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:-, ', .. ■■-" ■ '■ "'"• T~~T ~~ '.. . V - T! . ~ '■ . ■ GRATEFUL—COMFORTING, • StSS^fi^l BOOTS. MOOTS. BOOTS B• - • J_y c • - SSSSSL-;; J e3 TRUNKS BOOTS AND SHOES, S^ICttSSKKK Bruges, Belgium. JLV7 V-M-tfES -^UUl°. Sold only in packets, labelled thus:Homoeopathic Cocoa.—This original prepara- r a tv/t t? 1? p p q a nt n n n *rom the .celebrated factory of henry toomer and sons, christchuroh. J a m h E om(eopathic chemists, ' under the ablest hemceopathic advice aided by the . 48, Thbeadneedle Stbeet, and, 170, PICOADiM* skill and experience of the inventors, and will be Wobks, Diaka Place, Epstok Road, London; found to combine in an eminent degree the purity »^=» o/^t-m a/ipwh T^TR ■Nn?T«aniST ''AMU DTT TTATH one arom*, and nutritious property of the fresh nut. |S* SOLE AGENriOJi JNiUiSUJN — -Jb& Ji I Al> 1/ rIL L IIN (jf Maravilla COCOE.-The GZoSe says, "Tayior A -^ -^ a TV T^ «i _^fc T*T PARK WORKS, LEEDS. Brothers' Maravilla Cocoa has achieved a thorough -jqr Tg j^_ J^_ _,£_ _[X J_J » I_J -^.9 - success, and supersedes every other Cocoa in the THE LITTLE STRANGER. ; mnrket. Entire solubility, a delicate aroma, and a BKIDGrE-STREET. THE IMPROVED1 LITTLE STRANGER HAND rare concentration of the purest elements of nutrition, ...■■■ LOCK-STITCH (SHUTTLE). distinguish the Maravilla Cocoa above all others. _^ T*Th IT n A YTn I? UUiIMV THE " NUSSEY and PILLING" NEW FAMILT For Invalids and Dyspeptics we could not recom- VT ri TTT 7j? AT AM I ) INSIIKA N(jFj ■ L/U MJf All I SILENT SEWING MACHINE (SHUTTLE), mend a more agreeable or valuable beverage." For LX £_ VV Lk HiiXJ^lXll XJ muummivu w THE NOISELESS TUDOR, for Tailoring .and further favorable opinions vide Standard, Morning : —- • Manufacturing (Shuttle). ~ Post, British Medical Journal, &c, &c, UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAEEHOLDiiKS. WHEELER and WILSON'S MACHINES, j» ' . .. -'-■- ». . Merchant and Shippers supplied. , ..,■ WAIMEA SUtTTH STEEPLECHASE fisiYvi^Sll .. .. •• _61,000 9 00P London Office: :, to be held on . capital nAnnnn 0. _. Wilson, 29, Falcon Square, London,E.G. THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1875. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL... £200,000 | SE-INSURANCE EUJND ... . *40,UUU Messrs. NUSSE]t& PILLING undertake ; — . . the Purchase for Foreign Buyers, of all classes of Stewards : rrj be wbole o f t^e Funds are invested in the Colony, making the above a purely Colonial Institution. Britißh-made Engines, Machinery Habdwabb, Mr. W. B. Thomson, Mr. A. M'Kellar Wix,. i .. ■ # Woollen and Soft Goods. _7bo £ PVC WGowland Mr' fSST' T HE are prepared to Receive m CHEAP CURES FOR G^EAT DISEASES. ' Mr. P.- C. Gowland, * •lraßk- J T owu or Country at Tariff Rates, or AS LOW AS ANY OTHER OFFICE IN NJLLBUJN. FREEDOM FROM COUGHS IN TEN MINUTES Starter; Every Information afforded by ' ITU p. GIVEN BY , Cleric of the Cowrse: Mr. T. J. THOMPSON, Sub-Aoent •" I ScSS#1 i " ' '" '" ' Waimea South Stakes, of 40 eovs, over about two Mr E. B. DIXON, 1" „ ... ••« ••• fcAKAKA. 1 0y|^ |||lul|lH|llllySnHMH StTfouryeiroldlloftf'flTe'yearoldß.lO.tioibß! ■ GURUS BROTHERS, | l*W& M^^f^M^XllA 18fcW six and aged, list. Entrance, 4 bovb. each, to be AGENTS, NELSON. "—» " t3^ declared, with color, of tt ß ridm, imte oor« to i ; ■ " , m tbe Secretary of the Waimea South Jockey Club, a»VTTI P .ril «4 >»pU>J «■« «.thma, ooDnnptioi, bro D chit», Hn.iSo^oi-oue mil. aua.-h.lf over' IN THE BUPREMJ! COURT OF NEW ZBA- ; -jft 8 PA^SS' LINE cold,, aud all di»ord» ra of the breath and lu»g.. h ffiSi LAND, NELSON DISTBIOI. JgL ?- p JgAnMS2?'Sw^ k»-!™.l, ««» «*£«*>-*^oST i";ko£TS.-"^r^;: ;-. K.WZEAL^. I S^™ "^ A^i,* r , or io r , «-»•>--** i .^-,* Fi- 4sr stairs *«su» «4 s^SsasHS^Ssss over eight flights of hurdle.. Catch weights. Post Yjpnnjjjjjj^ig by QertiScate of Title, bear- SETTLERS HERE, wno may be desirous LoCOCK . s Wajees certainly stand unrivalled." entrance, lsov. each. ' W" Sedate thi wTd.7 of January, 18W, BRINGING^1 THEIR FRIENDS IN GREAT # # * Sma ll books, containing many hundreds of SWcrb STAoncfr C o und° Volume if c tHo 218, DisSct Lands R^istryi BRITAIN TO THIS COLONY, and who are pre- prop * erly autbentica ' ted cures , Ly b/had from every S^ ? S JZI and Racks for S^s, will: abo =^da^o^, g P^ =£r= ■ takeplace during the day. 2G£?ho»eSSfS.«^encumbrance of Two hundred Full particular may be obtained by applying to years been the leading retned y in Europe. Mor! Any horse entered for an advertised race to which pounds and interest, notißed ,by memorandum N# EDWARDS & CO. than half-a-million of cures have been effected by money is even by the Club, will not be allowed to indorsed thereon, in that piece of land situated in . .; them, and published during that period. The start for the Hack Races the City of Nelson, containing by estimation seven- pENINBUL AR AND ORIENTAL STEAM enormous success has led unprincipled persons to Horses to be at the post punctually at 12 o'clock teen perches, or thereabouts, being part of Section NAVIGATION COMPANY. counterfeit them. _ Norses do Deai mop » H j DUtn ber 207, on the plan of the said City: And, x Her Majesty's Commissioners have caused fo have for the Wairaea South Stakes. whereas, I, the undersigned, Sheriff of the Nelson NOTICE printed on the Government stamp, outside u.o box having won an advertised race of £15^ upwards, m GifLJ« reserved for PASSENGERS from NEW of the .^^ rf tby«j^« follows, ill not be allowed to star^ rit of;fieri facia 9 iegued oufc of the ab o Ve -mention 3 d s^e U Ticteta can be i9BUe d to all Ports in fe attached to the directions given with every box, to A Brass Band will be in attendance. Supreme Court crfNew we^m action, &nd Japan) tbuflEed afc fey fche Com . imitftte which i 8 fe]ony . and withoufc ffc none m R- M-SMIS Seo yrZrEsLeAc^^^ gepTe n p aredonlybyDASi I TAandCo.,26,Bnd t 366 Hjn- Sco- nine-pounds eleven shillings and eightpence,■ together & CO, Agents. Lane, Fleet-street, London. In boxes at Is. ltf. —; WATTnw with interest upon the said sum, at the rate of eight °^ ___ 2fj _ 9d Qi md m eaeh _ JMOIIUJi. . . p OUn d 9 ,for. every one hundrod pounds, by the year, rjOUTH BRITISH FIEB AND Wholesale Agents: WaaTTl^ TTOfFS direct frOm he 16^J &7 of£ anUary 'nßt^nt>^ld^ S MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF Messrs. Felton, Gbimwade, and Co. Melbourn. VTEW WOOLLEN. LLOIUb, dxrecc Poundage officers Fees, and all other incidental * NEW ZEALAND Messrs. Elliot Bbothees, Sjdi ey. 1" from London. „.„„■ expenses and costs : Now, I hereby give notice, that Messrs. Kbmpthobn'b Paossße, and Co., Dunedin JQHTCANN, i t i ßmy intention tocausethe said pieceof land (subject ■, cnTTP - R , T^ TTT7REBT GIVEN that the Ordi- : — 1719 Tailor, Collingwood-street. to and charged with the said sum of Two hundred NO g^F YEA^Y GENERAL MEETING DR. ROBERTS'S ' TO LEND iui^r^Tl o*™**^***°™™™ iVI sums, at the current rates,of^nteres, aJit day of April, 1875 at Noon unlejs the above- in POOrTaN'S^FRIEND, ADAMS&EINGDON me A Dtlf T^ deb. * aiV^ co«t9 >f *00™. P al f tt WILUAK the Afternoon to Receive the Report and Balance- k confidentl y commended to the Public as U 26 __Sohcitor g) Nelson. , A »d Ido also hereby gve notice, tWW™ alf r ending Eebruary 28th 1875, rem y ed for wounds of every deßcriptioi] ., NELSON COLLEGE. 4T ? ,-fT \l£? Soli« tor of the above and to Elect Two Auditors in the place of John certain ° ure f or Ulcerated Sore Legs, even of twentj ■ N %f° iThlL^^ e «ecution Creditors Batgee anJ T. L. White, Esqs., who retire, but are arß - standil] g. Cuts, Burns, Scalds, Braises, OhilAPPIy t0 B POLLOCK, BT°n8 T °n Dlßtn 1 Co )7 oi Ne ' y By order of the Directors, is a Specific for those •afflicting Eruptions that some. Secretary. LOWTHER BROAD, A.BOARDMAN, time s follow vaccination. Sold in Pots at Is. ljd . . — ~.„ SViftriff Manager. and 2s. 9d. each. • M-d tttumwam -nWNTTST HAS — Auckland, March 10th, 1875. 425 DR . RO BERTS'S PILULE ANTISCROPEULiE E. ■KIJiItJNAJN, llJilNlioi, -n-^ IAOE SALB the new Steam Yacht — — or Alterative Pills, confirmed by sixty yeari REMOVED to the Offices recently occupied J^^g^fo *J, x 6 tbe faßfceßt veß9el in QTANDAKU INSURANCE COMPANY eX p erience to be one of the best Medicines ever con> byMr.BAiK Trafalgar-street, nearly opposite the the AugtraUan Colonie9( Inven tory complete. O OF NEW ZEALAND. pounded for purifying the blood, and assisting Examiner Oihce. . . A p j y to GORMAN & CO., Iron Shipbuilders, FIRE AND MARINE. Nature in her operations. Bence they are usefulu q A DnLEEY'i SADBLERY!!! Yarra Bank, Melbourne. 489 CAPITAL £1,000,000 Scrofula, Scorbutic Complaints, Glandular Swellings, BA- U- UJJJ^ "_ :— Unlimited Liability of a large body of Colonial particularly those of the Neck, &c. They form a TTTCiT -R-RPT?TV"Rn 9 fiasfia of SuDerior nPO LET, a Good SHEEP FARM, ' Shareholders. mild and superior Family Aperient, which may bs JUST EECEIYED, 2 Cases ot bupenor v a _ HoMAg TAgKER ; __ fcakea at all timeß wiihout co nfi nement or changed _a A T-fc T^ -T TT« T=? -V Loweb Moxtteee, comprising 200 ACRES, with a Insurers in this Office pabticipatk IN THE PEOWTS diet . Sold in Boxes at Is. l|d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lb, » -A- -Lr JLJ JL_ Jt_i Jtfc JL 9 boundary fence and divided into Paddocks, —a liberal arrangement not afforded by any other and 2 25. each. o™t:ipf^:td Kis^t; _ffi?:s°iTis;ri HS &?*««•»• - °_sr issrJV^Si - «», — «---^_™»_ i , Bridles and Saddle Cloths; Ladies' and A pply to Mrs Taskee, on the Farm; or to Company. ■'.„ NT) . wnn BEACH ANDBARNIOOAT, Gent's Riding Whips, Saddle Pouches, Rein- Benjamin Primmbb, Richmond. 125 OLSON BBUOfI. Afc tbe Dispbn saey, Beidpoet, England; a»d by Holders, and all Equine Requisites. : ' ftR q ATI? ~ . Local Directors: 1701 all resoectable Medicine Vflndors. EKja C5- a--Jl'' A J. Richmond, Esq., M.H.R. — — —r Th.ond»ljn.S,inTHAimHatl»».*fcr Q ONg „ --T- aio TAI)M;OE a. Fitt, E.,., M.P.C. LION, MI, iND MOtJSE. f^t:T^o-^r^r£'S S'ffliA&SS^ffl? stoleMdSubu , b . n !tf"!:M,w. B o M -.^^ts^ . Stock or Made to Order. either with or without the Stock. Waimea West .. ... Mr A. J. PALMES . Genfa Riding Saddles Manufactured on the Pre. Apply, for tm^^^'^ SDßAX LoX Mouterej Motueka, and miaes, any style, weight, or quality. * Tadmor Valley Riwaka Mr H. A Tabbaki f KflXlt^* — ■ 421_ J-l mOr V J- TakakaandMotupipi Mr G. C. Gilbebt "^ M^. _ E. F. JONES, LAND FOR SALE. Colling wood , ... Mr. W. C. Ribet TT)O WELL'S BALSAM OF ANISBBE SADDLE, HARNESS, AND COLLAR MAKER, r^QWN A CEES Noa 228 and 230, . A. W. SOAIFB, _ X for Coughs, Colds, Shortness of Breatt. Bkidqe-stbeet, Nelson. 201 J_ fronting t0 HALIFAX-STREET, and adjoin- l^6o Cbl6f Afl A^ OOVQB ' A TBAUTY ETT E E TOO BOIL p OYEENMENT LIFE INSUEANCE hkb ha^btx's &? boa^nbtlet . -CX« (latb of hokitika), Land will be PROSECUTED. IX AND ANNUITIES. Wick, North-east Qoast of Scotlwa PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER, THOMAS CAWTHRON, __- September 7th, 1868. TwAIJ . TaAT , R-am,™ 393 Agent for Owners. The Undersigned having been appointed AGENT Dear Sir,— , Tbapalgab-btbeet, e_f : —^ th above B is prepared to receive APPLICA- Having had a most distressing and severe coug begs most repectfully to inform tbe inhabitants ot FOR SALE. TIONS for which caused me many sleepless nights and restiw sr;!.":iw?xSs__i_ 'SßSnfc 's^^fJ^St _&&» Estatß Lminsukanoe-^annuiiies- a_f js__jbß«2g-^'sssss* s,^^s«^^ iS'SZH o s b /=^^s:r— »¥«?=frSsS WATCH^a AND Repaibs Neatly ExEOUTEP. ne whde of ; hieh j, fineafc Bgricul . "y insuring RATEg ._ p]ißMmM> h*™\ tOJ^Z^ZJZZ me ierSl. I i»» h«^ " -t^r/rtxfo^i^ss m -7i^ir-"-'- teefOTWDAHTDiTT pATTIf 1? V some time past', and is now in first-rate condition. Policies are not forfeited if Premium is not paid million, jviost reaper uy ju , ---jjy,lU al BAH UA4J U J2i ii X • The Buildings comprise a large Dwelling-house, wben due . M * •J Jua£U"JJJ ' "•«•- WIJJ ' HARDY-STREET. built of heart of Totara, of extra strength, exten- Protection of Policies from the Bankruptcy Act. Xo Mr r°weu. — Bive Barns, Stables, Cart Sheds, the whole with jf 0 charge for medical examination, TnTTRArmTVircAttY COUGH MEDICI^ ___. DARBY fences and pther improvements, in perfect order and A nd it provides modes for insuring suited to almost foi^nearly half a century, repair. every case an applicant may require. , . , a ' ■ l fK h nfc the "Dfnited -OEGS to intimate to his Friends and the For price and further $ff*^'*° Foms of proposals and other information will be n "^f^iet^rtob.«*o«!f» J3 Public that he has FELL & ATKINSON rettdlly afforde d by g fth ;1» bufc an rt .cM OPENED THE ABOVE, 1568 !_______. ( Aaent necessity to those suffering from bronchial ailmej^ and Solicits a share of their Patronage. ' CATTLE TRESPASS ACT. 1868." ■ 8 Sold by all the wholesale medicine houses m» v _ bourne and Sydney; and. retail by allrespe^J Copieß may be obtained of all Negatives taken by -j^rQ'jijQg. j 8 hereby given that pn and The fpllpwing js an chemists and storekeepers throughout Australia «■ '-^^ 4s2l?°^?4^;B lE^^y^s «»SiEr^ 1 in large or small quantities. Apply to ?*^clte ZZXs on (SJTsaSLand, whether »J Pii!a. a! c »n exc? lleDt »ad'T l , fw m *' B, nd X Government stamp affixed over the toPofe r a°h r S A.B.JACKSON, I infnnlolZd . [52 certainly do enjoy good health, sound Bleep, withoufc whiohnon e can be genuine; and toIMIIA^ 485 Sarldler/lValalgar-streer. fecced or uneDo m AGNU s:MANSON, Junior., g§ and a good appetite; this is owing to taking WHIOH IS FELONY _ ,: AmS rf' — — THOMAS MANSQiV. |§B your Pillb' '- *m 7® yeaFS ASK FOR " POWELL'S BALSAM of ATO'S. R SALK I Motupipi, April Ist, 1875. ' 47f | "Remaning, Gentlemen, youra ver,y res- V "...rfS IAA SAOJCS GKASS; TO^SS^iW^^ V*tl-' "^o^PpSogS?SS« IUU mm ' VV HEADS are PRINTED at the LOWEST Tc tbe " mMnMTTTJi ptft^. by Wilt-urn X-aun» Bo^, of Colimg^ 100 BUSHELS RYE. jreifUNERA'J IVE RATES, at 'THE COLONIST' NORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS, g * eet SHARP & PICKERING. , vjgpKOß, Waimbi-bxbbkx, N«W0». 1334 London.

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Colonist, Volume XVII, Issue 1898, 8 April 1875, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Colonist, Volume XVII, Issue 1898, 8 April 1875, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Colonist, Volume XVII, Issue 1898, 8 April 1875, Page 4