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I VT7QTI3I'DT\ A V ' [Lfo^JP.lloktlfii^iud X'Jr biiV^'fißqi.VJ'.J'.P.] l«)l )ffli J.} t'l^iiti—bwittli^i ur, ,'lO uif|> Mr F«W Mk^d^oeii' "%hii b«M^#hioh |hkd'no*Jibejen> tried, ibut>.jodgßoiß»tfihW!, gqne byi dtfou^t, <■ He r (Mr ( ,*^ouUjL ,app«ared, by accident had.pmifted to be present. .The claim of 'tie piamtiff waViS W*afi ihe°defendant wished W iclaim a'so^flP'amduriting' to fi'o'lS fe&.'r t)f doiirsti h]o douldibringia <leicpense!hel .Wished »hf ;eaß»,taibejre1 h«»rd,|for p*hex thin (bother 'a jout .Ijhe, Jaeger atnoi^nj) he ,was wil)|^g, ftd,cgy guita. Mr Bunny, on'behalf of tht p^mtiff, offered ( no 'ojection 'to'» re-Wring,. provided the, defendant pkid 'coMJ • M° 'J () l|< <loi. ( J 'i ' ' 1 Their Wonhipiiiaidithat there being ho bbj^ction on the,part,,ofi the plaintiff^fckeyi w'era filling to grant Jibe j^nlujafjon. ~„ , ~, n» 0 > jJ'u ; V ')

I Before J. SoiA&iwßS and'H.'kCinmfUsciij J'-J-Tj IL| Jl /.) L.,' II , , 'I. JJII l>"ffi t'» l I \ Annie Lodge wai charged with having stolen on, I ,tta» 22nd J£uly'laifc!an umbrella'of ( the value of ss,'the ? ,p^aperty "of Thomab Ba^Hse."! The aoculud haying pleaded Not Guilty, 'oh j -' j-'iri i J j Mr Jnapeetor Kiely, Iwho,iQon,duQtedMtl» proiecu* tipp, opened hi* caie and ml)ed j )lU ' I,; r Elizabeth Bay Jus, wife of Thomas Bayliss, landlor'd;of JtheIWe ( Hoft.L Whb 'toekUea 4 that the aixjUßea-hWbee'nto'her house'leViral' tim'ei.! She' Was ithetiajon'tllei 22pd StiLft &etWiß»nn»ight<!a©dJ ttiaec passage door,'which she1 missed soon after the accused; 4f6r'maiWW>'th'eI poKftßjmha^k'JfleiVik^Vl umbrella oniTuaidiyJksb, when it iraiibro'ughtlto hin by ? j?^^abl« .l^opk i7 ffi^i!^qip rlwejsiithe fJttffij but tae other woman said that the did take, it. There wat no one else in the houad at the;'tinie: it wai taken' ajway. .lIOTAK DZLITgajIY/" A • 22nd July last,'between eight and nwe anithe eTen- ! ift, !ißhV''44» with^e^lyHh'e'h'oWe MiU^with^s.'; l^bwo w.s an umbrella beliindth^hotoMooriand.ay t^y werit out theiaiocusedijljpakdt.V.nSho, Wag)ißt!tb^ei 1 hjoupejtJf'M'*'lWV>-Wiß;rift4'i Jsnfe^ Q^^ueidayrwlheiir; qonitftjile|^^ock,^nie ; . v/ The. umb s e}la .^as r fatcbia out from behind a table. ■' . f,• i T . • lnownbylthefinifriUf SSra^^l! 'dta^hot'akfc'yoU'tiil t ikp.jL.^rsh.jj j^p,w J oan,yo!^ tey lnewyou it., . . ~- , ..... ponstribW! BradoHck Mid^^Harfrom'^formatrbn" Moaitedfh£ V«tit 'itf Wfty'ii&oiifej-wiiarej H^iidto'itWii idif jdSujal, .h.e c, found! ijtfc*yprisbtaeij randi thoil las^i fitness., Hei^skeciclihe^ftQttse^jW^eiiej^hft umbj-e% ; vai. th'at'.Bhe took frqm the .Q-lobe, Hotel jflh^ denied., having titfek' it:. He then asked Way lfjae had an. Umbrella, imtf/lln* attJ;in ffoßuW'^&.%» pd'du'cSd.1 Theacctfsedithen'admitteti'haViiigtakeaitj'but said I thß ; o,(;hpr/Tfpman;oßkodiherlso./i uj oil tfh-;i Bqo: I The.aoouf^dj hajj^g ,m,a,d? »,rftm^l,ing|Bta]ien>e^t t ,,, - I Mrs Baylifs ; was*reoailod, flnd ) aik ( e(jl. ( by ! tl| : ,e Benph^ whetheV'it was'raining on tne "evening1 toeI'umbrella1, was taken, afad Bne'replied'1 thatit'^isiVe'ry'lheaTily: [ Their, Worihips; after kome conßideration, said1 that the accused had placed herself in! a ;7e.ry; awlkward positionj but as the eyidenoe .was not, very s olear,,as a, felbhious intenfc, was not sufficiently proved, they tfoiild dismiis |he case. '" ' ' And Annie, having thanked their Worships, nimbly1 left'the ,dook. .■ai i-y. ■/; •!■■') ■ :::;i /.:•'■;«) i-y-ir i : :,; ,: r ,; ? !..;j ,• Ebbb^.jM^mbbat.':",-;:.;:;!'),;.; :,:;;ihr ■ Mr' 4c)t,on. Adatna appeared for the Jpiaintiff, whio; claimed £10 3s ' M, and Mr 'Nia's having .proved the amount:due, judgment" wagl given for the plaintiff,' wifchi£2:i7iJ:cfoitß.:; ■<: »-::!'"^V ■■lf' :r u":} i':" '" '' . ••i-.'i '!o lUiiTi'-BiiKH^iD'. tßtmt. c-;i'i- >ini'> o:'. S^r ! P,it)t i; (ippe:ared 1 - for the f plflin.tis;:«!J3he afitiono was',brought tp ( recover. 3,dj,amount of ; overdue. ■coepfano3, i 'togeihler .* ~ A\sum f ot y £15 had'BsWiiaid' Joii5 ab'co'unib' si'ioe" th'ej Bummoi:a'"w.a's' i«ued ittijidlyiiast/andijud'gme'rit (wMs| askb'dTor tTie;:! bahinbe^whicb! ;was given' .facoqrjdingiy,! -':with>£2 l ' OOgta'.f (( | 7!',;t11 ;•;:;! ({{) "ijt!?ni'!(H flliii b\i'-i V/O'i:: ■'".',-. 1' ,Lammas,.m.-Caetpe,,;... ...j,,' i,,.,j,;,. Wr B'unny1 foir' Itheip:iaintiff;''and;Mr' Fell for the defendant]1 !Th6' jjlaftitiff's', olaiiH1 Was'£4'Si' U%i' I wo^k done in iiiendfng'iron' tools' for tH'i difen'da'riti,1' whowasithena'sub-contractor.on the Nelson acd Fox HUl,Ka}lw»y r ,Mr ißunny^ssaid, tj^e ; plaintiff;,had prerious'ly sought tpjrecover this.flla.inx, but,,he, was thep nonsuited. Hbirmri he believed' thathVnow had •u'ffic'ieh't evidence stp proye; tta't'the wWk'was done/ -..-■--■ i-.i *- '■.■-in.!' j*; nfl-)n;T-[ ;;'i^v," ■; • < John Lamina* deposed that; he Iwasia blacksmith 'residing at Richmond. ".In J^u1y,..1875 tl h'e did; the work mentioned in the particulars ior the defendant, some of whose man brought the tools to him. After 'Oarter'weni further up thrline he 'did'work for him, and took itihimselfup to'Silcbck's:;' ' '•':' '" "l! Cross-examined hy,, Mr, ;Fell: He 1 took' augersj up to Siicpck'B. , The .amount for that work Js paid, into Court. , He also -took up other thipga. jTher.e. was an1 account fcir £16 agaiiiit' Mr Carter, but ;h'e took £12 on account at-Mr Fell'soffice ;he gave a receipt. Mi) Eell'a clerk said it was*ire Carter; whatever'that meant. .;! ', ;,; ,:.<, <,■ ': ■ ' ■••:.' '•'-) ' -'--■ :'

Walter Davidson deposed that ,in 1875 be [was in the emplay of Mr Carter, subVopntractor ,on,t]b.e Nelson and Fox Hill Railway! He remembered' taking tools to Lammas' to be; repaired/ He iobi three augers and three Jerersi about a week1 before -the ballaitipg, began. ;|:J ~;j:f ■/-.', :.i;-;;... :;;.>'!■:.); hi ;v>v-' ; JqhnSqptt gftjd,he wa^theeontraojor^or $;e,rail«, way, and 'Bllr,' Carter, jhid't ai'.con^ract^uij^tr, him f of wMch' he fobk charg^'on'thettH. August. 'He'eould' not say when fthe ballasting 'tieg'ari1, 0 $1$ it Was1 some' tim'e'b»£oi»'Mr'CMfcerieft'dff,i''-j':>i'^M » il! • : • ; \ Mr, JFflll^ in ; iPpsnipg the > iCMe, for- tbtl defence,! jrer ' ferreii to the formeVpqnßU^ftndiopi^me^tfid^ejerely, '''on'aojisebeing^re-bypugiHkfojPW 'material'evideiicei aiid !wiiich,'he'Baid>i*ai •imply '■'harassing th&!defeWdanf/ i!He;fcalWd' •'■' ''•'ilfn.' ■' V- ; Eobert Carterviwho, deposed thafcin'6h#'6Fi'.his'inen> _ were sent ,da%jn, vtpj fcninmia't after ithe beginniqg of j ''July j. baiiwting was begun^on .tbttMth.Jnne^ ~, i z f '-'■ j Croßfl-exatnined by f Mrßunny f ; He sajd h«jbelxe ; Te{ij it was^ift^be. 6riS or'Jii^e'lie eniployea'Eamaias, and' iafte^tha't^he5 dkly- setttifhim' a'dtfie1 a'ug'erß' fo, rtfpifir;* 5He, n«^erJreceiwd abyJihiagsifrottiHim; whilst;b«^wwi "aiipilflqrtlWHtrov/ X Ti BiJoaaiiJiiinii-i n !oi f {i;,w! ':' j BtTBBOW V. PKXEBS. .i-Mi.U'VS I | Mr jßunfay rfdr^bfiplsiiitifi'p arid'Mr-Pitt fdr the ca^e.;hairjng;il)een;!jwßt|jw,itbdjrairri,'! Mr P^tt '.applied; for costSj o£ |iis ojien^ and ;j wile^t r , tending O6'urc.l'";' The Bench' said 'the rule,in these. ' cdses1' was uiMciti^s W,'' donsi-1 ' ijuently that) was all that" c6uld I>e'anowe'd. l!V' v)! ' " ' '[ j Uiit Uwiii ,1 .111.: ...i'l . I .■■'..■ **yl* uoiqtiiiw -all wpar white P—Parent: We Mi'eW' sp;-^: •<idHUaf'Tlft& :wiiot^oeH ilaJl ;-^e;Was]?ifig,?— "I U'W.'WTipi? been tola thaVf A ;reptile isjin1 animar'thtt WSto? W 'bei'n^'aVked1 «lo iiamo o^ on ' eJfamUtoaay^ro^ptl^epliea^'4 babyi"'! -""W A Nbvtabk Su'n^By' l achoo}iboy(gaTeihis'ielichßP this . ii: ustrative definition, .0f.." responßibil^v" Xj^" Boys his'Hwo'b'itto^s'/fSr t'h^r','speeders, io>'2p keiip flMtt pUtß' ftp?j •■#heWon« i;biit\on' VSonieto offi'wny,1 there's a [good: deal of ?*ponßibility)6ri the 'OClfe'r 'button?'l '■ II A, »it^BßßNl}|?por);srnAnijwa»,once: hoastiingbfohis! !yfa»4il(?n4«4ing,hareß s .JJf^jyert;^,?;., 'siid a Quaker whoto present, "'J would {take; : nij !''siatrft^'ji'lape'^rii 1 sno.ii^ , oe's^re1 of riot; b'eing l 'ds^rMdib'fflie^ifroifa^^'fi^^dfJ^ isitidayi ofJiDioembeiJ.ff.'iSiWhy,iwhaM' wouldiyou1 ■*#)?('{■ "J-n^ihy'iSjj.ildj/'fic, fo "ftl r?noV s) nm\i<.v. Baranzoff, awater-ooWdrawing;whiohrepresents the; !gjff > adcd^aniid! bf 'Al» 'flavoring' -dedieition^ "Written ibyjthis (Ozarri hirnsalf i \ i q Th* iecipient'i isi tke' fwhioh destroyed the Ottoman resiel.

, Mi^.iW'YUOSjD'Biißhop at, Blenheim waa • burglariously,f.e,B|t^f^d on, Sunday,.last, and £20 aqdtsome goodsjwerej,takenJ There are - .buMligty'jtracQs .of-the,,tihief.,— W. Argus. , , ~', lij)hjjj)ta,!x'ijUß.l seport ( | the ( ,Engineer-in- », ,Chißfn#ayß(iQfolthe}i;W(Ssfe<CQaßtirailway sur- . tfej't-xrV. A'-eurvgy,,ba? been tin progress all ( tne[6nn>men ofyihe^ines; connecting Amberiley £ uiliri,th/Are l yniouth,(,and ,with ,Picton, but, /the .'plane^are./not yet plotted,,and; nothing . sdjeQnits ca« yet-) be .stated .as, to the feasibi,l^tyftt; f reaaoqable.costof ,the, lines." { j The new purchaser of Avondale, .Mail

abpr.o'tfgh, j intends, ,to v import, ten thousand ich<>ice (Bheepu^o put on- that run, and the «Eqpreas<pa.ys i ,}iQ l ,has given his neighbors notice tpi fence* [ ;jll >.. i dfeatiMXcjE, tbe,p,ugilist, it is,said, is about v to commence hotel:keeping iv Bourke-street, / Melbourne/x >\<] . \>, -« > ~ j One tho.usand tdns, of,tobacco,-valued at j672 k oOp,<has this,- been grown in the , v 6?eu»,and(Murray:diß|;rict, l r,Victoria. j ' At il^prtj Ghalmers' yellow .flags are used ;by! the, Board of (Health <td point out houses infectious diseases. j ThSi yictorjan Government has placed iupon >thja| estimates the sum of five thousand •pounds for the purchase. a of a diamond rock rdriy^witta which t'o< .test likely auriferous [gtounfl. \k iiM -r .-/ " :•;... 11 IflL-iliOOiWJi hag been, formed in, Sydney to ,; jaidj/tfre. widow* and ,children ,of, drowned, ip'ereonß. It ia to, co-operate with similar , tsbeieties, in England. ' i Aj obheatbjca'li agent writes to, Melbourne , ttiaCihe'telephone will shortly be introduced to-the Australian publ.ic. , i { Opbositio^.Motb^ibnxs.—There are more jOpppsjtipn. movements on the board, and > ■ Mr* Stput's, r riasolutions, -t& come on in I Committee of Supply, will form the basis of action* These are as follow : — " That in the "opinipn of this flqus.e, concurrently with any .chaage- in>f the, incidence; of taxation, due jplrQY.ipiqnp' should be,, made for basing the repres,eiitatatioh of the'colony upon population , an.dii that , .the - .Gpvernment should 'prepare ajbill.jduring the recess to give effect 'to this resolution. That, the Government during the .recess, prepare their Wimatesifoj? next year tor six months only, 'sb.tbat aujsoqn .as x a new representation is 'pjassed; this .Jloupe may be dissolved." — If. ■Z.\%Lei\ald. ,< . y A) , ! A, MAN"-, named Johnson, a bellringer, fell ther.wharf at "Wellington, on Friday, and Va? drowned. | ; A'.HosT.-T-For twelve seats in the City of Wellington, twenty-three candidates'have been nominated. Some warm rwork is expected. A Councilloe !—At a recent meeting of the Griffiths' Point Council (Victoria), a scene occurred. Councillor Kennedy kept interrupting the proceedings. He called the chairman (Councillor Turnbull) a liar, 'and said he did not care a for his orders. Then he called Councillor Kidd an old fool, at the same time giving him a blow 'ni the .eye. Kennedy was afterwards sent t6 Melbourne gaol for a month for the ajssault. , , '■ , The re,-erection of the Brunner railway "bridge cost £2,461 2s Id. , 1 i -[Delegbaph.—The whole cost of the second Cook Straits cable, including freight, .laying 'and five miles of spare cable was £16,070. Duriug the last twelve months there were 176 miles* of wire erected within the Colony, ', at .a cost of i£8;929. The total expenditure on telegraphs from the Immigration and ; public. Works loans has, been £266,469.— XytteUon Times, i , ; Feabpul ; "Losses.—Between four and six miilori sheep have died.;owing to the drought in New' South Wales.).-. The losses on some ' stations; are simply incredible, and several stoekowners ihave been reduced to beggary.

i AT'iWestport', Mr John Munro has been presented-'with a purse of sovereigns for bringing the Colliery reserve difficulty to a successful issue. ■ ii; ■■■■■.-■••■■•

One of 'the: ©hristchurch members, Mr. Moorehousei as not a very industrious representative. A telegram in the Lytiel\ton Times states that during the session he bas:hardly-been a dozen times in the House, bis time being chiefly occupied at Wanganui in endeavoring to get a large block of Native ( land through"the. Native lands Court, on behalf of-certaib Canterbury speculators. ! I Too Deae.—At- the Wellington Kesident Jlltagistrate's -Court, a man Hugh Trainer ibjassudd'tha Deputy Supreme Court Eegis-.'.tk-arj--for.- 15a-.1,''■ the amount alleged to be ■ [cjiatfgeft i&excess for a marriage certificate. .Plaintiff-says the document should only ' .Hawetbe^en; charged ss. instead of 20s. The ■ Magistrate reserved his decision. \ I ■A-Iquebx from Mr Murray to the Colo.piiljTreasure'r elicited thei information that a^onuS of £1,500 had been paid (to Mr ~^dwa^rd: -> MfGlaßhan, ex-M. H.E., for the xtf fifty tons of grey paper. , { OJHfcDunedin Corporation during:the last ' muneipaV.year paidaway in cheques the sum 'of (£112^152 ss-4d.c The cheques numbered 'seventeen >rhundred -and" sixty-five. The : (])or.p6ipa't!iori I hasf borrowed '£400,000, and jKasuborrowing powers upsto £,600,000. < , ; Ik, the House of Representatives, r Macandrewlhas 'given '• notice that' he shalb jinoyeMthat •the" next General Assembly of Parliament Jbe held at Christchurch,aad that Ja petition be-presiented^ to the Governor to ; that effect.-*tZ?os^.' \--;■■■'■'■'■■■■> ;- ■•:;; '- I;;il^.;:.-/ J'' I ! j^-rfiWoiiKnro^JMiar'ff- Club nas been. - IMasterton^ Wellington, and■ :i 'a|suitableibu'ildingiß!:to be'erectedil } ' I jQuSlAbmij Bbseeve*—Sergeant of Pen- > !sioner*.'((marchingwpartyii' of the' Army ■" 'jkes'ervednto camp, approaching 'the guard). ' -Mf, Mow m^menyfull.ydurselves together!;! think TV ; ■ 0,_,.[ : ! A'IEAfiTY of five Settlers at Jackeon's Bay,- <■_ Wteatlfndylately captured ■■ 140 seals in five , 'dayiw Two1 jnt>re <boats are being fitted out. ; ! |-.steß^iksys BiLi;—lt .is^not^eypfecte^:; Ithat "the1 'liands "Bill' will1 W]^ccessfully .. 1 caiiig&P-" A', ;gi*eat many '; members [' aref , l 'dissatisfied with;it,! 'and: there are a"number ' who "are-oh^the :>i •' cross Vhvjvwill; 'hesitslteV if W prjopfir lea'de*1 is found; to'^o;;; 'again&t'tbe; G-6Vernmeh# 3;) If the Lands Bill j« kite^Oind1 'tHa^'lS^oli^^kaiyl,1 the;!;' Opposition cay that the Goveraiiielt^beihg^

Unable to carry this" important measure,should either resign or dissolve. There is something else in the wind, but what it ib has not yet been divulged. This Joneses affair is. not doing Ministers any good, and it is likely to form the text of a good cry against Ministers, both outside and inside the House. JNotthat people think Jones right, but that Ministers have made the majority of the House go the wrong way for a remedy; and, then, a great many old stories are being raked up which it is not to the advantage of the Government to have repeated.— If. Z. Herald, New Zealand National Debt. —TheNorthern Advocate says:—" A proposal will be brought before Parliament this session, for paying off the national debt by the creation of a new stock called C( The National Annuity," which will begin'paying interest at the rate of five per cent, or 100 shillings in the first year, and by the diminution of one shilling per annum, thus paying off both principal and interest in 100 years. All existing"stocks would be converted 'into the new stock, the interest on which would be high at first, with a gradual diminution, *o' that it would be in the nature of an annuity, •with such a rate of interest as-would' run1

itself out in 100 years. '! "l # Petee Btjndt, who has'been married only two weeks, has left his wife. Bundy !is ua little man, and .his wife weighs two hundred and forty pounds, and was the "relict of the late Seth Potts. About ten days after- marriage Bundy was surprised, on wakening in the morning, to find his better half sitting up in bed, crying as if her heart would' break. Astonished, ho asked the cause of her sorrow, but, receiving no reply, he began- to , surmise that there must be some secret on' | her mind which she withheld from him, find ■which was the cause of her anguish, so he remarked to Mrs. B. that as they were married she ought to tell him the cause of her grief, so that, if possible, he might lessen it. After considerable coaxing, he elicited the following from her —" Last night I dreamed I was single, and as I walked through a welllighted street I came to a shop where a sign in front advertised husbands for sale. Thinking it curious, I entered, and ranged along the wall on either side were men with prices affixed to them—such beautiful men—some for one thousand dollars, Borne for five hundred dollars, and co on to one hundred and fifty dollars. And, as I had not that amount, I could not purchase." Thinking to console her, B. placed his arm lovingly around' her, and asked. " And did you see any men like me there ?" " Oh, yea," she replied, " lots like you ; they were tied up in bunches like asparagus and sold for ten cents per bunch." Bundy got up, and went to ask hia lawyer if he had sufficient grounds for a divorce. 'Change has been affected this week by a widely-circulated rumor that Government intended to ask Parliament for £5,000,000, to place the army and navy in readiness forany eventualities. The rumor was first Circulated by the English correspondent of the Debuts, ar.d through the Ha^as Agency reached the Eussian army on'the Danube,' where it created great excitement. Ithas received no official confirmation, and !is pronounced by the Telegraph, which generally' knows the Premier's opinion,* unfounded, 6f at least" premature." It is clear that if any such grant is asked, the Liberals must insist that its objects should be made thoroughly ' clear, and that Government Bhould ont. be provided with:, an unfilled -cheque.. Some Liberals, Mr. Anderson in particular, have threatened if any such propoial is made to stop it by using the forms of the, House, but that extreme course will hardly be required. The people are jealous' about great Bums of moneys and the, Tories: will not be able to insist that the vote shall beipasaed; without a full explanation, including a stat»-i ment of the objects to which the improved forces of the country will be applied. rrs;pectator. ■■.':.■ ~;.'/.■/) ;..uj )'(&.. ■...':- Ltdia Sheeman, who poisoned ten persons—three husbands and seven., children—r escaped from the Connecticut j State Prison' in some unaccountable manner, u There is no clue to her whereabouts, or; ry,v-.'v. i.<

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Colonist, Volume XIX, Issue 2280, 6 September 1877, Page 3

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MAGISTRATES' COURT. Colonist, Volume XIX, Issue 2280, 6 September 1877, Page 3

MAGISTRATES' COURT. Colonist, Volume XIX, Issue 2280, 6 September 1877, Page 3