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In reply tb coinniiinications sent'in accord- , ance with a resolution passed at a recent ' mestifig lielcl at the Council Chamber; ■ answers havis'now been received'from all the • local bodies, and, we believe, all the members of the-Legislature'1 who "were communicated with. Mr Weston^ M.H.R.,-expresses a hope that "ere long we shall witness the establishment of a bi-weekly coach between Nelson and Greymouth." and promises to help to' the full extent of his powers in securing the improvement of the road, but he states he cannot very woll leave for Wellington at prftsenti Mr Hufsthouse, M.H.R, says he will be.happy to do anything he can to forward the views expressed in the resolutions. The various local bodies interested all seem eager to |do their-utmost with the view ofurging upon- the Government the early, com-: pletibn and improvement.of the thorough road. It has been suggested that the proposed deputation should proceed to Wellington almost at once, but we certainly think it WQulddo more good if the deputation delayed its visit till tha return to Wellington of the Premier, and until the Resident Engineer, who is under instructions to proceed to Wellington, .has departed on. his mission to lay before Ministers a statement of the present; progress of the works which, which have been authorised. Until Ministers have this information before them they can scarcely; give a definite reply to any deputation. ;.; ' . . ■ Licensing1 Commutes.— Messrs J. Scott, J. Pratt, F. Tra*k, J. M'Artney, and H. D. Jackson were yesterday elected the Licensing Committee for the Wood Ward ; and Messrs' Jas. Robertson, G..W. W. Ligbtband, G. Fairhall, Jas. Thomas, and Joseph Price were elected the Licensing Committee for tbe Wai-itr district., Richmond Wesley an Chubch. — The public are. reminded that the anniversary sermons of the above Church will be preached to-morrow by the Rev. Joseph Berry. Nexson J?irb Bhigadk.—A special meeting of thin Brigade will be held this evening at eight; o'clock. The Hokticulttjeali Show.—The Autumn Show of flowers, fruit,ifcc* will take place on Wednesday, the Bth inst., instead of on the 7th as previously announced. . ■ ... Vbnison.—lt will be »een tbat Mr F, Trask,; butcher of Collingwood street, who has taken out tbe necessary license, announces that ho is prepared to sell venison. Boat Races.—The Nelson Rowing Club Races,!which have been on the tapis for some tibio, 'era to come off this afternoon! The first race will start at 3 p.m., and tbe course fixed is a'straight on<», commencing from above the Government Wharf and terminating at buoy near the entrance to'the harbor. We hear that the races are expacied to be; closely contestad, the various crews having been in practice for the last; six weeks. Mr Bird, the Captain of the Olub, will aot as Starter, and Mr Jas. Solanders as Judge.. RißiE Association Mbiiting.^—The whole of the competitors at the Brightwater meeting ; will have arrived; in Nelson to-day, and the meeting will be opened on Monday naxt in the usual manner. To-morrow there will be a.Chiireh Parado on which; in addition to the: whole of the members ofthe local corps, it isaxpected that all visiting. Volunteers will be present.. : . . ; , Public Works.-—The following tenders have been received by the Public. Works Department,for ; works in this and the Marl districts: — , ■

■R. Taylor,; Blenheim, ■ „ The College swimming matches came off yesterday afternoon, with; the following i result:—Race ior .all; ages, won by Barlti;op ; race for boys under 15, Hodder; race for boys undjer. 12, Andrew' Philip: Oswald;' race for all Ages in clotHes and shoes, Avidrew John Chajpman;. race on back (feet first), Malcolm;' race Ton back (head leading) ..Malcolm; diving, Sharp! 'With, the' exception of Sharp's-we havfe seen'better diving, bat itlie race in clothes ,(a,,new, _ and useful feature) osvas. Wciedingly well swam and closely contested, •as Tjrefe also several heatg in other races. ■ " :' A;BTIIiIiEKY: ; COMPANY, M; ;BWtEBY.'-r Th»" ■first comp'e'titK)hj for „the Company's new,/ medal took place"at the'Maitai'range' yestef- 1' ;'day( when it was won by Gunner E. Bodding;tpn,; whol made. 18 .at the ,400, yards and; 25: '(thel possible),,at.the sQQ,yards ranga/'orVa 1 totyl of 43 out of a possible 50. " ' ■''"'. ;''';BkOPOSEI>: FOOTBEIPOE; IH BRqOK-STRKET.—' 'At the City 'Councilmeeting' 'last riighfr Cr Mo)rhouse gaye-inotice that he wpuld.move -at (he'next nieetin;g,of the Councill,' that' a "fb'o;bridge be platted"' over the '- Brd'ok-street 1 str< lam at the east end of Bronti-street, and I!thtt thei fSo'tpath'ieadiiig to the same through :; ■'the willows from Scotland-street'be formed" br rounded np by gravel, and that the protec iive workM s4: #s.?£ Scptland-street be completed. '„,} „--, „ ■•.•";.■,■,•■. ".",,",.';' „ • f bom under the-Sfieep' jl*o ■, just pubUshedjil; wdulcl appear that the v sea^j is very preTaiijnt throuehpu't the Colony jus; at pVe«^6:.*uMarl'bbrou^liiis •efc'dbwn ai: ha'ing 400,000 infixedl'iheep, 5 Wellington , 12d,000ili(ioSUfcfd iQ t QQO;*n&®tU6n6,m t t '| g ])[!« Qi'iMl E'JHIJfio-lj;-; iji;;.';^ .'iUlj;;;,,^

An ordirjar^n^tlng^^ls'^uneliptobTt:; place last evening, whW, r 'owing toHhe;abs:esoe7j of bis Wdrship the Mayor, Cr-Levien waß voted to the chair j') Alt thY Councillors were, present witjh the exoeption of'Cr.Jqhns.; , '„.,. T After cojtfirmationlof;the iminutes of pre-,; 1 vidus riieeun , payments ;W6re t antbori«ed.,.;. ,„. On an ■acr..tJUqt/,fi^ni, f M.r:,vG v ilb i ertßo'n. for, .extras, jno^rred in ibe construction, of ;tbe ; . Collingwood 'atrr-etl'BTWga^bejihgJ'Tead,1 .:Cij Harley askW 'why. alt, the' ';'&as f not included iti the specification. ! ■ /. s „-: ; „. .The City Surveyor explained itbat one item; wa*! for. oarrying the ■ wall •below the level i-itended, a|nd he said this was done-in-order; to'secure, a firm ; foundation, as they, found gravel )it the level originally ;fixed ; another item was for extra bolta.'.ia'corbel necessitated "by the.timber being; slightly bent; another itemwas for additional strength being put- in 'the''pii'e!'shoes. There was also additional labor expended in placing, pjanks at, night time to enable, .foot "passengers to cross the river, whilst tbobridge was being constructed.. Ha stated that, tbe contractor had taken great trouble to enable foot traffic to be continued, arid he considered that the chorges made were not unreasonable* : The.iSiirvevor also .eppke : highly of the manner in which the contractor had dore his work; „. -, ■ . Or Hiiley said, he was pleased to hear the explanation, r. ;; ;0 ,. , ;;: „,;. ,;,..,. ■):;, : . : Th.c' 3a;C(j 'uofc mas passer?,; after which' the'correspondence waa.dejilt^witjb., i,..,. .{ < y ' A letter from Messrs a Field applied forl permission ro lay down a light , tramway ;aeros3.the, (ootpath in front of their premises.; The. matter waa referred to the WorksCdmmitteo., „./■■.. A second letter from Messrs ; Wilkins and Field applied for an inch water service to be. laid on tq their premises from Selwyn Place,, same to be used in case of fire. The application was .referred to the Gas and Water Committee. A letter from'Mr W. T. .Sherwood, called attention to the state of the footpath in front of his premises. , , ■'•' Cr Harley said the footpath from' the Royal Hotel to below Mr DeCarle's, ihchlding Mr Sherwood's, was in a most disgraceful' state, and''he moved that the Surveyor-be 'authorized to see to the matter at once. Cr Grraliam'ialso spoke of the state of this 'footpath. '■..','. Cr Trask said this was the worst piece of footpath'in T6wh, and he would like that it he paved with asphalte. Cr Harley's 'motion waV agreed to. A letter from Messrs Moutray and Crosbie, offered' a dust cart for sale to the Corporation The rn'atter was' referred to the Works' Committee . . >. • A letter from Messrs Bond, Finney, & Co., sfcoted that whilst they paidrates for a special inch water service as well as for ordinary ser-: vice, they only had a single One inch service, •and they applied for ; leave to lay down an inch, aud a-half service to replaca the present inch pipe, as this did not give them sufficient water for .engine and ordinary, purposes when, the Corporation water carts^ were out. The application was referred to tha Gas and Water Committee. The Inspector's report on roads and general work was then read. In this the Surveyor referred to the dangerous.state of the Gloucester street ditch, aud .suggested, in order to get rid of, the filth which accumulated there-, that the .bottom be concreted, m order that the ditch might be flashed out when necessary.- :.In referring to *he application of Clouston the Surveyor stated in his report that the forming of a footpath round the river would'not be very costly, but be feared the protecting of the river bank would be.. He also stated that he saw no immedi-. ate'p'rqspect of the bridge referred to by Capt. I Clouston being rendered impassable. The Surveyor also referred to ,the application to increase Cole's wages, and asked that the matter might be allowed to stand over till next meeting, that he might confej.' with the Gas'and Water Works' Committee, when, lie said be thought an arrangement might be come to. * Cr Graham spoka of the offensive state of ■ the ditch in Gloucester street. Cr Harley spoke at some length upon the subject, after which Cri Trask proposed and Cr Gjraham seconded,. That . the -work as recommended by the Surveyor, and which' \vas estimated; to cost about £10, be author-; ised. \ Thi3 was carried,.all the Crs voting in' its favor with the exception of Cr Harley, who thought.'tlia't if the ditch was really necessary the' work might be held over till the construction of the St Vincent street culveiit when a permanent work might be effected. '-' •' -••■ ■< Regarding Capt Clouston's application, that a roadway be formed round the river/;it was resolved that the • work was not necessary at present..' ■'•'•.. • ." Cr i Harley spoke at some length in ppposir tion io.:thp motion, brought forward at .last meeting by Cr Graham for raising the wages.. r of Mr Goles.i and? after this the report of the Surveyor was ordered to lie on .the table. ... . Tli'e Town Clerk reported that only two , appeals from..the. ) town assessment had been lodged regarding which any difficulty had arisen, aud that both these had been settled /by a islight reduction."', j Tenders were then opened. For painting the. gas lamps r the only tender received was. from. Mr Wanstall, whosa tender was 'at the rate ;of 2s 6d per lamp post, and this was' accented. For painting the City Council Chambers "the! 'following tenders were received Mr; L'ouisson, £16 6a. 6d;/Mr.P ; Merifitt, £12 18s; Messrs Greig and Burton,' £16; Mr James Graham, £16. MrMerritt's tender was accepted. For repairing- the house adjoining the Gasworks Mr,T, Ereeuian. tendered at £57,16s ;Mr Bethwaite at £54;' Mr£63; and Messrs Gorrie and[Sons at £62 17s. . Mr Bethwaite's tender was 'accepted.', < ■-. : ' ..The water rate for the ensuing year was, then formally jeyied. . .','." Several kerosene licenses^ and ..-one.'for. hackney carriage driver, were then granted. The Surveyor reported on the applicatiop. of Mr King, for, a.- license being .granted'his' rooni in Bridge street. as ,a .place of public amusement, that 'the*means of evit therefrom ;ih c^seofifirewereinsufficient, TheSurveyot alsoi reported'that he had- pointed out'to-Mr King the alterations that, would be necessary -before1 a';license could be; granted,- and that Mr king not "caring to go to the expense had expseßse&aL'Jvish'tto Withdraw his; application.' The Council allowed the application to be" Withdrawn. - „ _ '' . , Cr Harley: :s'aid:: he had been spoken to regarding the CollingwOod.street bridge by a . gentleman who suggested that the structure. would be strengthened and /fflade'mbre'dur/ able if iron bands were" ; placed rotind the scarves. ;..r ; . ■ .■ ; ■, -„ /',■'.. ', ... .''.._ f . ."'' In reply; to a question the Surveyor ex ; plained how these were, fastened', and stated' thai there i was no necessity for additional . WOEk. ' * '...-.,.,'; i;',/ ..' .... V ".''';,. :' "' Qv Harley drew attention to a fearful stench which arose,, from,, decomposing vegetable, jinaiter in' Cambria and Tarman. streets. /He said that the recent" extraordinarily high tide had had the effect'of killing large beds of watercress, andlthat "the dotting of these had I created a-dreadful,Btench,-and was really daiigerbus to Health. i> He- wished the Works Committee tobegkenipower to'deal wit.h%e> .•.•ij'»/(rj';!;(; jji. a oj .;;,•. n't ■/■': ;. . After some discussion it was suggested. j;hat • v should the Works'lCOm.mittee.iCome to the ' "conclusion that, the .nuisance was dangerous , thay could summons a special meeting of-the- ' Conricil',' 'ah'd the' !matfter was allowed td'-ie'str, uplrithat'tinderstandingi. ;;!,? !; ,/;';.!;,,* )l\ "' TheCoiuoU then adjourned.; * J:.., . . .uczkY*. ,irtosiyiiycJ

£ R. d. X> ». U. Training Wall Contract, Collingwood — . 1 G. Snow, Collingwood (ac- • cepted) .. .... 225 0 0 Pelotus Bridge Eepairs, Marlborough— i ' John Hippolite, Havelock (accepted) .. .. 71.15 4 ■ Joseph Gilbertson, Nelson 78 0 0 Henry Dunn, Blenheim .. 95 7 3 ; John M'Lean, Nelson .. 109 0 0. Painting Wakamarina Cart Bridge, 1 Marlborough— ; L. J. Halfun, Havelock (acI cepted) ... .. ... 170 14 .0 I John M'Lean, Nelson ..173 6 8, ; James Gilbertson, Nelson.. 178. ,0 0 ' J. A. Lyttle, Blenheim ..185 10, 0 i F. Liley:and Co., Nelson .. 186 '0 0' ! Robert Louisson,.Nelson ... 234 3 4 i Edmund Wilson, Havelock, informal E. TavlOr, Blenheim, ' i'. „ I,'

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Colonist, Volume XXV, Issue 3095, 25 February 1882, Page 3

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NELSON-GREYMOUTH ROAD. CITY COUNCIL. Colonist, Volume XXV, Issue 3095, 25 February 1882, Page 3

NELSON-GREYMOUTH ROAD. CITY COUNCIL. Colonist, Volume XXV, Issue 3095, 25 February 1882, Page 3