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THE COLONIST Published Daily-(Mornings). Nelson, Thursday, August 15, 1890. LOCAL GOVERNMENT.

Thbrb is a gradually lessening baud of members in the House who cling with touching fidelity to the memory of Provincial Institutions. Both sides famish specimens of these worshippers of the days gone by. And in this, as in a former session , the Ministry have consented to the appointment of a Committee to consider and report on the question of Local Government. As this concession costs hardly anything, the most close fisted Skinflint cannot well object, while the remainder of the House view with amusement the futile struggles of thes« survivors of a once powerful party Sinca 1876, when the Abolition oi Provinces was consummated, new interests have sprang up, towns have developed, and the very possibility oi concentrating looal work at the old capital of any of the larger Provinces is dead. The principal movers in th<3 matter now are utterly incapable ol recognising the entire chatge of feelipg. Of late years little is heard from Sir Georee Grey on what was formerly his fnvorite theme. Such men as Dr Hodgkinson frcm Southland, and Mr Moss from Auckland are the chid lightß of the handful of the faithful, and as they are, so are thfir fellow bdlievers. They are venerable, they are respected, there was a time when they commanded some attention, but they cannot comprehend the alterations that have rendered any proposal for the revival of Provincialism an absurd anachronism. Yet there is great anl good work to be done, work that is retarded by the meddling of these amiable enthusiasts, who cannot divest themselves of the belief that Local Government in any satisfactory sense requires tbe resurraction ol Superintendents, Executive, and Provincial Councils. Freed from the spell of these names, the most belated disciple of the olden days might assist in bettering our present condition, for all peroeive wbafc are the main defects of the present system. Every year the heads of the Civil Service manage to prevail on some innocent among Ministers to encroach on the authority of some class of local bodies, aad subject them still further to tbe permaneut officers concentrated in Wellington. The management of all looal institutions, the control of every looel officer is being; steaddv usurped by the clique that heads Ministers by the n^so, and aims at riding rough-shod over ratepayers, Councils, and Bonrfls. Ag it is with Colonel Hume and Dr Macgregor with respect to police, prisons, lunatics, hospitals, and charitable aid, so it is with Mr Habens where education, indnstrial schools, and boarding ouc are concerned, and tbe same may be said of every department of tbe public service without one solitary exception. The heads of all are incessan'ly working to draw power into thpir own irresponsible hands from thosa of the local bodies chosen b 7 the ratepayers who bear the burdens. Instead of mooning about the graves of dead and buriad institutions, the bones!; men, wbo now take the front place in the movement, should combine with those daily engaged in local business, whether as men bers of Borough or County Council or some of the many varieties Boards. When they are rudely told, that the existing system gives all that can or should be desired, let (hem ask why the people of New Zeal-md should not be trusted to manage tbeir own local affairs to the fame extent as those of Great Britain ? While there is a general determination there to have the powers of tbeir n^wly created County Councils considerably extended — and they soon will be — why shonld onrs be denied at least an eqnal amount oi control ? The Act that gave such extensive authority to the people still living in the Mother Coqntry mii»ht well b 3 made a basis for agitation here. And the part that provides for giving local bodiea tbe whole or part of certain branohea of Imperial Revenue must not be ove looked, Decentralisation has been affirmed in the most soiid form ia Great Britain, while with us the bonds of centralisation are being da ly drawn togeiher T&ere, and not in. whining after Provincial Institutions, is the field foi rational advocates of increased anc improve 1 Local Government. Nelson rmDEaMENs' Association.— A'- 1 , gely attended meeting of the ruembe.s of th : s Association took place at Sig'ey's Hall last evening. Mr J. Low was appointed permanent secretary of the Association, ani amongst other business transao ed wa3 the passing of a number of rues. It wa=s resolved ti send a petition to Wellington in support of the Shop and Factories Bill, and this petition ma* ba tigned at tbe New Z?alani ClothiDg Factory in Trafa'gar Street. Football. An interesting match is to be played to-morrow afternoon at the Botancal Gardens between the Nelson (Hub and a team of past players. The following are tbe teama :— Nelson Clnb: Levien, Harper, Biley Harkness, Tocka, ShollorßSs, Thomson, Neve, Batchelor, Trolove, Clarke, Greenfield, Cat'ey Sigley, Ci n derß, and Cr?Bswell. Past players : Wnbfr, WoocU Divy, Wa'ker, Harley, Todd, Holmes, A'kinson, Harknees, Rogem, Sadd, Langbein, Blackburn, Sherwood, and Pollock. —The matches in the Park between the senior and junior teams of the Albert and Albion Olubs are expected to be keenly contested, and will no doubt attract a I Tge number of spectators. Young Mis^a Institutb.— At the meeting of the members of 'his Institute to be held at tbe All Saints' Soboolroom this evening, Dr Orspaey will deliver a lecture entitled " Tbe history of a bone," and after the leofcure some readings v>i Ibe given. Ladies and frienda of members are mv ted to attend. Special Lines bonght cheap to be sold — Dress Goods, Is 3d now 9 Jd, Is 0d now Hid ; Boys' Hats, 33 9d now Is 6d. Genuine Bargains, sea doors,— Jp, Armstrong & Co., Trafalgar etrest, .

Midland Bailway— Wanted the men of Nelson to purobaßQ one of our 21s suits, made to b. present at the start of our end of the Midh jid Bailway— Jas. Armstrong and Co. Midland Bailway.— Support those ia favor of our Midland Bailway, and purohaee youi Ores? Goods from Jas Armsttdag & Co, Trafalgar street Mb Cobrie Johkston, who baß lately retamed from Britain end America, will preach at Wakefield on Sunday everting, and alsc leoture at Riohmond on Tuesday next. Subject : " Down Grade in Christendom. E. Peabce the cheep bootmaker Bridge St. has just opened a Bplendid lot of new goods which will be offered to the publio at verj low prices during the Bab,— Advt. Niclson Tbade3 and Labor Unioh. — The adjourned meeting of the members of this Union will be held at Sigle/s Hall this evening, commencing at half-past seven, when the eleotion of permanent officers will be taken, nnd the question of log discussed. Concert.— On Monday evening a couoerl is to ba given at the Boys' College. Hen Zimmermann, as well as several well known amateurs, baa promised to assist, and the concert promises to be a very successful one 1 . Laboubebb.- Support only those in favol fo the eight hours system by purchasing your Clothing, &0., at Jas. Armstrong & Co. To ins Editob. Sib,— is 1 intend leaving my present business promises (next Musopio Hotel, Trafalgar street) in ten days from dale, I hava decided to clear out my large and varied Stock of Saddlery and Harness, aod to ensure this result in the period named, every article in the Shop will be offered at such a great redaction from usual prices that the public generally, and my regular Customers especially, are advised to come and take advantage of this extraordinarily cheap Bale. It 13 genuine, the prices are the lowest on [record, while the quality of the goods is firstclass. I have neither old stock nor " Brummagem " iv the shop, and everything is • guaranteed as represented. Remember, for f 10 days only ! " Firet come, first served," and no credit will be given on any account. App icaiiuns for renting the Snop beat stand in Nelson) will be • received by me up to the 22ad inst. ' F. N. Jones, I S&ddler.

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Colonist, Volume XXXIII, Issue 5882, 15 August 1890, Page 3

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THE COLONIST Published Daily-(Mornings). Nelson, Thursday, August 15, 1890. LOCAL GOVERNMENT. Colonist, Volume XXXIII, Issue 5882, 15 August 1890, Page 3

THE COLONIST Published Daily-(Mornings). Nelson, Thursday, August 15, 1890. LOCAL GOVERNMENT. Colonist, Volume XXXIII, Issue 5882, 15 August 1890, Page 3