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President — J. A. Harley. Judge— F. Tra-k ; 'Jrensurer — F. Turner; Starter— o. Bird ; Handieapper —J. E. Henry ; Clerk of the Scales -A. Mills ; Clerk of the Course -C. R. Harley ; Timekeeper— R. Hanter.

Steioards - Dr. Pearless. H. Redwood, J. B. Bart'eti}, H. Newman, W. Franklyn, J. A. Harley, and R. Moßae.

Tbe first day of the annual race meeting of the Nelson Jockey Club was favored with perfeot weather, and Richmond Park never looked more beantifnl, the course being in splendid order, ani befoie the races, and Bfter, the view from tbe Stand was greatly admired, notably by stranger?. Considering the beauty of the day, and tbe general attractions, the races were not so well patronised as might bave been expeoted. There were not more than about a thousand people present, but the public were evidently well satisfied with the sport provided, and all appeared to epend a very enjoyable day. The St .-wards and officials of theSJlub are to be highly comp'imented on tbe capital manrer in which all the arrangements were carried out, and tbe Secretary, Mr Glen, id deserving of acknowledgment, not merely for the olear and methodical manner in which tbe duties mre particularly devolving upon him were oarried out, but also because he had evidently taken pains to have the oonvenienoe of patrons studied, lhe raoing throughout the day may bs desoribed ai good, and tbe events were got off neater to time tban usual, tbe laßt race being finished before five o'olook. In the Trial Stakes the viotory of Mr H. Redwood was greeted witb applause, although Awarua Rose started tbird favorite, and not a few would havo beo pleased had " the Veteran " oarried off the Cap onoe more. In the Grand Stated Handioap the penalty of 71bs placed on Awatua Rote for winning the Ti iii was rather heavy, end seeing tbat he was only beaten by balf a length, it was quite on the cards that bad Awatua Rose loßt the Trial of £30 he would bave won the Grand Stand of £40. In most caees tbe handioappers had biooght the hoi Beß fai-ly together, and though the starter had a great deal of trouble in sending the fields away on even terms, he was highly euocessful in the Cup start. The Olerk of the Sea eB, the Olerk cf the Course, Timekeep' r, and the other offioers performed the r duties to the satisfaction of everyone, and it is due to mention that Mr Geo. Woodward established a reputation as a caterer. The fotalisatcr was nnder the management of Mr F. N. Jones, and a Bum of £1468 waa put tbrough during tbe day ub against £1703 for tbe fleet day last year. Tbe railway arrangements were eaoh that the visitors to the oourse were conveyed thitber without the slightest hitch, but we heard complaints that tbe 530 train irom Richmond to Town waß despatobed come minutes before time. The train was folly oooupied at the timo it steamed away, and indeed a number of people were left on the platform, bo that any wbo might have arrived later wou'd have been shut out, and no doubt it wae deemed judiciouß to avert undue crowding and difficulties that were witbin the region of possibility. The only approaches to acoidents were experienced in ihe Hurdle Raoe, when two of the jookeys oame to earth, but we are glad to siy that neither was seriously hurt, for although MoTaggart was unable to rise for a time, big disability was merely due to loss of wind. The following are the re<-u'ts of the races : —

Tbiil Stakes Handicap, £30 — One mile; Beoond horee to reoeive £5 fiom the stakes. 27 —Mr H. Redwood's eh h Awarua Rose,

6 yrs, 9et 61b (McTaggart) . . . . l 54 -Mr B. Gillett's eh h Gladstone, aged,

Bst 21b (D Herd) 2 6-Mr W Neame's b g Young Puritan,

aged, 6st 91b (Matbews) . . . . 3 Tfce other starters were Martin's Beview (97), and Newmans Bector (12), Dromedary and Madamoiselle not going to tbe post. After some little difficu ty the horseß were sent away to an indifferent start, but by the sea ail olosed up, and the first to show to the fore coming into the straight was Awarua Rose, with Gladstone next, and thongh the latter and Young Puritan eaoh made an effort, Mr Redwood's horse won with ease by about a couple of lengths, Young Puritan being a £ ood third, the others nowheie. Time lmin 48 1-5 eeos. Tbere were 196 investors ia the machine, whiob paid a dividend of £6 10s.

2. Hack Race Handicap, £20— Seven furlongs ; seoond horse to reoeive £3 from the stakes. 71— Mt W. Davies' eh h Swordfish, 4yrs, Bst 71bB (Matbews) 1 -64— Mr A. Bore's b h Hillatone, 3yra, 7st 51bs (MoLoughlio) 2 28— Mr A. Emm-' br g Mount Morgan, aged, 7st 121bs (D. Herd) .. ..3 Niemans Straigh shot (13), Bird's Tama Hinemoa, carrying Bst 5 b.*, or 161bs over weight fll), B.rtleit's Critic (3), and F. Oldham's The Frenchman (3) also ran, and finished in tbat order, Wreath failing to appear. Mount Morgan, whiob carried 4lba over weight and The Frenchman bad the worst ot tbe Btart, but tbe former waa soon going at top speed, and overhauling those in front. At the sea Mount Mo^an, whioh led from the Btart, was challenged, and coming up th 6 straight Swordfith and Hillatone went to the front, a eplendid raoe enßuing between tbese tbree, Swordfish winning by balf a length, and about doable that distance separating the seoond and third horees. Time, lmin 36s ?ab. Dividend, £2 8?, the maohine having isaued 193 tickets.

Nelson Cup Handicap, £120— One mile and a balf ; seoond horse to receive £10 from the stakes, and third borse £5 from tbe etakes. 106— Mr K. MoKenzie's oh h Porepo, 4yrs, 7st lOlbs (McLoughlin) .. .. 1 66— Mr H. Redwood's oh h Kinglake, 4yrs, 6st lOlba (C. Russell) . . 2 45— Mr W. Fergus* b g Oheque, aged, BBt 21bs (MoTaggart) 3 In addition to the placed horses Mr W Davies' eh h Kent (44) and Mr F. Oldham's b m Madamoieelle (11) faoed the started. Kinglake, who deolared Slbs pvt r weight, was at a disadvantage at the start, and passing the Stand the first time Porepo had a oomfortable lead, whioh he maintained throughont. Madamoiselle ran exceedingly well tiil near the turn for home, wben she was evidently beaten. At tbis titce Cheque oame strongly, and Kinglake ran well, but waß ridden widely. Porepo, with plenty in reserve, won by a length, half a length separating Kinglake and Cheque. Time, 2min. 46seo. Dividend, £2 6s, there being £272 on the machine.

Tbottino Handioap, £20 — One and a half

miles in Baddle ; second horse to reoeive £3 from the Btake . 17— Mr A. Challies' b g Tom, 6 yrs, 45

seos start (owner) l B— Mr F. Trolove's b g Rob Roy, aged, 35 Beos (F. Oldham) . . . . . . 2 s— Mr H. Maher's g m Creeping Jenny, 4 yrs, 44secs (owner) 3 Mr E. Hoult's Clyde, soratoh (29) was fourth, Mr Martin's Cable (62) fifth, aod a long way

behind came Star of Honor (14), Madam (11), Kate (50), Cobbler (4), aud Molly Bawn (0). The feature of the race was the capital effort made by Clyde, but who, on being poshed over much, broke two or three times, and lost the race by a few seconds. Tom ,who surprised many, trotted extremely well, and to did Rob noy, wbo for a brief space while nearing the poet looked like a winner. The distance was oovered in 4mins 50seos, Tom coming in a oouple of lengths in front of Rob Roy, who was about the Eame distance in front of Creeping Jenny, Olyde close np. Dividend £10 4s, there being £193 on the machine.

Gband Stand Handicap, £40— One mile; seoond horße to reoeive £5 from the etakea. Previous winners to carry a penalty of /lb extra. 92— Mr W. Fergus' bg Cheque, aged, Bst 51b (MoTaggart) 1 64— Mr H. Redwood's oh h Awarua Rose,

syrs, 9st 31bs (J- Ayers) . . . . 2 119 —Mr H. McKenzie's eh h Porepo, 4yrs, Bst 7lbs (MoLoughlin) .. ..3 Kent, Review, Gladstone, Hector and Paritan being scatched, left but the plaoed horses in this event, and they were cent away in line. Awarua Rose was the first to Bhow in front, and a capital race ensued, all three being olose together at the turn into the straight, Cheque holding the advantage, and passing the winning post balf a length in front of Awarua Rose, with Porepo a length and a half behind the latter. Time lmin 47 l-sth sees. Dividend, £2 13s; amount invested, £275.

5. Hubdle Race Handicap, £35— One acd a half miles ; seaond horse to reoeive £5 from the stakes ; over Bix flights ot hurdles, 3ft 6in high. 30 -Mr F. Green's g g The Aoe, aged,

9at lllbß (Hannigan) . . . . 1 142— Mr J. Skeet's b m Dromedary, list 21bs (Seoombe) .2 94 -Mr H. Peter'a Austra l , lOst 91bs,

(Peters) 3 Six started for this event, inoludiDg also Abe (23), Marksman (25), and Topsail (22). Tbe first jump was taken in good Btyle, but at the eecond hurdles, those ia front of the Grand Stand, Abo hit pretty heavily, and bis rider (B. Gillet) came off, but was unhurt. Pown the baok of the oourse, Tbe Ace held a geod lead, and was going well, taking his jumps in good etyle, Topsail being in the rear, and the latter, who had been striking the timber, oame down at the jamp at the north-eaßt oorner, and his rider ( MoTaggart) did not rica for come time. The Aoe won easily by a couple of lengths, Austral being three lengths behind tbe seoond horse. Time, 3mins 3 l-sseos. Dividend, £10 3s, there being 339 investors. A protest wa3 lodged against The Aoe for oroesing, but was disallowed.

Thebe were scarcely so many present on the Richmond Park oourse on March 28, as on the first day of tbe annual meeting, but tbe sport was, if anything, belter, and everything pasted off without a hitch. Again were all tbe officials successful in carrying out the arrangements, and the last race of the day was run before quarter piet five. The amount put through the machine was £1562, making £3,030 for the two days, or just £255 below the total investments of last year. Mr Henry, the handieapper, succeeded in hiding the winners, although Cheque proved a better horße than had been imagined, carrying off a oouple of the stakes, and the second notwith • Btanding an imposition of 7ibs, in consequence of his previous victory. Clyde'B wm in the Trot was a very popular oce, and the splendid manner in which the borse trotted was much admired. The servicee of Mr Huoter as timekeeper merit acknowledgment, and it is due to say that on both days the Garrison Band played exceedingly well, and gave much pleasure to those present. There was no mibhap of any kind yesterday, and it is gratifying to record that no acoident of a serious nature occurred during tbe meeting. Altogether the meeting was one of the most pleasant that bas ever been held on the course. The following are the results of yeeterday's racing.

Hubdle Bach Handicap, £40 — Two mileß seoond hor^e to reoeive £5 from th? Btakes ; over eight flights of hurdles, 3ft 6in high. 67 — Mr J. Bkeet's b m Dromedary, aged, list 41bs (Seoombe) . . . . 1 38— Mr F. Green's g g The Ace, aged, lOst 12lbs (Hannigan) 2 11 — Mr S. Taylor's br g Marksman, aged, 9st lOlbs (Carter) 3 Mr H. Peter's Austral (71) and Mr G. Satheriey's Abe (11) were the other starters, Topsail not making an appearance. All the horßes took their jumps in capital Btyle, and there was a good race from Btart to finish, and a blanket would have covered tbe first two as they passed the post. Marksman being a good third. Time 4 mins 8 2 sth sees. There were 138 tiokets issued by the totalisator, and a dividend of £2 13s was paid out.

Hack Race Handicap, £20 — Onoe round the oourse ; seoond horse to reoeive £3 from the stakes. 21 - Mr A. Emms' b m Wreath, aged, 6st

lOlbs (Myers) 1 135— Mr W. Davies' oh h Swordfish, 4

years, 9at 71bs (Matthews).. .. 2 67 — Mr A. Bore's b h Hillstone, 3 years 7st lllb (McLaughlin) .. ..3 After some little diffioulty, Mr Bird sent tbe field of six away to a very fair start. Mount Morgan soon went to the fore, and, making the pace very hot, led all round the back of the ooarse. Approaohing tbe sea, Straightshot, which had been lying last, was sent along, and all closed up on the leader, but approaching the home turn Straightshot was falling hopelessly in the rear. Between all tbe others a splendid raoe took place to the post, all ooming under the whip, Wreath, Swordfish, and Hillttone all passing Mount Morgan, and Wreath won by about half a length, a neok separating the second and third horses. Mount Morgan (40) was fourth, Tama Hinemoa (14) fifth, and Straightshot (13) ran off tbe course. Time, 2mina 6secs. Dividend £12 Bs, tbere being 290 investors.

bicHMOND Pabk Stakes Handicap, £80 —

One and a quarter miles ; seoond horse to ieoeive £5 from the stakes. 86 -Mr W. Fergus b g Oheque, aged, 9st

(MoTaggart) 1 72 -Mr H Redwood's oh h Kinglake,

4yrs, 7st 9.b (J Ayerß) .. ..2 54 — Mr W Davies on h Kent, syears, Bat vmagtflb (Matthews) 3 Revi w was soratobed, leaving but five starter*, and. after getting to work, Kent and Porepo showed to tbe fore, Madamoiselle lying last, though towardß the south east tarn tbe latter went up, and along the baok, Cheque was in tbe rear. By tbe Bea all wero well together, and fron tbe Stand the result waß entirely open, but Cheque, who bad already greatly improved his position, then assumed the lead, and Kinglake also passed Kent, and in this order they passed the post there being not more than half a length between tbe three. Por po (37) was fourth, and Madamoiselle (27) was fifth. Time 2min 17eec - There were 276 tiokets issued by the Tota isotor, whioh paid £2 17a.

Second Handicap Tbot, £20 — Two and a half mileß (in harneßß) ; seoond horse to reoeive £3 from the Btakes. 78— Mr E. Hoult's b g Clyde, aged, eer (Thomaß) 1 30— MrF. Trolove's Rob Roy, aged, 55secs

Btart (Oldham) .. .. ... 2 s— Mr 0. W Bird's Blackpool, 70 sees

start (0. hbd) .. .. ..3 Diok (7) was fourth, Maok (13) fifth, and Dingo (21) sixth, being tbe only btarters that fiuished, but fct*r of Honor 30sec?, and Tom Thumb 85seofl, were also c tat ters. On passing the Stand, first time, Dingo had left Tom Thumb behind, and Blackpool and Dick came next, leaving Mack, wbo Biarted even with them, in front of Rob Roy, Btar of Honor and tbe Boratoh horee, Olyde, having abont half a mile to make up. Clyde, however, ame a!ong beautifully, and coon oommenoed to paes. Apprc aohing the sea the first time Star of Honor was last, and hopelessly out of it. Passing ths Stand the second time the order was Blackpool, Dingo, Rob Roy, Diok, Maok and Clyde, but immedia'ely alter Clyde paEßed Meek, and at the eoatb-east corner Rob Boy as urned the lead, jast further Ciy'e came up to third position, wbile by the Poplars, the old borse took second plaoe, and by the sea went ia the front, Rob Roy, however, wbb coming with a wet Bail, and Blackpool was likewise doing well, but of oourse tbe result wbb do longer in doubr. Clyde passed the poßt four lengths in front of Rob Roy, the same distanoe separating the latter from Blackpool. Time 7mins 18secs. Divi - dend £2 12s, the inveetors numbering 226.

Aij-S-qbd Stares Handicap, £40 — Six furlonga; for two-year-olds and upwards, seoond horse to reoeive £5 from the stakeß,

206 -Mr W. Fergus' Cheque, aged, 9st lliba (MoTßggart) 1 82 -Mr K. McKenzies' oh h Porepo, 4yrs Bst Ulbs (MoLougbl.n) 2 12 - Mr T. N wman'a eh g Hector, 6yra 7at3lbs (lyres) % King Lear (27) was fourth, and Madamoiselle (30) fifth. Hector was the firet to appear to the front, and approaching the sea Madamoiselle went up, but only to fall away again. In tbe straight the otber four vera going at top speed. Cheque h&ving tbe advantage, bat nearing the poet Porepo came up, and made a bard struggle, but was unable to get quite even with Cheque, wLo passed the post a quart* r of a length in front of Porepo, who was three-quaitere ahead of Hector. Time lmin 20 l-s:b sees. Dividend £1 9j, the total on the maobine being £337.

Fabe well Handicap, £25— One mile; for? all beaten horses ; seoond horse to receive £5 from tbe Btakea. 94— Mr Gillett's oh h Gladstone, aged, Bit 121 b(D Herd) 1 118— Mr H Redwood's oh h K ; nglake, 4

years, Bst 91b (Ayres) . . „ 2 15— Mr WNeames' b g Young Paritan eged, 7st 41b (MoLoughlan) .. S Mr T Newmans Topsail (8) also ran, and, after a capital race, Gladstone won by a length, the distance between Kinglake and » Young Paritan being ha'f as much again. Time lm 48b. Dividend £2 ss. The namber of investors being 235.

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Colonist, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8222, 15 April 1895, Page 1 (Supplement)

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THE ISELSON RACES. Colonist, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8222, 15 April 1895, Page 1 (Supplement)

THE ISELSON RACES. Colonist, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 8222, 15 April 1895, Page 1 (Supplement)