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The annual Show of the Golden Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Association was veiy largely attended, amongst those present being many visitors from Nelson and the Waimeas, as well as inhabitants of the Golden Bay district. Mr W. C. Baigent, the President of the Association, requested the Hon. W. C. Walker to open the Show, and the Minister duly complied with . the request. The Hon. W. C. Walker in complying with the request that he should open the Show, said that his colleague, Mr McKenzie, the Minister for Agriculture and Lands, had intended being present at their last annual Show but was prevented, and once more the Minister for Agriculture had been prevented being present, owing to ill health. He, the speaker, had, however, come with the desire to fill as far as he could, the place that his colleague had desired to occupy, He had been impressed by the contemplation of what splendid men the pioneers of thaf district must have been, for, in ihe absence of roads and conveniences such as existed in many parts, they had shown confidence in the future. He spoke of the advantages of such shows in providing object lessons that every observant colonist must regard, and, having congratulated them upon their achievements, expressed a hope that tbe successes so far accomplished would prove stepping stones for future successes. (Cheers.) Mr McKenzie, M.H.R., alluded to the disadvantages under which the present Show was held— the drought and bush fires. He said he had gained so much knowledge from attending their Shows that be was beginning to think he knew something of farming while he certainly looked upon himself in the nature of an exhibit, He wished them prosperity and every good thing. Mr Graham, M.H.R., spoke of the desirability of Golden Bay and Nelson working together for their common good, as their interests were really one. The following is the prize list :— Draught horse J Frank Byrne 1 Draught brood mare : W Newlove 1 and 2, E Newlove and E Riordan commended Pair plough horses : W Newlove 1, Robt Scott 2 Draught mare or gelding : A Hitchcock 1 W Campion 2, E Riordan h c Draught colt or filly, 2yrs off; WNew*' love 1 , Joshua Sigley 2, Geo Dunoan v h o, W Hunter h c

Draught colt or filly, yearling : F H Rose 1, Thos Haldane 2 Draught foal at foot: W Newlove 1, J F Rose 2 Weight-carrying hack, 15 stone, 12 entries : R Hyland 1, R Scott, sen. 2, A Emms he Weight-carrying hack, 13 stone, 14 entries": Jas Reilly 1 and 2, Fred Reilly h c Weight-carrying hack, 11 stone, 24 entries: Fred Reilly 1, Frank Page 2, John Kirk vhe . Colt or filly, 2yrs off : W C Campion 1, R T Sadd 2 Brood mare best adapted, &c, 12 entries : G Franklyn 1, Fred Fellowes 2 General purpose horse, 15 entries : A Best 1, A J Moulder 2, H Hitchcock c Hunters' jumping competition, 20 entries : Fred Reilly 1, D Kirk 2, Isaac Walker h c Shorthorn bull: T Haldane 1, E Windle 2 Shorthorn bull under 2 years.' Eustace Baigent 1, E Cobb 2 Shorthorn cow over 2 years I L Newlove 1, A McDonald 2 Shorthorn heifer under 2 years ; W Newlove 1 Ayrshire bull: R T Sadd 1, R Scott 2 Ayrshire cow over 2 years; W Campion 1, W P Simpson 2 Ayrshire heifer: George Pollard 1, W C Baigent 2 Jersey bull over 2 years : H T Goodwin 1 Jersey bull under 2 years : W P Simpson 1 Jersey cow over 2 years : George Page 1, W C Baigent 2 Jersey heifer under 2 years! J A Newport 1, W P Simpson 2 Grade cow : Jas Franklyn 1, W P SimpI son vhe Fat beast : Jos Franklyn 1 and vhe Border Leicester ram over 20 months, 9 entries : J A Newport 1, W Campion 2 : R Scott he Border Leicester under 20 months; R Scott, junr, 1, R Scott h c 2 Ewes Border Leicester: R Scott 1, R Scott, junr, c Ram English Leicester over 20 months : Reginald Sparrow 1 Romney Marsh ram over 20 months ; Geo Winter 1, R Hyland 2 Romney Marsh ram under 20 months: G C Gilbert 1, H Hyland 2 ' Ewes, Romney Marsh : G C Gilbert 1 Ewes, Southdown : R Hyland 1 Rams, Lincoln, over 20 months: J A Newport 1 ; W C Baigent 2 Ram, Lincoln, Jas. Smith 1 ; (3 rams for exhibition) Ewes, Lincoln*. Jas. Smith I;WC Baigent 2 Rams, Shropshire ; R Hyland 1 Ewes, Shropshire : R Hyland 1 and 2 5 Lambs, Shropshire : R Hyland 1 Ram, Merino, over 20 months: John Flowers 1 Rams, Merino, under 20 months : John Flowers 2 Ewes, Merino ; R Scott, junr, 1 2 Ewes, Crossbred, 12 entries : J G Page 1 ; J Manson 2 ; J Smith commended Crossbred Ewes with Lamb, 13 entries : J A Newport 1 ; Wm. Hunter 2 ; Wm. Newlove h.c. Ram Lamb, any breed, 8 entries J J A Newport 1 : GC Gilbert 2 3 Fat Lambs, 13 entries: Win. Newlove 1; G Duncan 2; A McDonald h,c; K Bartlett h.c 5 Fat Sheep, IS entries T R Hyland 1 ; Jeff Manson 2 ; R Hyland h.c ; Jas. Manson, c Fleece Greasy Long Wool; G C Gilbert 1 ; Noble Win v.h.c. Fleece Greasy Halfbred Wool : John Flowers 1 Berkshire Boar, under 1 year: G Winter 1 Berkshire Sow, any age; W Baigent 1 ; T Baird 2 Berkshire Sow, under 1 year ; T Baird 1 Breeding Sow, with litter: A McDonald 1 3 Porkers under G months: G Winter 1 Cattle dog, 8 entries; T Scott 1, Joshua Sigley 2, H Rose h c Rough coat sheep dog, 5 entries: Jas Cole 1, Jos Edgar 2, T Haldane h c Smooth coat sheep dog, 12 entries; F Staples 1, E Rossa 2, J Nisbett h c Sporting dog : A Haldane 1 Three turkeys : Miss Eva Baigent 1 Three geese : R Bartlett 1 Three ducks: Walter Scott 1, Misa C. Dodson 2 Three fowls; W H Johnston 1 Cock and hen, any purebred : W H Johnston 1, W H Boyes 2 Loaf, 4H) tin, 17 entries: Mrs C Page 1, Mrs D Scott h c Loaf, 41b roll, 7 entries ; Mrs D Scott 1, Mrs J Sigley h c 12 scones, 17 entries : Miss Mary Rose 1, Mrs Hambrook h c Sponge cake, 7 entries : Mis3 M Rose 1, R Bartlett h c Shortbread, 5 entries*. J H Walker 1, S Scott vhe Cream puffs; Miss E Manson 1 Currant cake, 8 entries ; Mrs J Manaon 1, Miss Ella Baigent^ Misa Mary Ros3, and Mrs J Sigley vhe Plum cake, 6 entries; J Lindsay 1, J Sigley vhe Cake, any other variety, 5 entries ; Misa Carson 1, Miss Pentecost vhe 3lt> fresh butter, separator or dairy, 9 entries; Miss Bessie Scott 1, R Bartlett 2, Mrs I Walker and R Bartlett vhe 31b fresh buttei-, to be deposited with Seoretary ; R Bartlett 1 and 2, Mrs Handcock vhe Cheese, 2 entries ; J Skilton 1 Side bacon, smoked; Mise Ella Baigent. Bacon, green, Miss Ella Baigent v.h.c. Ham, smoked, one entry: Miss Ella Baigent Ham, green, four entries; Miss Ella Baigent, 1 ; W C Baigent, vhe 12 Hen eggs : Mrs E Sparrow 1 Collection preserved fruit, 2 entries ; Mrs J Manson 1 ; Mrs R Bartlett, 2 Pickles ; Mrs F G Sparrow 1 Tomato Sauce, 7 entries : Mrs J Manson 1 ; Mrs E Sparrow, vhe Honey, 5 entries : Miss G Handcock 1, E Windle 2 ; Victor Rentoul vhe Pot jam by girls under 16, 6 entries : Miss Elsie Baigent 1; Miss Sparrow 2: Miss E Bartlett, vhe Collection jams, 4 entries; Mrs E Spar* row 1, Miss D Baigent 2, Mrs Isaac Walker, vhe Wine, 5 entries, Mra Feary 1, Mrs J Ballantyne 2, Mrs J Beattie, vhe Hop Beer, 5 entries ; A Best 1, J Morrison 2 Mead ; Mre E Sparrow 1 Potatoes, pink eyes ; L Newlove I, Jame3 Ballantyne 2 Do, Brown rivers ; James Ballantyne 1, H Hitchcock 2 Do, Breeze's prolific, 5 entries.* L Newlove 1, James Ballantyne 2 Do, early rose : H Hitcheock 1 Do Vermont: W T Andrew 1, James Ballantyne 2, Alexander Haldane vhe, H Hitchcock he and T Page he Do, Victory : Alexander Haldane Do, New Zealandia : Thos Page 1 Do, Charles Downing ; Robert Scott, junr 1 ! Collection of Potatoes; James Ballantyne 1 6 Onions : George Hailes 1, D Scett 2, James Manson, vhe Carrots, table, 10 entries; D Cann 1, 3 F Rose 2, Miss Edith Lindsay vhe, D^Scott and T Page he Carrots, any variety : A Hitehcock vhe Parsnips: D Scott 1, R Scott 2 Swedes : L Newlove vhe Table turnips: J F Rose 1, Alf Barnett 2 Mangolds ; L Newlove vhe Silver beet : Miss Bessie Scott 1 and vhe Red beet : S G Robinson vhe Dish peas : Mrs H Hitchcock 1, C Stent 2, G C Gilbert vhe Beans, dwarf, 7 entries ; R T Sadd 1, J F Rose 2 Beans, staked, 1 3 entries ; J F Rose 1, C Stent 2, Miss Eva Baigent v h c, R Bartlett, Mrs Johnston and G C Gilbert he Rhubarb, 4 entries: Mrs Johnston 1, Gt C Gilbert 2, Mrs Rodgers he 2 Cabbages; Miss Ella Baigent 1 Cucumbers, long, 2 entries : Mr F Ellis 1 Cucumbers, short, 4 entries; Mrs Newport 1, F Ellis 2 2 Marrows: Miss Ella Baigent 1, Miss H Cobb 2 2 Pumpkins: H Hitchcock 2 6 Tomatoes : Mra T Symes 1, FJ'elloweß he 5 Pears: E Windle vhe 5 Apples, dessert, 9 entries; A Haldane 1 ; A Hitchcock 2 5 Apples, cooking, 6 entries: Mrs A Hitchcock 1 ; E Windle 2, Miss Cobb v.h.c Largest Apple : Mrs Hume 1 5 Lemons, 2 entries; Jos. Packard 1 Dish Peaches, 3 entries; Miss Ella Baigent 1 ; D Cftnn v.h.c

Dish Nectarine- ; D Scott 1, G C Gilbert v.h.c Dish Apricot:;: UXj, <. Lindsay ' Dish l'liims, 8 entvies : Miss M> Scott 1 ; Master Eustace Baigent 2 ; Mr Malpas v.h.c Dish Japanese Plums : A Sinclair 1 Dish Figs; G C Gilbert lj Mr Malpas V.h.c : J F Rose h.c Bunch Grapes : Miss Ella Baigent 1 Nosegay Flowers : Miss ..Edith Hitchcock 1 ; Miss Irene Gilbert 2 Nosegay Native Flowers ; Miss MCobb 1 ; Horatio Feary 2 Bridal Bouquet for Children under 14 : Miss Irene Gilbert 1. Miss M Baigent 2 Stand Artificial Flower? : Miss J Scott 1 Staud Cut Flowers: Miss Effie Manson 1 Wreath Flowers, 4 entries; Miss Evil Baigent 1, Miss II Cobb 2 Collection Ferns; MissE Baigent 1, Master I'Mrcy Manson 2 Drawing of Flowers, by children under 15 attending any school in the district-, 5 entries : Horatio Feary 1 : M?ss Ruth Lewis v.h.c PlainjSewing, |by Girls under 15 attending anv school in the district, 15 entries: M. Byrne 1 ; L. Symes v.h.c Half bushel mixed pasture grass seed, locally grown ; W C Baigent vhe Horse beans : I Walker 1 Three cobs green corn; Harold Hitchcock vhe lib sample hops, 8 entries; E Windle 1, V Rentoul 2, T Page v h c, G Duncan h c Takaka-made sulky ; J H Walker & Son Takaka-made spring-cart ; J H Walker & Son Takaka-made harrows.* J H Walker A Son Home-made axe handle; H Bate 1, C Barlow 2 Truss hay, not les? than 141b ; W Campion Collection graminivorous birds' eggs, to be strung as fur as possible ; D Fftuchelle, :J008, 1 ; W H Bartlett, 2700, 2 ; B Feary, 1972 • Hitchcock, 291 ; James, 840 Beat piece of timber, not less than 12ft by 12in, most suitable for cabinetmakers' work, 4 entries: W Reilly 1 In addition to the prize list published in these columns on Tuesday, the following awards were made in the section for light horses :— Ladies Hack, 15 entries; Jas Reilly 1, E Windle 2, John Kirk vhe, P B Packard he Sulky horse, 1.1 entries; Miss E Scott 1, D Kirk 2, F Reilly he Dog cart horse, 10 entries; Isaac Walker 1, L G Duncan 2, F Reilly he Trotting mare or gelding, 15 entries ; S Fuuchellc 1 , John Kirk 2 Ladies' hunting competition, IG entries : Isaac Walker 1, S J Dew 2, F Page vhe, John Kirk he Yearling colt or fillv, one entry; John Flowers 1 Best Yearling, the produce of Aristocrat nr Scotia, likely to furnish into a carriage horse (not on Schedule) ; prize, £2, given by ]•:. Davidson, Esq (3 entries) ; W. Prns'Vrog 1, John Flowers 2 Best Yearling, the produce of Aristocrat or Scotia, likely to furnish into a gentleman's hack (not on Schedule) ; prize, £2, -given by E. Davidson, Esq (3 entries) : W. Prussing 1, John Flowers 2 Best Yearling, the produce of Aristocrat or Scotia, likely to furnish into a ladies' horse (not on Schedule) ; "prize £1, given hv E. Davidson, Esq (1 entry) .* H. Nightengale 1 Hackney foal at foot (4 entvies) ; ti s Franklyn 2, W. Scott 2 Trained horse (2 entries) ; H. T. Goodwin 1, J. Reilly 2 Driving competition for tandem : F. Reilly 1, James Reilly 2 Best locally owned turn-out, property of one owner, rustic cart, dogcart, or sulky, horse and harness, combined, 3 enties ; Jas. Rei'ly 1 ; J. G. Page 2. There were a number of interesting exhibits sent " for exhibition only," and these in eluded lemons and citrons by Mr Gilbert, rhubarb by Mr Bate, wine 'by Miss D. Baigent, needlework executed in 1829 by Ellen Avtty (shown by Mrs Frank James), paintings, Ac, by Lizzie Byrne and Miss Mavy Rentoul, and a fine collection of grasses by Messrs Ellis, of Motupipi. The Takaka Band materially contributed to the pleasure of those present by its capital performances. The officials and members of the Committee are to be complimented on the excellence of the arrangements, and we desire to thank Mr Hume, the Hon. Secretary, for his courtesy to our representative, j

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Colonist, Volume XLI, Issue 9097, 15 February 1898, Page 1 (Supplement)

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THE GOLDEN BAY A. & P. ASSOCIATION. Colonist, Volume XLI, Issue 9097, 15 February 1898, Page 1 (Supplement)

THE GOLDEN BAY A. & P. ASSOCIATION. Colonist, Volume XLI, Issue 9097, 15 February 1898, Page 1 (Supplement)