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It it now between four and five years sinoe Bishop Suter was strioken in a manner that suddenly ended bis career of usefulness. On the 22nd November, 1890, the Bishop and Mrs Suter enter* tamed the members of the Synod and other friends at a garden party atßishopdale, and the same evening he had a seizure, whereupon his condition gave oooasion for grave fears, but though be rallied, futther attaoks ocoaaioned renewed alarm, and it subsequently became apparent that it was impossible to bope for a renewal of the vigor wbich had marked the work of the Bishop. Though laid by, Dr. Suter wbb not wholly unable to show his interest in those amongst whom be had labored, but just reoently his condition has occasioned much anxiety, and on March 29th., when it beoame known tbat be had passed away, a general feeling of grief was manifest, grief that one who had done good work in manly manner was no more.

Doctor Andrew Burn Suter was born on the 30:h November, 1830, so that he wa^ in his 65th year. His father, Mr Riohard Suter, was architeot to tbe Trinity Board, and bis mother was a daughter of Major General Burn. He himself was educated at St. Paul's Sohool, Loodon, from whence he proceeded to Trinity College, Cambridge, taking his degree as Seaior Optime in the Mathematical Tripos of 1853. For a short time after leaving college he was tutor to Lord Polewarth, but in 1855 he was ordained Deaoon, and in the following year was admitted to priests Orders. For five years he was curate at St. Dunstiuß, Bnd he labored hard in this oity parish. In 1860 be became Incumbent of All Saints, Mile End, New Town, and by hia earnestness and hard work waa soon attracting large congregations. On the resignation of Bishop Hobhou?e, of Nelson, he was selected to fill the vaoant See of Nelson, and the appointmei t being confirmed by tbe Archbishop of Canterbury, and approved by the Queen, hia consecration took place on the 24th of August, 1866. It was not, however, till the 26th September, 1867, that the late Bishop and Mrs Suter arrived in Nelson by the ship Cissy. By the same vessel the preßent Bishop of Nelson, the Bey R. 0. Thorpe, the Rev B. Harvey, and the Rev H. W. Ewald were paseeagers, as also 1 were a number of people who came under i and at tbe instigation of Dr. Suter. The Bishop nut with a hearty reception, aod very soon after his arrival he was hard at work. Under his guidance the Bishopi dale Theological College provided train- > ing for a number of clerpy, amongst r whom may be mentioned Archdeacons i Grace and MoLean, end tbe Revs J. P. I Kempthorne and F. W. Chatterton, be- i sides many others. Under the guidance of ; I tbe late Bishop, 100, the outlying portions j ' of tbe Diocese were materially aided, and ) it was an open secret that many inroads ) were made upon bis private purse in ' order to further the work of tbe Church, i But tbe energies of Bishop Suter were , not alone devoted to furthering the Church. He was a man of broad views, ) and ooe who always strove to advance the moral, intellectual, scientific, and r artistic tone of the people. In further- | ance of art he established a olub, ) and organised many exhibitions, to which he contributed liberally, Be was , for long the President of the Philo- \ Bopbioal Sooiety, and every good work had his hearty co-operation. His voice was never silent when tbe oause of justice i olaimed an advocate, and in the matter , of the Midland Bailway he actively sup--7 ported the rights of Nelson, and was a I ohampion whom we have greatly missed. At the time of the Qaeen's Jubilee he was i the moving spirit, and the great success of that celebration was mainly due to his energy, while his sermon at the Cathedral J on that oooasion, when he preaohed from 5 tbe text "Bender to Cresar the things ' that are C&sar's and unto God.the things ' that are God's," was in realily an in- | dication ot the principles that actuated ' tbe man, His loyalty was undoubted, f loyalty to his Master, to his Queen, and to the people, and his great aim wbb to raise up and instil nobler and more > artistic aspirations and tastes, -hat he accomplished very much no witness of 5 bis work could for an instant question, 3 and the attitude he assumed at tbe time 1 of the labor difficulties some five years ago stamped the man as being in the van ' where good work was needed. Be not only 5 organised meetings for the discussion of 1 grievances, but ordered special servioes 1 in the Cathedral Church., where Bultab'e prayers were offered, and in whiah ser--1 vices he scoured the co-operation of k clergymen of other denominations, bo 9 tbat the unusual epeotsole— creditable • al'ke to all who took part in them— of ' olergy of different Protestant Chnroheß 1 taking part in a Cathedral service was 3 witnessed. For a time, as senior Bishop 3 of tbe Province, the duties of Primate ' devolved upon Dr. Suter, and the strain ' at thiß time unquestionably told. At tbe meeting of the General Synod, however, 1 Bishop Hadfield was chosen aB Primate, and Bishop Suter was relieved of oertain cares. In many wayß he was a publio • benefaotor, and his memoiy will long remain green in tbe minds of thoße who '• were able to appreciate bis good works. The late Bishop married a daughter of 1 tbe Rev. Thomas Harrison, and with Mrs Suter, wbo was always in tbe fullest ' sense a helpmate, deep sympathy will be felt, for truly her affiiotion is great. At several of the churches yesterday kindly references were made to the late Bishop Suter. Thb Cathedral. We understand tbat a me morial eervicei to be held at tbe Cathedral on Sunday next but some allusions were made to the deoeased yesterday, and special hymns were sang. The Rev J. de B. Galwey was the preaoher in the moming, and at tbe close of the servioe the Dead March was impressively played by tbe organist, Mr A. E. Moore. In the evening the Rev J. P. Kempthorne, in the oourse of his sermon, spoke of the work tbe late Bishop had done amongst them. He said a favorite maxim of their late Bishop was that " In all labor there is profit," and he spoke of his thoroughness ss a worker. All Saints' Chdbch. Thiß Ohuroh was draped in mourning for the late Bishop yesterday, and in the moming there was a large oongregation. The Rev. E. P. Caohemaille, who choose his text from the Epistle of Paul to the Philippianßlll. 10 . " The power of His resurrection," delivered' a feeling and able discourse. Although he had met Dr. Suter when the latter was inoumbent of All Saints, Mile End, and, when labouring near bim had heard tbe late Bishop give an addresß, he had not had the privilege of knowing him as Bishop, and beoause of that be asked that any shortcomings in his referenoes might be forgiven. He learnt, however, tbat their late Bishop wis best remembered for his devotion ti duty, even at tbe oost of self-sacrifice, his affection for the young, and his geniality to all, whiob meant a great deal, as could be understood by those having to meet with many people. He spoke of what had been done in the outlying portions of his Diocese, and said tbat the Charch in which they were met, and the pulpit of whioh he so often oooupied, was ereoted largely tbrough the efforts of tbe late Bishop, and its name was not only the same as that of his London Ohuroh, bnt in architecture it was very similar. That alone > showed what the man was, and that he did i not allow to pass trom his mind the scenes i and associations amidst whioh he had form- 1 erly labored. They cou'd not grieve at his | death, but mast feel grateful that it had I pleased tbe Almighty to release him from tbe 1 burden of tbe flesh. It must also be a release 1 to those nearest and dearest to him, and who i bad seen him softer so long, to know tbat < ho was now |«c to tow with the Master i

Trinity Pbes:

whom he served on earth. Tbe hymn* " Hash, blessed are the dead " was song, and at the oono usion of the Bervice the organist, Misa Hobden, played the Dead Maroh in Saul, the people all standing. At the evening Bervice the last hymn was " How Bweit the hour of closing day," and the same maroh was played as in the morning. At the end of eaoh servioe tbe muffled chimes were rang. Trinity Pbbsbyteriah Chdbch. * At tbis Church last night the Rev J. H. Mackenzie delivered ao impressive sermon, ia whiob he Bpoke of death, not as a master, bat as a servant. He proceeded at the close ot his sermon to make very feeling referenoe to the late Bishop Suter, aid said that though be never bad the pleasure of knowing him personally, or ot hearing him speak, yet he bad heard muoh of hira, a-d wr' sat sfi?d that he was a man who hid lived for good in the world. He was tbe more pleased to give testimony in bis favor beoauße the late Bishop was free, he believed, from all forms of priestcraft and ritualiem, and was no stiokler for mere forms. He believed, from what he had heard, the late Bishop to have been a pare evangelical teacher of the pure Christian religion as taught by Jesus Christ, and from wbat he had read and heard of him he was sure Bishop Suter was a man far above tbe average ot intelligence, and that he wbb always ready and anxious to do good for tbe community m whioh he lived outside of the sphere of his own speoial work. He alluded touohlngly to the long time the late Bishop was laid by, and said that he oould nob help feeling that hiß illness was partly attributable to the severe disappointment he met with in not having sucoeeded to tbe chief position in New Zealand oonneoted with hia Churoh. He, the speaker, was not in Nelson at the time, bat from what he read be thought tben, and thought still, that the Ohuroh of England would have done honor to Uaelf had it elected Bishop Suter to the position. That he had left this earthly Bphere to join tbe Master in Heaven he oould not regret, for he was now free from those earthly oares of whioh he had experienced a goodly share, and as far as sympathy had any avail he desired to express his sympathy for the mourning one left behind. At the olose of the servioe the Dead Maroh in Saul was impressively played by tbe organist, Mr Snodgrass, tbe congregation remaining. St. John's Wesletah Church. Tbe Rev T. G. Hammond was the preaoher at this Ohuroh last nigbt, and though no reference was made in the sermon to the death of Bishop Suter, prayer was offe>ed fer tbe bereaved. At the conclusion of the Bervice the oongregation was asked to remain while a Funeral March was played by Mies Melhuish, the organist, and the whole oongregation remained. Yesterday morning the mortal remains of the late Bishop Suter were removed from his reoent residenoe, " Cburobill," and borne by Mesßrs Davis and Hibberd (of tbe deceased's household), Mr R. I. Kingsley (Diocesan Secretary), Mr Staoe (of Bishopdale College), and the Rev E. C. Hullet (Takaka), were taken to the Cathedral, where they lay in etate, but rounded by many beantiful floral wreaths aod o tosses. The Cathedral had been draped in mourning for tbe dead, but tbe hangings were so relieved by cypress edgings and white flowers that saoh a feeling of despondent sadness as is sometimes called forth by tbe it. tensely sombre could scarce'y exißt. The draping wa? oarried out as was indicated yesterday morning. At half-paßt (ten Holy Communion was administered in the Cathedral by the Rigbt Rev. tbe Bishop of the Diocese, assisted by the Revs J. P. Kempthorce, Sedgwick, and E. P. Cachemaille. During the morning many visited tbe Cathedral, and looked for the laßt time on the face of the dead Bißhop. The Funeral. As the muffled bell commenced tolling at two o'clock the business places in town oommenced to close, and flogs were fljing halfmast. By half- past two, the bour appointed for the commencement of the funeral service, many were nnable to gain admission to tbe Cathedral, which was full to the doors. Ihe choristers and clergy then marohed to the chancel, the olergy present including tbe Revs J. de B. Galwey, Livesay, Hullett, Jenningß, Sedgwick, Johnston, Caobemaille, Baker, Wright, and Kempthorne, Archdeaoon Graoe and the Bishop being in tbe rear. Hymn 427, commencing— " Who are these like stars appearing, Tbeie before God's Throne wbo stand? i Each a golden orown ii wearing ; Who are all this glorious band ? Alleluia ! hark, they sing, Praising loud their heavenly Eing." was then inng, whereupon the Bishop read the opening portion of the servioe for the dead, oommenoing •• I am the resurrection and the life." Psalms 39 and 40 having been chanted, the hymn " For all tbe Saints who from their labors rest," No. 437, was sung, and the Yen Archdeacon Grace read from tbe 20th verse of the Firet Epistle by St Paul to the Oorintbianß, commencing " Now iB Christ risen from the dead." Then was sonp tbe hymn " Now the laborer's task is o'er," aod one of tbe chorister boys havirg placed a beautiful wreath from the Choir upon tbe coffin, the procession moved from the Cathedral, and the impressive notes of the Dead Maroh in Saul sonnded forth. The prooession was headed by the Rev J. de B. Galwey, the choristers, tbe boys leading, followed, and then the coffin was borne down the aisle, tbe pa ; l bearers being the Revs. A. 0. Wright, E. P. Caohemaille, C. Jennings, J. H. Sedgwick, C. Livesay, Johnston, and C. Hallett. After the coffin there walked the chief mourners, Mrs Suter, aocompanied by Mrs Mules, and Colonel Branfill, cousin of Mrs Suter, the Rev Cowx and Mr Bennett. Next came tbe members of tbe Bishops household, maid servants and men servants, and Mrß Townson, and following these tbe boys of the Bishops Sohool oarrying wreaths. Mr Fell, the Diocesan Registrar, Mr Pitt, the Diocesan Chanoellor, Mr Kingsley, the Diooeßan Seoretary, and the Hon J. W Barnicoat, Diooesan Treasurer, with the churchwardens of Christ Churoh and All Saints Parishes, and the vestrymen of the same oame next in order. Then walked several members of the Legislature, inolading Mr J. Graham, M.H.R, and the members of the Corporation, the Mayor being absent owing to his recent aooident. Members ot tbe Nelson Ciub followed, ' with Mr and Mrs Martin from tbe Maori Pah, i wearing wreaths made from the leaves of the Kawa tree, and many prominent citizens. At tbe service there were present the Reva J. Crump and T. G. Hammond of the Wesleyan Churoh, and ia tbe prooession the Rev J. H. MaoKenzie was noticeable, as well as the Very Rev Fa* her Mahoney. Amongst tbe prominent oitizins were Dootors Boor, Creasy, Doff. Leggatt, and Maokie, his Honor Judge Bobinson, Meters J Tinline, J Sharp, W. Oldham, J Oldham, Solanders, Wood, A A Soaife, W Heaps, 0 Hanter-Brown, J Holloway, Preshaw, J M Pierson, J Wilson, and representatives of the Press and others, Major Stewart and the members of the Tariff Commission also joining the procession, whioh included over fifty carriages. Mrs Buter and Mr Males, after walking a short distanoe proceeded to Oburohhill, bat all others marched to the east of the Normanby Bridge, where carriages were waiting, aod then they were oonveyed to the Cemetry where, around the gaave a very large namber assembled, and the final offloes were pei formed by the Revs J. P. Kempthorne and Jennings. The hymn, " Lo, round tbe Throne a glorious band," was then sung, and after tbe Benediotion bad been pronounced fay the Bishop, the ceremony was ended. The coffin bore the simple words " Andrew Burn Suter, died 29th Maroh, aged 64," and a great number of wreaths were plaoed upon tbe bier, and amongst these were wreathß from his Worship the May or and Mrs Trask, from the Choir, from the Wood Sanday Fohool, from Mr and Mrs Martin, ef the Pah, from the Bishopdale Sketohing Olub, from the Bishop's Sohool, '• from Miss Tamer, and from many others.

dispenser at the Nelsoa Hospital, the Board desires to place on reoord its high appreciation of the able and courteous manner in wbioh his duties had been performed. Mr Bert said he had also known Mr Barton a number of years, and oould fully bear oat what Mr Baigent bad sail. He was pleased to second tbe motion. Mr Piper was sore they all highly appreciated Mr Barton's faithfulness. They had knowa him aB % very honest man, and bis opinion waa tbat an honest man wbb one of tiie noblest worka of God.

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Colonist, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8222, 15 April 1895, Page 2 (Supplement)

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DEATH OF BISHOP SUTER. Colonist, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8222, 15 April 1895, Page 2 (Supplement)

DEATH OF BISHOP SUTER. Colonist, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8222, 15 April 1895, Page 2 (Supplement)