouldn't you prefer to have your morning cup filled with rich, delicious . tea that refreshes and invogrates you ? Of course you do, and to enjoy that morning cup take Suratura Tea, It is the best tea that Ceyl n sends to New Zealand, and it is the most economical tea that New Zealanders get jrom Ceylon. It is a perfect tea, as per'eefc is palate could wish It is pure h nest -ea and is guaranteed not blended wUj Indian, China, or any cheap or Jflfsr.or tea. RETAIL PRICES: Suratura A quality .. 1/8 per lb „ B „ ..1/11 „ „ D „ .. 2/2 „ „'\ X „ ..2/6 Sold b? All Stobekeepebs

JUST RECEIVED A Largb Assortmesx of \ Spring and Summer GOODS, Comprising — TWEEDS, YIOUNAS, COATINGS, TROUSERINGS, Eto Inspection Invited. ■ Terms Moderate. E. KICff^IJSL PRACTICAL 'TAILOR, Trafalgar-street SHIP HOTEL. Directly Opposite the Port Post Office. S. J. PLiEWELLYN Proprietor. "OXTENSIVE Additions have been made Pj to this Hotel, which is now one of the most commodious in the district, and, fitted with all modern conveniences, is excelled by none in its appointments. VISITORS will find every comfort at a moderate tariff, and special terms are made for Permanent Boarders. ALL LIQUORS of the best quality, and Speight's Cbibbratbd Ddnedin Ale a Speciality. 95

James Eae & Co. BEG to return thanks for the Libera Support they have received. We are now in a position to take orders for SOCKS AND STOCKINGS. Call and inspect our stock of ail classe Hosiery. Just opened, fresh shipment o INDIAN EMBROIDER I Suitable for Marriage and other Pres Large Variety of JAPANESE # OTHER FANCY GOOD always on hand. BSAgents fot Taylor & Co, Dyers and Ideaners Wellington. - Price lists on application. Note the address— Hardy Street (opposite Bisley Bros. & Co. '' G-LOBJE HOTEL. NELSON. .gj, W. JACOB' - -^iPro*»rietor. Fourteen years with the U.S. S. Coy., and late of the Terminus Hotel,. Pioton. THIS hotel is within two minutes walk of the centre of the City, adjoins the Railway Station, and is within easy distance of the wharves. The house has lately bevi rebuilt and newly furnished, and the large experience of the Proprietor assures every provision being made for the comfort of patrons, Terms Moderate. Telegrams and Letters Receive Prompt tte n tion. , _ ,_ . , . None but the Best Liquors kept.

Tv BUXrON & C 0,,. Ltd., * Trafalgar-street, - , NELSON.. ' _j IJlllllJll HAVING JUST RECEIVED TBEIR ANNUAL SHIPMENT J^^^^VpSll^ ' Fruit Jars, ' ii^liii Preserving Pans, etc. : '^®pßft K^^P^l . are p;epared to offer these Goods afc ■ W^P^^fc"' ff^|M VERY REASON ABLE PRICES- "BJl^a : IfeM^^^vT m rtr > in mm auarts and half Gallons. fflE^j^^^S^^ffl > ■ iSSoii'B Screw Top Jars mq. Lightning Jars for Small Fruits. WmiKSflgffr : \ T f^v Tjaree Fruit Jam Jarg n Nests, Tnmblera " Eagle Jars foi^argeiru One and Two Pound Honey Barrt EXTRA BUBBER RINGS, all sizes. « ac flTl d Enamelled Preserving Pans, Wood Spoons, Raspberry Tails, Wood Tubs' jsrass » u v* *^ . ■ ■■ 'io'i •• ■■ ■« In .daition to o««^.Latge-and Varied Assortment of GENERAL IBONMONGEET, . We have recently Landed — tt »• n ;t» runners Btan Cotters, lovelock's ana Enterprise Meat Choppers, Ideal Meat ana Vegetable Kent s Kmfe pi«»°!™' "^ EaisD Seeders, Cherry Stoners and Jelly tresses, loing *ipes, Patent Can nn°^r B Q »vow4 BolUnl Pins, Stov. Mats, Milk Yokes, Balloon ana Pearless Fly Traps. Daisy Ply K.llerß, xLccoWers, Spring prayins BeIIOWS. rju«J!.uxxv« v PRIMUS LAMPS AND EXTSA BURNBBS, SALAMANDER * BEATRICE OIL KTOVBA^ ; .^^ Full assortment of BAYARD, WINCHESTER, and HAMILTON PEA BIFLES, and liWge Stock of mvmunition for same. assortment of Enamelledware and Tinware. :■■■■■■ vijr]&w^r~ :o '~~^ . In this Department we have special value in Loekwood's, Rqasr?iCand Jdhnßon's Table ana Desßert ICniTes, [ Car^^aS?§^reaf Knivei, Sheath and Bowie Knives, Rasore, etc., Bistro Plated BUtw Spoom 'an i^^^dtlve^pSs and Forks.-This Metal is a; substitttte ft * eilverf is s£*&* to weai white, aria the prices arehalfthe cost of Eleotro Plated. / ;^ r , .^ : We Make a Specialily of Bllldersri&ardWaye

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Colonist, Volume XLVI, Issue 10623, 23 January 1903, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Colonist, Volume XLVI, Issue 10623, 23 January 1903, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Colonist, Volume XLVI, Issue 10623, 23 January 1903, Page 3