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New Steamer fob Nelson.—Messrs. N. Edwards and Co., hare just purchased from the Harbor Steam Company, Dunedin, the steamer Wallace, recently plying between Dunedin and Oamaru. The Wallace, which is a sifter boat of the late Bruce, is described as being one of the fastest small steamera in the Colony. She is intended at present, on arrival, to go into t!ie West Coast trade. We understand that Messrs. N. Edwards aud Co. have also purchased the steamer Murray, so wellknown in the West Coast trade. Local Committees ov Education.—The ratepayers of the ditforeat districts of this Province, are reminded of the election for members of the Local Committees of Education whioh lake place to-morrow (Saturday) at noon. In the country districts the elections come off at the School-house in each locality. The proceedings for the City, will take place at the Court-house. There are five members to be elected for the Nelson Committee, Messrs. D. Burns, Luckie, Wigzell, and Percy retiring, (who are eligible for re election), and oue to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. U. Drew. The Peliseveuancr G-oldmining Company.—Mr. Mabm, the manager of the Company, has just returned from a visit to the mine at Collingwoo'l, and haa brought with him several spcimens of gold-bearing qunrtz, through which at present the workmen are driving. Thoy exhibit gold in various parts, and are deemed very promising samples. A crushing is expected to begin in the course of ten or twelve days. .Resident Magistrate's Court.—-An action was commenced yesterday, before L. Broad, Esq., R.M., N. Edwards and John Kerr being the plaintiffs, aud Sir David Monro the defendant. Plaintiffs sought to recover damages for the non-delivery by defendant of 467 wethers contrary to an agreement, and for breach of warranty therein contained. The damages were sot down at £148 but were reduced to £100, in order to bring the sum within the jurisdiction of the Resident Magistrate's Court. The case was opened and then adjourned until July 4th. Mr. Acton Adams appeared hi' the plaintiffs, and Mr. Pitt for the defendant. A Church for Cmfton Terrace.—For several weeks past a movement has been on foot for the i erection of a church at Clifton Terrace, and several | ladies have kindly undertaken the difficult task ol 1 collecting subscriptions for that object. The sum they have already collected amounts to about £100. : A meeting of the inhabitants was held last Tuesday, to consider the steps t > be taken to further the movement, the Rev. G. H. Johnstone in the chnir. r A committee was appointed to choose a site, and collect further subscriptions; Mr. Turner being elected as ' treasurer, and Mr. Batchelor as secretary. A vote o\ ;hanks was given to the ladies for the important pact they have taken in the work, and a similar vote to 1 the chairman closed the meeting.

New M.L.C'B.--We (Post), learn with pleasure that Kobert Hart, Esq., of Wellington, ai)d. N. Edwards, Esq., of Nelson, have been called to the Upper House. . . ■ Evening- •Conceet.—We beg to remind our readers that Mrs. Palmer's concert will take place this evening. Judging from the programme which appears in our advertising co.umns we think that it ought to prave a very attractive concert. The Theatre.—The arrival of Miss Florence Colville and Mr. Hoskins in Nelson, for the purpose of making a short professional stay amongst us, was inaugurated on Wednesday night last, by an opening and very successful performance at the Odd-Fellows Hall. The pieces on that occasion were " A Happy Pair " and " Nothing to Wear," and a selection from " The School for Scandal." The first is a nice little comedy, very sparse in incident but abounding in smart dialogue and verbal interchanges, which furnish considerable vantage for the skilful elocutionist. All the best points of the author were brought out in a masterly way by Mr. Hoskins, and very artistically by Miss Colville. As the bored, and i somewhat tyranical husband of a too fond wife, as the eupriaed object of her contemptuous retaliaton, or as the truly ioving husband, made better by the lesson his incensed wife has read him, Mr. Hoskins was perfect in the delineations necessary for the varying mental conditions of the character, and the humor exhibited throughout kept the audience in pleased attention to the end. Miss Colville also was very successful in the impresion she created in the Bomewhat refined role of the wife, exhibiting a strong womanly love struggling against a Bense of unmerited snubbing and reproof, which distorts her affection inco a fault. Her tone was effective,- and the enunciation good and distinct, while in the more emotional part of the text the thorough artiste was evident. The selection from Sheridan's "School for Scandal," which surpasses any modern comedy for dialogue, humor, and wit, was highly successful and when the curtain fell there seemed to be a strong inclination to call the actors before the curtain. The farce which terminated the entertainment was highly relished and kept the audience in roars of laughter from beginning to end. Last night the weather interfered very much with the attendance, but the performance was quite ns attractive as on the first night. "My Wife's Lover" was excellently acted, and the comio and favorite sketch from the '' Hunchback" was specially adapted to exhibit Miss Oolville's best points, and they told to great advantage, iv fact, the picric went as swimmingly as the actors i themselves could have desired, and frequent rounds of applause marked its delivery. The after piece entitled " A Silent Woman" was a very laughable one, and it was much enjoyed. The next performance will be on Monday night. Before closing this notice we must record the satisfaction which has been expressed on all hands at the entertainments already given, and that it has been agreed that they are the best which have been given in Nelson for a very long time. Ib must be remembered that these commendations are given in the face of the fact, that most of the pieces have be^n played here before, and some of them several times. So that their success is not due to novelty, but to the excellent way ia which they have been played.

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Colonist, Volume XV, Issue 1534, 7 June 1872, Page 5

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Colonist, Volume XV, Issue 1534, 7 June 1872, Page 5

NEWS OF THE DAY. Colonist, Volume XV, Issue 1534, 7 June 1872, Page 5