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A private letter from Honolulu states that great agitation exists in the Sandwich Islands, owing to the Government favoring the importation of Chinese, and the proposal to borrow a loan from China. The excitement raged so strong that the King feared a revolution, and had his Palace strongly guarded. We have at last received statements of the losses to the British by the battle of the 21at of July, which positively places the number of casualties at 21 officers, 300 Europeans and 100 natives killed or missing, and 5 officers and 90 men wounded. A terrible accident haa occurred at Hepburn's bleaching works at Barnsbottom, England. A boy named Cronahaw fell into a vat of boiling liquid, and another boy named Bawstron in attempting to rescue him was dragged in. The former is dead, and the latter is dying. At the Central. Criminal Court, London, a woman named Emma Pleasance, aged 26, has been sentenced to death for drowning two of her children. She was in great destitution at the time. The jury strongly recommended her to mercy. The Judge ordered her sentence to be respited as a Jury of matrons had declared that the woman was pregnant. Marshal Bazaine is said to be dying at Madrid. With true Gallic devotion, he has begged to be buried in French soil. General Sir John Bloomfield, G. C. 8., who fought at Waterloo, and in the campaigns of 1813, 1814, and 1815, has just died at the age of eightyseven. Mr Mark Firth sent the Wesleyan Conference held at London, a donation of one thousand pounds for the Thanksgiving Fund. A man named Thomas Mayne, while ! walking by the side of the canal at Newton Heath, Manchester, with a girl named Alice Ann Hall, aged 17 pushed her into the water and she was drowned. Mayne has been committed for trial for the murder. Miss Fanny Butter has passed her final examination at the King's and Queen's College of Physicians, Ireland, and she goes to India as a medical missionary in connection with the Zenana missions. Captain Webb has completed the task of swimming Bixty consecutive hours in the large tank of Scarborough Aquarium. During the whole time he was out of the water only four minutes. There are men in this country who can stay in liquor for i months and think nothing of it. The Countess of Cork gave a " rose ball " in London, the house being filled with roses, and all the guests adorned

wilh roses of all imaginable sizes and shades. ; Delong, a Swiss citizen, has beein ordered to quit France, being regarded as a dangerous Socialist. ~ j Another sensational trial is exercising the minds of the excitable Italian's. A notorious demi mondaine, Mile. Emma Novi, known in Milan as Emma Ivon, stands charged with feigning the birth of a child, and foisting it upon a prominent gentleman, Senor A. M. Silvestri. The fair culprit, it is said, once enjoyed the favor of the gallant King "Victor Emmanuel. J There have been several deaths from yellow fever in the New York hospitals, the cases being Beainen from infected j ports. , i ■ : A lady of the Sultan's harem,, who took refuge in the British Embassy at Constantinople and was subsequently surrendered, has been strangled as an accomplice in a palace conspiracy. A tunnel under the St. Lawrence Bivor at Montreal is to be undertaken. When the Emperor WilHara went to the art exhibition at Dusseldorf, and all was solemn silence, a parrot remarked: "Ob, my God, how thirsty I am." The following casea created great interest at Home. At London, Pleanance Ingle for causing the death of a patient in Guy's hospital, by her negligence as a- nurse, was sent to prison for three months.—At Hastings, Emily Scott, a schoolmistress, for starving her servant girl to death, was sentenced to two years'imprisonment. —At Bristol, a herbalist named Eoberfc Culmore and his wife, have both been sentenced to death for the murder of a lady named Budge, while trying to procure abortion. "• :A. Paris paper reports that a violent altercation has occurred at, Constantinople between the French and English Ambassadors. Two hundred housewives tooke part in a baking contest at Deaison, Texas, recently. The selfish men, who hope to get better bread by such trials of skill, awarded only nine prizes. The Paris papers received on July 15th a deluge of complaints against persons who did not illuminate on the preceding day. One woman was exposed to much trouble because her child's petticoat, hung in the window to dry, was accepted as an indication of her devotion to Henry V. On August 11th, a railway train running between Leeds and Lancaster, ran off the line when seven passengers were killed and twenty wounded. Eussia is largely increasing her navy She has ordered ten new war vessels to be built, five in America, and five in England and Germany. They are to be bo built on the newest principle, and are to be very swift boats. The house of a man named John Kallaher, Oafdand (California), haa been destroyed by fire, and bis wife and three children lost their lives thereby. Ifc appears that during the day and the early part of the evening of the fire, Kallaher had bought at a neighboring grocery storo Beveral buckets of beer, and the result waa that Mrs King, his wife and himself got beastly drunk. The unfortunate children retired about half past eight o'clock, and their parents, with Mrs King, threw themselves upon the bed in the front room. Aa for the cause of the fire, it can only be conjectured. The only theory that seems to have any credence is that one of the three parties mentioned capsized the coaloil lamp, and being in a state of unconscious intoxication, could not give the alarm nor escape themselves. Kallaher and Mrs King received severe injuries. ' A telegram from Berlin, dated August 19th, states:—A correspon dent who penetrated the furthermost; parts of Silesia estimates that in one postal district alone the damage done by floods amounts to 150,000 marks, while 200,000 acres of arable land and pasture ground were inundated by the overflow of the Oder. In the neighborhood of Oppelen 3000 acres of potato fields are covered with water, while clumps of villages are isolated. The ruin was so violent that in a few hours the river Neisse rose six feet. In Posen- au immense expanse of meadow is inundated. Not only is grain destroyed, bub straw, also. In the District of Kulm, West Prussia, 24 hours of rain completely ruined the

harvest, .especially wheat. In "some parts of East and Wesfc Prussia the fields are bo impassable that ie it im- * possible to garner what remains of the - grain. Fotatoes.are beginuing to rot. , ' It will thus appear that the official '"' estimate of the German harvest" prospects, recently published, will" have to, .. be greatly lowered. Eye ia wholly destroyed. For the laboring portion * of the community the loss of the '' potato crop is most, serious, and the ', aid of the Government is already I being earnestly invoked. . « , ', ',

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Colonist, Volume XXII, Issue 2761, 25 September 1880, Page 1 (Supplement)

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NEWS ITEMS BY THE SAN FRANCISCO MAIL. Colonist, Volume XXII, Issue 2761, 25 September 1880, Page 1 (Supplement)

NEWS ITEMS BY THE SAN FRANCISCO MAIL. Colonist, Volume XXII, Issue 2761, 25 September 1880, Page 1 (Supplement)