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Tempera: eh Woukers — The Rev R S Gray invitea a'l temperance workers to meet at CntnpboL'a Sotioolro.m this evening at half pai t eeven, Aucti ->n Falk.— Mr W. Lock will hold a sale at his room? this afternoon of the fornix lure and effect i cf MrD. Jjnes, and he will also se I a ohroaomeler wttob. Tbe Bale begins at two o'olock. A Southland ooroner, suramin;? up the f acts of an inque3t held last week, said he did not know a greater cv si thm a man who represented himself a? a qualified practitioner, gained the confidence ot a circle of friends, and treated them in an unskilful manner, causing deatb. A man who did auoh a thing wanted lynching. Tns Gißborne wharf was invaded a few nights ago by a swarm of large brown beetles of a, kind quite unknown to tbe diatriot. They were fully an inch long, over an inch in girth, and came in thousands, the decking of the wharf being literally covered with them. Where they came from is a mystery. At an inque3t held at Riverton touching the death of Mrs B. Bailey, who was found dead on the beaoh at South Riverton, it was stated that the deceased, who was the mother of a family of 11 obildren, was of somewhat intemperate habits, and a prohibition order had heen takon out Bgainst her, but she had b3en able to get drunk afterwards. Tho jury returned a verdict that decease! met her death through oold and exposure, and added a rider censuring those who previously procured drink for deceased. Effobts are being made to introduce the oultivdtion of linseed in thj Marlborongh dist iot. " Abe yon a sleeping partner in the business?" inquired a New Piymouth lawyer, insiuuatingly, of a female witness in a Court case the otber day. " Perhapa I am," naively retorted the lady, " but I'm pretty wide awake "—which faat was g nerally co_ceded.' A coBREepoKDEHT of the Southland ' Daily News' says that there is a strong probability of the Bey T. Neave, Presbyterian minister at Riverton, contesting the Wallace electorate io the Ministerial inter^t. A oobbespondent of a cont mporary points oit that by tha Mortgages Bill, which has passed the House of Representatives, a duty of 15s for every £100 borrowed is imposed. Say that you borrow £500, the stamp duty imposed by this bill wiil be £3 15 where none is now payable, and co rateably, either np or down. Durikg the hearing of an approbation in the Wardsn's Court a' Wakaia recently a witness admitted tbat he bad told the opposing party what was not in fact the truth, but he " was not on oath' then." Tbe Warden (Mr R. S. Hawkine) stopped tbo witness, and refused to believe his evidenoe. He detested a liar, and wished a man oould be punished forlyiog. He oould understand a slave lying, but not a free man ; ner.her could he under- ; Btand any man having any respect for a liar. Then, addressing counsel, hp aßked, " H>ve you a witness who won't lie ?" The wimeas was forthcoming. The Melbourne Full Comt recently ordered a borough councillor at Port Fairy to ta? £3,4(0 as a penalty for having sold material a >d performed work for his Council to the value of £20. The £8,400 ia made ip by the minimum fiae £50 for each one of G8 dHya that he continued to sit as councillor aft.r the hrcacb of tbe cot. * C*RTAtNLT ibe bast m*3diei*o:- known :'s Sander and Sons s-uaaiyoti Est?; ot. Tea. Ita eminently pc»'oriu 1 < tsffast h. o ag- s oolds, influenza— the rsiief is iastaataneor b In serious easei, and accidents of all kinds be they wound*!, bar callings, bruises sprains, it is the safest remedy — no swelling ta inflammation. Like eurprising effer.fs produced in oronp, diphtheria, brouehu', Inflammation of the lnngs, ewsliir.:;*, etc , diarrhoea, dys r-try diseases of <:h3 b ir-eys ond urinary organs In n=,e at huapita'? sr*d medioal olin^os all over the plobc ! patronised byljhis Majesty iha ifia& cf Italy; crowned with medal and .diploma at International Exhibition, Amsterdam. Txnst In this proved artiolo asd rejeot all others. Desperate Bargains. — e&ies English trimmed Toques for 1/11, woith 6/6 and 7/5 wholesale.— Jas. Armstrong and Co. Boys' and Girls' fur Jimed Beaver HatSj in fawn, grey, white, and cardinal, from 1/11 eaoh ; the wholesale price was 3/6 to 5/6 each. — Armstrong & Co. A lot of children's Lambskin & Aetrakan Coats from 2/6 eaoh ; travellers' Eampl.s.— Aimstrong & Co. We have a lot of samples ia Hosiery and Gloves -jo olear at ha f price.— Armstrong and 00, Trafalgar street. New Zkaland Humbess. — Why pay £20 for aCjole when you *.ac get Meroer's " New Zealand Humber," equatij as good, if not better, for £18 10?, with lamp, bell, and bag. You ask, bow do I sell so cheap ? Because 1 buy in la'ge quantities direot from tbe makers. All duplicate parts in stock, and no exorbitant charges.— J. 0. Mercer, Cycle Works, Kelson. SYNOJ SIS or NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - The following new advertisemantß appear in this issue — Meeting of Temperance workers Naval Artillery sooial Land Transfer Act notice General Cameron Lodge— funeral notice Organ recital at Presbyterian Ohuroh

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Colonist, Volume XXXIX, Issue 8642, 21 August 1896, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume XXXIX, Issue 8642, 21 August 1896, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume XXXIX, Issue 8642, 21 August 1896, Page 2