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HEW ADVi-i-Tlg MENTS Indigestion ior 15 Years, I Ciirei -s : Years ago, aid^still : WeU, Mr. James Lindsay Wilson, of Waimatuku, near River ton, Hoathland, ..; writes:—I Buffered fr. m Bevere periodical Bttaoka of Indigestion for about fifteen years. I felt heavy and drowsy, without.aoy energy_; my bow.lg wer^ irregular. 1 .uffered whether I-took food or almoßt starved myself, epecs floated before my eyes I had headaches, and, bad taste, in mymbatrj, IJaad ssvere pairiß between: n_y .houlders, in ; my obest, and, round ray heart. , „ . ', ; •..-,! I suffered very mnob from palpitation, also from fl.tole. cs. I tried Eever.l medioal men. I waß in the hospital for treatment, and took no end of remedies, but only g,o» temporary relhf. I tiied •?Loaßb}_''»WA-bOO J and bal.' & boitle completely cared me. It ie five years einoe I wae xt'tfe'd, arid I have cot been troubled in any way einoe, bo the cure waß boihq^'ck and permanent LOASBI'B WAHOO— lrice 2/6, fi om a 1 C-emi.ts ana Stor.keerers, . -. -j o ? ree ifrom . the Sole Manufacturers, iO>BV WAHOO M*N.CFAGTO-_a_vGr 00.. Ltd., Eing-street, DUNEDIN. Wholesale Agentß, BEE* ITE CB> E I 80. SEE .&. CO?S NEW ZEALAND DBUQ CO., LTD. SOMETHING- NE^vV. TWEKXIIXH .CEHfURY : bibguits. DEIICIOU3 FLAVO ..-.<..■; LEAL OtISPSESS. AITLACIIVE DESIGN. GBIFFM ■& SONS, LIMITED__.EI_IABLE TFUBNITUHE. I1 ' ' r CARPETS, IiINOLEUMS, BEBST3EJ__DS,^BEDDING; AKD WiiEKd TO tt£T IT— (x. Fleming & Sons, WE aremw sbowinp c.trp'e.e stacks ef Farni.ure, Carp ts, Fl crolotbs, Linoleumß 12ft wide from 7/-- per yard ; bra.s. Iron, and Wood Bed.tead.;. Spring and Wire Mattreß.es, Kapok and Flax, Wool a.d Horsehair Matties: e3, Pillows, Boletus, eto. 1 o.king: Glasses (a grand seleo>i.n) ; Drawirg itoom Suiteß in Tapestry, Velvet, etc.; Ccuches|in Tapestry, Velvet, and Cretonne; Blankets & Rugs. Blankets & RugsWe havo tbis season large etccks in 0 lonial and English Bla-.ets; al.o Cotton Biansets ; tbe b^et value in town. . StiEE IISQ^, ail widths ; Pi.l.w 0. tton, Pillow Ca.ea in frills, hpmßlitob, etc; Towel, and LoULter t-cer ; E chr Dowu Q lids ; coti.plete r.nge, aad (.11 tizvs. i'LIND bOLLANDw in ttripes, crtatn, art, and plain gr en; Blind Laoe_, Cord ; Wool I.UgS and Muts.- GO-CiRTi. — the larges. sehotion in t.wn. All at Lowest Prices. G-.: JFIiEStIStT & SONS, OA. I N'E UM A fii Kfc ; I OL S. 1 RE , E TO. BABDy^R|TB|BET .

swiftest rird is tho prog- -^ h9 *rfS<|\ ress of a ha.kiug cough » into consumption.- . First a cold, then a settled cough* then slow fever, night sweats, and liemorrhag-S. Lton't neglect yo-ar cough. Stop it at once and drivd nway all thought of consumption. Begin as early, as possible—the sooner the better— to take Ayer's : . .bn 8 1 fy, - r 8.-G iv rai :. the most effective remedy for cotigh? of every kind and in every stare. One of th© most annoying coughs.a throat cough, where jxhi have I; constant tickling in your tl-rrrt-comes on worse at nijjLt, 1..:r ; j>s awake, and makes yen l-?.vo ; smothered -celi_.<_ i:\ the C „ . hardly seems possible \Tl.afc t • of Cherry Pectoral v;:":! ..«"<> i kind of a cough, it bring:? rou-L: :: relief. Put up in largo and r r_. ;. 1 1 : • -■■' When the cough gets d.-.v. •.• the ches. and the l;vt.^s r,v: put. one of Ayf.r'.. C' . ■ Plasters directly over [];•:- 1 .:-.•;.;»■.■ It will draw cut ,;;";! ILc ::y.c ;..',:. Prepared by Dr. J. & Ay:>r Cr ■ : RlW&__&. FiOlOav BUTTE , flesh ever? other-day,' at ARTHUR B. KIiOHING'S, Grcc-r, Har.iy-aireefe. 1442 WANTED— » ir t hfise who want ' arythinx in the Musioal Tne, frcm a Tin Whistle to a Piano, to come and inspect the DBESDKN'fI etoolr. t WANTED -to -Bell -Gr-^at Bewainß in good Feeon.haiid Pianos & Organs. Chesp for casb.or time-paymewe. . , , Dpe _>en, Hardy-st. Waimea County Council.-" APPLICATIONS will be received by the Waimea County Council uo 'ill 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, 3rd ; Jj_ly f for DAyMKN in the various distriots .ti_.oa_boai theConnty for the ensuiog 12 months for work when required. Wageß Ta per day; A. G. KNAPP, 16 $8 /iotirglußpeotor. OPENING NOTICE. PLEASE note tbat I bave OPENED the premises, between >__ the Bank of N.w Zealami end Mr J. C.'Werp.r'B Cyoh Works, Trafalgar-street, for the. purpose of Watohmaker 9 iJewe!ler & Optician, And tiuat t v at by keeping a. wth-Eelectj-f stock. nnnctuaHty. be.t wcrkmah^i ip, and moderate cha.rge3, to m -rit a; fair share of eepptrt. Specialities in the busineea are W-toh-work and Sight Testing. For i the latter 1 have fitted np a speoial room (or 'thoroughly leßtiug the sight vsith the latest 'appliance.. R pairs and Manufacturing ;in all its branohe.. Waiting yonr favour, I am, jours truly, J. A. CHISHOLM. N 8.-~ "Tweoty-Biz years' experience ; 6J years » joaim-yman with W, Littlejohn & Son, Wellington. i TYBEE'S Photographs,.'' Studios ARS well knovrn tbrooghout the ooloniea for High Claß3 Photographio. work. Thfy have lat.h been r^pleoisbed with new b>-u!k giounds and aooessarieß. Tbe pub ie are invited to inspect tbe latest n< ve^tie. in pho.ograpby, viz. :— | Panel Midgets . . _, 5/- per dcz Imperial v.__gels .. 7/6 „ „ Carte de Visites.. .. 10/- „ „ Doke of York Panels .. 15/- „ „ Federal do .. SO/- n „• Celoron Cabinets .. 25/- „ „ Paris Panels .. .. 30/- „ „ Celeron da . . .. 35/- „ „ at'as do .. .. 60/- „ , a One C.biqrt Photogragh for 2/6. Enlergf men's made from ar.y photograph. - All work guaranteed eati.f.ctory. Frames of aU descriptions m»de to order from seasoned natwe woo'Tbt or imported mculdicgs, at pace, lower than any other bouse in the colonies. A large s'.ock of mouldings always on band. Tbe supplied. W. TTREE, TBAFALGAB -TBEET.

TENDEBS, TENDEBS will be received by the und<*r.ign.dup to SA7LBDAY, tie _9th I ' Jane, for tbe Sale of th. Goodwill and Ten Years Lease of tbe POS -BOY HO TEL, No eon. The house iB free f. r everything. The highest or anj tender not necessarily -ocepted. H. B&IQEST, Collingwood -street. 1603 Neleon. Bi j -[ •• - iM__w__m_Hß___r-*i' I \ %m i^oate:& Cot - 1 I S |.l W ' J. .1 ""TED V \ ~* —- I ' ____^^_^_____r^S_f^^^.'

\ FOH^ALE. THE IEOPERTY belonging to Mrs, a» the Port. The Dwellinghouse contains _ix fairly large rooms, end all conveniences:; aubatantially. biilt, and as good aa new. Property commands fine view of Harbor and B y. Price £700, of whioh £500 can. remain on moitga_e at 5 per cent* Apply to 1247 PUT & MOOBE. i Northern /sswance Company, CF I. NT ON & iuBEBDEEN. EaTABLIBHED 1836. Total Funds ".- •• £5,625,000 TTTE^-eg'to intim*te that we have been VV spuointed A«cn a for the above Company f^r the NrlßO.n^Di.B>riq.',:io lien of Wr Geoige 1 arper, .Rha" ia { retirinit f7om buaiits.s. Bisks cf all O'&BFes accepted at ourrent rates. The above Company iB noted for its pbompt and^WBEBAL setllomett of claipis, which are attended to in the Colony, without reference Jo Head Cfß op. _ . . ; . ,., GRIFFIN & SONS. LTD ' N* LBO-. Sub-^gentß in Countiy Distriota Wanted, j

Trafa-Igar-st, kelson, NOW IS 1 13E TIME FOB WINTER SPRAYING. i' A SHIPMENT OP BEAN'S PATENT S^AYINaPIJ]^ THE BEbT SIrRAYIKG PUMPS itVER IRVfiNTED. .lEi.AI-iDV^NTAGEBOF THE BEAN HPEAY PUM°.— lt has a large h- avy ri.cejtarje *rr air und liquid* van enamelled pumping cylinder valves that Ere not i_j_u._ by the .corrosive. Washes* an. a .nsun ci itiiiC.ißjjMS bu. Iv. r.y.pbtt iKcoaud-Juiba -BD.bstat.ce th*t is insolable in «ny x cf tie *a_he_ in tee ; aiiogetner mating & pom that will laft (or years. Tte Afcjvee cat le fcro» &i< o \ te»- in amc m< ct's tim and wfeen a pew one is is. .quired ibe._|.eme i rcnical, Uis a £cmp that will do fho" work ' per-f-.otly. and a- tbegrea,. t .aving of time -and labor, and ie mo.t < eoQcmicalT Now is the time to ..cure at. up-to-date macbiue WE BATE AISO JUST LANDED— • A splendid selection cMhe following :— Prunkg Knivee. Pracing Saws, P_i_n ing.fc hears, r - Niokel-pifcttd Hand Pruners, Combined Pruning Hooks and Sawa i oping Sbeais, St ndara Tree irunersi .. j ■ - * ° b ana caws, ./ Bnddng Knives, 6, 7, 8 feet Ftep 'L.ddere. Al.o, a feood seleoiion of lie f.mous PLANET JR., Combined Seed Drills, Cultivators, Bone Hoes and Fxtra Parts. „ - - urn, ««_ 7.EERTILIZEBS. FEJJTILIZBBS. Tft© beg to advise Batpberry (Growers, Marttfct Gardeners, Agriculturists, Fruit and Hop Gr wers, eta tbat we ar © now/boohiDg o^.eis ioritbe G_ Aiv C( .? Send in your or ers early' A nalyßeß or tbe differ tntinndß^ . - *' " Also in stcck-rNitrate ot-Soda, Sulphate of Ammonia.

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Colonist, Volume XLIV, Issue 10138, 28 June 1901, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Colonist, Volume XLIV, Issue 10138, 28 June 1901, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Colonist, Volume XLIV, Issue 10138, 28 June 1901, Page 3