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[FnOST OCR OWN COERE9PONDKNT.] Ths Spring Show oi the Motueka Bortioul tural Society was hold on Thursday, Nov 23, aud to siytbat it was a grand success both in regard to the number of exhibits ant attendance, is to convoy but a faint idea o the satisfactory result of tha rfforta c-f Ihi Committee and al who contributed to makt the exhibition what it was. The utmost in terest was taken in. the Show, and during the efternoon the room 3 were crowded tc excess, but in the evening there weresqinanj present that, at times at all events, it was practically impossible either to make one's way through tbectosd or to examine the exhibits I: was evident that the date fixed for tha Show was happily ebossn by the Committee, the members of whiob, especially the lion Secretary, Mr It. "W. Gibbf, are to be highly complimented on the most pronounced success 'vbich a'tendsd their efforts. That the exhibition wus about lo prove an excellent one was apparent long before the time for Closing- the ectrics had arrived, but still exhibits came pouring in, but when at length She hoar for shutting tha door on further contributions bad come, the building and (he Sent aojoining presented a most gay but at the same time crowded appearance. So great indeed was the number of exhibits that it was only with tbe. utmost diffioulty that room cou'd bo found to Bhow them. Xho decorations of the building were very tasteful, they consisted of ferus, evergreens, etc, effectively arranged, and these phyed an important patt in creating ihs good effect which v?ai so generally admired. A great f.t raction, and indeed, one of the ieauirts of the Show were the exhibits of petrified moss shown by Messrs A. P Bawson and C. Ilolyoake, and which were discovered by tbe firs named gentleman up the Graham JRirer, under a large overhargtng cliff, re=Gin blir g.l small cave. This mcs3 which, "had the appearance of most beautiful stalactites, wis iadeed very kv ly, and no wonder i: proved such an attracti n. There were several exhibits from Colllngwocd, and amoßg.i.t these special mention must ba aade of the chessj shown by Mr and Miss Skilton, as we 1 £S of thsir exhibits of some rara aativo pkat3, including orchids and flyca'.cbcis the collection of which must have e;itai!td great pains. A capital photograph of the Ctspe Farewell Spit lighthouse, enciosed in a frame and bo:deied with shells of a very Tare kind found in the vicinity of the lighthouse reflected great credit on Miss Louisa Skiitou for the novelty and effectiveness of lier design. In pot plant 3, tbe exhibits of geraniums and pelargoniums, w^re very much larger than usual, and they made a grand display, as also c'rd ths cinerarias"ln cut flowers the roaes all through were particularly good, and the Judges found the greatest d fficulty in selecting the best. There was also the usual 3a*ge display of v«rbana*, and wiliiams, too long table, tbe whole length of the hall, being so inconvduieatly packed with this class of flowers as to tend 10 detract from their merits. Fruit also •was well represented, and in fact tbe whole of ths classes were bo well filled that out of the large programme odlj Borne seven cr eight item 3on the list were unrepresented. Ii i 3 satisfactory to fiud that tha Committee intend, and have already taken steps in that direction, to make every effort to purchase and provide for the next show, a vary iargs teat, which it is intended to procure before the autumn show takes place la order to purchase this a speciel subscription will fee needed, for owing to the liberal way in winch tbe Committee have given prizes, it ia impossible to procure it in any other manner, and I may here state that any friends in JNelson who ara willing to assist in upholding tha only Show beld in the Nelson district, will p'easo communicate with Mr E. W, Gibbs, ihg Boa. Sac, who will bo glad to receive contributions towards the £50 required for this purpose. It is to be very much regretted that the arrangements mads re steamer were not carried out by Mr Cross, thereby causing some who were of necessity obliged to be present, great inconvenience and extra expense, and <iuiie disappointing some 30 others who are known to have intended visiting the Show. Music was dispensed at intervals during tho afternoon and evening by kdy instrumentalists, upon an excellent instrument, .kindly lent by Mr J. Nodia. The Judaea had certainly a vary arduous task to perform, and their Eervices ara much appreciated. Subjoined is the PRIZE LIS P. Class I.—Por Plants. Bast piants in bloom: H Bdoffatt 1, Miss F Guy 2, Miss McGlashan commended. Be; t foliage plant: ftlias E Fry 1, Miss Cook 2, H Moffits commended. Best cactus (any iind): Mrs J Duncan 1, Mrs R Pattie, sen, 2, A Jennen3 commended. Best cactus (Turk's Head): Mias Kate Hursthouse commended. Best cineraria: Miss Greenwood 1, Mrs B Staples 2, Miss Greenwood commended. Beat Fuchsia: B Bojes- Best geranium or pelargonium (foliage): A Jennen3 1, Mrs E Boyes 2,, Mrs R Pattie, sen, commended, Bast ditto (flower): Mi 33 Greenwood 1, Mrs a Fattie, Een, 2. Miss A MoGlashan commended. Bast Petunia (singlo): Miss F Staples 1, Mm E Boyes 2. Best double ditto: Mrs Huffam 1, Mi 33 B Staples 2, A Jennens commended. Best fern: Thomas Eaine 1, Mis 3 Kate Hursthonse 2. Collection of geraniums: Mra E Pattie, sen, 1, Miss A McGlashan'.2. Pot of musk: Mrs A McLean 1, Miss'E Boyes 2, Miss Gross commended. Pot of mignionette: Miss Gibbs 1, Mrs ISuttress 2 Class IL—Cur Flowers. Best cactus flower: Mi 33 E Poo'e 1, Miss Pooie 2, Miss S Boyes commended. Best roee: D Cook 1, Miss A Jordon 2, Mrs R Pattie, sen, commendei. 6 rcse3: M/s It Pattie, sen, 1, H Pools 2, Miss L Cook commended. 12 ro3es: Mies M. Cook 1. H Poole, 2. Collectio of roses: Mra R Pattie sen, 1, Miss M Ccok 2. 6 leit pn,nsi23: Miss E Pcole 1, Miss M Greenwood 2, Miss S Boyes commenced. Collection of pansies: Miss .Poole 1, Miss E Poole 2, Lfiss if Guy commended. 6 best verbenas; Misg Francis Guy 1, Miss Florence Guy 2, Mrs E Fry coinanended. Collection of verbenas : Miss Piorence Guy 1, Miss M York 2, Mi3s M York commended. 6 sweet william 3 : Mrs R Staples, 1, Misg M Cook 2. Collection of ewaet wiliiams: Miss L McGlashen 1, Mi 33 E Ktap'.es 2. 6 picotees or carnations: Miss M York 1. Bestf hand bouquet: Misa 25. Guy 1. Miss M Hurstbouse 2, Miss E Poole commended. Bsat bridal dilto: Miss M Hursthouse 1, Miss L Poole 2, MiS3 M Cook and Miss B Guy commended. Best bouquet (made by glrla under 14): Miss G Buttress 1, Miss A Owen 2 Bast buttonhole bouquet (made by adults): Mrs C Fry 1, Miss E Guy 2, Miss F Jordon commended. Best ditto (tnatfe by girls under fourteen): Misa S Gross 1, Miss G Dclaney 2. Best ditto (made by boya.unfor 14): R Fry 1, 0. Jennings 2. Wreath of £ow(r3 (not to exceed 16 inches in diameter): Mrs W Boyce jun, 1, Mrs A Me-> Lean 2, Miss L Fry commended. Best stand o£flowers: MisiL Pool 61, Mrs Manoy 2. Best basket cf flowers: Miss Poole 1, Mrs Wilson 2, Mrs Battres3 commended. Trophy of grasses; MissM Hursthousa 1, Miss Kate Belaney 2. Class 111, —Feuit, 21 best strawberries: R W Gibbu 1. J. Chspman 2, 2-t chernos.: F- F;yl, J Cook 2,* (> pea s (hst season's): S Wratt 1, R Staples 2 H-l'oole co amended. 24 besb gooseberries of ono B3rl: S Wratt 1, R Staples 2, J Dalaney commended. Collection of goose™ lorries, 4 of each sort; A Drummond. Class IV,— Vegetables. 5 best round potatoes: W Egginton 1, J D Fov/lcr 2. 5 lest kidney potatoes: J D JTowler cemmende!. Collecion of potatoes (three of each sort): A Prummond. 2 best cauUilowers: R W Gibb?. 3 best cabbEg^s: G H Fry 1 R W Gibbs 2, H Drummond comnjended Bcabbige lettuce: R W Gibbs 1, E iSiap'es 2. 3 CO3 lettuoo: A Drummond 1, J Del-tcey 2. 2 be3t cucumbers: R W Gibbs 1, R Hursthouse' 2. 25 best pod paas: A Drutnmond 1, J Delaney 2, H A Tarranl. commfnded. 12 bosii broad beans (one variety); W Guy 1, W Guy 2, H. Rombold commended. G fce;fc carrots; A Drummond 1, G James 2. Gbesfc turnips: RHurstbouse 1 H Fry een 2. 12 beat head 3 asparagus: 11 VVrsti 1, T Eaine 2. 6 best sticks rhubarb; T Eaine 1, R Hursthouse 2. G beEt onions (spring): A Drummond 1, J White 2. 6 best onions (last year's) .' R Fry. 6 best potato onions: F Huffam 1, G White 2. 12 best \ turnip radishes; H Drummond. 12 best salmon radishes: R Bursthouse 1, J Chapman j

2. Abe t aitiohokes: Mitsa G Defahey. Class V.—Native Exhibits. Best bridal boquot native flowers: Misa B Guy 1, Miss E Poole 2. Best boquet of native flowers: Miss F. Cook 1, Miss M Gook 2. Best wreath native Cowers (not to exceed 16 inches in diameter): Miss F Guy 1, Miss L Fry 2. Collection of cut ferns mounted on cards which have not won a prize before : Mrs C Fry. Be3t collection of ferns in pot 3 : Mrs Manoy 1, E Duncan 2. Best ferns in pots: J Duncan. Collection mosses and liohens: Miss E York 1, Miss L Chapman 2 Best native plant in bloom: Miss M Duncan 1, Mrs Leech 2. Best Nikau: Ryder Bros. ClassVl.—Miscellaneous. Best 31b fresh butter: Miss M Holder 1, Miss E Delaney 2. Best cheese, 121bs or over; Mr Dimant 1, Mrs Dimant 2. Best 41b loaf home-made bread: Mrs W Limmer 1, Miss Lock 2. G beat cobs Indian corn (small); E Greenwood.

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Colonist, Volume XXXII, Issue 5685, 24 December 1889, Page 5 (Supplement)

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Summary. Colonist, Volume XXXII, Issue 5685, 24 December 1889, Page 5 (Supplement)

Summary. Colonist, Volume XXXII, Issue 5685, 24 December 1889, Page 5 (Supplement)