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license L»tid Brokers, Valuers, Financiers, House, Land, Commission, and Insurance Agents, HAVE ... For Sale or To Let, Stoat Propeity situate in Trafalgar street South, lately oooapisi by Mr Collier. The House; contains 13 looms fand has Gas and Water laid on, and other conveniences required by V family. The Grounds, oonsis.tirig of an acre of land, are very tactefully laid bnt is Orchard, fihrpbbery, Lawn, etc. The neighborhood is r all that coild be desired, and one in which Houses are never allowed, tb 'remain -long unoccupied. , ■ ■ :'& newly-btailt Villis Besidenie, with Half an acre of land, occupied by Mr Thomas Scott, •situate ai the corner of Trafalgar stree SSouih and Bronti etreej. , The Hptise contains Nine Rooms and Bath Boom, and has Gas and Water laid'6c.'--' '■'■ '' ;"A ; ; That superior Property bfth&d'auid occupied by; Mrs G. ;; E. Collins, and situate in. Brook Street, Nearly opposite ' M*' Albert bill's The |Hp6Se 13 M 0 Convenient and in good repair, and has a fine outlook. ThWland/eontaining one arid a quarter acres; ia laid out as Plantation, Garden, etc.",^and'RaJdock.' 1 hisi3 ineyeryjrjesja^ljjk'Veiy-desirable, propsrty, and is for Sale at a very low prioer < v "* ~ ? ■< -^ —:- : '-;f^)r.;R ri ,,S,A:,Kxß.-.. -^»iy/"l A Shop and: Dwelling House situate in Hardy street; owned arid oioupd by Mr Savage as a Book Depot. There are five rooms and the shop^, and a large shed at the back with fire-place built in. Land 21 feet by.7o feet. 'Price £220 only. '.■:.< %y>i'^ ' : ■* ; , :: A Two-roomed Dwelling Housey in good .order and/repair,, attaets.of, Brook Etr««t ? nßar Mr lookyer's property. Land 53 feel by 70 feet. ' Prise £65. ' Small deposit oflly rsquiied. A Superios Property in Halifax reet, owned by Mrs J. OM. Karstofi. The house ia newi'particularly'well^constructed, ' ha 3 every, convenience.ggs^ull particnlara, on appHoatioia. .'. "* "'" ■■."•■ ?'■ .., . '-■'■; ; M " .• . ■ ■'.' • ' Soiae First-dlass Building Allotments, situate at the corner of St.Vincant and Hampden Btreete, the property oi Mrs Thornton, will be soldiexceedinglyjoheap, and on very easy terms, in ordar to effect a speedy sale., Full partioulars on appHcatfdn. Several small Cottag* Properti'6o in Upper Bridge street,'own^ by Mra Tiioraton, and known as Dasby's Cottages, and situate between Hotsaanby Bud£a' and MUton street. These Properties being so, close to thateatre bl-the city should ba eagerly taken up by working people^nd otkera desirous of obtaining very cheaf. but comfortable homes. A very, superior Family, Kesidenoe, eitnate in,,...¥pper €ollingwood street, belonging "to Mr St. John, with one-tbird of an acre of, land, tastefally laid out as Flower Garden, Laws, As. The situation is one of tha choieoat in Nelaoa, being dry, healthy, pioturesijue, and commands a spleadid Tisvrof tkeßay. Tiie neighborhood is particularly deairabla. The dwelling house ia nearly n«w. and contami ten roocaa, coatprisjng drawing-reoaa, dining-room, sewing-room, kitehe*, nailery bad batk-roota, with four bed-rooms, aai large landing npstaks. iThere i» also large cellar aocommodatida, fiaa and wator are laid on, and the have has every convtnienoe rtijmcad by a family. 3?iiera in also a large wal bnilt waak-home at the bask with copper, clii. , A ne'wlj-biilt House, Walmea-st, containing 4-Koou»s nd Saollaq'. @aa laii on. {con roof and verandak'. A good cooking Range buid in. hwi 60ft by 144 ft. A good Garden, ituate nearly opposite Mr Bird's retidence. Price £280, Pattienlarly easy terms. A SiperioF Property Bifes»teat tha'Post, owned and oooupiei lljr Us Edward Everett, Junr. The house via good repair and contains Drawing-room, Pwclor Dining-room, Kitohea Bathroom and Pantry, and foir Bedrooms upstairs. There is also, a wash house ': outßide. Tke load has4oft to Wakefield Quay by a depth of 00ft. WUI be aeU at a very ; owfigure* .;,-.■■!■;-.■• ; v"w.i'; ■•.■•'} '■ . ■ *•• -■■:'■>'<'• -■' :: "■■"■ ■•■ ■•„■/',"■' .■ ■'■>>':- A House and Laad situate at the cornet of Haxley and Bridge etceats, and belonging to Captain Humphreys. The House oontains Six :Eooma -with Gas a»d Water laid on. There is also a Waslirbouß* at bask, with small Work-shop attached. Land 20ft x 80f 6. Two raeenUy built Cottages in Tasman street, near Smith's Store, vrifefe 3016 of Land to ea«bi Cottage. Willfco gold very eka»p io effect a speedy sale. :* The Propatty in St. Vincent street, belonging to Mr Brough, consisting of a good Cob House of Six looms, with land 45ft by, 149 ft; for sale at a low figure. A vary oeajferiabla Four-roomei House, nearly naw, situate m St. Yinceat street. Gas and Water laid en. Wa»k hoese attached. Land 68ft x 120 ft.. A dasirable Preperty in Alton street, near Claremont Houss. The Dwelling is very convenient, and contains Eleven Booms, with Bath-room, Scullery, &c., <fco. Land 78ft % 142 ft. A superior (foliage Property on Wellington Teirace, owned and oeoupiad by Ms John Kewbeuy. Tko land aoutains 67ft,by 867 ft-, and has frontage to bath WBllingt»aJPerra«B and Mount street. Gas.ahd Water laid on. Only ajjim'all cash deposit required, Eeaiainder OR«iorts»ge. We k&va enqnisy foi» a Country Property te Hire, containing 10 to 20 aares of Laad, J with an Sight-reomed House. Neoes»ary OutbuildiDgs reijuirsd. Enf airer woul«t ( ba prepared to take a Ivs yean' laaae from Ist August. Property muut not be buyond Hope. 891 Acres of Land in the Thames Valley, about two milsj distant from Ta iioha Mineral Springs aai Goldfield. The Land was formerly all Bwamp, but ia now all dry. It is bounded pa two sides by Publics Roads, Price £550. Tiila uadw 3?ke Laa|l TtanafeiAct, ' - ■.;... , Tenders ace invited for the Parohaae of a convenient House, standing on abont 28 acres of Land, with Orahard and Outbuildings, or with 50 acres, if desired, within ten minutes' walk of Richmond Station, The highest or aay tender not necessarily aooepted. For. particulars apply to W. Eocx & Sons, with whom tenders can be left.

London and Lane&ftMre Fire Insurance Compauy of liverpany! X Oapizaii Fuixt SwacaißED £1,852,000 ResebviFwsb ...,,.„. ~£330,000 MB. ftlORaE HODGSON has been appointed AGENT of the above Company for Nelson aad District, and will accept InsDimic£i against Loss by 3fire on every description ©f Property at ourreat rates. OHNSTOHACO., Agents, Wellington. njA A Aft ttIVIS AWA? to b»y«a oi a £IU,UU9 BOTTLE of BBSADaLBANE WHISKY. ISiiFJisl by Alaz. Fergotoa & Co., Clasgow. faxticalara from all wine Merchant!, itefekesfeiah Batelbteptrs, and Spirit Sealera.> Wholesale Agetfcf—OaßieadykeAFocke.Wellißftoa, M.Z. X AWUII IOUR^LIJE WITH X SSUBAKiBJS SOCIBTY OF VIOTOBiA XJk. (liiuiawn) i**^:ur4^ Mvto&hiOffiee \ AMi PBOHTg" BILOKGINQ 150 THE MIMBIIS ONLY. Policies nea-forf«ita»lG, ixtof.oi all rexationit eonditioas, and payable immediately on •^SS jeeoieltiie. IjOWHT PBIMIf M».-Polieieß ie« £1200 oi ipwu4tf ace fraßtoi ter prtminm charged by 'tmm oTm*pf}\on £ItOO om^f. Age takes at fleaiast (Hoi atja»xt) birthday Fbomw XiiSM : Boms qh all Policies ia|f srae'ia 1190. > ; Bonus aUottU a3iwai«' (&i«as~a of elaime) aid deelarei mia|a6*ially. Wr*oS¥B 71A81M9. New PRospECTSB-a»* all ieforaatiea of the ' 'siAWWT.j^ :-.

.BRANDY. RQUYEB, aUILLI^ & 018., . For many yenra tks iargeit Jaeldey of Brandy. All Colonial Orders to be addressed to Londom, Bbamoh, ' ROTJIIB, GUILLBS & 00., 59, Mark Lave, London, E.G. MIBOAKTIL! ABANKBUPffiOI witl r;.vkwhi:Jsii-iaMrpojaWi'-'-Sae W«kly ■'.'. ; " > 'tfo|t|ftV|B'. .. ' Contains .. : ,- r - >r ,,- •..••.: • ,-. Particulsre ef M\ti *£ Sale, Sfco«k Mortgages, Li«aß on Wsol sad ea Otropa. Baiimeiate, Affidavits of Sfttiafeotion, JBa;ak»igptoy reLiMoas, aud Disobssges, &c, iSi^Jißang «a»h Also co'ofelly-iavlied Shara and F«&das6 afarkeJ Bepoita; I»6 si logal Besj&iaas; Oricinal Artisloa, ilia bisaimg tiie wsej^g of uoHiteMcial Lav, a ad' oi««r icieKssStas and valoabla maS4®?,; , -

AVSSBUVXIX ISTKHESSGABia 20 SHS BAJKSBT Of AX£ tSSUZSXQS. Terms : £1 7s 6d (iaeludiog Digaat) par ftnnam. ITrea Sample Oopi3B ofetainaefe frcm fcka Frgpiktarfi, T. WiJBIiijES & 00,, Dunsdie. SMS i*w astSSip F&©*sda;©i? Society gAMeeseo «u9Vfilled feft^iijw {or giTmg-sssujuji E«?A3a wmMASM* «t-6 be tvjmniaJjfiiil striding e> iacSviduali , . : , _ ,( ZBAUSDIA SHJSEB D«F. ■"HIS DIS?, prepack by osw^v^s, thing ac?w o^toc} t« gljec-p^ffafixa aa* a& x?e A-Trial to prov« itsysst sia^rior ity -otw rtiier Difi» :We Chwmtw H to sMa»eljr SIMIBQt. ill Iff SS^S.i mfissfcas Sk«op,, io iapesTf the ■ WBdhiQa of th« W^'^ 19 H* qxXH'ktM*itfaib to naMatiß tuiug S ■ '- „ 8e» F*4Q3»Jl»i for iy|te2Jßiab c^| .■'■ ', -■ ■'■■ ■• ■■ -': ■" -; '■' '' ■■ ■ wTjiMICaA€HBk B^om tf me to «tae » MHttoA povttoa 61 «M bvotiMit (hmMki kmbi ibmAh tfittfe* ; vim M«ov« mv, m^m tt» aattv at

W.IH. Stanton, INSUBAMOB GBAMBEBB, ■'■ £J.YEiSWL AHB LONDON A3STB XSWW .M.M.UM.. «1,7W,0W witlfid ssSev«s<3d aQyvkore. Mb* #f 'jratela* and w©e? otke* iofosaas ?, %, ©SMJI& 00., Sf^'iL^-^ Fire & Mariwe lusai'aiise C®sapay of New ta^jifiU. flßl, Marbaoj sad ©Gaiatttee Mtei^s iftsusi at garsaai «jcsj. IPiOKtpt tiad libawl Bsfcilotaaut of ol&irai. fcargs a»A luiSuaniial €b>oni&l ProgirieSa?y Ohie* &geas for Seuon. G. J. partiatt, : ASS YBJTfITUIT BLIND MAKES, r:€»Q:^t *;» Or W OQV QV$ fi X !B. TENIfiriAN BLINDS mado with CftliUd. par fo»t, fixed i& Town of pwked s«i dolifuoi at tl»9 fitilway Station or Wharf. fLi-ifs, Bfloiiipifxoara, a«b V,V.>-4Dt«iAißf petMU piauw not* thd »ddi«U| and sot M uialsd by bho retention «f my oaau oa »f eld pMmuMi v I «m in nr <w%j eonnwted with lh> pwmt |— prwtor*

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Colonist, Volume XXXII, Issue 5522, 17 June 1889, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume XXXII, Issue 5522, 17 June 1889, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Colonist, Volume XXXII, Issue 5522, 17 June 1889, Page 1