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THE COLONIST. Published Daily— Mornings. Nelson, Saturday, March 12, 1892.

The Jubilee Committee. — Ab many members of this Committee are desirous of attending Professor Zimmermann's final concert, which is to take place on Monday evening next, it has been decided to postpone the meeting of this Committee till the following Monday, as there are several engagements for every other evening next week. Police Coukt.— At this Court yesterday morning, before L. Broad, Esq., R.M., Christian Sohwaefl was oharged with assaulting John Satherley on the 20th February, by striking him on the head with a carriage lamp. Mi Fell appeared for complainant, and Mr Pitt for the defendant. Evidence on both sides was taken at considerable length, but is not of general interest. His Worship said that there was a difficulty in arriving at the truth, bb the evidence was so contradiotory, but there was no doubt there were two very angry men using violent language. The assault was of a severe charaoter, but was not oommitted without some provocation. A fine of £2, with oosts £3 7s, was imposed. In Chambers yester jay morning judgment was given in the matter of the National Bank v. Australian Mutual Provident Society. The question involved was whether a power of attorney given by George Harper included in it a power to his attorneys to mortgage a certain life policy to the Bank. Tbe Registrar, who heard the case in the absence of the Judge, decided that the special transaction was really an arrangement with a particular creditor to stop legal proceed iags, and that the power of attorney gave no authority to Harper's agents to enter into any such ar*i rangemenfc; and he also held that the power to mortgage mentioned in the power of attorney referred only to a mortgage for a present advance, and would not cover a pledge given to secure an antecedent debt. Costs were given to the Insurance Company (£3 3s) against tbe 'Bank, and the Official Assignee of Harper was allowed his oosts out of the estate Thk United Alpine Mine. — The Alpine Mine Manager reports: -During the week I have had 13 men employed on the north block, the re.ef. being 8 feet wide on the footwall, a portion showing fair gold when broken down. The leading stopes are up to the junction, gold showing in the stone there as in the level. ■■, I have started the No. 2 stope, and intend going north with it. There are 12 men over the No 7 level, the reef there being 7 feet wide. I have cleaned down the stopes, and am logging up the passes for the last three shifts, and will start filling in tomorrow. There are 12 men in the stopes over the intermediate level, the reef being 7 feet wide ; 4 men repairing the vertical pass ; 2 men repairing No. 1 level- The return from the battery is 352 ounces oi amalgam from 360 tons of stone. , : Pbebivxtebian Chdbch.— Speoial interest is being taken in the setYieps to be held at the new Presbyterian Church on Tuesday evening next, when the Bey. James H. MoKenzie will be installed as minister of the Ohuroh. The Beys. Bobb and Paterson will be present to oonduct the services, whioh will commenoe at seven o'olook, The members, adherents, and the publio generally are cordially invited to attend. The welcome sooial to ba held at the Provincial Hall oh Wednesday evening promises to be largely attended, a splendid programme has been promised, and refreshments will bo provided. The Committee are doing tbeir utnio&t to provide a plejewt and opjoyable evening,

CEsinAij Auction ,- B'pOMS.- -Blessra i Loop Bros, will sell thia'. day, at .llca.m. sharp* p j quantity of grapes, apples, and potatoes, as well as tobacconists and miscellaneous goods The. Ghobches.— Special^ announcement! - appear in our advertising columns >respectinf ihq services at certain of the Churches to morrow. At St John's -Wesleyan Church th« ' seryioes will be ,conduoted by the JSev W '»' Baumber, one of the most popular preacher* in Ohfistchuroh. The Rev A. Treadwell will preach at tho Trinty Presbyterian Churoh while at the Congregational Church the Bej > W. A. Eyans will con duo v the services, and it the evening continue the discourse he oom,' menced last Sunday on " Cbristiap citizenship." , • Water Polo.— A water polo match will be played at Denne's hole, Maitai, this afternoon, between teams representing the Nelson " Swimming Club and ,the College respectively, : Play will begin at half past four. Behove of Books.— The largest oharge yet exploded in oonneotion with the work ol removing the reef of rooks at the entrance to the Nelson harbor was fired ..about hahVpast two yesterday afternoon, the charge consisting of some 1701bs of guncotton. . A. great i number of people, witnessed the explosion^ whioh was evidently a very effective one, for with the water foroed upwards were masses oi rock so numerous that they were likened by a spectator to pluma in a Christmas pudding. Tho bulk of the water thrown upwards did not rise to a great height, but a considerable colnmn rose to an altitude of about 100 feet, when ' the breeze oarried it in a southerly i direotion. That the rooks now being removed have impeded navigation is amply proved by the fact that amongst tho pieces, which have been shattered and fished up several pieces of Bteamers propellers have been found. Giund Congest.— Professor Zimmermann announces his final concert for Monday ' evening nest, and from an advertisement . elsewhere it will be observe? that a most I attractive programme is promised. Owing to combinations of oiroumstances the recent concerts given by Ibis talented musician have not been attended as they. should have bean, and we are sorry to hear that instead of resulting in profit they have entailed loss. There is no doubt whatever that the labours i of Professor Zimmermann, on behalf of his [ art, are very kighly appreciated, and that the readiness ho has always displayed in rendering assistance for any and every good cause, will long be gratefully remembered. The i publio are now afforded an opportunity of evincing their appreciation in a practical manner, and we. sball be great'y surprised if there is pot a very large attendance at Monday evening's conoert. Sheep Returns. —We observe that an official notice is being sent to sheepowners in which it is pointed, out that the last census showed that the number of- Bheep .owned in* the Colony was greater than specified in the .returns to the Stock Department, by no less than one million four hundred thousand. It is thus apparent that the sheep tax is being evaded, but the notice referred to suggests that owners are in the habit, when sendingin their returns, of deducting a percentage equal to their annual losses. Attention is called, however, to section 69 of the Sheep Act, which provides a penalty in every oase where the return is not truthful as to the precise number of sheep on hand at the 30th April in each year. Cebtainlx the best medioine known is Sander and Sods Euoalypti Extract. Test its eminently powerful effeots in ooughs, oolds, influenza— the relief is instantaneous, In aeriona cases, and accidents of all kinds be they wounds, burns, soaldings, bruises, sprains, it is the safest remedy — no swelling, no inflammation. Like surprising effects produced in oroup, diphtheria, bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs, swellings, etc ; diarrhoea, dysentry, diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs. In use at hospitals and medical cliuics all over the globe ! patronised by his Majesty tho King of Italy ; crowned with medal and diploma at International Exhibition, Amsterdam. Trust in t thia ap. proved article and rejeot all others. Holloway's Ointment and Pills. — Shortness of Breatb, Coughs, and Colds.—Thousands of testimonials can be produced to prove the power possessed by these corrective remedies in cases of asthma, incipient consumption, and all disorders of the chest and I lungs. The Ointment, well rubbed upon the chest and back, penetrating the skin, is absorbed and oarried directly to the lungs, where, in immediate contact with the whole tnasa of circulating b'ood, it neutralises or expels those impurities, wbioh are the foundation of consumption, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, and similar complaints. On the appoaranoe of the first consumptive symptoms the back and ohest of the patient should be fomented with warm •brine, dried with a coarso cloth, and Holloway's Ointment then well rubbed in. Its abso r p.inn will subdue advancing symptoms, and battle this formidable foe. Autumn DiurEß?,— We commetioe to-day to show our importations for the autumn of 1892, and shall b 3 receiving new goods every few days. The dreas materials are most varied in style aud texture, eocue of tho rob':s being strikingly handsome a-:d effeo'.ivo Our reputation for firat^olass dressmaking is established beyond all question, it being admitted that for a real satisfactory costume no one can equal us. We solicit the favor of a visit from our oustomers, and especially from ladies who have not yet entrusted us with their orders. — J3. J. Warner and Co. Clearing Lines— 9s (id boys suits for os Gel ; 3s 6d boys Oxford shirts with collars for ls 3d ; ls Gd boys' hats (straw) for 9cl ; knicker trousers from ls Gd ; men's trousers and vests from 9s 9d. — Jas Armstrong it Co. We have a splendid, stock of Manchester i goods, comprising calicoes, sheetings, tab- , lings, flannels, hollands, &a., all marked very i low ; inspection invited. Jas Armstrong & Co. We have just opened another case of girls' and women's hosiery in all our well known makes. This is a line we mako a specialty • of, no rubbish but good sound articles. — , Jas Arnistong & Co. Just purchased a lot of ladies samp'e underclothing, which we will offer at a large reduction on wholesale prices ; come and see them.— Jas Armstrong & Co, The Assistants' Association appeal to tbe public to show (hoir sympathy with the Wednesday half -holiday movement by shopping before one o'clock on Wednesdays. — Advt.

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Colonist, Volume XXXV, Issue 7268, 12 March 1892, Page 3

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THE COLONIST. Published Daily—Mornings. Nelson, Saturday, March 12, 1892. Colonist, Volume XXXV, Issue 7268, 12 March 1892, Page 3

THE COLONIST. Published Daily—Mornings. Nelson, Saturday, March 12, 1892. Colonist, Volume XXXV, Issue 7268, 12 March 1892, Page 3