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Bankbuptoy. — The following are the unsecured creditors in tbe bmkrnptoy of P. H. Jone», late boarding- house k-eper : — Thomas Pettit, £8 ; A. Wilkie, £22 ; D. Grant, £5 4s ; C. Noble, £6 17s ; Farmers' Co-operative Association, £5 ; G. Rowboiham, £2 16s ; Nelson City Counoil, £5 12s ; T. B. Huff am, £1 6s; Df Maokie, £10; Love day Bros., £1 17b 6d ; J. A. Barley, 14s; Mrs Organ, £34 ; J. A. Stringer, 16a ; W. A. Bought on, £27. Total liabilities, £131 2s 6d. There are no secured creditors. Tbe only atßets are boik debta £3, and farn tare £15, leaving a defioienoy of £113 2s 6d. " Cld Ben."— To-day is the birtbdiy of oar much esteemed friend Mr Benjamin Crisp, who completes his eighty-seventh year. He came to the Colonies when be was eleven years of age, and he has lived to Bee large cititß and towns established in parts of tbe Colony wbiob he traversed before any European habitation existed. He became a total abstainer on the Ist of Jane, 1843, and procuring a large stock of pledge cards, hymn books, and medals he et t vigorously to work as a Temperance reformer, paying particular attention to the yoong, and his Band ot Hope became famou*. Many settlers (who now have grown- np families) still have the card and medal they reoeived from Mr Crisp in the long ago. Mo one regrets more than Mr Criep does himself that he cannot this year undertake a treat for tbe children j on the Queen'a birthday, a labor cf love wbioh he undertook for fifty years. He gpeaks with grati'ur'e of the kind friends who need to assist him monetarily and otherwise in getting up the treats. Oar old friead who is still hearty, f peaks hopefully of reaching the three figures (100), and we join with many others in wishing him many happy re urn 3cf the day.

Pboposed Dairy Factoby at Jiicnsj nd. - the adjjun ed motug o: ik uo Kjur-iXd 11 the ( s r.bli hm-nt of ada t n fßot-Mv i-> t! c Wainiea will Le h:ld at 1 i-.-h mn . h a c enicg at tha olos~ of the lectr r' to be delivered by Mr Saw*rs. Ws hope, in the iutcrrete of th 3 rMsuicv, tba* tlia ressiJt -?f t 13 m c i g nitl ba tbe esteb ashmen? vi the factory. Dbedging for Gold at Ooi,mngwooo. — We ie'irn from a correspondent at Col-iug-wcod than Bitty uonoes of gold bay» been obtained from the Dredge on the Aorere tiv r •hii amount being th 3 pi o weds of t'e lv.c washing up, and ro f re. enting end. 3 3 working of the dredge. The result is highly sat sfactory, and wi'l no doubs ma. u-aga othera to engage in dttdgiog h<* Aorere river. Deep Sfa Fishing Clvb — Tbe it embers of this Olnb ire notified that tbe s.s. Lady Birkiy will louve the Commercial Wharf at fix o'clook to-uio row morning. She will proceed on a fishing ezeursi< n. Leo cube on Dairying. — Mr Siwer;, the dairy expert, will deliver a leotaro in the Oddfe low's Hall, Richmond* commeooing a; sevea o'olook this evening; We trast that there wil be a largo attendanoa as Mr Sawyerd will unqutatfonabiy be able to import some useful information oonoerniag dairying. A Monstkb. — The Lindon 'Times' s'ate ß that th- re is a pig at < auworth whioh is nine feet iv length; seven feet in girth, and weighs eighty Btone. I A Eich Fbizb.— The Dundee tteamer, Looh Ma 63, wLioh was abandoned 160 milts I off the Irish coast, was pioked up by a Liverpool tug and tawed iuio tflfaet. The der -hot is vaoed at £80,000. Quits a number of tug i Tver-} out looking for the very va uabl? I p izi. Cbioket Association.— Th- presentation of trophies o champi -nabip winntrs during the cricket season, will ba made to tho respective winners thi- evening, at tut Masoniu Hutel at 7.30 p.m. QoVEBNMENT F'IfeTBIOT MEDALS. —The firing for tbe Government medal?, upen to marksmen of 1894, will take place this afternoon at (he mudflat ran^e. Tho firing oommenoes at 2 o'clock. Cokoregationati Chubch.— The Bey E. C. leaao will continue hia s tries. of disoourses on " Studies in the Life of Jeaas ' to-morrow morning, when his subject will be " The Trial." In the evening he will preaoh on " Popular Amusements." Promenade Concert at Stoke.— The Stoke Orphanage Brass Band will give a promenade concert in Mr G. Best's cricket gaound, near the Stoke railway station to-morrow afternoon, commencing at half past two. Admission will be by silver coin, and w-j have no doubt that a great many coins will be handed in. Mb Leek will sell at the Central £ uotion Rotms this morning, at 11 o'clock, a couple of tons of potatoes, while at 11 30 a large magio lantern and a quantity of drape) y, <So., will be Bold. Trinity Pbksbyteeian Choboh. — The Bey J. B. MacKenzie will conduct the But vices ai this Churoh to-morrow, both morning and evening. At noou to-day. Messrs Sharp & Sons will sell at their auction rooms six acres of land at Stoke, at present in the occupation of Mi John Oliver. Messrs Bislet Bbos. & Co. wili Bell bj public auction to-day, commencing at 10.3 C sharp, the horsts, landau, tab, property anc effects in the bankrupt estate of Willian Luckyer, sen. The equity of redemption ot the property in Brcok street will be offered at boon, atd the sale will ba at the Exohange rooms. A L ndon paper itates that the Reverend H. 15. Ottley, Vicar of Eastbourne, haa be n presiding at a boxing competition. He is also given to singing, his favorite ditly being " Hard Times O mie again No More." A London correspondent writes : — Jabez Spenorr Balfoor has cost as a rare lot of money by bis, perhaps, natural obstinacy. The enormcue anm of £7,300 haß already goue, largely in cablegram?, which the For ign Office has despatched with reference to the 1 xtntditkn. In addition, at o. her £7,000 has gone in le&al piooeedinga in Argentina. Out of oomplimeiit to the Qaeen, is the reason given for spending thoasands npon thoneands of pounds upon a useless old war vessel oalled the Prinoe Albert. Tbis ship oiiginally oost £208,345. and £50000 has been expended on refitting her. She is, indeed, bo obsolete that farther outlay would be completely watted. The Admira'ty, however, didine to dispose of tbe bulk t beoause ebe was named after the late Prince Consort. A OBOSBiKG-swBEPEB named John Carney, known as " Old Jaofe," was burnt to death in London lately. The polioe, in searching " Old Jaok's " {.remises, found that be had left £64 9s 7d, of whioh £60 2a Id was in the Savings Bank. Ab a " plunger," without a parallel almost in bietory, the late ex-Khedive Ismail was the cause of all the ills which oulminated in the Dual Control and onr subsequent ooonpation of Egypt. It must be owned, however, that muou of his rainooß extravagance was due to his desiro to bring bis country irto a line with Western civilisation, and that be committed himself to many expensive enterprißeß whioh promised to benefit Egypt. Bat the history of his reign may be summarised by Baying that, in thirteen year?, he ran up a bill of £86,000,000 sterling ! One morning Curran's physician observed that he seemed to " cough with more difficulty." "That is rathez surprising," answered Curran. " for I have been practising all night." While thus lying ill, Curran was visited by a friend.. Father O'Leary, who also loved his joke. " I wish, O'Leaiy," said Curran lo him, abruptly, " that you had the keys of heaven." " Why, Outran P" "Becanee you could let me in," said the faoetious counsellor. "It woild 03 much better for you, Curran," said the good-humorel priest, " if I had the keys of the other place, became then I could let yon out." Bhopal is among the most wisely governed of States in India. Tt is rued by a Begum, who is of a pleasing appearance and disposition, a Persian scholar, and a brilliant conversationalist. Under her administration roads have been cut, fine buildings ereoted, the condition of the ryots being materially improved. A code of rules and regulations bas been drawn up for tha levying of Custom duties. Hospitals for women and children have been erected, and are maintained by the Begum. Her Highness contributes munificently to the fund started by the Marchioneaa of Differinto eopply medical aid to women in India. The de'ails of an exlraordinary marriage whioh jnst been conoluded at Montreal have now transpired, and (he affair is attracting a great deßl of attention owing to tbe novelty of the proposal, ihe scheme has been launched in connection with a large contingent of sealers of French birth or extraction, who have come from Michigan, and have been gat her td together by a priest named Father Paradis. They are now preparing to sUrt for Temisoamingae, in the Province of Quei-eo, where lands have been eeoured Among the oolonis s are 200 bachelors and an equal number of maidens, who are severally engaged to ba married, but their weddings have not yet taken place because of poverty. Father Paradis, to -urge each onuple 1 1 join the oolonistF, promised to give each a farm, and to have a great marriage oeiemony in pub'io in April, when the whole 400 aie to ba mbr.ied at the s»me time. On this condition they joinei. Dubisg the great famine in Bueeia, when no fewer than 40,000,000 people were statving Count Tolstoi, who — seeing a famine waß inevitable, earlier in the year bad ungnoce.-s---fully tried to impress upon the Russian authoriti s to take feteps for relieving thmaeees — began to organise an aaiooution for the relief of the people, whioh was forbidden by the Govern id en I. He, however, set to wrk wi h a 1 hia geniuß \ nd enerpy to relieve the starving monjiks. He established no fewer tbaa 200 eating.rooms in the central part of Ruesia, and a large number of dep6:e from whioh food was distributed, acd 20,000 famishing people were fed daily, The Count did not pride himself npon hia work ; be recarded it as a matter of coarse, and bat a? tbe debt of cne man to his fellow creatures. OxnTiX&LT Ihe beet medicine fcoovn is Bander and Bona Eucalypti Extract, '.'et-t Ub eminontly powerful »r?eat 15 00-igbß oolds, infinenza — the relief is insMntaneoOß In aeriona eases, and aooidenta of all kinds be they woonda, burua, ooaldinga, braises sprains, it ie tbe safest remeay — 00 pwelling on inflammation. Like Barprlßing " * tracts proaaoed in croup, diptiibbtit, :r>i,v,mtis inflammation of the longs, Bweuingt, eta.,

diarrhoea, dye^Dtry diseases o! f be kidneys and urinary organs In use et Lospua's ard mooioal clinics all over the gloKa I patronhed by hiß Majesty the King of Italy ; crowned with medal and <tiploma at Interaauontl Exhibition, Amsterdam. Trust to thia ap proved ariiola and reject bH other? 11 Motheb, I am Out ov Sobts."— Hewho uttered these words was a strongly- built young fellow, with clean-out intelligent featnree, but a glaDco was enough to show thai , hswaa ran down by work and worry; his Lead was heavy, his eyes lacked brightness, be was laDguid, and the fieod of indigestion Lad pri&ted its marks upon hia face. "My boy," repliad vha good and wise mother, 'be advised this onoe by me ; let me doctor you. 1 ' The lad readily absented, and in a trios Hollo way's world-famed pil's were prcdaoed. They soon did their work, and in a day or two the young fellow went ab ont his wo r k like a new man filled with Birangth and enargy. This ever varying ohanges o! fashion and the lata developments in Rational and Drees reform, necessitate constant study and watchfulness on the part of those whose duty and privilege it is to Bucoeasfaly oater for this important branch of feminine reqairemen'B. The lady in charge of this special department at, the " Koonomic," possesses qoalifioations oooßiderably above the every-day matter of fact order of things, and can ba depended upon to prodnoe the most satisfactory tff ots at a minimum cost. Ladies requiring winter Ooßtumeß should put themselves into oommnnioation with her. Blankets. — Eiglieh and Colonial, good qualties, from 6s 6d a pair. Bush Hugs, 4s 6d each. — Abmbtbong & Co., Trafalgar street. Just opened, a fresh stock cf Scotoh and Colonial Dress Tweed?, no two dresses alike, in Fawn, Brown, and Grey mixtures. — Abmsxbong and Co , Tra'algar s'reet New Clothisg. — Jast opened, a nice BBflortmeat, o mprising Waterproof Coats, Suits, Coa b, 'Iroosers, &c, direot from the manuf. oturere. — Abmbtbong & Co., Trafalgar -Bt. We have a grand lice of Ladies' Mackintoshes, with three capes, for 255 ; these are honestly worth 353. Also a nice stock oi Ladies' Jaokets in Black and Brown. — Abmetbong & Co., Trafa'gar street.

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Colonist, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8245, 11 May 1895, Page 2

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Untitled Colonist, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8245, 11 May 1895, Page 2

Untitled Colonist, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8245, 11 May 1895, Page 2