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Newspapkb Postage to in. land. —We are asked to state that the postage on newspapers addressed to Queensland is now a halfpenny for every 2 ozs or fraotion thereof. Education Board Election. — Our Lower Moutere correspondent writes : — " In tbe pending eleotion of three members to seats on the Board of Eduoation, Messrs Best, W. Look and J. Piper have reoeived tbe votes of the Lower Montere Sobool Committee.'' The Volunteers — Nelson's solitary representative to the New Zealand Rifle Association — Sergt Irvine, of the Waimea Rifles — left for North by yesterday's steamer. We hope to see him figuring in the prize list. It seems almost about time this New Zealand Association shooting farce was ended, as it is very little else than a waste of money for very little good. Year after year we see the same old shots "scooping the pool" as it were, whilst the benefit to the Colony and the Colonial volunteers at large is practically nil. Nelson, like a host of other small districts, has very little opportunity of sending shots to compete against the trained and experienced marksmen who are generally attracted to these gatherings, and who, as a general rule are up to all the fine points of the game." It would be a far greater profit to the Colony at large, if the Volunteers were encouraged to become first-class marksmen, by distributing what money or ammuni • tion there is is for expenditure over the several districts according to their numerical strength By so doing, we believe, it would be a real encouragement for all Volunteers to qualify themselves as good shots. We are quite positive the Nelson men at least would appreciate the innovation, which would tend, we believe, to do far more good to the advancement of shooting than the New Zealand Rifle Association pretends to do at present. Cricket.— On Saturday at Wellington, R. Gore in a senior match made 107 not out, whilst in a second-class match Jones put up 111 runs also not ou*-).— A match has been arranged between the Nelson and United seniors for to-morrow at the Park. The following will represent the latter Club :— Messrs L. Graham, D. Graham, R. Stiles, F. Blincoe, Jackson, Corder, Hale, Barnett, C. Graham, G. Stiles, A. Leaper. Emergencies, G. Page and G. Dee. Nelson School Commissioners. — At their last meeting the Sohool Commissi jner?, we understand, passed a resolution that in view of the establishment of District High Sohoolo 1 in tbe Nelson Education District the resolutions granting a sum of £300 per annum to the Nelson College Governors fee rescinded. The School Commissicnats. of the revenue reoeived by them contribute to the Westland, North Canterbury, and Nelson Education ' Boards for the purpose of aiding primary ; eduoation in those distriots, bui the £300 granted the Nelson C. lieges is the only sum applied to tbe assistance of secondary educa--1 tion. Mr Franklyn who ia a Commissioner ' as well as a mmber of the Eduoatioa Board, has tabled a notice of motion with the latter regarding the establ'shmet of a * district bigh school at Westport, and a subcommittee was appointed to report upon tbe matter. No doubt more will ba beard upon the subjeot in tbe direotion of scouring a grant from tbe Sohool Commissioners in aid of this sohool if established. Visitors. — Sir Joseph Abbott, speaker of the Legislative Assembly of New South Wsles and Chairman of the Board of Direotors of the A. M. P. Society, accompanied by his eon, Mr Jobn Abbott, and Mr Riohard Teeoe, Aotuary ani General Manager of the A. M. P. Sooiety, arrived here yesterday. Bir Joseph Abbott and Mr Teeoe are making an inspeotion of the branohea of tbe Sooiety throughout New Zealand, a Bimilar visit being paid about two years ago. The party left by the 4.30 train yesterday, and go overland by ooaoh via Hokitika and the Otira Gorge ta Christohurch. Loss of a Horse.— When the Palace Oar waß running the five o'olook trip to the port on Wednesday, one of tbe horses fell dead not far from the Russell street corner. This makes the fifth horse Mr Richard Thomas has lost within two years. The Diocesan Library. — Tbe old Bishop'B Sohool will in f ature be known ns the Diocesan Library. In the east wing of the building the library of the late Bssbop Suter bas been placed in book oaseß, while in tbe northern end of the building hang the pictures of th 9 art oolleotion of the late Bishop. Stoke Or?hanaqe Fionic. — The boys of the Stoke Orphanage enjoyed their annual pionio at Riohmond Park on Wednesday, and had a real good time. The weather proved favourable, and soon after arriving on the grounds tbe boys entered into games wi h zast. Athletio sport, were indulged in, and prizes were not wanting for the victors. The Orphanage Band, under the conduotorsbip of Mr Leaper, discoursed ezoellent music. A number of visitors were present, inolading his Worship the Mayor of Nelson. Before the very enjoyable pionio was bronght to a close, Bro Laetus (in the absenoe of Father Mahoney, who had been called away te Wai-iti) called lor cheers for Mr M. Hunt who had oollected the neoessary funds for the outing, for the subscribers, for tbe Nelson Jookey Club for the nse of the grouads, for Mr Jobn Glen, and for tbe visitors, all of whioh were heait ily given by tbe boys. Fobkstbbb' FoNEBiL. — This afternoon the members [of Oourt Sherwood Forest and other members of the Order will Bsiemble at half -past one at the Stoke Publio Hall to attend tbe funeral of their late Brother Charles Ching. They will afterwards maroh in procession to tbe late residenoe of the deoeased, to join the procession. The Distriot Officers and otber members wilt leave Nelson at one o'olook. It ia rumored, says a We9tpott paper, that the ea'e of tbe Big River mine, Beefton, to tbe Frenoh syndioate will not oome off. The syndidate paid a deposit of £500 to bind the bargain, and the balanoe of purchase money, £33,500 must be paid in a few weeks, or the deposit wonld be forfeited. But it is said tbere is no intention, after inspec. ion, to pay the balance. Goit) Dredging on thi Bolleb. — A very large gold dredge is about to be constructed ia Dunedin for tbe Buller Biver. it will do three times as muoh work as any other dredge now on the river. The death iB announced of Mr Peter Martella, who resided in Pioton for many years. The « Evening Post ' of Wednesday saya :— A sitting of the £Board sof Conciliation has been convened for Thursday, 18tb February, at 10.20 a.m., for the purpose of adjusting the dispute the Wellington branoh of the Federated Seamen's Union and Messrs J. H. Ccok & Co., Ne'son «, A. H. Turnbull & Co., Wellington ; and C. W. Turner, Chrißtchurob.

Db W. B. Bush, Oakland, Fla., writes :— "I employ Sander & Sons Pure Volatile Eucalypti Extract aB a looal application in ohronio inflammations and rheumatio pains ; internally in nephritio as well as in pulmonary, gaetrio and vesical catarrh, It is

sometimes difficult to obtain tbe genuins artiole. I employe! different other preparations, tbey had no therapeutic va'ue and no effeots. In one cue tha. ejff eats were similar to the oil camphor, the objaotionable aotion of whioh is well known."— This is certainly a most striking evidenoe of the superiority of this exoellent preparation over any other. — Insist getting Sander and Sons Eucalypti Extraot, or else you will be supplied with worthless oils. Cheap Clothing.— Gent's Alpaoa Ooats 2/11 eaob, Summer Trousers 6/6, do Suits 12/6 eaob.— Jas. Armstrong & Co, Trafalgar Btreet. Boyß* Shirts' 1/- eaob, Sailor Suits 5/6 eaoh, Straw Hats Gd, Braoes GJ.— Jas. Armstrong and Jo, Trafalgar street. The ba'anoe of Dresses left over from the Farmers' stook and our own new season's to be oleared at less tban half prioes.— Jaß. Armstrong & 00, Trafalgar str*- 1 - Strong Shirting 4d yard, Flannelette 3d yard, heavy Silesia 4J 3 yard, Btrong Sheeting white and unbleaohed, 72 inobes wide, lOJd yard. — Jas. Armstrong and Co, Trafalgar Btreet.

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Colonist, Volume XL, Issue 8789, 12 February 1897, Page 2

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Untitled Colonist, Volume XL, Issue 8789, 12 February 1897, Page 2

Untitled Colonist, Volume XL, Issue 8789, 12 February 1897, Page 2