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-^i^ASrERTISEMENTS. "'•"'. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, NEW ADVE R TIS EMEN TB. _____ _ t '" ANCHOR LINe"oF STEAM PACKETS. TMsJDay. LANDED AND^S^ffOLD PROPERTY _-„_ PT_R,_R ' FIRE ' abb appointed xo leave 2JJ? THE ASSIGNED ESTATE. OP MR. C(%. ' T / m^ BO nm ' X'l.|«*^ •. * -, # . ■m-H -B ■ W-A LL AC B, a. «. b™_b™»«_ c-« SEOIIO n xof so, w.i»..a South, e,»..i»in g QAT¥ AP C 1 1 onSAiußDAT.ioHjMtnt Thursday, .A.pril Bth, ° O AJ_ V A*jr H. CIUtJV m. H B M V E E AT, A, ILBVEN_O'OLOCK. SAVED FROM THE LATE JIBE AT A on WEDNESDAY, the 14th instant. ATTPTTrw <UTW Nelson, containing 1 acre 2 roods 9 perches of . .^ __ — ™ WAI3T » AUCTIONJALE. Land, fenced and planted, with Foundation of jgj -pr JSDEft ET T BROTHERS*. fIIHE CHAELBS BDWAiIU, VTIQnM¥ TTr.TT<T?ITnT T» WTRNT. HoUBB excavated, andgoodroadfcothe Property. _ . *— Xon SATURDAY, the 17th instant. HAS j JSa f Bounded by the residences of Captain RoTOH __ Q _L LJL TUBE and EFFECTS, consisting of— and Hunter Beown on one side, and by tbo v FOR BLENHEIM. Dbawing Room. property of the late Captain Newoomb. g ABOVE STOCK COMMENCED ON THE LYTTELTOIS, Handsome Rosewood Piano (by Broadwood), IJil!i aAXjEI WJ} n 0-^o-WEDNESDAY^n.u^ ™ ; , **. *£ L-™.._v~ j XJ r own _ ackb *• SatMrday Morni _g J jas t, 3rd Instant, at 513 __ ______.- Fender and Fire Irons, Books of Engravmgs, , _._____,,_-_ mHE NEW ZEALAND STEAM SHIP. Musical Box, Engliah Concertina, Ornaments, A COTTAGE, containing Seven Rooms, and with TT Tp T Al) 1 A H1 11 S H X PING COMPANY (LIMITED.) &c, &o Quarter of an Acre of Land, situated in Hardy-street V IblvlVlil 11VUUU, Dining Room. . East. BRIDGE-STREET, SShhiiUSS. TIME TABLE—APRIL. Book Case, Table, Waiter and Tray, Chaira, 0 9th—TARANAKI for Picton, Wellington, Lyttel- Carpet, Fender and Fire Irons, Mirror, Pic- A COMFORTABLE RESIDENCE situated on ton and Otago TO-MORROW, Friday tureß, Folding-Chair, Tea and Coffee Service, the banks ot Maitai river, together with Stables X^TTfe "¥!1 TLI'TT^ "O fT"I3 "C ns=wßS«o^rpirrw:i. tag .o n , te'*c- ■_»» a ass^^c""" 1'14174'*"* FIRIj. HKI. ±i±cri. m T vMelton and Obaeo Five Single Iron Bedsteads, Waßhstands, , , 14th_LADYBIRD, for Taranaki and Mannkau Looking Glasses, Travelling Chest Drawers, TOWN of WESTPORT-Sections 108,125, 129, GOVERNMENT NOTICES. 19th-PHCEBE, for Picton, Wellington, Lyttelton, Fenders, Chairs, Carpets, Pictures, Bath, 800 , 808, 564, 989,213,214, 215. TAANIEL BFKN, "uuu RT ,j Ofcaeo ' Clocks, Curtains, Wardrobe. II Vfl . TP ™x pr.ATR WORKER — •nS TaTEaWAKI for Taranaki and Manukau Hail. TOWN of PICTON-Seotions 595, 506, 1122, -*^ TIN, ZINC, & IRON-PLAI^ wukk^k, c^fil|_S£v> MntLADYBiS for PS, Wellington, Lyttel- Lady's Side Saddle and Bridle, Wardrobe, Mats, 1123) 64 . GAS-FITTER, AND BELL-HANGER, <&mB&& ton andOtaco ' Flower Stand, Soraper, &c. TbafakJab Stbeet, Nekon. -nnnnT autattox 26tn-WELLINGTON, for Taranaki and Manukau Kitohkn. TAKAKA-Section 166, Takaka, containing 150 PROCLAMATION. 271h-rTARANAKI, for Pioton, Wellington, Lyttel- CroekePV and Glassware, Tea and Coffee Pots, Acres. MANUFACTURER OF ■ OIWAM) • CTnmg> Su p er i_ ten dent of ton, and Otago & C^esti*, *«g SECTION 2, LOWeTmOUTERE, containing "^X^^^^"* VdsrSr Nel9°D ' * ""* " 813 Agents. Four large Zinc Tubs, Two oval Boilers, Pre- 100 Acres. Half-Round and O. G. Spouting. Zoaland, &o. -— " ~—^ serving Pan, Saucepans, Coyers, Buckets, Plain and Ornamental Chimney Tops. TTTHEREAS, by an Act of the Imperial MESSRS. M' MECKAN, BLACK- fiarde ° Too i ß# Part of NELSON TOWN ACRES 613 and 614, Ga(j R e fl ect ors, &c. t &c. VV Parliament, passed in the Session holden in WOOD, & Co.'s line of splendid Steamships ■ with frontages to Trafalgar-street South of 6S and the fifteenth and sixteenth years of the reign of Her —ALBION, TARARUA, ALHAMBRA, OMEO, Also, 55 feet respectively, and adjoining Mr. John WATER LAID ON. Majesty Queen Victoria, cap. 72, intituled "An Act S^2^^^^«^^" 100 OUNCES _SILVER PLATE. G^'s property. _ STENCIL PLATES CUT in any Styl. inril Bth-OTAGO, for Greymouth, Hokitika, At TWO O'CLOCK SECTION 18, WAIMEA EAST (Ranzau), con- TINWARE of every description supplied, Whole- for the Superinten denfc of any Province established P Melbourne, Sydney, and Adelaide, W i T niiiii» tib'tiiuv taining 50 Acres. There is a good building site, and sale and Ketail. by the said Act, by Proclamation in the <?w«r»»ie»< THIS (THURSDAY) MORNING A VAliUA^Jjii ljiJiiiAJSi tne property is surroundedby a live fence. Price, Pbioes Extbemblx Modbbatb. Gazette, to fix such place or places within the limits at Ten o'clock OT about low. A U Orders guaranteed to be executed in a workman- of the Province, and such times for holding any Pnasanffer fares very low. ) waa VOTiTT M"R S. t, • like manner. Session of the Provincial Council as he may think Wool booked through to London at Id. per lb. * v w J~U 9 Full particulars and Plans of the above Properties eiflCut^ wirtiWuatniuM fife» and from time to time in manner M Bforeßaid to Wool bOO| H a o t2 AS g CAWTHRON! Age ' nfc) Bx THE Best AxtT ho ES . may be seen at our Offices, Trafalgar-street, Nelson N.8.-All hnda of^ep^w executed with Neatness timeß ftnd p]aceg ag he may 449 Government Wharf. P • judge advisable, and most consistent with general mHJS PADDLE STEAMEi^ Without^eserve. QHAEP AND PICKERING. T^^ aCCePted * the Walmea K°ad I, the Superintendent of the ProX LADY BARELY, Catalogues are now ready. KJ 7° ar _„ _ . „-„- n vinoe of Nelson, in pursuance of the power and J WAT*™ Master (subsidised by the Provincial Offices: J. Cookrara, Toll Gate, per annum ... £625 0 author i ty i n me vested, do hereby proclaim and Oovei^S for the conveyance of mails to Motueka, SHARP & PICKERING, Cobnebop Teapaigae and Haedy-stebexs, Nbison WBodJngton,Wai.m Valley,forming,&o £11110 point thafc the PROVINCIAL OOUNCTL of WaXu andl Cdlingwood,) will leave (weather per- 498 Auctioneers. John Griffith, Houlfs Valley, clearing NELSON shall MEET at the PROVINCIAL 3' m under.- Tm „ T TT~TV Auctioneers, Stock Salesmen, Land and Estate and and forming, per chain . •••••• *1 6 HALL, NELSON, on TUESDAY, the 11th day of Conl«apu direct, Friday, April 9, 10 p.m M" ONTHLYSALE General Commission Agents. LHintz^ Moutere flxlls, forming, No. 1 £^ q MAY next, at Noo. J£^£&*^ffl£»£ AY OUR YARDS, WHITE HART Monthly Sales of S^ held at Richmond. T.J. THOMPSON H—' !^™ Agent7forthe April6th, 137, """^ ZZttt^SSfc onr^oSX^S'Ticrets^s. ™ MONTHLY SALE OF Jjf ° SPfof fSS^ IFVZ For freight or passage, apply at the Lady Barkly T O O X£- 9 New Zealand Distillery Company. QUARANTINE ROAD, TENDERS will be received O'CONOR OfHCe|COmm JAMES'S. CROSS, j™., On WEDNESDAY, 14th APRIL, atTwop.m. LIBERAL ADVANCES made on WOOL, HOPS. fI^ rA A^ \^S St°ke> UntU °n Provincial Secretary. 502 432 Agent, Commercial Wharf. __ and ALL KINDS of PRODUCE. 438 * 'S^ be seen at the Turf Hotel. rjj^HE Undersigned has been instructed to ._ ~ : T^ ~~^ The lowest tender not necessarily accepted. ffl&mmmmim X' OFFER FOR SALE, the-' t^" Persons having Stock for the Sale are -fUOIIO i^OUC6. T.J.THOMPSON, <leSHHESS« Topsail Sohooner ORETI, 66 tons register; about 507 Seoretary. •**«»—-^3« seven years old requested to give particulars as early as possible. "Pir'P'DlJifnm "DDAQ St f^H ~ " Provincial Secretary's Office, Topsail Schooner TAURANGA, 66 tons register; * J!iVJinJfollJ}ll,Uo. 0&0 U. nHENi>ERS are invited for a EOUUTEdN Nelson, March 19th, 1875. six years old — TDEG- to return their sincere J- YEARS'LEASE of the AMURI EDUCA- r*i?ivmwT?a ™n i, a Mn oic fl^ «f tJ.™ nffl^ Ketch HUON BELLE, 43* tons register; built PIOKEB ING -» thanks tc'all those Customers who TION RESERVE, containing 3991 Acres and now T^S WEd7mJaT^^2?B^ of blue gum , 401 SHARP & 110JS.lkK.IIN«•. have so Liberally SuDoorted them these in the occupation of Messrs. Dalgety and Nichols, V^/i n*D^ P fi!^ mvffil Ketch GOOD TEMPLAR, 41*. tons register; Auctioneers. bave_soLibgdty B.upporte d^em^tbese The present LeaseVpires December nffa. OABT BRIDGE across the RIVER iU ::r:::^zz:^ r —^^ — E «sa- sfer^s and profitable cmfts. D 1863 Hooper. quarterly «oe™»t. in the kte E.tabl,Bn. Ilel"'°- - 4W c^lsH^P Iheprioea»kedi.ooiMia«ri.W;belowfteir>alue,bat 8 Ca«e« P»lo Amontillado Sherry menUan be placed on the am. fooUng at NiiTDATRS fnr thn KRA DT]ST(+ «nrl -*S»^BMihe owner being about to proceed to England, it i. 5 „ Fine* Champagne, RooWs TICTOEIA HOUSE! C mrtTATIOrI PiUzL oftred br the -«*WW»W«ir By order of the Trustees in the Estate of Noehan . g Caseß eftch 4 doz pints United Service Sauoe 426 MONDAY, April 26, at Eleven a.m, at the Office HTHE above EEWAED Will be PAID to Oambbbei. 3 eac h 6 doz Half-pints do. qATHYn?PVM QATmT.iniYii i ofthe Central Board, Nelson JL any Person who shall give information which „.„ " — SADDLERY!! SADDLERY!!! MONDAY, April 26, at Two p.m, at the School- shall lead to the APPREHENSION of JONATHAN AUCTION, on an Early Date, at the Flax Mill, EX MIOH AEL ANGELO. "DP AT a KlT\ I^HA-PTW PHM room, Richmond HADFIELD, an Absconding Witness in the case of Okaranui Valley, Pelorus Valley. riiAl AiNJJ ltlUJttlMUl\ TUESDAY, April 27, at Ten a.m, at the Reqina versus Dogheetj, or to any Person who ALL the MACHINERY and PLANT 47 i °aBeS SHARP & PICKERING. *™ School, Lower Wakefield ' fan prove that the said Jonathan Hadmbld has beloneine to the said Mill. ~ ~~- JUST RECEIVED, AND NOW UNPACKING, WEDNESDAY, April 28, at half-put Two p.m, left the Colony. Also THE NEW ZEALAND AND AXJSTEA- 35 CASES OF at the School, Lower Wakefieid R. SHALLCRASS, The Estate's Interest in the Lease of the Ground. jJAIN LAND COMPAJNY. SaddlerY & HarneSS Knn - f ?2 DG??J' r Chief Inspector of Police. V fch fculars in future Advertisement WdUUICI «/ xxcii «c»w 500 Seoretary, Central Board Education. ■ Ur P JOHN R. MABIN, ' TTAYING been APPOINTED AGENTS Per W. E. Gladstone Michael Angelo, and ofcher _ RpniITVTNO APPTT NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. „„ Auctioneer JLL for the above Company, we shall be happy to Late Arrivals. 'jTHE TiMb for KH-UiilVliN W AffLl|fl? . A tODe - rtceUe orders for i- CATIONS for a MASTER for the LOWER I. O.G. T. By order of the Legal Manager of the Decimal TTWPOLN RAMS and A Choice Assortment of Ladies and Girl's Saddles TAKAKA SUHOOL will be EXTENDED to MAY mT , TT nTTTII - nT - L - L . _~ J Gold-Mining Company. B»BD LINCOLN RAMS^and Doeskia Seafc d . fcto Ue for A tQ obtttin g^ AREWELL SUPPER to Brother C. E. PURE BR t f D, LMOl7 i, ft, ' r ' . Also, a Splendid Assortment of Gent's and Boy's Special Certificates before appointment, according to JG JEFFORD, TO-NIGHT (THURSDAY), at AUCTION, on an Early Date, on the Ground, from the well known flocks ot the Company m Saddles Regulations ol Central Board, March 4th. the PORT LODGE-ROOM, at Eight p.m. 510 Kelly's Gully, Collingwood. Otago, and the direct progeny of imported Ewes and A L&^ A99Ortmenfc of Gig HameßS> braßg ftnd A BQW> ALL the MACHINERY and PLANT Eamß< SHARP & PICKERING. silver-mounted . 509 Chairman Takaka School Committee. NELSON TOWN SCHOOLS, h 1 ein2 to said Company ■; ■ Buggy ditto, of every description p»rfLlar» m future Ad»erti.ement. HATIOHAL FIBB AND MABINE INStTK- Bridle., of e..ry dnonptioo, from 6s TOWN CLEBK. HnHE HAVBN-EOAD SCHOOL will be Particular, in tuture aatermemenr. a]joe 00MpANY- p lated and Victoria Silver Spur. 1 EE-OP^KED THIS MOBNIKO, .t the JOHN B. MABIN, Ladies' and Glent'B Cane, Sut, and areon-hide _..„„„ f opt b6 NELSON CITY u»ual hour. «« — ±==- 171IEE and MAEINE EISKS take D at a .»-*|S'' i« 4ta aw. VV c™"eL Vo M- rao W WISZELI,, V^ffiS aF£ a">£&%£ >'£ H .VIN G MADE AEHANaEMENTS iLL .HB^OOD™ XHK .^* JOSKEILaVI.^ ODMEL £Sw 3 , HAIL . GROUND. uta-dtw with OUR LONDON CORRESPONDENTS, we _ _ _ JOHN B. MABIN, ™ ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO COLLINGWOOD. g^T GREAT SUCCESS! GREAT SUCCESS! ! 477 Auctioneer. • PREPARED to INDENT, on favorable —— — ::i^?VR~SALE that PfiOPEETY^in^ THE UNDERSIGNED IS A TTTANTED, a SCHOOLMASTER and NELSON ARTIZANS' ASSOCIATION. _£ Frontage of 26 feet to Waimea Road, and a term,, GOODS of every description, and guarantee n A. g H PUKOHASEE VV MISTRESS for the COLLINGWOOD - — ° WOOL » GRAS s S eeds !TJL5^.S^^ Complimentary Benefit HOUSE thereon, near the Colonist Office, formerly WHEAT BARLEY with House-and Garden Free. ■ *W . sharp , pio^BJNa. oAis BicoK ato^ops js^.Ti2rsSsasife^ tti in., t. _w. Bo« j , money ma; rom JOHN E. MABIN. A b A Jj Ji • ADT ANCBS on if left for Ml», or for shipment 12 tb March, 1875. 973 w' \y to his Agents at other New Zealand Ports, Australia, . TI^EEELE TEAPEZE ! ANdLO HBW ZEALAND IBLEaEAPH Henne,.,'. »nd M«rtell' .Pale Brandy, Bum, BnglMd ,„„„„„.„» T OST, at Vaimea West, a EKD STEEK, I SONGrS ! ! AGENOY- S^^Om3lCS2iS!ffi !5L_ JOHNS. MABIN. J^ wit j, horn, gr.,ing .tra^t up.branded with A NAUTICAL DEAMA T HE TODBKSIiNED having been T.nnent. Ale stout (Pig Brand,, Dunedin ,„WwH ■A I. £•££s Z^ WeIT TL MY POLL, AND MY PABTNEB JOE. X appointed AGENT for the above, is prepared Bottled Ale ana sorter g ALE> at t h e tf BLSOir AUCTION rewarded. T" „ o to RECEITE MESSAGES, in ordinary words or . \^f Rooms. 501 C. BIRD. Admission— Body of Hall, 2s; Gallery, Ib. cypher, for TRANSMISSION to any part of the Rice Sugars, Candles, Soap, JOHN »• MABIN. _ For full Particulars, See Programmes. ASenCy RAPIDITY IN TRANSMISSION, 1256 ' SHARP & PICKERING. EX MIOH ~ OOUJEte RESERVE, WESTPORT. J^^^f^ 0*^ 1 S^J Y nexX Tn^RATW ~ ~~ -DROADWOOD'S and CHAPPELL/S — 10thApril. Mv t u... - LOW RATES. TXTOnT TATTOW A PRODUCE *5 SUPERIOR INBTBUMBNTS-ANOTHBB JNUIiOIt. 497 JAMES GROVE. . * ,:,. ■' Piwm^ijtely to avail themselves frequently of AVTOOi,, LALLUW, <X rJiUUUOi... SHIpMENT JuaT Rjj-OBIVED, and NOW ON „ , A.js im __^ ' ;. v tbu^Agenoy are recommended to register through J T „„ . ! SALE. Tbbms to Sdit Pdbohaskes. ' , ITT ANTED an APPRENTICE.—AppIy ' -•' th,e unsigned, at the Head Office, their signature, Parties hitherto effecting INSURANCE in Eng- f mo?a Fkom Thibti-Six Pounds. ALL PERSONS who consider they have \\ t the o f fice of thiß p aper rr < '%.. wh^eby a considerable saving is effected in cost land can make ARRANGEMENTS on equal terms jsr^w Jkluaio Monthly. J\. CLAIMS to OCCUPATION on the COL■.oftransmission. . to cover Interest at any of the Company's Offices ' y LIE BY RESERVE, WESTPORT-on the old as j-, ml *„ „, Prospectuses and further information o*n be i Q New Zealand— W I h Li I A SO. V A It J5 x, weU ag : on tjie new Sections included between ±r »pOI"Ha Hg" 1. IJ. g" >» . -obtained from While in Shed or Factories, • by Rail, Dray, or M U SIO WAREH OUS E, Kenuedv-street and Bentham-streefc, Palmerston- PAPERHANGING-S JOHN R. MABIN, Lighter, or other Conveyance, .or Ship, till! Bbidgb-steebt. street, and the Buller Kiver-are hereby seveTallj jratw»uaiui«w 496 1 kgmi. delivered in London i T>TAwni?nßTffis4 ¥nR TTTRTT lfi^ required to DELIVER, either at my Office, Public --■ V tAT"P<4 T' A P-T? T V A:"'T. 8 : mOLIT.^^IeKESXDENCE "M&JS gT m SftJSS&i E' leUtU^ ' ,^ni,»T™V™»;i'wVjSJ™,™ti™ J">"° st"ion or '•**<*?• to tonntort. »l| lO_Lfr. STATEMBNI in .riling of the p»rtieular. of their N.8.-EXPERIENOED WORKMEN »nt to ?oom,;,:.atted»i.h'e4 C on™nie» C .,.nd there i. • Cl M ms payable .n London |■■_*'& TEAFALdAisTKItir, .i pre.™ o rS':7r«, .! JlotS *"" — ■•^^rA^SnSS.O^rd NATIONAL JNS^NOE COMPANY. jJ. .he^Mon o t MA KS O N *;*>««*, g^"-^ W^" T . B. Loui SS O», 'tXt'^oZt^'™ 6' _, SHAM&HOKI!EINL_ U D»4;^SiU *? ; WMMHyRnw?":,..-----968 ■' JOIIN "Bi MABIN. t*t? ■-..... ~,. - "

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Colonist, Volume XVII, Issue 1898, 8 April 1875, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Colonist, Volume XVII, Issue 1898, 8 April 1875, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Colonist, Volume XVII, Issue 1898, 8 April 1875, Page 2