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W. ROUT AND SOl^S HAVff fps Sale THE FOLLOWING PROPBRTIIDS 8 BirilSLlM' W L thfn five min a*ea' walk of Post Office, consisting of two and tk A fnS?««li r? n n 'J ll3 good 8 - r oomed House ; every oonvenienoe. Prioe £515. Termß SSS if? ?♦ C °V age P ro P«ty in Washington Valley, in firsb class oondition. Prioe £180. : Afi deposit, balanoe oan remain owing at 5 per cent. I is astooa e neT e prio°e U £ e ißo d Easy teSs^"* Str6et * bel ° DgiDg *° Mr W * F * ThomßOD ' hoose | Thi «S««? d F°2 Bgfl L and land in 8t Vinoent street. Very low prioe and easy terms, in* nf #nnV2«?!f r , 00k . s * reet beJ onging to tbe eetate ot H. 0. Daniell, aeoeasaa, oonsißtg t _fS i^ w ? 'a nd . with nine-roomea Dwellinghouse. wS? a « . r J y Sigley'a chop, to be sola at a low figure. A«i_i?v £ m Hardy street, known as the Tennis Club's Ground— £3oo only. Vnnh 8 ££_,-- rm ,erty m * he Manawatu Distriot, within one hour's drive of Palmerßton iWmiTv T. ? 80 « es . of Lsßi -° I™*1 ™* I*nd, all oleared, with substantial Dwelling, Woolor oountry? ardß,Seto, Prioe ' £8 5s V** a °™ ; or would exchange for Nelson property, town nn ?flsS?i ! s ? lock of F onse Pr 9P ert y» oentraliy situated, almost new ; gas and water laia ™ n ° Tt *1„* im ge ' and 6Very convenience. All let to gooa tenants. Prioe, £750. Betum a iiTpu l i « P Pr« r i ° len1 ent '„ A Booa nvestment for oapital without inourring risk or liability. rnn n «tfo£ fi • Oottage Property, n good order, olose to Post Office. Price, £450. .This P S2-«i f^ m i g nea « y . 12 P er oent on the Parohase money, and is likely to oontinne boJ ma-tiffin-f^T _. i _?« B " BnUdi °g Sites, Viotoria Crescent, the Port. Easy of access, andoom; i terms! s P lendid ™w of the Bay, &o. To be Bold at low prioee, and on partioularly easy i«»i,?.« r M 0 n House, with Tfareo Aores of Land, on Gladstone Bold, Biohmona, be- »>& i.m __. ?u nnn ' and Bitnate near Mr 'ob. Best's property. Good orohara, vinery Sn, f a«« '„?T* h0 . neefl .' op P er bnil * in - S<H_ee comparatively new. nnnnito wL a** * lth Hoaße Ne'eon at the oorner of Collingwooa ana Bront Btreete, i&nn Btan * on s Property. The dwelling house ia of briok oonstruotion, ana oonlama eight room>. Gas ana water laid on. A firat-olass .neighborhoodlfor residenoe. n «»;t« *««• 1 o * ? n Waimea lioad .adjoining Mr Chapman's nursery garden, beS nL nt S ,Bb ?P n Sn * cr ' beiD « seotiona 964 and 966. Prioe, £900. t*rm« •p£-i! a ?is- - *!■ ta Wain »«a "t"et a* a very low figure ana on exceptionally easy ?;.wN ? d1 ? 8 18 -? L a * h 'oughout. ana aa good as new. H^-ifl Pr °P Brt^ lth Jwgo orohard, in Hardy-street East. a«AiHr!S^o Pr ° periy . a ! H P pe ' b fl'onging to S. H. Strong, Esq., oonaisting of 10-roomed Swelling with 12 acres of land ; barn, stable, ooach houso, cowshed, eta. TO _____%T BentfSo^aVe'ar 011163 H ° U8e ' Witb good gardeD » w hin thtee a^utea' walk o Post Office. fri.! B aDd 8n ? fi ve ' r oomed Hduso at Stoke. Rent 7/6 a week. TnltllTn Hou3 j. at s ' oke » and J-aore of land, adjoining Dr Duff's. Bent 7/- a week. jIZSJm, < J )m '?i> dlonß Shop in oentral position, Bridge Btreet. Bent £50 a year, hv n7 a»v in??Z? ed House with Two Aores of Land in Queen-Bt., Riohmond, lately oooupiea by Dr. Guy Porter- Bathroom, soullery ; water laid on! Saperior House in Brougham-street (furnishea), o 00. LTrt?t^a 0 g;o ce d r tenam! fß,gar Md B " dg6 B * rflet9 ' lfttely °° m ' l6& by A ' W * Ba!n "* Bhop in Trafalgar street, adjoining Mr . Dee a. FOR BALHJ OR TO LET. K „„.i 8 roomed T DwelHoghouse, with bathroom, stable, etc in Selwyn Plaoe. belonging oMr Enodgrass. House is it i excellent conaition, and has ever oonvenienoe. .^« ni T P .n°| e -'!i. - Suburfaa ° N ° rth - kn °wn bb "Bay View Estate oonslßting of ten Teres on^haproierty. 81^ 00111 Dffell,nghoD3B - Thera Si a very gocd Orchard of four « „5!i r !°!i?- Hous3 i ith . bath Mom aQ, 3 every oonvanienoo, Wakefield Quay. House is n excellent oadmon, aud 13 plastered throughout. — **•-- . 1,, 1. ' '^^W^^^W^M^^^^W^^^Wi^ p^icia£S Cure""' [ f fe^^yfeiy^.^l?^^^^^^^#i^lj ??fetpdu,ost ventla Tho \7:> -versa! BsuiFdv ior Acidity cf th*-. Stcmadi. *c - Ui ''■ <-■-. _ l"e^--sl^i-:0u-:; -.-.-:. Ht-artijiii-n, Indis-cstion, SoxirZlv\c.Lyy 0i ..^ .*i.*l;s, -.. ; i tiis .'ii<-k-#---2_ilio--is Agc-otions. "•/.;:*.. 1,*,-^,. y . v* : * /^V|-?^*ra*w.S»**7»/?* f \Xkk&XkikkX]XyyXXk^'y&£X k- "-" *v.? S.7r;- J -"-'"-''^gl

J. E. CLEAE, Ta_iloi~& Outfitter, BRIDGE STREET, Has just reoeived a spleDdid seleotion o SEMES. WORSTEDS, & TWEEDS. FOE HE COMING SEASON. He has alao opened rp a First-olasa fy iosortment of C.ENTS' MERCEEY. p Including -(White Regatta and Tennis Shirts, eto. Soarfs and Collars, ALL THE LATEST STYLES. IS-Note the Address— J. ft. CLEAR, BRIDGE STREET, "Ihj&tlp* FLAG BRAMD f?} %g PICKLES 13 J D -Hi HAYWABD BBOS.* WORCESTER ASD TOMATO SAUCES. Awards 1891. Christohuroh RICHMOND, MOTUEKA, ANJD ~ BIWAFA MAIL SEBVIOE. James Hunt's Coach LEAVES the Eailway Station, Biobmond, on arrival of the IU a.m Train Mon- j Wednesdays, ted Fridays. BETUBN. | Leave Biwaka on Tuesdays, Thursdays, ard Saturdays at 7.80 a.m k arrive at Moiueka at 7.60, and leave Motueka at 8.0 a.m Booking Offioes : Bailway Hotel, Biohmond, Moutere Hotel ; Own Besidenoe, Motueka : I Kavanagh's Post Office, Biwaka. Special allowance for mtubn passages. All parcels left at any of the above places v.ill be attended to, but must be paid for e fora delivery. ff*"Baddle Hors9S, Sulkies, etc, on hire. Address : Opposite Motaeks Hotel. ASK FOR J, CLEGG'S VI Mk „ ■■ — *. \~yf PEBAMBULATOES / •'.* ' , . \V X EBAMBULATOBS f Sold by E. UXTON&CO and WILKINS FIELD Nelson. WOBKS at OHBISTOHUBOH

JOHN SCOTT BUILDER & CONTRACTOR, Timber Yarcl Sash & Door Factory. I 3" The most complete Plant of Wood-working Machinery in thaj Provinoe, * O J SALE All descriptions of Seasoned Ti nber Mouldings, Architraves, Skirting, &o BUILDERS 1 IRONMONGERY, Corrugated Iron, Ridging, & Sponting. GLASS, ALL SIZES. PLANS, SPEOIFIOATIONS, AND ESTIMATES prepared for all descriptions of Building work. TRAFALGAR STRE HIT NORT , Nelson. CHEAP MONEY CHEAP MONEY! IS ISUMS OF <£100 TO £10,000 ON COUNTRY, 5 ? CITY, ANn SUBUBBAN FREEHOLDS ~at the following exceptionally low rates of interest : — Under £5,000 4f per oent. £5,000 to £10 000 ... 4£ per centApply at any Agency of tho .i GOVERNMENT INSURANCE DEPAR rME NT. J. H. BIOHARDSON, Government Insaranoe Commiasioner. Motueka Hotel, High street, Mv leka. 0. HOLYOAKE, roprietor, (Late W. W. Ooppins. TEBMS mod rate, and meals provides all hourß. First-oiass aooommodati to visitors. Wine, Beer, and Spirits of the very uality. A oornfortable Two-horse soneyanoe and from the Wharf on arrivalndv departar , the Bteamers. Saddle horses and vehicles for ire. Amongst otber improvements, the propr ior has ereoted a onvenient Batb Boom. Foil-sized (Wright's) Billiard Table. Aooommodation for ten horse; in Btabl ki teilt}-.', ti o li tc.piddock attache

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Colonist, Volume XL, Issue 8789, 12 February 1897, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume XL, Issue 8789, 12 February 1897, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume XL, Issue 8789, 12 February 1897, Page 1